
Defines functions octo600.opiQueryDevice octo600.opiClose octo600.opiSetBackground octo600.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus octo600.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus octo600.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus octo600.opiPresent octo600.opiInitialize sendCommand pad send

Documented in octo600.opiClose octo600.opiInitialize octo600.opiPresent octo600.opiQueryDevice octo600.opiSetBackground

# OPI for Octopus 600 
# Authors: 
#   Andrew Turpin    (andrew.turpin@lei.org.au)
#   David Lawson     (david.lawson@unimelb.edu.au)
# Date: July 2014
# Copyright [2016] [Andrew Turpin and David Lawson]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

if (exists(".OpiEnv") && !exists("O600", where=.OpiEnv))
    assign("O600", new.env(6), envir=.OpiEnv)

# Networking helper functions

send <- function(packet, socket) { 
  writeBin(packet, socket, size = 4, endian = "big")

pad <- function(data) { 
  padsize = 128 - length(data)
  data = append(data, rep(0, padsize)) 

sendCommand <- function(socket, id, ...) {
  packet = c(id, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0)
  packet = append(packet, c(...))
  packet = pad(packet)
  packet = as.integer(packet)
  send(packet, socket)
  response = readBin(socket, integer(), n = 128, size = 4, signed = TRUE, endian = "big")
  if (length(response) == 0)
    stop("Octopus 600 not responding")

  if (response[3] != 0) {
    warning(paste("Octopus 600 returned error ID", response[3]))
  return(list(response, response[3]))

#   ipAddress                = IP address of Octopus 600 machine
#   eye                      = "right" or "left"
#   pupilTracking
#   pulsar
#   eyeControl
# @return NULL if succeed
# @return ...
#' @rdname opiInitialize
#' @param ipAddress IP address of Octopus 600 machine
#' @param pupilTracking pupil tracking
#' @param pulsar DETAILS
#' @param eyeControl DETAILS
#' @details
#' # Octopus600
#'   \code{opiInitialize(ipAddress, eye, pupilTracking=FALSE, pulsar=FALSE, eyeControl=0)}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Octopus600}, then you must specify
#'   the IP address of the Octopus 600 and the eye to test.
#'   \code{ipAddress} is the IP address of the Octopus 600 as a string.
#'   \code{eye} must be either "left" or "right".
#'   \code{pupilTracking} is TRUE to turn on IR illumination and set pupil
#'   black level (which happens at the first stimulus presentation).
#'   \code{pulsar} is TRUE for pulsar stimulus, FALSE for size III white-on-white.
#'   \code{eyeControl}
#'     * 0 is off
#'     * 1 is eye blink
#'     * 2 is eye blink, forehead rest, fixation control
#'     * 3 is eye blink, forehead rest, fixation control, fast eye movements
#' @return
#' ## Octopus600
#'   Returns NULL if successful, or an Octopus 600 error code. The default
#'   background and stimulus setup is to white-on-white perimetry.
octo600.opiInitialize <- function(ipAddress = "", eye = "",
                                  pupilTracking = FALSE,
                                  pulsar = FALSE, eyeControl = 0) {
  if (nchar(ipAddress) == 0)
    stop("You must specify an IP address in opiInitialize()")
  if (eye != "left" && eye != "right")
    stop("You must set eye=left or eye=right in opiInitialize()")
  if (!is.element(eyeControl, 0:3))
    stop("eyeControl must be equal to 0, 1, 2 or 3")
  socket = tryCatch(
    socketConnection(host = ipAddress, 50000, open = "w+b", blocking = TRUE, timeout = 5), 
    error = function(e) stop(paste("Cannot connect to Octopus 600 on", ipAddress))
  assign("socket", socket, envir = .OpiEnv$O600)
  print("Connected to Octopus 600")
  # set_eyecontrol()
  res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2005, eyeControl, 60, 47, 136, 75)
  if (res[[2]] != 0)
  # initialise_perimeter()
  res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2001, ifelse(pulsar, 3183, 1000))
  if (res[[2]] != 0)
  print(paste("initialise_perimeter returned freqLeft =", res[[1]][9], "and freqRight =", res[[1]][10]))
  if (pupilTracking) {
    # set_ir_illumination()
    res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2007, eye=="left", eye=="right")
    if (res[[2]] != 0)
  # set_fixationmark()
  if (pulsar) {
    res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2003, eye=="left", 1, 2, 255) # yellow dot
    if (res[[2]] != 0)
  } else {
    res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2003, eye=="left", 2, 2, 255) # yellow cross
    if (res[[2]] != 0)
  assign("pupilTrackingEnabled", pupilTracking, envir = .OpiEnv$O600)
  assign("pupilBlackLevelSet", !pupilTracking, envir = .OpiEnv$O600)
  assign("eye", eye, envir = .OpiEnv$O600)
  assign("pulsar", pulsar, envir = .OpiEnv$O600)

#' @rdname opiPresent
#' @details
#' # Octopus600
#'   \code{opiPresent(stim, nextStim=NULL)}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Octopus600}, then nextStim is
#'   ignored. If \code{eyeControl} is non-zero, as set in \code{opiInitialize},
#'   answer codes describing patient state may arise (see \code{answer} field
#'   in the Value section).
octo600.opiPresent <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL) { UseMethod("octo600.opiPresent") }

