
Defines functions CellPhoneDB_analyse

Documented in CellPhoneDB_analyse

#' Cellphone DB utility
#' @description Function to set up the data so that it can be read and processed by CellPhoneDB, which saves the results of the analysis in a directory "out" and adds them in a new vgm (output of VDJ_GEX_matrix function) list item (CellPhoneDB). Needs Python to be installed in the computer. Running time can take some minutes. Depending on the state of the connection to ensembl and whether this is down, the function might not work if it needs to convert the genes identity. In these cases, try at some other moment and the connection should hopefully be back.
#' !!! In case the python call does is not executed, please refer to the parameter "pre.code" !!!
#Needs Python to be installed in the computer.
#' @param vgm.input Output of the VDJ_GEX_matrix function
#' @param column Character vector. Mandatory. Column name of VDJ_GEX_matrix[[2]] where the groups to be tested for interactions are located
#' @param groups Strings vector. Mandatory. Vector with groups of the indicated column to be compared.
#' @param organism Character vector. Defaults to "human". If == "mouse" the function converts the gene's mouse names into the human ones.
#' @param gene.id Character vector. Defaults to "ensembl". Possible arguments: "ensembl" , "hgnc_symbol", "gene_name". Indicates the gene ID used by CellPhoneDB during the analysis. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param analysis.method Character vector. Defaults to "statistical_analysis" Possible arguments: "statistical_analysis". CellPhoneDB is developing also "degs_analysis" method, which will be included among the possible arguments once released. Indicates the analysis method used by CellPhoneDB. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param project.name Character vector. Defaults to NULL. If a name is given by the user, a subfolder with this name is created in the output folder. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param iterations Numerical. Defaults to 1000. Number of iterations for the statistical analysis. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param threshold Numerical. By defaults not specified. \% of cells expressing the specific ligand/receptor. Range: 0<= threshold <=1.
#' @param result.precision Numerical. Defaults to 3. Number of decimal digits in results. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param subsampling Logical. Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE it enables subsampling. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param subsampling.num.pc Numerical. Defaults to 100, if subsampling == TRUE. Number of PCs to use. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param subsampling.num.cells Numerical. Defaults to 1/3 of cells, if subsampling == TRUE. Number of cells to subsample. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param subsampling.log Logical. No default, mandatory when subsampling. Enables subsampling log1p for non log-transformed data inputs. CellPhoneDB specific method argument.
#' @param pvalue Numerical. Defaults to 0.05. P-value threshold. CellPhoneDB specific statistical method argument.
#' @param debug.seed Numerical. Deafults to -1. Debug random seed. To disable it use a value >=0. CellPhoneDB specific statistical method argument
#' @param threads Numerical. Defaults to -1. Number of threads to use (needs to be >=1). CellPhoneDB specific statistical method argument.
#' @param install.cellphonedb Logical. Defaults to TRUE. Installs the CellPhoneDB Python package if set ==TRUE.
#' @param platypus.version This function works with "v3" only, there is no need to set this parameter
#' @param pre.code Character string. One command line or multiple command lines separated by " && " of code to execute in the console before cellphonedb is called. In case Cellphonedb is installed within a Conda enviroment (highly recommended), set this to "conda activate MyEnviroment", "activate MyEnviroment" or "conda init cmd.exe && activate MyEnviroment" depending on your Conda installation.
#' @return VDJ_GEX_matrix object with additional list item (VDJ_GEX_matrix[[10]]), containing results and plots of CellPhoneDB analysis. Saves in the directory the input files, results and plots of CellPhoneDB analysis.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' vgm_cellphonedb<-CellPhoneDB_analyse(vgm.input=vgm_m,
#' organism="mouse", groups=c(3,6,9),
#' gene.id="ensembl",
#' analysis.method= "statistical_analysis",
#' install.cellphonedb = FALSE,
#' subsampling= TRUE,
#' subsampling.num.pc=100,
#' subsampling.num.cells=70,
#' subsampling.log=TRUE,
#' project.name = "test")

