trans_switch_prob_t: trans_switch_prob_t The probability for T cell transcriptome...

trans_switch_prob_tR Documentation

trans_switch_prob_t The probability for T cell transcriptome states switching. The row names of the matrix are the cell states the cell is switching from, the column names are the cells states the cell is switching to.


trans_switch_prob_t The probability for T cell transcriptome states switching. The row names of the matrix are the cell states the cell is switching from, the column names are the cells states the cell is switching to.




A 7*7 matrix. The row and clumn names are: "NaiveCd4","ActivatedCd4","MemoryCd4","NaiveCd8","EffectorCd8","MemoryCd8","ExhaustedCd8".

Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.