
Defines functions daydream.opiQueryDevice daydream.opiClose daydream.opiSetBackground daydream.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus daydream.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus daydream.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus daydream.opiPresent daydream.opiInitialize load_image readCharacters readNumbers find_pixel_value_daydream

Documented in daydream.opiClose daydream.opiInitialize daydream.opiPresent daydream.opiQueryDevice daydream.opiSetBackground

# OPI for Google Daydream
# Author: Andrew Turpin    (andrew.turpin@lei.org.au)
# Date: Mar 2019
# Copyright [2019] [Andrew Turpin]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Modified
# .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket is the connection to the daydream
# .OpiEnv$DayDream$LUT has 256 entries. LUT[x] is cd/m^2 value for grey level x
# .OpiEnv$DayDream$fovy default is 90
# .OpiEnv$DayDream$...    constants and setting variables
if (exists(".OpiEnv") && !exists("DayDream", where=.OpiEnv)) {
  assign("DayDream", new.env(25), envir=.OpiEnv)

  .OpiEnv$DayDream$endian <- "little"
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket <- NA

  .OpiEnv$DayDream$LUT  <- NA # look up table
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fovy <- NA # Field of view for y-axis

  .OpiEnv$DayDream$width         <- NA # of whole phone screen in pixels
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$height        <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$single_width  <- NA 
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$single_height <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$pixsize       <- NA # pixel size calculated from FOVY and height
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_left  <- NA # stored MONO background information
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_right <- NA
  # background data and defaults
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_lum   <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_color <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fixation         <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_cx           <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_cy           <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_sx           <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_sy           <- NA
  .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_color        <- NA

# Find the closest pixel value (index into .OpiEnv$DayDream$LUT less 1)
# for cd/m^2 param cdm2
# It is 8 bit depth, so it must return a value from 0 to 255
find_pixel_value_daydream <- function(cdm2)
  return(which.min(abs(.OpiEnv$DayDream$LUT - cdm2)) - 1)

readNumbers <- function(size, type) {
  msg <- integer(length(size))
  for(i in 1:length(size))
    msg[i] <- readBin(.OpiEnv$DayDream$socket, type[i], size = size[i], endian = .OpiEnv$DayDream$endian)
  lf <- intToUtf8(readBin(.OpiEnv$DayDream$socket, "integer", size = 1, endian=.OpiEnv$DayDream$endian)) # the \n

readCharacters <- function(len) {
  msg <- character(len)
  for(i in 1:len)
    msg[i] <- intToUtf8(readBin(.OpiEnv$DayDream$socket, "integer", size = 1, endian = .OpiEnv$DayDream$endian))
  lf <- intToUtf8(readBin(.OpiEnv$DayDream$socket, "integer", size = 1, endian=.OpiEnv$DayDream$endian)) # the \n
  return(paste0(msg, collapse = ""))

# Load an image to server
# @param im is an array of RGB values dim=c(h,w,3)
# @return TRUE if succeeds, FALSE otherwise
load_image <- function(im, w, h) {
  writeLines(paste("OPI_IMAGE", w, h), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
  msg <- readCharacters(5)
  writeBin(as.raw(c(im)), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket, size = 1, endian = .OpiEnv$DayDream$endian)
  msg <- readCharacters(2)
  return(msg == "OK")