CellPhoneDB_analyse<-function(vgm.input, #mandatory  #the function takes vgm as an input
                              column, #mandatory #column name of vgm[[2]] where the groups to be tested for interactions are located
                              groups, #mandatory  # vector with groups of interest in the indicated column
                              organism, #default "human", if == "mouse" the function needs to convert the gene's name
                              ##the next argumemts are the CellPhoneDB specific method arguments
                              gene.id, #possible arguments: "ensembl" , "hgnc_symbol", "gene_name". By deafult "ensembl"
                              analysis.method,  #possible arguments: "statistical_analysis", in the future also "degs_analysis". By default "statistical_analysis"
                              project.name, #Name of the project. A subfolder with this name is created in the output folder
                              iterations, #Number of iterations for the statistical analysis. By default 1000
                              threshold, #% of cells expressing the specific ligand/receptor. By default not specified
                              result.precision, #Number of decimal digits in results. By default 3

                              subsampling, # If set to TRUE it enables subsampling. By default == FALSE
                              subsampling.num.pc, #Subsampling NumPC argument (number of PCs to use). By default 100, if subsampling == TRUE
                              subsampling.num.cells, #Number of cells to subsample to. By default 1/3 of cells, if subsampling == TRUE
                              subsampling.log, #Enable subsampling log1p for non log-transformed data inputs. No default. Takes boolean values

                              ## statistical method arguments
                              pvalue, #P-value threshold. By default 0.05.
                              debug.seed, #Debug random seed -1. To disable it please use a value >=0. By deafult -1
                              threads, #Number of threads to use. >=1. By default -1
                              install.cellphonedb, #Boolean argument that installs the CellPhoneDB Python package if set ==TRUE. By default TRUE.

  platypus.version <- "v3"

  #set default value for column

  #set default value for organism
    organism = "human"

  #set default value for gene.id
    gene.id = "ensembl"

  #set default value for analysis.method
    analysis.method = "statistical_analysis"

  #set default value for project.name
    project.name = NULL

  #set default value for iterations
    iterations = 1000

  #set default value for threshold
    threshold = NULL

  #set default value for result.precision
    result.precision = 3

  #set default value for subsampling
    subsampling = FALSE

  #set default value for subsampling specifications
      subsampling.num.pc = 100

      subsampling.num.cells = "temp"

      message("subsampling.log value needs to be specified")


      subsampling.num.pc = NULL

      subsampling.num.cells = NULL

      subsampling.log = NULL


  #set default value for pvalue
    pvalue = 0.05

  #set default value for debug.seed
    debug.seed = -1

  #set default value for threads
    threads = -1

  #set default value for install.cellphonedb

  #set defaults for addional custom code

  ##Format vgm[[2]] data according to CellPhoneDB input

  #take subset of vgm[[2]] according to the input column and input groups given by the User

  for(i in groups){
    #get the index of the groups
    where_groups<-append(where_groups, which(vgm.input[[2]][[column]]==as.character(i)))

  #COUNTS file

  if(organism == "mouse"){

    #need to translate gene names

    # Basic function to convert mouse to human gene names
    convertMouseGene <- function(x){

      #usual code, currently not working because of new release of Ensembl and some bugs in getLDS function related to that
      #human = biomaRt::useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
      #mouse = biomaRt::useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")

      #use different host mirrors
      human = biomaRt::useMart(biomart ="ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", host = "https://dec2021.archive.ensembl.org/")
      mouse = biomaRt::useMart(biomart ="ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl", host = "https://dec2021.archive.ensembl.org/")

      #convert the gene names to the input gene.id
      if(gene.id == "ensembl"){
        hgenes = biomaRt::getLDS(attributes = c("mgi_symbol"), filters = "mgi_symbol", values = x , mart = mouse, attributesL = c("ensembl_gene_id"), martL = human, uniqueRows=TRUE)
      }else if(gene.id =="hgnc_symbol"){
        hgenes = biomaRt::getLDS(attributes = c("mgi_symbol"), filters = "mgi_symbol", values = x , mart = mouse, attributesL = c("hgnc_id"), martL = human, uniqueRows=TRUE)
      }else if(gene.id == "gene_name"){
        hgenes = biomaRt::getLDS(attributes = c("mgi_symbol"), filters = "mgi_symbol", values = x , mart = mouse, attributesL = c("external_gene_name"), martL = human, uniqueRows=TRUE)


