#' Create hic.table object from a sparse upper triangular Hi-C matrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% left_join right_join inner_join select
#' @param sparse.mat1 Required, sparse upper triangular Hi-C matrix, 7 column
#' BEDPE format of the upper triangle of the matrix, OR InteractionSet
#' object with the genomic ranges of the interacting regions for the upper
#' triangle of the Hi-C matrix and a single metadata column containing the
#' interaction frequencies for each interacting pair for the first dataset
#' you wish to jointly normalize.
#' @param sparse.mat2 Required, sparse upper triangular Hi-C matrix, 7 column
#' BEDPE format of the upper triangle of the matrix, OR InteractionSet
#' object with the genomic ranges of the interacting regions for the upper
#' triangle of the Hi-C matrix and a single metadata column containing the
#' interaction frequencies for each interacting pair for the second dataset
#' you wish to jointly normalize.
#' @param chr The chromosome name for the matrices being entered i.e 'chr1' or
#' 'chrX'. Only needed if using sparse upper triangular matrix format.
#' If using BEDPE format leave set to NA.
#' @param scale Logical, should scaling be applied to the matrices to adjust
#' for total read counts. If TRUE the IFs of the second sparse
#' matrix will be adjusted as follows: IF2_scaled = IF2 / (sum(IF2)/sum(IF1)).
#' @param include.zeros Logical, If set to TRUE the function will include pairwise
#' interactions where one of the interaction frequencies is 0.
#' @param subset.dist Should the matrix be subset to only include interactions up
#' to a user specified matrix unit distance? i.e. to only include
#' the cells of the matrix which are at a unit distance less than or equal to
#' 100 set \code{subset.dist = 100}. Subsetting the matrix by distance
#' will cut out any interactions occuring at a unit distance greater than the
#' specified value. This could be used to speed up computation time or if
#' there is only interest in the interactions occuring below a specific
#' distance in the matrix. Warning: If you subset by distance do NOT to
#' transform the subsetted hic.table into a full matrix using `sparse2full`.
#' If you plan on trasforming the matrix to a full contact matrix
#' use subset.index instead.
#' @param subset.index Should the matrix be subset by a user specified distance?
#' Input as a vector of 4 numbers (i.start, i.end, j.start, j.end).
#' i.e. to only include a subset of the matrix with row numbers 20 <= i <= 40
#' and column numbers 30 <= j <= 50 set as \code{subset.index = c(20, 40, 30, 50)}.
#' This can be used to speed up computation time if only a subset of the matrix is
#' of interest. The indices used here correspond to the indices of the full
#' Hi-C contact matrix. The `sparse2full` function can be used to view the full
#' contact matrix and make a decision about subsetting based on index.
#' @param exclude.regions A data.frame or genomic ranges object in the form of
#' chr start end. Regions contained in the object will be removed from
#' the hic.table object. Could be useful for excluding regions with a
#' known CNV, blacklist regions, or some other a priori known difference.
#' @param exclude.overlap The proportion of overlap required to exclude a region.
#' Defaults to 0.2, indicating 20\% or more overlap will be enough for
#' exclusion. To exclude any amount of overlap set to 0.
#' If set to 1, only a 100\% overlap with an excluded regions will
#' result in exclusion.
#'@details This function is used to transform two sparse upper triangular Hi-C matrices
#' into an object usable in the \code{hic_loess} function.
#' Sparse upper triangular Hi-C matrix format is typical of the Hi-C data available
#' from the Aiden Lab \url{}. If you have a full
#' Hi-C contact matrix, first transform it to sparse upper triangular format using
#' the \code{full2sparse} function. Sparse matrices should have 3 columns
#' in the following order: Start location of region 1, Start location of region 2,
#' Interaction Frequency. Matrices in 7 column BEDPE format should
#' have 7 columns in the following order: Chromosome name of the first region,
#' Start location of first region, End location of first region,
#' Chromosome name of the second region, Start location of the second region,
#' End location of the second region, Interaction Frequency. Please enter either
#' two sparse matrices or two matrices in 7 column BEDPE format or two
#' InteractionSet objects; do not mix and match.
#' @return A hic.table object.
#' @examples
#' # Create hic.table object using included Hi-C data in sparse upper
#' # triangular matrix format
#' data('HMEC.chr22')
#' data('NHEK.chr22')
#' hic.table <- create.hic.table(HMEC.chr22, NHEK.chr22, chr = 'chr22')
#' # View result
#' hic.table
create.hic.table <- function(sparse.mat1, sparse.mat2, chr = NA, scale = TRUE,
include.zeros = FALSE, subset.dist = NA, subset.index = NA,
exclude.regions = NA, exclude.overlap = 0.2) {
if (! & ![1])) {
stop("Enter a value for only one of the subsetting options")
# code to let it accept a GInteractions input for sparse.mat1 & sparse.mat2
if ( (is(sparse.mat1, "GInteractions") & !is(sparse.mat2, "GInteractions")) |
(!is(sparse.mat1, "GInteractions") & is(sparse.mat2, "GInteractions")) ) {
stop("Make sure the classes of the sparse matrices match")
if (is(sparse.mat1, "GInteractions") & is(sparse.mat2, "GInteractions")) {
sparse.mat1 <-
sparse.mat2 <-
chr <- sparse.mat1$seqnames1[1]
sparse.mat1 <- sparse.mat1[, c(2, 7, 11), with = FALSE]
sparse.mat2 <- sparse.mat2[, c(2, 7, 11), with = FALSE]
if (!is(exclude.regions, "logical")) {
if (!is(exclude.regions, "data.frame") & !is(exclude.regions, "GenomicRanges")) {
stop('Enter a data.frame or GenomicRanges object for exclude.regions')
if (is(exclude.regions, "data.frame")) {
if ( ncol(exclude.regions) != 3) {
stop('Enter a data.frame with 3 columns, chr start end.')