#' @rdname opiInitialize
#' @param lut Look up table mapping pixel values to cd/m2
#' @param fovy Field of view in degrees in the y-axis. It is different depending on the device.
#' For Daydream view, it is 90 degrees, for, Daydream view 2 is 100 degrees. Default is 90.
#' @details
#' # Daydream
#'   \code{opiInitialize(ip="", port=50008, lut= seq(0, 400, length.out = 256), fovy = 90)}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Daydream}, then you must specify
#'   the IP address of the Android phone that is in the Daydream, and the port on
#'   which the server running on the phone is listening.
#'   * \code{ip} is the IP address of the Daydream server as a string
#'   * \code{port} is the TCP/IP port of the Daydream server as a number
#'   * \code{lut} is a vector of 256 luminance values, with \code{lut[i]} being the cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2} value for grey level i. Default is \code{seq(0, 4000, length.out = 256)}
#'   * \code{fovy} Field of view in degrees in the y-axis. It is different depending on the device. For Daydream view, it is 90 degrees, for, Daydream view 2 is 100 degrees. Default is 90.
#' @return
#' ## Daydream
#'   Always returns NULL.
daydream.opiInitialize <- function(
    ip = "",
    port = 50008, 
    lut = seq(0, 400, length.out = 256), # for pixel 1 max brightness is 400
    fovy = 90) {
    cat("Looking for phone at ", ip, "\n")
        v <- socketConnection(host = ip, port,
                              blocking = TRUE, open = "w+b",
                              timeout = 10)
        , error=function(e) { 
            stop(paste(" cannot find a phone at", ip, "on port",port))
    cat("found phone at",ip,port,":)\n")
    socket <- tryCatch(
        socketConnection(host=ip, port, open = "w+b", blocking = TRUE, timeout = 1000), 
        error=function(e) stop(paste("Cannot connect to phone at",ip,"on port", port))
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket           <- socket
    # set defaults
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$LUT              <- lut
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fovy             <- fovy
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_lum   <- 10
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_color <- "white"
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fixation         <- "Cross"
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_cx           <- 0
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_cy           <- 0
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_sx           <- 2
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_sy           <- 2
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_color        <- "green"
    # set field of view in the y-axis in degrees of visual angle
    msg <- paste("OPI_SET_FOVY", fovy, sep=" ")
    writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
    writeLines("OPI_GET_RES", .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
    dat <- readNumbers(size = c(4, 4, 4, 4), type = rep("integer", 4))
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$width         <- dat[1]
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$height        <- dat[2]
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$single_width  <- dat[3]
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$single_height <- dat[4]
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$pixsize       <- .OpiEnv$DayDream$fovy / .OpiEnv$DayDream$height
    print(paste("Phone res", .OpiEnv$DayDream$width, .OpiEnv$DayDream$height, .OpiEnv$DayDream$single_width, .OpiEnv$DayDream$single_height, 1 / .OpiEnv$DayDream$pixsize, "pix per deg"))

#   As per OPI spec. Note eye is part of stim object
# Return a list of 
#    err             : (integer) 0 all clear, >= 1 some error codes (eg cannot track, etc)
#    seen            : 0 for not seen, 1 for seen (button pressed in response window)
#    time            : in ms (integer) (does this include/exclude the 200ms presentation time?) -1 for not seen.
#' @rdname opiPresent
#' @details
#' \subsection{Daydream}{
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Daydream}, then \code{nextStim}
#'   is ignored.
#'   Note that the dB level is rounded to the nearest cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}
#'   that is in the \code{lut} specified in \code{opiInitialise}.
#'   Currently uses the most simple algorithm for drawing a 'circle'
#'   (ie not Bresenham's).
#'   Currently only implemented for \code{opiStaticStimulus}.
#' }
daydream.opiPresent <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL) { UseMethod("daydream.opiPresent") }

daydream.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim) {
  if (is.null(stim)) return(list(err = "no stimulus"))

