
Defines functions compass.opiQueryDevice compass.opiClose compass.opiSetBackground compass.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus compass.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus compass.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus compass.opiPresent compass.opiInitialize

Documented in compass.opiClose compass.opiInitialize compass.opiPresent compass.opiQueryDevice compass.opiSetBackground

# OPI for Compass
# Based on kowaAP7000Client.r.
# Author: Andrew Turpin    (andrew.turpin@lei.org.au)
# Date: July 2016 (In Padova!)
# Modified
# Fri 30 Jun 2017: updated based on initial draft of protcol (The Helsinki Draft)
# Copyright [2016] [Andrew Turpin]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# .OpiEnv$Compass$socket is the connection to the Compass
# .OpiEnv$Compass$...    a variety of constants, etc
if (exists(".OpiEnv") && !exists("Compass", where=.OpiEnv)) {
    assign("Compass", new.env(25), envir=.OpiEnv)
    .OpiEnv$Compass$endian <- "big"   # endianess of the compass OS

    .OpiEnv$Compass$ZERO_DB_IN_ASB <- 10000

    .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_DB <- 50  
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_DB <- 0  
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_X  <- -30
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_X  <- 30  
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_Y  <- -30
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_Y  <- 30  
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_RESP_WINDOW  <- 0    
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_RESP_WINDOW  <- 2680
    .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_DURATION  <- 1

    .OpiEnv$Compass$SEEN     <- 1  
    .OpiEnv$Compass$NOT_SEEN <- 0  

    # Utility functions for validating inputs
    .OpiEnv$Compass$minCheck <- function(x, limit, txt) {
        if (x < limit) {
            stop(paste("opiPresent: ", txt, "is too small (minimum ", limit, ")"))
    .OpiEnv$Compass$maxCheck <- function(x, limit, txt) {
        if (x > limit) {
            stop(paste("opiPresent: ", txt, "is too big (maximum ", limit, ")"))

#   ip    = ip address on which server is listening
#   port  = port number on which server is listening
# @return list of 
#       err NULL if succeed, error code otherwise
#       prl c(x,y) of PRL
#       image retinal image as a jpeg in raw bytes
#' @rdname opiInitialize
#' @param ip ip address on which server is listening
#' @param port port number on which server is listening
#' @details
#' ## Compass
#'   \code{opiInitialize(ip, port)}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Compass}, then you must specify
#'   the IP address and port of the Compass server.
#'   * \code{ip} is the IP address of the Compass server as a string.
#'   * \code{port} is the TCP/IP port of the Compass server as a number.
#'   Warning: this returns a list, not a single error code.

#' @return
#' ## Compass
#'   Returns a list with elements:
#'      * `err` NULL if successful, not otherwise.
#'      * `prl` a pair giving the (x,y) in degrees of the Preferred Retinal Locus detected in the initial alignment.
#'      * `onh` a pair giving the (x,y) in degrees of the ONH as selected by the user.
#'      * `image` raw bytes being the JPEG compressed infra-red image acquired during alignment.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Set up the Compass
#'   chooseOpi("Compass")
#'   result <- opiInitialize(ip="", port=44965)
#'   if (is.null(result$err))
#'     print(result$prl)
#' }
compass.opiInitialize <- function(ip="", port=44965) {
    cat("Looking for server... ")
        v <- socketConnection(host = ip, port,
                      blocking = TRUE, open = "w+b",
                      timeout = 10)
        , error=function(e) { 
            stop(paste(" cannot find a server at", ip, "on port",port))
    cat("found server at",ip,port,":)\n")

    socket <- tryCatch(
        socketConnection(host=ip, port, open = "w+b", blocking = TRUE, timeout = 1000), 
        error=function(e) stop(paste("Cannot connect to Compass at",ip,"on port", port))

    assign("socket", socket, envir = .OpiEnv$Compass)

    msg <- "OPI-OPEN"
    writeLines(msg, socket)
    n <- readBin(socket, "integer", size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)

    if (length(n) == 0) {    # Compass was not happy with that OPEN, try until it is (AHT: Sep 2018)
        warning('Compass did not like the OPEN command. Suggest closeAllConnections() and try again')
        return(list(err="Bad open", prl=NULL, onh=NULL, image=NULL))    
    } else {
        #print(paste("opiInitialize read: ", n))
        prlx <- readBin(socket, "double", size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)
        prly <- readBin(socket, "double", size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)
        onhx <- readBin(socket, "double", size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)
        onhy <- readBin(socket, "double", size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)
        im <- readBin(socket, "raw", n=(n-16), size=1, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)

        return(list(err=NULL, prl=c(prlx, prly), onh=c(onhx, onhy), image=im))    