    #if there are genes which were not converted, don't include them in input.counts file, otherwise substitute the mouse gene names with the human converted ones
    if (length(which(!(toupper(Mouse_to_human[,1]) %in% dimnames(input.counts)[[1]] )))>0 ){
      dimnames(input.counts)[[1]][which(!(toupper(Mouse_to_human[,1]) %in% dimnames(input.counts)[[1]]))] <-NA

    dimnames(input.counts)[[1]][match(toupper(Mouse_to_human[,1]), dimnames(input.counts)[[1]])]<-Mouse_to_human[,2]


  #save matrix in directory as a .txt file

  #write files locally changing directory in console

  # get the current DIRECTORY

  dir_counts <-paste(my_directory, "/input.counts.txt", sep="")

  utils::write.table(input.counts, dir_counts, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")

  #META file

  #take subset of vgm[[2]] according to the input column and input groups given by the User
  input.meta <- cbind(
    #first column of meta file, cells barcodes
    rownames(vgm.input[[2]]@meta.data[ sort(
      where_groups),] ),
    #second column of meta file, cells annotations

  #rewrite the cell annotation including the interacting group that cell belongs to
  for(i in groups){
    input.meta[which(input.meta[,2] == as.character(i)), 2]<-paste(c(paste(c("group", n), sep=""), as.character(i)), collapse ="_")

  #save matrix in directory as a .txt file in the current directory

  dir_meta <-paste(my_directory, "/input.meta.txt", sep="")
  utils::write.table(input.meta, dir_meta, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names = c("cell", "cell type"))

  #set default value for subsampling specification number of cells (that depends on the total numver of cells)
    if(subsampling.num.cells == "temp"){
      subsampling.num.cells = ceiling((1/3)*length(input.meta[,1]))

  ##Terminal commands are called from R in order to run CellPhoneDB analysis and plot dotplot and heatmaps.

  #The result files and plots are saved in the save directory of the function.

  #Avoid installing CellPhoneDB Python package if install.cellphonedb is set to FALSE
  if(install.cellphonedb == TRUE){
    answer <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), title="Do you wish to install cellphonedb via 'pip3 install cellphonedb'?")
    if(answer == 1){
      term1<-rstudioapi::terminalExecute("pip3 install cellphonedb")
      #wait until this command has been executed, then close the terminal
      while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(term1))) {
    } else {
      message("Skipping installation. To avoid this promt set install.cellphonedb = FALSE")

  #commands to make sure everything runs smoothly and without errors
  #term2<-rstudioapi::terminalExecute("export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8")
  #while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(term2))) {
  #  Sys.sleep(0.1)

  #term3<-rstudioapi::terminalExecute("export LANG=en_US.UTF-8")
  #while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(term3))) {
  #  Sys.sleep(0.1)

  #pasting togther the user-dependent arguments of cellphonedb
  cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste("cellphonedb method", analysis.method, "input.meta.txt input.counts.txt --counts-data", gene.id, "--iterations", iterations, "--result-precision", result.precision)

  #include only the arguments that were specified by the user

    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, " --project-name", project.name)

    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--threshold", threshold )

  if(subsampling == TRUE){
    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--subsampling" )

    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--subsampling-num-pc", subsampling.num.pc )

    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--subsampling-num-cells", subsampling.num.cells )

    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, " --subsampling-log", subsampling.log)

    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--pvalue", pvalue)

  if(debug.seed >=0){
    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--debug-seed", debug.seed)

  if(threads >=1 ){
    cellphoneDB_analysis<-paste(cellphoneDB_analysis, "--threads",threads)

  #building full cellphonedb call with pre.code
  message("Calling cellphonedb...")

  cpdb_term <- rstudioapi::terminalExecute(paste(pre.code, "&&", cellphoneDB_analysis, sep = " "))

  while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(cpdb_term))) {

  message("Cellphonedb analysis completed. Reading in output...")


  #this makes sure here are no errors due to markupsafe not being available on the last version of Python
  #term5<-rstudioapi::terminalExecute("sudo pip3 install markupsafe==2.0.1")
  #while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(term5))) {
  #  Sys.sleep(0.1)

  ##plotting the results

  #Specify the files directories
  #Make sure to indicate the right path where to find the file (according to whether an additional project is added in the out folder)

    deconvoluted_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/deconvoluted.txt", sep ="")
    means_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/means.txt", sep ="")
    significant_means_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/significant_means.txt", sep ="")
    pvalues_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/pvalues.txt", sep ="")
    interaction_count_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/interaction_count.txt", sep ="")
    count_network_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/count_network.txt", sep ="")

