
Defines functions octo900.opiQueryDevice octo900.opiClose octo900.opiSetBackground octo900.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus octo900.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus octo900.opiPresentF310.opiStaticStimulus octo900.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus octo900.opiPresentF310 octo900.opiPresent octo900.presentStatic octo900.opiInitialize setupBackgroundConstants

Documented in octo900.opiClose octo900.opiInitialize octo900.opiPresentF310 octo900.opiQueryDevice octo900.opiSetBackground

# OPI for Octopus 900
# This would all have been nicer in an OO style, with each implementation
# being a subclass of an opi class, but I don't think it can be in R.
# The OPI standard doesn't want users employing exactly the same function
# no matter what the underlying implementation, and so there cannot be
# extra parameters to create method signatures for different classes.
# Similarly, some implementations use exactly the same method signatures,
# again which will confuse R, I think. Anyway, if I am wrong, sorry about that.
# What I've done (use a list of implementations and then use a global
# integer to index them) works and makes sense to the non-OO person.
# This version creates a socket to O900Server.java and sends/receives
# commands. It requires the server to be running, and the server
# to know where the H-S jar files are (ie in the CLASSPATH).
# Author: Andrew Turpin    (andrew.turpin@lei.org.au)
# Author: David Lawson    (XXX)
# Date: July 2014
# Copyright [2012] [Andrew Turpin and David Lawson]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# .OpiEnv$O900$... are lots of colors and Fixation constants set in setupBackgroundConstants()
if (exists(".OpiEnv") && !exists("O900", where=.OpiEnv))
  assign("O900", new.env(25), envir=.OpiEnv)

# Get values for fixation, color and bg intensity constants
# from EyeSuite classes, and set globals
#       .OpiEnv$O900$*
# to the values of those constants.
# INPUT: None.
# OUTPUT: None.
# SIDE EFFECTS: sets .OpiEnv$O900$* if possible.
#               store the names and values in .OpiEnv$O900$constList
setupBackgroundConstants <- function() {

  constList <- NULL

  getC <- function(cName) {
    writeLines(paste("OPI_GET_CONSTANT", cName), .OpiEnv$O900$socket)
    res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$O900$socket, n=1)
    if (res == "OZ900Fail") {
      warning(paste("Cannot set",cName,"constant for the O900."))
    } else {
      assign(cName, as.double(res), envir = .OpiEnv$O900)
      assign("constList", c(.OpiEnv$O900$constList, list(list(cName, as.double(res)))),
             envir = .OpiEnv$O900)

  getC("BG_1")        # 1.27 cd/m2 == 127 passed to MsgInitializePerimUnit
  getC("BG_10")       # 10 cd/m2 == 1000
  getC("BG_100")      # 100 cd/m2 == 10000

  assign("FIX_CENTER", .OpiEnv$O900$FIX_CENTRE, envir = .OpiEnv$O900) # help Americans

  # get the color fields from OCTO900

  assign("MET_COL_BW", .OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_BLUE_WHITE,   envir = .OpiEnv$O900)
  assign("MET_COL_RY", .OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_RED_YELLOW,   envir = .OpiEnv$O900)
  assign("MET_COL_WY", .OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_WHITE_YELLOW, envir = .OpiEnv$O900)