  if (is.null(stim$x)) return(list(err="No x coordinate in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  if (is.null(stim$y)) return(list(err="No y coordinate in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  if (is.null(stim$size)) return(list(err="No size in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  if (is.null(stim$level)) return(list(err="No level in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  if (is.null(stim$duration)) return(list(err="No duration in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  if (is.null(stim$responseWindow)) return(list(err="No responseWindow in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  if (is.null(stim$eye)) return(list(err="No eye in stimulus", seen=NA, time=NA))
  # if no info about stimulus color, then it is white
  if(is.null(stim$color)) stim$color <- "white"
  # make the stimulus
  bg <- ifelse(stim$eye == "L", .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_left, .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_right)
  imsize <- 101
  m <- (imsize + 1) / 2
  radius <- (imsize - 1) / 2 # and radius too
  npix <- imsize^2           # get number of pixels
  im <- matrix(find_pixel_value_daydream(bg), 3, npix)
  x <- 0:(npix - 1) %% imsize
  y <- 0:(npix - 1) %/% imsize
  if(stim$color == "red")        idx <- 1
  else if(stim$color == "green") idx <- 2
  else if(stim$color == "blue")  idx <- 3
  else                           idx <- 1:3
  im[idx,(x - radius)^2 + (y - radius)^2 < radius^2] <- find_pixel_value_daydream(stim$level)
  if(load_image(im, imsize, imsize)) {
      msg <- paste("OPI_MONO_PRESENT", stim$eye, stim$x, stim$y, stim$size, stim$duration, stim$responseWindow, sep = " ")
      writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg <- readNumbers(size = c(1, 4), type = c("integer", "double"))
      seen <- msg[1]
      time <- msg[2]
      # seen or not seen? if 1, then seen is TRUE, otherwise is FALSE
      seen <- seen == "1"
      if(!seen && time == 0) return(list(err = "Background image not set", seen = NA, time = NA))
      if(!seen && time == 1) return(list(err = "Trouble with stim image", seen = NA, time = NA))
      if(!seen && time == 2) return(list(err = "Location out of range for daydream", seen = NA, time = NA))
      if(!seen && time == 3) return(list(err = "OPI present error back from daydream", seen = NA, time = NA))
      return(list(err = NULL, seen = seen, time = time))
  return(list(err="OPI present could not load stimulus image", seen = NA, time = NA))

# Present kinetic stim, return values 
daydream.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus <- function(stim, ...) {
    warning("DayDream does not support kinetic stimuli (yet)")
    return(list(err="DayDream does not support kinetic stimuli (yet)", seen=FALSE, time=0))

# Not supported on Daydream
daydream.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL, ...) {
    warning("DayDream does not support temporal stimuli (yet)")
    return(list(err="DayDream does not support temporal stimuli (yet)", seen=FALSE, time=0))