#' @rdname opiPresent
#' @param stim a list of class \code{\link{opiStaticStimulus}},
#'             \code{\link{opiKineticStimulus}}, or \code{\link{opiTemporalStimulus}} to be presented.
#' @param nextStim unused - included for compliance with OPI standard.
#' @details
#' # Compass
#'   \code{opiPresent(stim, nextStim=NULL)}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Compass}, then \code{nextStim}
#'   is ignored. Note that the dB level is rounded to the nearest integer.
#'   If tracking is on, then this will block until the tracking is obtained,
#'   and the stimulus presented.
#' @return
#' ## Compass
#'  A list containing
#'    * `err` 0 all clear, >= 1 some error codes (eg cannot track, etc) (integer)
#'    * `seen` \code{FALSE} for not seen, \code{TRUE} for seen (button pressed in response window)
#'    * `time` response time in ms (integer) since stimulus onset, -1 for not seen
#'    * `time_rec` time since epoch when command was received at Compass (integer ms)
#'    * `time_pres` time since epoch that stimulus was presented (integer ms)
#'    * `num_track_events` number of tracking events that occurred during presentation (integer)
#'    * `num_motor_fails` number of times motor could not follow fixation movement during presentation (integer)
#'    * `pupil_diam` pupil diameter in mm (float)
#'    * `loc_x` pixels integer, location in image of presentation (integer)
#'    * `loc_y` pixels integer, location in image of presentation (integer)
compass.opiPresent <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL) { UseMethod("compass.opiPresent") }

compass.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim) {
    if (is.null(stim)) {
        warning("opiPresent: NULL stimulus")
        return(list(err="The NULL stimulus not supported", seen=NA, time=NA))

    if(!is.null(stim$size)) warning("opiPresent: ignoring stimulus size")
    if(!is.null(stim$color)) warning("opiPresent: ignoring stimulus color")

    .OpiEnv$Compass$minCheck(stim$x, .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_X, "Stimulus x")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$maxCheck(stim$x, .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_X, "Stimulus x")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$minCheck(stim$y, .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_Y, "Stimulus y")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$maxCheck(stim$y, .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_Y, "Stimulus y")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$minCheck(stim$duration, .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_DURATION, "Stimulus duration")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$minCheck(stim$responseWindow, .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_RESP_WINDOW, "Stimulus responseWindow")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$maxCheck(stim$responseWindow, .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_RESP_WINDOW, "Stimulus responseWindow")
    lev <- round(cdTodb(stim$level, .OpiEnv$Compass$ZERO_DB_IN_ASB/pi),0)
    .OpiEnv$Compass$minCheck(lev, .OpiEnv$Compass$MIN_DB, "Stimulus level")
    .OpiEnv$Compass$maxCheck(lev, .OpiEnv$Compass$MAX_DB, "Stimulus level")

    if (!is.null(nextStim)) 
        warning("opiPresent: nextStim ignored")

    msg <- paste(msg, stim$x, stim$y, lev, "3", stim$duration, stim$responseWindow)

    presentBad <- TRUE
    presentCount <- 0
    while (presentBad) {
        presentCount <- presentCount + 1
        if (presentCount %% 10 == 0)
            warning(paste('opiPresent: I have tried presenting',presentCount,'times.'))

        writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$Compass$socket)
        res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, n=1)
        s <- strsplit(res, " ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]

        presentBad <- s[1] > 0

    # BUG - num_track_events, etc are for a single call to the protocolo, and not aggregated over the
    # 'presentBad' loop.

      err             =NULL,
      seen            =ifelse(s[2] == "1", TRUE, FALSE),    # assumes 1 or 0, not "true" or "false"
      time            =as.numeric(s[3]), 
      time_hw         =as.numeric(s[4]),
      time_rec        =as.numeric(s[5]),
      time_resp       =as.numeric(s[6]),
      num_motor_fails =as.numeric(s[8]),
      pupil_diam      =as.numeric(s[9]),
      loc_x           =as.numeric(s[10]),
      loc_y           =as.numeric(s[11])

# Present kinetic stim, return values 
compass.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus <- function(stim, ...) {
    warning("Compass does not support kinetic stimuli (yet)")
    return(list(err="Compass does not support kinetic stimuli (yet)", seen=FALSE, time=0))

# Not supported on Compass
compass.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL, ...) {
    warning("Compass does not support temporal stimuli (yet)")
    return(list(err="Compass does not support temporal stimuli (yet)", seen=FALSE, time=0))