#   serverPort               = port number on which server is listening
#   eyeSuiteSettingsLocation = dir name containing EyeSuite settings
#   eye                      = "right" or "left"
#   gazeFeed                 = NA or a folder name
#   bigWheel                 = FALSE (standard machine), TRUE for modified apeture wheel
#   pres_buzzer              = 0 (no buzzer),1, 2, 3 (max volume)
#   resp_buzzer              = 0 (no buzzer),1, 2, 3 (max volume)
#   Both input dirs should INCLUDE THE TRAILING SLASH.
# @return NULL if succeed
# @return 1 if already initialised
# @return 2 if failed to make ready
#' @rdname opiInitialize
#' @param serverPort port number on which server is listening for "Octopus900"
#' @param eyeSuiteSettingsLocation dir name containing EyeSuite settings for "Octopus900"
#' @param eye eye; "right" or "left" for "Octopus900", "Octopus600"
#' @param gazeFeed NA or a folder name for "Octopus900"
#' @param bigWheel FALSE (standard machine), TRUE for modified apeture wheel for "Octopus900"
#' @param pres_buzzer 0 (no buzzer),1, 2, 3 (max volume) for "Octopus900"
#' @param resp_buzzer 0 (no buzzer),1, 2, 3 (max volume) for "Octopus900"
#' @param zero_dB_is_10000_asb Is 0 dB 10000 apostilb (TRUE) or or 4000 (FALSE) for "Octopus900"
#' @details
#' # Octopus900
#'   \code{opiInitialize(serverPort=50001,eyeSuiteSettingsLocation, eye, gazeFeed=NA, bigWheel=FALSE,pres_buzzer=0, resp_buzzer=0, zero_dB_is_10000_asb=TRUE)}
#'   If the chosen OPI implementation is \code{Octopus900}, then you must specify
#'   a directory and the eye to be tested.
#'   \code{serverPort} is the TCP/IP port on which the server is listening (on
#'   localhost).
#'   \code{eyeSuiteSettingsLocation} is the folder name containing the EyeSuite
#'   setting files, and should include the trailing slash.
#'   \code{eye} must be either "left" or "right".
#'   \code{gazeFeed} is the name of an existing folder into which the video frames
#'   of eye tracker are recorded. Set to \code{NA} for no recording.
#'   \code{bigWheel} is \code{FALSE} for a standard Octopus 900 machine. Some
#'   research machines are fitted with an alternate aperture wheel that has 24
#'   sizes, which are accessed with \code{bigWheel} is \code{TRUE}. The mapping
#'   from size to 'hole on wheel' is hard coded; see code for details.
#'   If \code{pres_buzzer} is greater than zero, a buzzer will sound with each
#'   stimuli presented.
#'   If \code{resp_buzzer} is greater than zero, a buzzer will sound with each
#'   button press (response). The volume can be one of 0 (no buzzer), 1, 2, or 3
#'   (max volume). If both buzzers are more than zero, the maximum of the two will
#'   be used as the volume.
#'   If \code{zero_dB_is_10000_asb} is \code{TRUE} then 0 dB is taken as 10000
#'   apostilbs, otherwise 0 dB is taken as 4000 apostilbs.
#' @return
#' ## Octopus900
#'   Returns NULL if successful, 1 if Octopus900 is already initialised by a
#'   previous call to \code{opiInitialize}, and 2 if some error occurred that
#'   prevented initialisation. The default background and stimulus setup is
#'   to white-on-white perimetry. Use \code{opiSetBackground} to change the
#'   background and stimulus colors.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Set up the Octopus 900
#'   chooseOpi("Octopus900")
#'   if (!is.null(opiInitialize(
#'        eyeSuiteSettingsLocation="C:/ProgramData/Haag-Streit/EyeSuite/",
#'        eye="left")))
#'     stop("opiInitialize failed")
#' }
octo900.opiInitialize <- function(serverPort = 50001,
                                  eyeSuiteSettingsLocation = "C:/ProgramData/Haag-Streit/EyeSuite/",
                                  eye = "", gazeFeed = "", bigWheel = FALSE,
                                  pres_buzzer = 0, resp_buzzer = 0, zero_dB_is_10000_asb = TRUE) {
  if (!bigWheel) {
    assign("GOLDMANN", c(6.5, 13, 26, 52, 104) / 60, envir=.OpiEnv$O900)
  } else {
    mm <- c(0.125,0.25,0.5,1,1.41,2,2.83,4,5.66,8,11.3,16,22.6,32,64,128,256)
    ind <- c(32,28,31,26,30,29,27,24,25,23,21,22,39,38,20,37,36)
    GOLDMANN <- rep(NA,39)
    GOLDMANN[ind] <- (sqrt(mm/pi)*180/pi/149.1954)
    assign("GOLDMANN", GOLDMANN, envir=.OpiEnv$O900)

