
Defines functions read.TD.files

Documented in read.TD.files

#' Reading excel files from Tesouro Direto
#' Reads files downloaded by \code{\link{download.TD.data}}
#' @param dl.folder Folder with excel files from tesouro direto
#' @param cols.to.import Columns (numeric) to import from excel files (open and
#'   check the columns of the excel file from tesouro direto for details)
#' @param col.names Names of columns in final data.frame (same size as
#'   cols.to.import)
#' @return A dataframe with the data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Downloads data from tesouro direto (only 1 file for simplicity)
#' dl.folder ='TD Files'
#' \dontrun{
#' download.TD.data(dl.folder = dl.folder, n.dl = 1)
#' my.df <- read.TD.files(dl.folder = dl.folder)
#' }
read.TD.files <- function(dl.folder = 'TD Files',
                          cols.to.import = c(1,2,4),
                          col.names =  c('ref.date','yield.bid','price.bid')){

  # 20230124 DEPRECATION
  my_message <- stringr::str_glue(
    "This function is deprecated and will be removed soon.",
    " Please use the new function, td_get()."
  lifecycle::deprecate_soft(when = "v1.5.3 (2023-01-24)",
                            what = "GetTDData::read.TD.files()",
                            details = c(i = my_message) )

  # Error checking
  if (!is.character(dl.folder)) stop('Argument dl.folder should be a character')
  if (!is.numeric(cols.to.import)) stop('Argument cols.to.import should be numeric ')

  if(!any(cols.to.import == 1)) {
    stop('The first column represents the dates in the excel files. You should include it in cols.to.import')

    stop('The lenghts of cols.cols.to.import and col.names should be equal')

    stop('The maximum possible value in cols.to.import is 6. Thats the number of columns in the excel files.')

  if (!dir.exists(dl.folder)){
    stop(paste('Cant find folder', dl.folder))

  cat('\nReading xls data and saving to data.frame')

  my.f <- list.files(dl.folder, full.names = T)

  if (length(my.f)==0){
    stop(paste('Cant file xlsx files at',dl.folder))

  my.df <- data.frame()
  for (i.f in my.f){

    cat(paste('\n Reading File = ', i.f, sep = ''))

    # Use capture.output so that no message "DEFINEDNAME" is shown
    # Details in: https://github.com/hadley/readxl/issues/82#issuecomment-166767220

      sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(i.f)

    for (i.sheet in sheets) {

      cat(paste('\n    Reading Sheet ', i.sheet, sep = ''))

      # Read it with readxl (use capture.output to avoid "DEFINEDNAME:"  issue)
      # see: https://github.com/hadley/readxl/issues/111/
        temp.df <- readxl::read_excel(path = i.f,
                                      sheet = i.sheet,
                                      skip = 1 )

      # make sure it is a dataframe (readxl has a different format as output)
      temp.df <- as.data.frame(temp.df)

      # control for columns
      if (max(cols.to.import)>ncol(temp.df)){
        stop(paste0('In file ',i.f, ' the number of columns is lower than ',max(cols.to.import),
                    '. Please supply values of cols.to.import that make sense.'))

      # filter columns to import
      temp.df <- temp.df[,cols.to.import]
      n.col <- ncol(temp.df)

      # fix for different format of xls files

      colnames(temp.df) <- col.names
      temp.df[, c(2:n.col)] <- suppressWarnings(data.frame(lapply(X = temp.df[, c(2:n.col)], as.numeric)))

      temp.df <- temp.df[stats::complete.cases(temp.df), ]

      # fix for data in xls (for some files, dates comes in a numeric format and for others as strings)

      if (stringr::str_detect(as.character(temp.df$ref.date[1]),'/')){

        dateVec <- as.Date(as.character(temp.df[ , 1]), format = '%d/%m/%Y')

      } else {

        if (is.numeric(temp.df$ref.date)) {

          dateVec <- as.Date(as.numeric(temp.df$ref.date)-2,  origin="1900-01-01")

        } else {
          dateVec <- as.Date(temp.df$ref.date)


      temp.df$ref.date <- dateVec
      temp.df$asset.code <- i.sheet

      my.df <- rbind(my.df, temp.df)


  my.df <- my.df[stats::complete.cases(my.df), ]

  # fix names (TD website is a mess!!)
  my.df$asset.code <- stringr::str_replace_all(my.df$asset.code,
                                               'NTN-B Principal')

  my.df$asset.code <- stringr::str_replace_all(my.df$asset.code,

  my.df$asset.code <- stringr::str_replace_all(my.df$asset.code,

  my.df$asset.code <- stringr::str_replace_all(my.df$asset.code,

  # add maturity dates
  my.fct <- function(x){
    x <- substr(x, nchar(x)-5, nchar(x))

  # fix names for NTN-B Principal
  my.df$asset.code <- stringr::str_replace_all(my.df$asset.code,
                                               'NTN-B Princ ',
                                               'NTN-B Principal '  )

  my.df$matur.date <- as.Date(sapply(my.df$asset.code, my.fct),
                              origin = '1970-01-01' )

  # clean up zero value prices
  col.classes <- sapply(my.df, class)
  col.classes <- col.classes[col.classes == 'numeric']
  col.to.change <- names(col.classes)

  # remove yield columns
  col.to.change <- col.to.change[!stringr::str_detect(col.to.change, "yield")]
  idx <- apply((as.matrix(my.df[, col.to.change]) == 0 ),
               MARGIN = 1, any)

  my.df <- my.df[!idx, ]


Try the GetTDData package in your browser

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GetTDData documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:06 p.m.