#' @rdname opiSetBackground
#' @param fix_cx fixation x position in degrees of visual angle. Default is 0
#' @param fix_cy fixation y position in degrees of visual angle. Default is 0
#' @param fix_sx fixation horizontal size in degrees of visual angle. Default is 1
#' @param fix_sy fixation vertical size in degrees of visual angle. Default is 1
#' @param fix_color fixation color
#' @param eye eye
#' @details
#' # Daydream
#'   \code{opiSetBackground(eye, lum=10, color="white", fixation="Cross", fix_cx=0, fix_cy=0, fix_sx=2, fix_sy=2, fix_lum=10, fix_color="green")}
#'   * \code{lum} background luminance in cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2} is set to nearest grey value in \code{lut} from \code{opiInitialize}. Default is 10 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}
#'   * \code{color} color of the background. It can be \code{'white'} (default) or \code{'green'}.
#'   * \code{fixation} can only be \code{'Cross'} at the moment.
#'   * \code{fix_cx}, \code{fix_cy} fixation (x, y) position in degrees of visual angle.
#'   * \code{fix_sx}, \code{fix_sy} dimensions of fixation target in degrees of visual angle.
#'   * \code{fix_lum} luminance of the fixation target in cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2} is set to nearest grey value in \code{lut} from \code{opiInitialize}. Default is 15 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}.
#'   * \code{fix_color} color of the fixation target. It can be \code{'white'} or \code{'green'} (default).
#' @return
#' ## Daydream
#'   Returns NULL or an error string.
daydream.opiSetBackground <- function(eye, lum = 10, color = "white", fixation = "None",
                                      fix_cx = 0, fix_cy = 0, fix_sx = 2, fix_sy = 2,
                                      fix_color = "green") {
    if (is.na(lum)) {
        warning('Cannot set background to NA in opiSetBackground')
        return('Cannot set background to NA in opiSetBackground')
    if (is.na(color)) {
      color = "white"
      warning('Background color set to \'white\' by default')
    # get pixel value of background from luminance in cd/m2
    bg <- find_pixel_value_daydream(lum)
    if(eye != "B") {  # one eye
      writeLines(paste("OPI_MONO_SET_BG", eye, bg), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg <- readCharacters(2)
      if (msg != "OK")
        return(paste0("Cannot set background to ",bg," in opiSetBackground"))
    } else {  # both eyes
      writeLines(paste("OPI_MONO_SET_BG", "L", bg), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg <- readCharacters(2)
      if (msg != "OK")
        return(paste0("Cannot set background to ",bg," in opiSetBackground"))
      writeLines(paste("OPI_MONO_SET_BG", "R", bg), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg <- readCharacters(2)
      if (msg != "OK")
        return(paste0("Cannot set background to ",bg," in opiSetBackground"))
    # store background information
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_lum   <- lum
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_color <- color
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fixation         <- fixation
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_cx           <- fix_cx
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_cy           <- fix_cy
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_sx           <- fix_sx
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_sy           <- fix_sy
    .OpiEnv$DayDream$fix_color        <- fix_color
    if(eye == "L") {
      .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_left  <- lum
    } else if(eye == "R") {
      .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_right <- lum  
    } else {
      .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_left  <- lum
      .OpiEnv$DayDream$background_right <- lum
    # if even, add 1 to fixation size
    imsize <- 101
    m <- (imsize + 1) / 2
    # design fixation target
    npix <- imsize^2
    im <- matrix(bg, 3, npix)
    x <- 0:npix %% imsize + 1
    y <- 0:npix %/% imsize + 1
    # choose color
    if(fix_color == "white")     col <- c(255, 255, 255)
    else if(fix_color == "red")  col <- c(255, 0, 0)
    else if(fix_color == "blue") col <- c(0, 0, 255)
    else                         col <- c(0, 255, 0)
    if(fixation == "Cross") {
      # thickness of 5 lines
      idx <- which((x >= m - 2 & x <= m + 2) | (y >= m - 2 & y <= m + 2))
    } else if(fixation == "Circle") {
      r   <- (imsize - 1) / 2
      # thickness of 5 lines
      idx <- which((x - m)^2 + (y - m)^2 < r^2 & (x - m)^2 + (y - m)^2 >= (r - 5)^2)
    } else if(fixation != "None") return(paste0("Wrong fixation target in opiSetBackground"))
    if(fixation != "None") im[,idx] <- col
    if (!load_image(im, imsize, imsize))
      return("Trouble loading fixation image in opiSetBackground.")
    if(eye != "B") { # one eye
      writeLines(paste("OPI_MONO_BG_ADD", eye, fix_cx, fix_cy, fix_sx, fix_sy), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg <- readCharacters(2)
      if (msg != "OK")
        return("Trouble adding fixation to background in opiSetBackground")
    } else { # both eyes
      writeLines(paste("OPI_MONO_BG_ADD", "L", fix_cx, fix_cy, fix_sx, fix_sy), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg  <- readCharacters(2)
      if (msg != "OK")
        return("Trouble adding fixation to background in opiSetBackground")
      writeLines(paste("OPI_MONO_BG_ADD", "R", fix_cx, fix_cy, fix_sx, fix_sy), .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
      msg  <- readCharacters(2)
      if (msg != "OK")
        return("Trouble adding fixation to background in opiSetBackground")

#### return list(err=NULL, fixations=matrix of fixations)
####       matrix has one row per fixation
####       col-1 timestamp (ms since epoch) 
####       col-2 x in degrees 
####       col-3 y in degrees 
#' @rdname opiClose
#' @return
#' \subsection{Daydream}{
#' }
daydream.opiClose <- function() {
  writeLines("OPI_CLOSE", .OpiEnv$DayDream$socket)
  msg <- readCharacters(2)
  if (msg != "OK") return(list(err="Trouble closing daydream connection."))
  else return(NULL)

#### Lists defined constants
#' @rdname opiQueryDevice
#' @title Query device using OPI
#' @details
#' \subsection{Daydream}{
#'   Returns all constants in \code{.OpiEnv$DayDream} as a list.
#' }
#' \subsection{Daydream}{
#' }
daydream.opiQueryDevice <- function() {
    vars <- ls(.OpiEnv$DayDream)
    lst <- lapply(vars, function(i) .OpiEnv$DayDream[[i]])
    names(lst) <- vars

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OPI documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.