  if (zero_dB_is_10000_asb)
    assign("zero_db_in_asb", 10000, envir=.OpiEnv$O900)
    assign("zero_db_in_asb",  4000, envir=.OpiEnv$O900)

  if (is.na(pres_buzzer) || pres_buzzer < 0) pres_buzzer <- 0
  if (is.na(resp_buzzer) || resp_buzzer < 0) resp_buzzer <- 0
  if (pres_buzzer > 3) pres_buzzer <- 3
  if (resp_buzzer > 3) resp_buzzer <- 3

  cat("Looking for server... ")
    v <- socketConnection(host = "localhost", serverPort,
                          blocking = TRUE, open = "w+b",
                          timeout = 10)
    , error=function(e) {
      stop(paste(" cannot find a server on port",serverPort))

  print("found server :)")

  if (is.na(eyeSuiteSettingsLocation))
    stop("You must specify the EyeSuite settings folder in your call to opiInitialize")
  if (is.na(eye) || eye == "")
    stop("You must specify which eye ('left' or 'right') in your call to opiInitialize")
  if (eye != "left" && eye != "right")
    stop("The eye argument of opiInitialize must be 'left' or 'right'")

  socket <- tryCatch(
    socketConnection(host="localhost", serverPort, open = "w+b", blocking = TRUE, timeout = 1000),
    error=function(e) stop(paste("Cannot connect to Octopus 900 on port", serverPort))
  assign("socket", socket, envir = .OpiEnv$O900)
  msg <- paste0("OPI_INITIALIZE \"",eyeSuiteSettingsLocation,"\"\ ",eye, " ", pres_buzzer, " ", resp_buzzer, " ", as.integer(zero_dB_is_10000_asb))
  msg <- paste0(msg, " ", ifelse(is.na(gazeFeed) || is.null(gazeFeed) || gazeFeed == "", "NA", gazeFeed))
  writeLines(msg, socket)
  res <- readLines(socket, n=1)


  if (res == "0")

#   As per OPI spec
#   stim$color must be same as that initialised by opiSetBackground or opiInitialize
#   If F310 is FALSE, response is taken from internal button
#        (sends OPI_PRESENT_STATIC to server)
#   If F310 is TRUE , response is taken from external controller
#        (sends OPI_PRESENT_STATIC_F310 to server)
# Return a list of
#    err  = string message
#    seen = 1 if seen, 0 otherwise
#    time = reaction time
# If stim is null, always return 0 status.
octo900.presentStatic <- function(stim, nextStim, F310=FALSE) {
  if (is.null(stim)) return(list(err=0))

  if (is.null(stim$x)) stop("opiPresent: no x value given in static stim")
  if (is.null(stim$y)) stop("opiPresent: no y value given in static stim")
  if (is.null(stim$level)) stop("opiPresent: no level value given in static stim")
  if (is.null(stim$size)) {
    warning("opiPresent: no stim size specified. Assuming Goldmann III = 26/60 degrees.")
    stim$size <- 26/60
  if (is.null(stim$duration)) {
    warning("opiPresent: no stim duration specified. Assuming 200ms.")
    stim$duration <- 200
  if (is.null(stim$responseWindow)) {
    warning("opiPresent: no stim responseWindow specified. Assuming 1500ms.")
    stim$responseWindow <- 1500

  if (is.null(stim$color)) stim$color <- .OpiEnv$O900$STIM_WHITE

  if (!(stim$color %in% c(.OpiEnv$O900$STIM_WHITE, .OpiEnv$O900$STIM_BLUE, .OpiEnv$O900$STIM_RED))) {
    warning("opiPresent: bad stim color. assuming .OpiEnv$O900$STIM_WHITE")
    stim$color <- .OpiEnv$O900$STIM_WHITE

