
Defines functions smallworldness compare_rand rand_net_par rand_net fit_power links_stat skeleton_plot get_group_skeleton c_net_index net_par nc extract_sub_net

Documented in c_net_index compare_rand extract_sub_net fit_power get_group_skeleton links_stat nc net_par rand_net rand_net_par skeleton_plot smallworldness

# ========5.topological=======

#' Extract sub-network from the whole network
#' @param whole_net the whole network
#' @param otutab otutab, these columns will be extract
#' @param threads threads, default: 1
#' @param save_net should save these sub_nets? FALSE or a filename
#' @param fast less indexes for faster calculate ?
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @return a dataframe contains all sub_net parameters
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#' extract_sub_net(co_net, otutab) -> sub_net_pars
extract_sub_net <- function(whole_net, otutab, threads = 1, save_net = FALSE, fast = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
  i <- NULL
  V(whole_net)$name -> v_name
  reps <- ncol(otutab)

  sub_nets <- lapply(1:reps, \(i){
    rownames(otutab)[otutab[, i] > 0] -> exist_sp
    subgraph(whole_net, which(v_name %in% exist_sp)) -> spe_sub
    class(spe_sub) <- c("metanet", "igraph")
  names(sub_nets) <- colnames(otutab)
  message("calculating topological indexes")

  # parallel
  # main function
  loop <- function(i) {
    spe_sub <- sub_nets[[i]]
    indexs <- net_par(spe_sub, mode = "n", fast = fast)[["n_index"]]
    wc <- igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(spe_sub, weights = abs(igraph::E(spe_sub)$weight))
    indexs$modularity <- igraph::modularity(wc)
    if (threads > 1) {
      pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
      if (verbose) {
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
        opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
      } else {
        opts <- NULL
      cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
      res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
        foreach::foreach(i = 1:reps, .options.snow = opts),
    } else {
      res <- lapply(1:reps, loop)
  # simplify method
  sub_net_pars <- do.call(rbind, res)

  rownames(sub_net_pars) <- colnames(otutab)

  if (is.logical(save_net)) {
    if (save_net) save_net <- paste0("sub_net_", date())
  if (is.character(save_net)) {
    saveRDS(sub_nets, file = paste0(save_net, ".RDS"))

#' Calculate natural_connectivity
#' @param p an igraph or metanet object
#' @return natural_connectivity (numeric)
#' @export
#' @references \code{`nc` in `ggClusterNet`}
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' igraph::make_ring(10) %>% nc()
nc <- function(p) {
  adj_matrix <- as.matrix(igraph::as_adj(p, sparse = FALSE))
  adj_matrix[abs(adj_matrix) != 0] <- 1

  lambda <- eigen(adj_matrix, only.values = TRUE)$values
  lambda <- sort(lambda, decreasing = TRUE)

  lambda_sum <- 0
  N <- length(lambda)
  for (i in 1:N) lambda_sum <- lambda_sum + exp(lambda[i])
  lambda_average <- log(lambda_sum / N, base = exp(1))

#' Calculate all topological indexes of a network
#' @param go an igraph or metanet object
#' @param fast less indexes for faster calculate ?
#' @param mode calculate what? c("v", "e", "n", "all")
#' @return a 3-elements list
#' \item{n_index}{indexs of the whole network}
#' \item{v_index}{indexs of each vertex}
#' \item{e_index}{indexs of each edge}
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' igraph::make_graph("Walther") %>% net_par()
#' c_net_index(co_net) -> co_net_with_par
net_par <- function(go, mode = c("v", "e", "n", "all"), fast = TRUE) {
  from <- to <- NULL
  if ("all" %in% mode) mode <- c("v", "e", "n")

  n_index <- NULL
  v_index <- NULL
  e_index <- NULL
  # non-weighted network
  up <- go
  if (!is.null(igraph::edge_attr(up)[["weight"]])) up <- igraph::delete_edge_attr(up, "weight")
  if ("n" %in% mode) {
    # Calculate Network Parameters
    n_index <- data.frame(
      check.names = F,
      `Node_number` = length(igraph::V(go)), # number of nodes
      `Edge_number` = length(igraph::E(go)), # number of edges
      `Edge_density` = igraph::edge_density(go), # density of network, connectance
      `Negative_percentage` = ifelse(!is.null(E(go)$cor), sum(igraph::E(go)$cor < 0) / length(igraph::E(go)), NA), # negative edges percentage
      `Average_path_length` = igraph::average.path.length(up), # Average path length