octo600.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim) {
  leftEye = .OpiEnv$O600$eye == "left"
  if (!.OpiEnv$O600$pupilBlackLevelSet) {
    # adjustPupilBlackLevel()
    res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2029, leftEye)
    if (res[[2]] != 0)
      return(list(err = res[[2]], seen=NA, time=NA))
      assign("pupilBlackLevelSet", TRUE, envir = .OpiEnv$O600)
  # display_stimulus()
  res <- sendCommand(
    .OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2000,
    0, #checkBGIllumi [Do always set to 0]
    0, #BGIntensity [If checkBGIllumi is set to 0, don't care]
    stim$x*10, #positionX [in 1/10deg]
    stim$y*10, #positionY [in 1/10deg]
    .OpiEnv$O600$pulsar*5, #method [0 = White-On-White, 5 = pulsar]
    0, #color [don't care]
    3, #stimulusSize [don't care] (has to be 3 for W-on-W, don't care for pulsar)
    cdTodb(stim$level, 4000/pi)*10, #dLog (intensity) [in 1/10 dB]
    stim$duration, #duration [stimulus presentation duration in ms, for W/W 100ms, for pulsar 500ms]
    leftEye, #selectedEye [0 = OD, 1 = OS]
    stim$responseWindow, #maxAllowedReactionTime (maximal allowed reaction time in ms, >=500ms and <4s)
    0, #type [0 = present normal stimulus, 1 = present positive catch trial, 2 = present negative catch trial]
    #sound [0 = no sound; Bit0=1 sound for stimulus presentation ON;
    #Bit1=1 sound for patient response button ON; Bit2=1 sound for fixation lost ON]
    ifelse(is.element("sound", names(stim)), stim$sound, 0)
  if (res[[2]] != 0)
    return(list(err = res[[2]], seen=NA, time=NA))
  pupilSize = res[[1]][21]
  reactionTimePAK = res[[1]][22]
  answer = res[[1]][23]

    err = 0, 
    seen = answer == 1,
    time = reactionTimePAK,
    answer = answer

octo600.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL, ...) {
  stop("Temporal stimulus not supported by Octopus 600")

octo600.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL, ...) {
  stop("Kinetic stimulus not supported by Octopus 600")

# Input paras are the OpiEnv$O600$* constants
# lum is in cd/m^2 (as per OPI spec) * 100 == .OpiEnv$O600$BG_{OFF | 1 | 10 | 100 }
# color is .OpiEnv$O600$MET_COL_{WW | BY | RW | BLUE_WHITE | RED_YELLOW | WHITE_YELLOW }
# fixation is .OpiEnv$O600$FIX_{RING | CROSS | CENTRE}
# fixIntensity is 0..100 %
# @return NULL is succeed.
# @return -1 if opiInitialize has not been successfully called
# @return -2 trouble setting backgound color
# @return -3 trouble setting fixation
#' @rdname opiSetBackground
#' @param bgColor Background color
#' @param fixType fixation type
#' @param fixColor fixation color
#' @details
#' # Octopus600
#'   This function has no effect.
#' @return
#' ## Octopus600
#'   * -1 to be implemented
#'   * -2 O600 sent back an error; bad background parameters
#'   * -3 O600 sent back an error; bad fixation parameters
#'   * NULL Success
octo600.opiSetBackground <- function(bgColor=NA, fixType=NA, fixColor=NA, fixIntensity=255) {
  if (!is.element(fixType, 1:4))
    stop("Fixation type must be 1, 2, 3 or 4 in opiSetBackground()")
  if (!is.element(fixColor, c(0, 2, 4, 5)))
    stop("Fixation color must be 0, 2, 4 or 5 in opiSetBackground()")
  if (!is.na(bgColor) && !is.element(bgColor, 0:255))
    stop("Background color must be NA or an integer between 0 and 255")
  #todo return -1 if opiInitialize has not been successfully called
  # setBackground()
  res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2021, ifelse(is.na(bgColor), 0, bgColor), ifelse(is.na(bgColor), .OpiEnv$O600$pulsar*5, -1))
  if (res[[2]] != 0)
  # set_fixationmark()
  res = sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 2003, .OpiEnv$O600$eye == "left", fixType, fixColor, fixIntensity)
  if (res[[2]] != 0)

# return NULL on success (in fact, always!)
#' @rdname opiClose
#' @return
#' ## Octopus600
#'    Always returns NULL
octo600.opiClose <- function() {

# Call opiPresent with a NULL stimulus
#' @rdname opiQueryDevice
#' @title Query device using OPI
#' @details
#' # Octopus600
#'   If the chosen OPI is \code{Octopus600}, then this function returns
#'   information about the patient. See the Value section for details.
#' @return
#' ## Octopus600
#'   Returns a list of 10 items:
#'     * \code{answerButton} \{0 = not pressed, 1 = pressed \}
#'     * \code{headSensor} \{0 = no forehead detected, 1 = forehead detected \}
#'     * \code{eyeLidClosureLeft} \{0 = eye is open, 1 = eye is closed\}
#'     * \code{eyeLidClosureRight} \{0 = eye is open, 1 = eye is closed\}
#'     * \code{fixationLostLeft} \{1 = eye pos lost, 0 = eye pos ok\}
#'     * \code{fixationLostRight} \{1 = eye pos lost, 0 = eye pos ok\}
#'     * \code{pupilPositionXLeft} (in px)
#'     * \code{pupilPositionYLeft} (in px)
#'     * \code{pupilPositionXRight} (in px)
#'     * \code{pupilPositionYRight} (in px)
octo600.opiQueryDevice <- function() {
  res <- sendCommand(.OpiEnv$O600$socket, 3004)

  ret <- list(
    answerButton        = res[[1]][8],
    headSensor          = res[[1]][9],
    eyeLidClosureLeft   = res[[1]][10],
    eyeLidClosureRight  = res[[1]][11],
    fixationLostLeft    = res[[1]][12],
    fixationLostRight   = res[[1]][13],
    pupilPositionXLeft  = res[[1]][14],
    pupilPositionYLeft  = res[[1]][15],
    pupilPositionXRight = res[[1]][16],
    pupilPositionYRight = res[[1]][17],

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OPI documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.