  if(min(abs(.OpiEnv$O900$GOLDMANN - stim$size), na.rm=TRUE) > 0.05)
    warning("opiPresent: Rounding stimulus size to nearest Goldmann size")

  if (F310)
    msg <- "OPI_PRESENT_STATIC_F310"

  msg <- paste(msg, stim$x * 10.0, stim$y * 10.0, cdTodb(stim$level, .OpiEnv$O900$zero_db_in_asb/pi) * 10.0)
  msg <- paste(msg, (which.min(abs(.OpiEnv$O900$GOLDMANN - stim$size))))
  msg <- paste(msg, stim$duration)
  msg <- paste(msg, stim$responseWindow)
  msg <- paste(msg, stim$color)
  if (!is.null(nextStim)) {
    msg <- paste(msg, nextStim$x * 10.0, nextStim$y * 10.0)
  } else {
    msg <- paste(msg, stim$x * 10.0, stim$y * 10.0)

  writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$O900$socket)
  res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$O900$socket, n=1)
  s <- strsplit(res, "|||", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  if (s[1] == "0") {
    err <- NULL
  } else {
    err <- s[1]
  pupilX <- ifelse(length(s) > 3, s[4], NA)
  pupilY <- ifelse(length(s) > 4, s[5], NA)
    pupilX=as.numeric(sub(",", ".", pupilX)),
    pupilY=as.numeric(sub(",", ".", pupilY))

# Set up generic calls based on type of stim
octo900.opiPresent <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL) { UseMethod("octo900.opiPresent") }

#' @rdname opiPresent
#' @details
#' # Octopus900F310
#'   \code{opiPresent(stim, nextStim=NULL)}
#'   This functions as for the Octopus900, but responses are taken from the F310
#'   Controller.
#'   If the L button is pressed, \code{seen} is set to 1.
#'   If the R button is pressed, \code{seen} is set to 2.
#'   If no button is pressed within \code{responseWindow}, then \code{seen} is set to 0.
octo900.opiPresentF310 <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL) { UseMethod("octo900.opiPresentF310") }

octo900.opiPresent.opiStaticStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim) {
  return(octo900.presentStatic(stim, nextStim, FALSE))

octo900.opiPresentF310.opiStaticStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim) {
  return(octo900.presentStatic(stim, nextStim, TRUE))

#   As per OPI spec
#   stim$color must be same as that initialised by opiSetBackground or opiInitialize
# Return a list of
#    err  = string message
#    seen = 1 if seen, 0 otherwise
#    time = reaction time
# If stim is null, always return 0 status.
octo900.opiPresent.opiTemporalStimulus <- function(stim, nextStim=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(stim)) return(list(err=0))

  if (is.null(stim$x)) stop("opiPresent: no x value given in static stim")
  if (is.null(stim$y)) stop("opiPresent: no y value given in static stim")
  if (is.null(stim$rate)) stop("opiPresent: no rate value given in temporal stim")
  if (is.null(stim$size)) {
    warning("opiPresent: no stim size specified. Assuming Goldmann III = 26/60 degrees.")
    stim$size <- 26/60
  if (is.null(stim$duration)) {
    warning("opiPresent: no stim duration specified. Assuming 200ms.")
    stim$duration <- 200
  if (is.null(stim$responseWindow)) {
    warning("opiPresent: no stim responseWindow specified. Assuming 1500ms.")
    stim$responseWindow <- 1500

  if (!is.null(stim$color))
    warning("opiPresent opiTemporalStimulus: stim color ignored.")