  } else {
    deconvoluted_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/deconvoluted.txt", sep ="")
    means_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/means.txt", sep ="")
    significant_means_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/significant_means.txt", sep ="")
    pvalues_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/pvalues.txt", sep ="")
    interaction_count_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/interaction_count.txt", sep ="")
    count_network_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/count_network.txt", sep ="")

  dot_plot <- "cellphonedb plot dot_plot"

  #in case a subfolder for the results is specified, add that path to the arguments of the method

    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, "--output-path", my_directory)
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, "/out/", project.name, sep ="")
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, "--means-path", means_path)
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, "--pvalues-path", pvalues_path)
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, " --output-path", my_directory)
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, " /out", sep ="")
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, " --means-path", means_path)
    dot_plot<-paste(dot_plot, " --pvalues-path", pvalues_path)

  message("Calling cellphonedb dotplot...")

  cpdb_term <- rstudioapi::terminalExecute(paste(pre.code, "&&", dot_plot, sep = " "))

  while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(cpdb_term))) {

  message("Cellphonedb dotplot completed. Reading in output...")

  heatmap_plot<- paste("cellphonedb plot heatmap_plot", my_directory)
  heatmap_plot<- paste(heatmap_plot, "/input.meta.txt", sep = "")

    heatmap_plot<-paste(heatmap_plot, "--output-path", my_directory)
    heatmap_plot<-paste(heatmap_plot, "/out/", project.name, sep ="")
    heatmap_plot<-paste(heatmap_plot, "--pvalues-path", pvalues_path)
    heatmap_plot<-paste(heatmap_plot, "--output-path", my_directory)
    heatmap_plot<-paste(heatmap_plot, "/out", sep ="")
    heatmap_plot<-paste(heatmap_plot, "--pvalues-path", pvalues_path)

  message("Calling cellphonedb heatmap...")

  cpdb_term <- rstudioapi::terminalExecute(paste(pre.code, "&&", heatmap_plot, sep = " "))

  while (is.null(rstudioapi::terminalExitCode(cpdb_term))) {

  message("Cellphonedb heatmap completed. Reading in output...")

  ## Read txt data into R as data frames and combine them in a list to be included in the vgm

  #Write file directories of images. Make sure to indicate the right path where to find the file (according to whether an additional project is added in the out folder)

    heatmap_log_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/heatmap_log_count.pdf", sep ="")
    heatmap_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/heatmap_count.pdf", sep ="")
    plot_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/",project.name,"/plot.pdf", sep ="")
  } else {
    heatmap_log_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/heatmap_log_count.pdf", sep ="")
    heatmap_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/heatmap_count.pdf", sep ="")
    plot_path<-paste(my_directory, "/out/plot.pdf", sep ="")

  #Create the list reading the .txt files as data.frames and the .pdf files as images
    deconvoluted = utils::read.table(deconvoluted_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = "."),
    means=utils::read.table(means_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = "."),
    significant.means=utils::read.table(significant_means_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = "."),
    pvalues=utils::read.table(pvalues_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ".")
    #interaction.count=utils::read.table(interaction_count_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = "."),
    #count.network=utils::read.table(count_network_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = "."),
    interaction.count=utils::read.table(interaction_count_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ".")
    cellphonedb.list[[length(cellphonedb.list)+1]] <- interaction.count
    names(cellphonedb.list)[length(cellphonedb.list)] <- "interaction.count"
    count.network=utils::read.table(count_network_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ".")
    cellphonedb.list[[length(cellphonedb.list)+1]] <-count.network
    names(cellphonedb.list)[length(cellphonedb.list)] <- "count.network"
    cellphonedb.list[[length(cellphonedb.list)+1]] <-heatmap_log_count
    names(cellphonedb.list)[length(cellphonedb.list)] <- "heatmap_log_count"
    cellphonedb.list[[length(cellphonedb.list)+1]] <-heatmap_count
    names(cellphonedb.list)[length(cellphonedb.list)] <- "heatmap_count"
    cellphonedb.list[[length(cellphonedb.list)+1]] <-dot_plot
    names(cellphonedb.list)[length(cellphonedb.list)] <- "dot_plot"
  #integrate the list in vgm as the 10th element of vgm, keeping the current list elements
  vgm.input[[10]] <- cellphonedb.list
  names(vgm.input)[10]<- "CellPhoneDB"


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Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.