#' @rdname opiSetBackground
#' @param tracking_on \code{TRUE} for tracking on, \code{FALSE} for off
#' @details
#' \subsection{Compass}{
#'   \code{opiSetBackground(fixation=NA, tracking_on=NA)}
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{fixation}=c(x,y,t)} where
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item{\code{x}} is one of -20, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 20 degrees.
#'       \item{\code{y}} is 0 degrees.
#'       \item{\code{t}} is 0 for a spot fixation marker at \code{c(x,y)}, or 1 for a
#'         square centred on one of \code{(-3,0)}, \code{(0,0)}, \code{(+3,0)}.
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{tracking_on}} is either 0 (tracking off) or 1 (tracking on).
#'   }
#'   Note: tracking will be relative to the PRL established with the fixation
#'   marker used at setup (call to OPI-OPEN), so when tracking is on you should
#'   use the same fixation location as in the setup.
#' }
#' @return
#' \subsection{Compass}{ 
#'   A list contining \code{error} which is \code{NULL} for success, or some string description for fail.
#' }
compass.opiSetBackground <- function(lum=NA, color=NA, fixation=NA, tracking_on=NA) {
    if (!is.na(lum) || !is.na(color))
        warning("opiSetBackground: Compass does not support setting background color or luminance.")

    if (!is.na(tracking_on)) {
        if (tracking_on) {
            writeLines("OPI-SET-TRACKING 1", .OpiEnv$Compass$socket)
            res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, n=1)
            s <- strsplit(res, " ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
            if (s[1] != 0) {
                return(list(error=paste("opiSetBackground: failed turn tracking on ", s[1])))
        } else {
            writeLines("OPI-SET-TRACKING 0", .OpiEnv$Compass$socket)
            res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, n=1)
            s <- strsplit(res, " ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
            if (s[1] != 0) {
                return(list(error=paste("opiSetBackground: failed turn tracking off ", s[1])))

    if (length(fixation) > 1 || !is.na(fixation)) {
        if (length(fixation) != 3) {
            return(list(error="opiSetBackground: fixation parameter must have 3 fields c(x,y,t)"))
        x <- fixation[1]
        y <- fixation[2]
        t <- fixation[3]

        if (!(x %in% c(-20, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 20))) {
            return(list(error="opiSetBackground: fixation x must be in c(-20, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 20)"))
        if (y != 0) {
            return(list(error="opiSetBackground: fixation y must be 0"))
        if (t == 1 && (!(x %in% c(-3, 0, 3)))) {
            return(list(error="opiSetBackground: fixation type 1 can only be at ({-3,0,+3}, 0)"))
        writeLines(paste("OPI-SET-FIXATION",x,y,t), .OpiEnv$Compass$socket)
        res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, n=1)
        s <- strsplit(res, " ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
        if (s[1] != 0) {
            return(list(error=paste("opiSetBackground: failed to set fixation: ", s[1])))

# return list(err=NULL, fixations=matrix of fixations)
#       matrix has one row per fixation
#       col-1 timestamp (ms since epoch) 
#       col-2 x in degrees 
#       col-3 y in degrees 
#' @rdname opiClose
#' @return
#' \subsection{Compass}{
#'   Returns a list of \code{err}, which is an error code, and \code{fixations},
#'   which is a matrix with three columns: \code{time} (same as \code{time_hw}
#'   in \code{opiPresent}), \code{x} (degrees relative to the centre of the image
#'   returned by \code{opiInitialise} - not the PRL), \code{y} (as for x), and one row
#'   per fixation.
#' }
compass.opiClose <- function() {
    writeLines("OPI-CLOSE", .OpiEnv$Compass$socket)

    num_bytes <- readBin(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, "integer", size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)
    print(paste("Num bytes", num_bytes))

    if (num_bytes == 0) {
        warning("opiClose() returned no bytes - perhaps you forgot opiInitialise")
        return(list(err="No Bytes"))

    num_triples <- num_bytes/12
    fixations <- matrix(NA, ncol=3, nrow=num_triples)
    for(i in 1:num_triples) {
        fixations[i,1] <- readBin(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)
        fixations[i,2:3] <- readBin(.OpiEnv$Compass$socket, "double", n=2, size=4,  endian=.OpiEnv$Compass$endian)

    return(list(err=NULL, fixations=fixations))

# Lists defined constants
#' @rdname opiQueryDevice
#' @details
#' \subsection{Compass}{
#'   Return a list of all the constants used in the OPI Compass module.
#' }
#' @return
#' \subsection{Compass}{
#'   A list containing constants and their valuse used in the OPI Compass module.
#' }
compass.opiQueryDevice <- function() {
    return(lapply(ls(.OpiEnv$Compass), function(v) c(as.character(v), get(v, .OpiEnv$Compass))))

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OPI documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.