      `Global_efficiency` = igraph::global_efficiency(up),
      `Average_degree` = mean(igraph::degree(go)), # Average degree
      `Average_weighted_degree` = ifelse(is.null(igraph::E(go)$weight), mean(igraph::degree(go)), sum(igraph::E(go)$weight) / length(igraph::V(go))), # weighted degree
      Diameter = igraph::diameter(up), # network diameter
      `Clustering_coefficent` = igraph::transitivity(go), # Clustering coefficient
      `Centralized_betweenness` = igraph::centralization.betweenness(go)$centralization, # Betweenness centralization
      `Natural_connectivity` = nc(go) # natural

    if (!fast) {
      # mean_dist=mean_distance(go)#
      # w_mean_dist=ifelse(is.null(E(go)$weight),mean_dist,mean_distance(go))
      # v_conn= vertex.connectivity(go) #
      # e_conn= edge.connectivity(go) #
      # components= count_components(go) #
      modularity <- igraph::modularity(igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(go)) #
      rand.g <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(length(V(go)), length(E(go)), type = "gnm")
      rand_m <- igraph::modularity(igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(rand.g))
      relative_modularity <- (modularity - rand_m) / rand_m #

      n_index <- data.frame(
        check.names = F,
        Modularity = modularity,
        `Relative_modularity` = relative_modularity,
        `Centralized_closeness` = igraph::centralization.closeness(go)$centralization, # Closeness centralization
        `Centralized_degree` = igraph::centralization.degree(go)$centralization, # Degree centralization
        `Centralized_eigenvector` = igraph::centralization.evcent(go)$centralization # eigenvector centralization
    n_index <- apply(n_index, 1, FUN = \(x)replace(x, is.nan(x), 0)) %>%
      t() %>%
    n_index <- cbind_new(get_n(go, simple = TRUE), n_index)
  if ("v" %in% mode) {
    # Calculate Vertices Parameters
    v_index <- data.frame(
      check.names = F,
      Degree = igraph::degree(go),
      `Clustering_coefficent` = igraph::transitivity(go, type = "local"), # local clustering coefficient
      Betweenness = igraph::betweenness(go), # betweenness
      Eccentricity = igraph::eccentricity(go),
      Closeness = igraph::closeness(go),
      `Hub_score` = igraph::hub_score(go)[["vector"]]
      # page_rank = page.rank(go)$vector
      # igraph::evcent(go)[["vector"]]
      # igraph::local_efficiency(go)

    # weighted degree
    if (!is.null(E(go)$cor)) {
      get_e(go) -> edge_list
      edge_list %>%
        dplyr::select(from, cor) %>%
        rbind(., dplyr::select(edge_list, to, cor) %>% dplyr::rename(from = to)) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(from) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(w_degree = sum(cor)) -> w_degree
      v_index$`Average_weighted_degree` <- w_degree[match(rownames(v_index), w_degree$from), "w_degree"] %>% unlist()

    v_index <- apply(v_index, 1, FUN = \(x)replace(x, is.nan(x), 0)) %>%
      t() %>%
    v_index <- cbind_new(get_v(go), v_index)
  if ("e" %in% mode) {
    # Calculate Edges Parameters
    e_index <- get_e(go)
    # if(!(edge_attr(go)%>%unlist()%>%is.null()))e_index=data.frame(edge_attr(go),e_index)
  return(list(n_index = n_index, v_index = v_index, e_index = e_index))

#' Add topological indexes for a network
#' @param go igraph or metanet
#' @param force replace existed net_par
#' @export
#' @rdname net_par
c_net_index <- function(go, force = FALSE) {
  if (!force) {
    if (!is.null(graph_attr(go)[["net_par"]])) stop("Already calculated net_pars, set `force = TRUE to replace existed net_par")
  net_par(go, fast = FALSE) -> res
  graph_attr(go) <- as.list(res$n_index)
  graph_attr(go)[["net_par"]] <- TRUE
  vertex_attr(go) <- as.list(res$v_index)
  edge_attr(go) <- as.list(res$e_index)