  if(min(abs(.OpiEnv$O900$GOLDMANN - stim$size)) != 0)
    warning("opiPresent: Rounding stimulus size to nearest Goldmann size")

  msg <- paste(c(msg, stim$x * 10.0, stim$y * 10.0, stim$rate), collapse=" ")
  msg <- paste(msg, (which.min(abs(.OpiEnv$O900$GOLDMANN - stim$size))))
  msg <- paste(msg, stim$duration)
  msg <- paste(msg, stim$responseWindow)
  if (!is.null(nextStim)) {
    msg <- paste(msg, nextStim$x * 10.0, nextStim$y * 10.0)
  } else {
    msg <- paste(msg, stim$x * 10.0, stim$y * 10.0)

  writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$O900$socket)
  res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$O900$socket, n=1)
  s <- strsplit(res, "|||", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]

  if (s[1] == "0") {
    err <- NULL
  } else {
    err <- s[1]

    err =err,


# Present kinetic stim, return values
# If stim is null, always return 0 status.
octo900.opiPresent.opiKineticStimulus <- function(stim, ...) {
  if (is.null(stim)) return(list(err=0))

  if (is.null(stim$path)) stop("opiPresent: no path values given in kinetic stim")
  if (is.null(stim$sizes)) stop("opiPresent: no sizes values given in kinetic stim")
  if (is.null(stim$levels)) stop("opiPresent: no levels values given in kinetic stim")
  if (is.null(stim$speeds)) stop("opiPresent: no speeds values given in kinetic stim")

  if (!is.null(stim$color))
    warning("opiPresent opiKineticStimulus: stim color ignored.")

  # convert sizes to GOLDMANN
  stim$sizes <- sapply(stim$sizes, function(s) {
    i <- which.min(abs(.OpiEnv$O900$GOLDMANN - s))
    if(abs(.OpiEnv$O900$GOLDMANN[i] - s) > 0.000001) {
      warning("opiPresent: Rounding stimulus size",s,"to nearest Goldmann size")

  xs <- grDevices::xy.coords(stim$path)$x
  ys <- grDevices::xy.coords(stim$path)$y
  msg <- paste(c(msg, length(xs), xs, ys), collapse=" ")
  msg <- paste(c(msg, sapply(stim$levels, cdTodb, maxStim=.OpiEnv$O900$zero_db_in_asb/pi)), collapse=" ")
  msg <- paste(c(msg, stim$sizes), collapse=" ")

  # convert degrees/second into total time for path segment in seconds
  pathLengths <- NULL
  for(i in 2:length(xs)) {
    d <- sqrt((xs[i]-xs[i-1])^2 + (ys[i]-ys[i-1])^2)
    stim$speeds[i-1] <- d/stim$speeds[i-1]
  msg <- paste(c(msg, stim$speeds), collapse=" ")

  writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$O900$socket)
  res <- readLines(.OpiEnv$O900$socket, n=1)
  s <- strsplit(res, "|||", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]

  if (s[1] == "0") {
    err <- NULL
  } else {
    err <- s[1]

    pupilX=ifelse(length(s) > 5, as.numeric(s[6]), NA),
    pupilY=ifelse(length(s) > 6, as.numeric(s[7]), NA)

