
Defines functions LHSdesign

Documented in LHSdesign

LHSdesign<- function(N,k,distrib,distrib.pars,x)

  #MST criterion allows to compare designs
  #testing if distrib is missing ou incomplete
  if(missing(distrib) || length(distrib)!=k)
    stop("Argument distrib is missing or not correctly specified")
  #testing the names in distrib against the permitted names in distrib.names
  distrib.names<- list("unif","norm","t.scaled","t", "triang", "tnorm")
  if(any(distrib %in% distrib.names) ==FALSE )
    stop("At least one distribution that you specify is not handled by the software, see Details...")
  #testing the names of the variables
  if(missing(x) || length(x)!=k)
    LHS.names<- paste("X",1:k)
    warning("Names of variables have been replaced by 'Xn', see Details. If not relevant, please check names in x.")
    LHS.names<- abbreviate(x,15)
  #Checking consistency of parameters with distributions#
  if(!missing(distrib.pars)) {
    #For gaussian distribution
    if(any(distrib=="norm") == TRUE)
      ind<- which(distrib=="norm")
      for(i in ind)
          stop("incorrect number of parameters for gaussian distributions, see Details")
        if(distrib.pars[[i]][2]<=0)#testing negative variance
          stop("variance parameter of the Gaussian distribution should be non negative")
    #For uniform distribution
    if(any(distrib=="unif") == TRUE)
      ind<- which(distrib=="unif")
      for(i in ind)
          stop("incorrect number of parameters for uniform distributions, see Details")
        if(as.numeric(distrib.pars[[i]][1]) > as.numeric(distrib.pars[[i]][2]))
          stop("incorrect specification of boundaries for uniform distribution")

    #For t distribution
    if(any(distrib=="t") == TRUE)
      ind<- which(distrib=="t")
      for(i in ind)
          stop("incorrect number of parameters for t distributions, see Details")
          stop("incorrect specification of parameters for t distribution")
    #For t scaled distribution
    if(any(distrib=="t.scaled") == TRUE)
      ind<- which(distrib=="t.scaled")
      for(i in ind)
          stop("incorrect number of parameters for t scaled distributions, see Details")
        if(distrib.pars[[i]][1]<=0 || distrib.pars[[i]][3]<=0)
          stop("incorrect specification of parameters for t scaled distribution")
    #For tri distribution
    if(any(distrib=="triang") == TRUE)
      ind<- which(distrib=="triang")
      for(i in ind)
          stop("incorrect number of parameters for triangular distributions, see Details")
    #For tnorm distribution
    if(any(distrib=="tnorm") == TRUE)
      ind<- which(distrib=="tnorm")
      for(i in ind)
          stop("incorrect number of parameters for truncated normal distributions, see Details")
  #End checking consistency parameters/distributions######
  #Creating a uniform LHS on [0,1]^k####################
  ##optimum LHS from package lhs
  opt.design<- data.frame(optimumLHS(N,k))
  opt.design.phys<- data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=k))
  #End Creating a uniform LHS on [0,1]^k#################
  #Creating a physical LHS###############################
  if(missing(distrib.pars) || length(distrib.pars)!=k)
    distrib.pars<- NULL
    warning("argument distrib.pars is missing or misspecified, default values of parameters are used instead for all the variables see Details.
            Please check distrib.pars if not relevant.")
    for(i in 1:k)
    if(distrib[i]=="norm") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qnorm(opt.design[,i],0,1,lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if(distrib[i]=="unif") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qunif(opt.design[,i],0,1,lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if(distrib[i]=="t") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qt(opt.design[,i],100,ncp=0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if(distrib[i]=="t.scaled") opt.design.phys[,i]<-qt.scaled(opt.design[,i], 100,0,1,ncp=0,lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if(distrib[i]=="triang") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qtri(opt.design[,i], min=0, max=1, mode = (min + max)/2, 
                                                       lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if(distrib[i]=="tnorm") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qtnorm(opt.design[,i], mean=0, sd=1,
                                                         lower=0, upper=Inf,lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    for(i in 1:k)
      par<- as.numeric(distrib.pars[[i]])
      if(distrib[i]=="norm") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qnorm(opt.design[,i],par[1],par[2],lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
      if(distrib[i]=="unif") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qunif(opt.design[,i],par[1],par[2],lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
      if(distrib[i]=="t") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qt(opt.design[,i],par,ncp=0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
      if(distrib[i]=="t.scaled") opt.design.phys[,i]<-qt.scaled(opt.design[,i], par[1],par[2],par[3],ncp=0,lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
      if(distrib[i]=="triang") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qtri(opt.design[,i], min=par[1], max=par[2], mode = par[3], 
                                                   lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
      if(distrib[i]=="tnorm") opt.design.phys[,i]<- qtnorm(opt.design[,i], mean=par[1], sd=par[2],
                                                         lower=par[3], upper=par[4],lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
  #End Creating a physical LHS###########################
  #Naming the colums of the designs
  names(opt.design)<- LHS.names
  names(opt.design.phys)<- LHS.names

#   ##choice of the optimization algorithm for the random LHS
#   if(opt.alg=="maximinSA_LHS_GEOM")
#   {
#     opt.design<- maximinSA_LHS(randLHS,T0=10,c=0.95,it=2000,p=50,profile="GEOM",Imax=100)
#   }
#   if(opt.alg=="maximinSA_LHS_LINEAR")
#   {
#     #opt.design<- maximinSA_LHS(randLHS,T0=10,c=0.95,it=2000,p=50,profile="LINEAR_MORRIS",Imax=100)
#   }
#   if(opt.alg=="discrepESE_LHS")
#   {
#     opt.design<- discrepESE_LHS(randLHS,T0=0.005*phiP(randLHS,p=50),
#                  inner_it=100,J=50,it=1)
#   }

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