
svmclass <- function(X, logX, ncv, repeats, maxiter=1000, maxevals=500, fs.method="scad", seed=123) {
		Y <- X[[1]]
		filename <- X[[2]]
		## should something be plotted?
			filename <- NULL

		ret <- cv_penalizedSVM(logX, Y, ncv=ncv, repeats=repeats, filename=filename, maxiter=maxiter, maxevals=maxevals, fs.method=fs.method, seed=seed)

cv_penalizedSVM <-
function(X, Y, ncv=5, repeats=10, filename=NULL,
					seed=123, avg="none", spread.estimate="none",
					colorize=FALSE, maxiter=1000, maxevals=500,
					fs.method="scad", plotscaddiag=FALSE) {
		## remove NAs in stratification and data
		nasY <- which(is.na(Y))
		nasX <- which(apply(X, 1, function(x) all(is.na(x))))
		nas <- unique(c(nasY, nasX))
		if(length(nas)>0) {
			X <- X[-nas,]
			Y <- Y[-nas]
		## format such that binary vector is -1/1
		if(!all(as.character(sort(levels(factor(Y))))==c("-1","1"))) {
			Y <- ifelse(as.numeric(factor(Y))==1, -1, 1)
		## datY must be numeric
		Y <- as.numeric(as.character(Y))

        ## somehow this is the only way how these methods are going to work
        grid.search <- "interval"
        lambda1.scad <- lambda2.scad <- NULL
        bounds <- NULL

#~ 		# for scad+L2 or DrHSVM, use discrete search, otherwise use interval search
#~ 		if(fs.method %in% c("scad+L2", "DrHSVM")) {
#~ 			grid.search <- "discrete"
#~ 			#lambda1.scad <- c(seq(0.01 ,0.05, .01),  seq(0.1,0.5, 0.2), 1 ) 	
#~ 			#lambda1.scad <- lambda1.scad[2:3]
#~ 			lambda1.scad <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1)
#~ 			bounds <- NULL
#~ 		} else {
#~ 			grid.search <- "interval"
#~ 			bounds <- t(data.frame(log2lambda1=c(-10, 10)))
#~ 			colnames(bounds) <- c("lower", "upper")
#~ 			lambda1.scad <- NULL
#~ 		}
		## CV
		cvby <- ceiling(nrow(X)/ncv)
		## initialize the result objects
		sn <- sp <- testdim <- NULL
		fitted <- labels <- list()
		fitlist <- testlist <- features <- list()
		it <- 0
		for(ri in 1:repeats) {
			## find a permutation leaving stratified test/training sets
			## with regard to the class label distributions
			#folds <- select_cv_balanced(X, Y, ncv)
			#folds <- select_cv_balanced(Y, ncv)
			nottwoclasses <- TRUE
			while(nottwoclasses) {
				folds <- createFolds(Y, k=ncv, returnTrain=FALSE) ## from caret package
				nottwoclasses <- any(sapply(folds, function(x, yp) length(unique(yp[x]))<2, yp=Y))

			for(i in 1:ncv) {
				it <- it + 1
				sel <- folds[[i]]
				seltrain <- setdiff(1:nrow(X), sel)
				test <- X[sel,]
				testg <- Y[sel]
				train <- X[seltrain,]
				traing <- Y[seltrain]
				## run svmscad
				st <- system.time( 
                        scad<- svm.fs(train, y=traing, fs.method=fs.method, bounds=bounds,
								lambda1.set=lambda1.scad, lambda2.set=lambda2.scad,
								cross.outer= 0, grid.search = grid.search,  maxIter = maxiter, 
								inner.val.method = "cv", cross.inner= 5, maxevals=maxevals,
								seed=seed, parms.coding = "log2", show="none", verbose=TRUE )
				scad.test <- predict.penSVM(scad, test, newdata.labels=testg)
				sn <- c(sn, scad.test$sensitivity)
				sp <- c(sp, scad.test$specificity)
				#fitted <- cbind(fitted, scad.test$fitted)
				#labels <- cbind(labels, testg)
				fitted[[it]] <- scad.test$fitted
				labels[[it]] <- testg
				fitlist[[it]] <- scad
				testlist[[it]] <- scad.test
				if(is.null(scad$model$fit.info$model.list)) {
					features[[it]] <- scad$model$fit.info$model$w
				} else {
					features[[it]] <- scad$model$fit.info$model.list$model$w
			} # cv loop
		} # repeat loop

		## plot roc curves
		if(!is.null(filename)) {
		auc <- roc(as.vector(unlist(fitted)),as.vector(unlist(labels)),measure="tpr",x.measure="fpr",colorize=colorize, avg="none", spread.estimate="none", filter=0)
		title(main="ROC curves averaged over all CV runs")	#roc(as.vector(unlist(fitted)),as.vector(unlist(labels)),measure="tpr",x.measure="fpr",colorize=colorize, avg="none", spread.estimate="none", filter=0)
		#title(main="ROC curves averaged over all CV runs")
		#auc <- roc(fitted,labels,measure="tpr",x.measure="fpr",colorize=colorize, avg="threshold", spread.estimate="stddev", filter=1)
		#title(main="ROC curves averaged over CV runs, with stddev")
		roc_binterval(fitted, labels)
		pred <- prediction(unlist(fitted), unlist(labels))
		roc.curve <- performance(pred, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
		aucs <- unlist(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values)

		## some diagnostic plots from penalized svm package
		if(plotscaddiag) {
			print("Sorry, plotscaddiag is DEFUNCT and will be removed soon")
#~ 			for(i in 1:length(fitlist)) {
#~ 				scad <- fitlist[[i]]
#~ 				# 						 
#~ 				# create  3 plots on one screen: 
#~ 				# 1st plot: distribution of initial points in tuning parameter space
#~ 				# 2nd plot: visited lambda points vs. cv errors
#~ 				# 3rd plot: the same as the 2nd plot, Ytrain.exclude points are excluded. 
#~ 				# The value cv.error = 10^16 stays for the cv error for an empty model ! 
#~ 				.plot.EPSGO.parms (scad$model$fit.info$Xtrain, scad$model$fit.info$Ytrain, bounds=bounds, Ytrain.exclude=10^16, plot.name=NULL )
#~ 			}
		performance <- list(fitted=fitted, labels=labels, aucs=aucs, auc=auc, roc.curve=roc.curve, classes=levels(Y))
		if(!is.null(filename)) {
		## TODO: remove double saving of fitted, labels
		retobj <- list(filename=filename, sn=sn, sp=sp, fitlist=fitlist, testlist=testlist, features=features, auc=auc, repeats=repeats, ncv=ncv, performance=performance)
		#retobj <- list(filename=filename, sn=sn, sp=sp, fitted=fitted, labels=labels, fitlist=fitlist, testlist=testlist, features=features, auc=auc, repeats=repeats, ncv=ncv, performance=performance)

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