#' Get skeleton network according to a group
#' @param go network
#' @param Group vertex column name
#' @param count take which column count, default: NULL
#' @param top_N top_N
#' @return skeleton network
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' get_group_skeleton(co_net) -> ske_net
#' skeleton_plot(ske_net)
get_group_skeleton <- function(go, Group = "v_class", count = NULL, top_N = 8) {
  name <- v_group <- n <- NULL
  direct <- igraph::is_directed(go)

  if (!Group %in% vertex_attr_names(go)) stop("no Group named ", Group, " !")
  get_v(go) -> tmp_v
  tmp_v %>% dplyr::select(name, !!Group) -> nodeGroup
  colnames(nodeGroup) <- c("name", "Group")
  nodeGroup$Group <- as.factor(nodeGroup$Group)
  # summary edges counts in each e_type
  suppressMessages(anno_edge(go, nodeGroup) %>% get_e() -> edge)
    if (is.null(count)) {
      edge$count <- 1
    } else {
      edge$count <- edge[, count]
  bb <- data.frame()
  for (i in unique(edge$e_type)) {
    tmp <- edge[edge$e_type == i, c("Group_from", "Group_to", "count")]
    tmp <- dplyr::mutate_if(tmp, is.factor, as.character)
    # tmp=pcutils:::gettop(tmp,top_N)
    bb <- rbind(bb, data.frame(summ_2col(tmp,
      direct = direct
    ), e_type = i))
  tmp_go <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(bb, directed = direct)
  nodeGroup <- cbind_new(nodeGroup, data.frame(v_group = tmp_v$v_group))

  # nodeGroup=mutate_all(nodeGroup,as.character)
  # nodeGroup=rbind(nodeGroup,c("others","others","others"))

  dplyr::distinct(nodeGroup, Group, v_group) %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("Group") -> v_group_tab

  V(tmp_go)$v_group <- v_group_tab[V(tmp_go)$name, "v_group"]
  V(tmp_go)$v_class <- V(tmp_go)$name
  V(tmp_go)$size <- stats::aggregate(tmp_v$size, by = list(tmp_v[, Group]), sum)[["x"]]
    V(tmp_go)$count <- tmp_v %>%
      dplyr::group_by_(Group) %>%
      dplyr::count() %>%

  tmp_go <- c_net_update(tmp_go)
  get_e(tmp_go) -> tmp_e

  E(tmp_go)$width <- E(tmp_go)$label <- tmp_e$count

  graph.attributes(tmp_go)$n_type <- "skeleton"
  graph.attributes(tmp_go)$skeleton <- Group

#' Skeleton plot
#' @param ske_net skeleton
#' @param ... additional parameters for \code{\link[igraph]{igraph.plotting}}
#' @export
#' @rdname get_group_skeleton
skeleton_plot <- function(ske_net, ...) {
  parms <- e_type <- NULL
  flag <- TRUE
  tmp_go <- ske_net
  if (get_n(tmp_go)$n_type != "skeleton") stop("Not a skeleton network")
  get_e(tmp_go) -> tmp_e
  get_v(tmp_go) -> tmp_v

  # some
  params <- list(...)
  params_name <- names(params)
  legend_position <- params[["legend_position"]]
  legend_position_default <- c(left_leg_x = -2, left_leg_y = 1, right_leg_x = 1.2, right_leg_y = 1)
  if (!"legend_position" %in% params_name) {
    legend_position <- legend_position_default
  } else {
    if (is.null(names(legend_position))) legend_position <- setNames(legend_position, names(legend_position_default)[seq_along(legend_position)])
    legend_position <- pcutils::update_param(legend_position_default, legend_position)
  if ("vertex.color" %in% params_name) tmp_v$color <- condance(data.frame(tmp_v$color, tidai(tmp_v$v_class, params[["vertex.color"]])))
  if ("legend_cex" %in% params_name) {
    legend_cex <- parms[["legend_cex"]]
  } else {
    legend_cex <- 1

  for (i in unique(tmp_e$e_type)) {
    left_leg_x <- legend_position["left_leg_x"]
    left_leg_y <- legend_position["left_leg_y"]

    # main plot
    tmp_go1 <- c_net_filter(tmp_go, e_type == i, mode = "e")
      vertex.size = pcutils::mmscale(V(tmp_go1)$size, 10, 16),
      edge.width = pcutils::mmscale(E(tmp_go1)$width, 0.5, 8), col_legend = FALSE, ...,
      lty_legend = FALSE, legend_number = FALSE, size_legend = FALSE

    if ("legend" %in% params_name) {
      if (!params[["legend"]]) flag <- FALSE
    if (flag) {
      # color legend
      pchls <- c("circle" = 21, "square" = 22)
      for (i in 1:length(unique(tmp_v$v_group))) {
        g_i <- unique(tmp_v$v_group)[i]
        tmp_v1 <- tmp_v[tmp_v$v_group == g_i, c("v_class", "count", "color", "shape")]
        if (TRUE) {
          le_text <- paste(tmp_v1$v_class, tmp_v1$count, sep = ": ")
        } else {
          le_text <- unique(tmp_v1$v_class)
        legend(left_leg_x, left_leg_y,
          cex = 0.7 * legend_cex, adj = 0,
          legend = le_text, title.cex = 0.8 * legend_cex,
          title = g_i, title.font = 2, title.adj = 0,
          col = "black", pt.bg = unique(tmp_v1$color), bty = "n", pch = pchls[unique(tmp_v1$shape)]
        left_leg_y <- left_leg_y - (length(unique(tmp_v1$v_class)) * 0.12 + 0.2) * legend_cex

