
binVector <- function(piledValues, binSize) 
    #void binVector(int *piledValues, double *result, int *binSize, int *piledValues_Size) 

    functionReturn <- .C("C_binVector", as.integer(piledValues), res =
    double(resultSize), as.integer(binSize), as.integer(length(piledValues)))


#binVectorOld=function(piled, binSize)
#    step=seq(1, length(piled), binSize)
#    res=vector(mode="integer", length=length(step))
#    index=0
#    total=length(step)
#    for(x in step)
#    {
#        index=index+1
##        cat("\n", index)
##        if((index%%trunc(total/4))==0) {cat("\n Bining",currentChr,":",round(((index)/total)*100),"%")}
##        if(index%%50000==0) {cat("\n Bining",currentChr,":",round(((index)/total)*100),"%")}
#        inf=x
#        sup=x+binSize-1
#        if(sup>length(piled))   # in case the chromosome has not a size multiple of binSize (most cases)
#                                # for the last window, we don't want to go out of bounds .
#                                # (take the end of the chrom)
#        {
#            sup=length(piled)
#        }
#        res[index]=mean(piled[inf:sup])
#    }
#    return(res)

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Pasha documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 6:21 p.m.