# Input paras are the OpiEnv$O900$* constants
# lum is in cd/m^2 (as per OPI spec) * 100 == .OpiEnv$O900$BG_{OFF | 1 | 10 | 100 }
# color is .OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_{WW | BY | RW | BLUE_WHITE | RED_YELLOW | WHITE_YELLOW }
# fixation is .OpiEnv$O900$FIX_{RING | CROSS | CENTRE}
# fixIntensity is 0..100 %
# @return NULL is succeed.
# @return -1 if opiInitialize has not been successfully called
# @return -2 trouble setting backgound color
# @return -3 trouble setting fixation
# @return -4 all input parameters NA
#' @rdname opiSetBackground
#' @param lum Luminance level in cd/m^2
#' @param color Stimulus color
#' @param fixation fixation target
#' @param fixIntensity fixation point intensity
#' @details
#' # Octopus900
#'   \code{opiSetBackground(lum=NA, color=NA, fixation=NA, fixIntensity=NA)}
#'   \code{lum} is intensity of the background and can be one of
#'     *  \code{.OpiEnv$O900$BG_OFF}, which turns background off.
#'     *  \code{.OpiEnv$O900$BG_1}, background of 1.27 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}.
#'     *  \code{.OpiEnv$O900$BG_10}, background of 10 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}.
#'     *  \code{.OpiEnv$O900$BG_100}, background of 100 cd/\eqn{\mbox{m}^2}{m^2}.
#'   \code{color} can be one of the following choices.
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_WW} for white-on-white
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_RW} for red-on-white
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_BW} for blue-on-white
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_WY} for white-on-yellow
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_RY} for red-on-yellow
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_BY} for blue-on-yellow
#'   \code{fixation} is one of
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$FIX_CENTRE} or \code{.OpiEnv$O900$FIX_CENTER}
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$FIX_CROSS}
#'     * \code{.OpiEnv$O900$FIX_RING}
#'     \code{fixIntensity} is a percentage between 0 and 100. 0 is off, 100 the brightest.
#'   Note if you specify \code{fixation} you also have to specify \code{fixIntensity}.
#' @return
#' ## Octopus900
#'   * -1 indicates \code{opiInitialize} has not been called.
#'   * -2 indicates could not set the background color.
#'   * -3 indicates could not set the fixation marker.
#'   * -4 indicates that all input parameters were NA.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   chooseOpi("Octopus900")
#'   oi <- opiInitialize(eyeSuiteJarLocation="c:/EyeSuite/",
#'                       eyeSuiteSettingsLocation="c:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Haag-Streit/",
#'                       eye="left")
#'   if(!is.null(oi))
#'     stop("opiInitialize failed")
#'   if(!is.null(opiSetBackground(fixation=.OpiEnv$O900$FIX_CENTRE)))
#'     stop("opiSetBackground failed")
#'   if(!is.null(opiSetBackground(fixation=.OpiEnv$O900$FIX_RING, fixIntensity=0)))
#'     stop("opiSetBackground failed")
#'   if(!is.null(opiSetBackground(color=.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_BY)))
#'     stop("opiSetBackground failed")
#'   if(!is.null(opiSetBackground(lum=.OpiEnv$O900$BG_100, color=.OpiEnv$O900$MET_COL_RW)))
#'     stop("opiSetBackground failed")
#'   opiClose()
#' }
octo900.opiSetBackground <- function(lum=NA, color=NA, fixation=NA, fixIntensity=NA) {

  if (all(is.na(c(lum, color, fixation, fixIntensity)))) {
    warning("At least one parameter must be not NA in opiSetBackground")

  if (!is.na(fixation) && is.na(fixIntensity)) {
    warning("If fixation is specified, fixIntensity must also be given in opiSetBackground")
  if (!is.na(fixIntensity) && is.na(fixation)) {
    warning("If fixIntensity is specified, fixation must also be given in opiSetBackground")

  if (is.na(lum)) lum <- -1
  if (is.na(color)) color <- -1
  if (is.na(fixation)) fixation <- -1
  if (is.na(fixIntensity)) fixIntensity <- -1

  msg <- paste("OPI_SET_BACKGROUND", color, lum, fixation, fixIntensity)
  writeLines(msg, .OpiEnv$O900$socket)
  ret <- as.numeric(readLines(.OpiEnv$O900$socket, n=1))

  if (ret == "0") {
  } else {

# return NULL on success (in fact, always!)
#' @rdname opiClose
#' @return
#' ## Octopus900
#'   Returns NULL.
octo900.opiClose <- function() {
  writeLines("OPI_CLOSE", .OpiEnv$O900$socket)

# Lists defined constants
#' @rdname opiQueryDevice
#' @title Query device using OPI
#' @details
#' # Octopus900
#'   Prints defined constants in OPI package pertaining to Octopus 900.
#' ## Octopus900
#'   list containing \code{isSim=FALSE}.
octo900.opiQueryDevice <- function() {
  cat("Defined constants\n")
  lapply(.OpiEnv$O900$constList, function(x) {
    lapply(x, cat, " ")

  return(list(isSim = FALSE))

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OPI documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:06 a.m.