#' Link summary of the network
#' @param go igraph or metanet
#' @param group summary which group of vertex attribution in names(vertex_attr(go))
#' @param e_type "positive", "negative", "all"
#' @param topN topN of group, default:5
#' @param colors colors
#' @param legend_number legend with numbers
#' @param legend all legends
#' @param legend_position legend_position, default: c(left_leg_x=-1.9,left_leg_y=1,right_leg_x=1.2,right_leg_y=1)
#' @param legend_cex 	character expansion factor relative to current par("cex"), default: 1
#' @param col_legend_order col_legend_order vector,
#' @param group_legend_title group_legend_title, length must same to the numbers of v_group
#' @param group_legend_order group_legend_order vector
#' @return plot
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("circlize")) {
#'   links_stat(co_net, topN = 10)
#'   module_detect(co_net) -> co_net_modu
#'   links_stat(co_net_modu, group = "module")
#' }
links_stat <- function(go, group = "v_class", e_type = "all", topN = 6, colors = NULL,
                       legend_number = FALSE, legend = TRUE, legend_cex = 1,
                       legend_position = c(left_leg_x = -1.6, left_leg_y = 1, right_leg_x = 1.2, right_leg_y = 1),
                       col_legend_order = NULL,
                       group_legend_title = NULL, group_legend_order = NULL) {
  from <- to <- n <- NULL
  direct <- is_directed(go)
  go <- c_net_set(go, vertex_class = group)

  get_v(go) -> v_index
  v_index %>% dplyr::select("name", "v_class") -> map

  suppressMessages(anno_edge(go, map) %>% get_e() -> edge)
  # statistics
  if (e_type != "all") edge %>% dplyr::filter(e_type == !!e_type) -> edge
  summ_2col(edge[, paste0("v_class", c("_from", "_to"))], direct = direct) -> bb
  colnames(bb) <- c("from", "to", "count")

  dplyr::group_by(bb, from) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(n = sum(count)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(-n) %>%
    dplyr::top_n(topN, n) %>%
    dplyr::pull(from) -> nnn

  get_v(go) -> tmp_v
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    colors <- setNames(unique(tmp_v$color), unique(tmp_v$v_class))
  # plot
  bb2 <- mutate(bb, from = ifelse(from %in% nnn, from, "Others"), to = ifelse(to %in% nnn, to, "Others")) %>% summ_2col(direct = direct)
  pcutils::my_circo(bb2, reorder = FALSE, pal = colors)

# 每个分组可以构建一个网络,每个网络都可以用link_stat得到一些互作的数量(互作强度),可以再看这些数量和分组间某些指标的相关性。

#' Fit power-law distribution for an igraph
#' @param go igraph
#' @param p.value calculate p.value
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' fit_power(co_net)
fit_power <- function(go, p.value = FALSE) {
  x <- y <- formula <- NULL
  # igraph::degree distribution
  degree_dist <- table(igraph::degree(go))
  dat <- data.frame(degree = as.numeric(names(degree_dist)), count = as.numeric(degree_dist))
  # fit, set the original a & b
  mod <- stats::nls(count ~ a * degree^b, data = dat, start = list(a = 2, b = 1.5))
  # extract the coefficient
  a <- round(coef(mod)[1], 3)
  b <- round(coef(mod)[2], 3)
  fit <- fitted(mod)
  SSre <- sum((dat$count - fit)^2)
  SStot <- sum((dat$count - mean(dat$count))^2)
  R2 <- round(1 - SSre / SStot, 3)

  # bootstrap t get p.value
  if (p.value) {
    dat_rand <- dat
    p_num <- lapply(seq_len(999), \(i){
      dat_rand$count <- sample(dat_rand$count)
      SSre_rand <- sum((dat_rand$count - fit)^2)
      SStot_rand <- sum((dat_rand$count - mean(dat_rand$count))^2)
      R2_rand <- 1 - SSre_rand / SStot_rand
      R2_rand > R2
    p_value <- (sum(p_num) + 1) / (999 + 1)

  p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = degree, y = count)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw() +
    stat_smooth(method = "nls", formula = y ~ a * x^b, method.args = list(start = list(a = 2, b = 1.5)), se = FALSE) +
    labs(x = "Degree", y = "Count")