if (exclude.overlap < 0 | exclude.overlap > 1) {
stop('Enter a value between 0 and 1 for exclude.overlap')
# check if sparse matrices are 3 column sparse upper triangular format
# or 7 column BEDPE format
if (ncol(sparse.mat1) == 7 & ncol(sparse.mat2) == 7) {
if (any(sparse.mat1[,1] != sparse.mat1[,4]) | any(sparse.mat2[,1] != sparse.mat2[,4])) {
stop("HiCcompare is design to analyze only intra-chromosomal interactions. Please remove any inter-chromosomal interactions.")
chr <- as.character(sparse.mat1[1, 1])
sparse.mat1 <- sparse.mat1[, c(2, 5, 7)]
sparse.mat2 <- sparse.mat2[, c(2, 5, 7)]
if (ncol(sparse.mat1) == 3 & ncol(sparse.mat2) == 3) {
if ( {
stop("Enter a value for chr")
# convert matrices to data.tables
hic.table1 <-
colnames(hic.table1) <- c("region1", "region2", "IF1")
hic.table2 <-
colnames(hic.table2) <- c("region1", "region2", "IF2")
# define bin.size
bins <- unique(c(hic.table1$region1, hic.table1$region2, hic.table2$region1,
bins <- bins[order(bins)]
bin.size <- min(diff(bins))
# merge tables
if (include.zeros) {
hic.table <-,
hic.table2, by = c(region1 = "region1",
region2 = "region2")))
hic.table$IF1[$IF1)] <- 0
hic.table$IF2[$IF2)] <- 0
} else {
hic.table <-,
hic.table2, by = c(region1 = "region1",
region2 = "region2")))
# calculate matrix distance of all interaction
if (scale) {
hic.table[, `:=`(D, abs(region2 - region1)/bin.size)]
scale.factor <- sum(hic.table$IF2)/sum(hic.table$IF1)
hic.table[, `:=`(IF2, IF2/scale.factor)]
if (include.zeros) {
hic.table[, `:=`(M, log2((IF2 + 1)/(IF1 + 1)))]
} else {
hic.table[, `:=`(M, log2((IF2)/(IF1)))]
} else {
hic.table[, `:=`(D, abs(region2 - region1)/bin.size)]
if (include.zeros) {
hic.table[, `:=`(M, log2((IF2 + 1)/(IF1 + 1)))]
} else {
hic.table[, `:=`(M, log2((IF2)/(IF1)))]
if (![1])) {
hic.table <- subset(hic.table, D <= subset.dist)
if (! {
if (length(subset.index) != 4) {
stop("subset.index must be a vector of 4 numbers: (i.start, i.end, j.start, j.end)
where they correspond to i and j indices of the matrix that you want to subset to")
# add i and j coordinates for each entry in table
regions <- unique(c(hic.table1$region1, hic.table$region2))
regions <- regions[order(regions)]
hic.table[, `:=`(i, match(region1, regions))]
hic.table[, `:=`(j, match(region2, regions))]
hic.table <- subset(hic.table, i >= subset.index[1] & i <=
subset.index[2] & j >= subset.index[3] & j <= subset.index[4])
new.hic.table <- data.table(chr1 = chr, start1 = hic.table$region1,
end1 = hic.table$region1 + bin.size, chr2 = chr, start2 = hic.table$region2,
end2 = hic.table$region2 + bin.size, IF1 = hic.table$IF1, IF2 = hic.table$IF2,
D = hic.table$D, M = hic.table$M)
} else {
stop("Enter both sparse matrices in the same format; either 7 column BEDPE or 3 column sparse upper triangular matrix")
# remove excluded regions if they are specified
if (is(exclude.regions, "data.frame") | is(exclude.regions, "GenomicRanges")) {
# if in data.frame format convert to GRanges
if (is(exclude.regions, "data.frame")) {
exclude.regions <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = exclude.regions[,1],
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = exclude.regions[,2],
end = exclude.regions[,3]))
# remove overlaps with excluded regions
iset <- make_InteractionSet(new.hic.table)
# reduce regions so that overlapping regions don't get counted twice
exclude.regions <- GenomicRanges::reduce(exclude.regions)
# new method
# first split iset into list containing each region as an individual GRanges
target_regions <- S4Vectors::split(iset@regions, as.factor(iset@regions))
# get widths for each target region
target_widths <- IRanges::width(iset@regions)
# get number of basepairs overlapping with excluded regions
target_overlap <- sapply(target_regions, function(x) {
suppressWarnings(sum(IRanges::width(GenomicRanges::pintersect(exclude.regions, x))))
# get percentage of overlap
percent_olap <- target_overlap / target_widths
# get which regions to remove
if (exclude.overlap == 0) exclude.overlap <- min(percent_olap[percent_olap != 0]) # bugfix for if exclude.overlap is 0 to not exclude everything
regions_to_remove <- which(percent_olap >= exclude.overlap)
to_remove <- NULL
if (length(regions_to_remove) > 0) {
new_exclude <- iset@regions[regions_to_remove,]
to_remove <- InteractionSet::findOverlaps(new_exclude, iset)
# remove the regions
if (length(to_remove) > 0) {
message(length(unique(to_remove@to)), " interactions excluded")
new.hic.table <- new.hic.table[-unique(to_remove@to),]
} else {
message('No overlap between data and regions in exclude.regions')
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