  if (p.value) {
    label <- data.frame(
      x = 0.8 * max(dat$degree),
      y = c(0.9, 0.85, 0.8) * max(dat$count),
      formula = c(
        sprintf("italic(Y) == %.3f*italic(X)^%.3f", a, b),
        sprintf("italic(R^2) == %.3f", R2),
        sprintf("italic(P) < %.3f", p_value)
  } else {
    label <- data.frame(
      x = 0.8 * max(dat$degree),
      y = c(0.9, 0.85) * max(dat$count),
      formula = c(
        sprintf("italic(Y) == %.3f*italic(X)^%.3f", a, b),
        sprintf("italic(R^2) == %.3f", R2)
  p + geom_text(aes(x = x, y = y, label = formula), data = label, parse = TRUE)

#' Degree distribution comparison with random network
#' @param go igraph object
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' rand_net(co_net)
rand_net <- function(go = go) {
  freq <- net <- NULL
  # generate a random network
  rand.g <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(length(V(go)), length(E(go)), type = "gnm")

  data1 <- data.frame(
    freq = igraph::degree_distribution(go), net = "Network",
    degree = 0:(length(degree_distribution(go)) - 1)

  data2 <- data.frame(
    freq = igraph::degree_distribution(rand.g), net = "Random E-R",
    degree = 0:(length(degree_distribution(rand.g)) - 1)

  # if data1[1,1]=0, it'is delete single vertex
  if (data1[1, 1] == 0) data1 <- data1[-1, ]

  data <- rbind(data1, data2)
  p1 <- ggplot(data) +
    geom_point(aes(x = degree, y = freq, group = net, fill = net), pch = 21, size = 2) +
    geom_smooth(aes(x = degree, y = freq, group = net, color = net), se = FALSE, method = "loess", formula = "y ~ x") +
    labs(x = "Degree", y = "Proportion") +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#F58B8B", "#7AADF0")) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("#F58B8B", "#7AADF0")) +
    MetaNet_theme +
    theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.9), legend.title = element_blank())

#' Net_pars of many random network
#' @param go igraph
#' @param reps simulation time
#' @param threads threads
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @export
#' @rdname compare_rand
rand_net_par <- function(go, reps = 99, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  i <- NULL
  # parallel
  # main function
  loop <- function(i) {
    # generate a random network
    rand.g <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(length(igraph::V(go)),
      type = "gnm"
    indexs <- net_par(rand.g, mode = "n")[["n_index"]]
    wc <- igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(rand.g)
    indexs$modularity <- igraph::modularity(wc)
    if (threads > 1) {
      pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
      if (verbose) {
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
        opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
      } else {
        opts <- NULL
      cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
      res <- foreach::`%dopar%`(
        foreach::foreach(i = 1:reps, .options.snow = opts),
    } else {
      res <- lapply(1:reps, loop)
  # simplify method
  rand_net_pars <- do.call(rbind, res)


#' Compare some indexes between your net with random networks
#' @param pars your net pars resulted by net_pars()
#' @param randp random networks pars resulted by rand_net_par()
#' @param index compared indexes: "Average_path_length","Clustering_coefficent" or else
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' data("c_net")
#' rand_net_par(co_net_rmt, reps = 30) -> randp
#' net_par(co_net_rmt, fast = FALSE) -> pars
#' compare_rand(pars, randp)
compare_rand <- function(pars, randp, index = c("Average_path_length", "Clustering_coefficent")) {
  V1 <- NULL
  labss <- t(pars$n_index[, index, drop = FALSE]) %>% as.data.frame()
  rownames(labss) -> labss$indexes
  pcutils::group_box(randp[, index, drop = FALSE]) +
    geom_hline(data = labss, aes(yintercept = V1), linetype = 2) +
    geom_text(data = labss, aes(x = 1, y = V1 * 1.05, label = paste0("Net: ", round(V1, 3)))) +
    MetaNet_theme +
    theme(legend.position = "none", axis.text.x = element_blank())

#' Calculate small-world coefficient
#' @param go igraph or metanet
#' @param reps simulation time
#' @param threads threads
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @return number
#' @export
#' @family topological
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # set reps at least 99 when you run.
#' smallworldness(co_net, reps = 9)
#' }
smallworldness <- function(go, reps = 99, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  rand_net_par(go, reps = reps, threads = threads, verbose = verbose) -> rands
  small_world_coefficient <- (igraph::transitivity(go) / mean(rands$Clustering_coefficent)) /
    (igraph::average.path.length(go) / mean(rands$`Average_path_length`))

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MetaNet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:21 a.m.