
Defines functions VDJ_enclone

Documented in VDJ_enclone

#' Updated clonotyping function based on implications for cells with different chain numbers than 1 VDJ 1 VJ chains.
#'@description This function offers two types of hierarchical clonotyping. The hierarchical option "single.chains" only merges cell with a single chain into clonotypes composed of cells with 1 VDJ 1 VJ chain. This is based on the assumption, that during mRNA capture and RT-PCR in GEMs, not all transcripts are captured and therefore cells may result missing a VDJ or VJ chain.
#' The hierarchical option "double.and.single.chains" is based on the assumption, that cells with 1 VDJ and 2 VJ chains exist. For a review of the work concerning such cells as well as 2 VDJ 1 VJ cells please consult: https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.1800904. The user may set a threshold of occurrence number above which cells with 1 VDJ 2 VJ chains are considered to be true and other cells with 1 VDJ 1 VJ, 1 VDJ 0 VJ and 0 VDJ 1 VDJ may be merged into the same clonotype by the strategy provided by the user. Cells with 2 VDJ chains are currently not considered in this process, as these are reported to be much rarer and, if appearing in the dataset are more likely to be doublets.
#' We advice the user to carefully examine the output after hierarchical clonotyping before proceeding with further analysis.
#' We thank Prof. Vijayanand as well as Vicente and Emmanuel from his lab for the discussions that have helped with improving the original Platypus clonotyping strategy.
#' @param VDJ For platypus v2 output from VDJ_analyze function. This should be a list of clonotype dataframes, with each list element corresponding to a single VDJ repertoire. For platypus v3 VDJ output from the VDJ_GEX_matrix function (VDJ_GEX_matrix.output[[1]])
#' @param VDJ.directory Cellranger output directory for VDJ files.
#' @param clone.strategy (Updated keywords, previous format is also functional) String describing the clonotyping strategy. Possible options are 10x.default, cdr3.nt, cdr3.aa, VDJJ.VJJ, VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length, VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length.cdr3.homology, VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length.VDJcdr3.homology, cdr3.homology, VDJcdr3.homology. cdr3.aa will convert the default cell ranger clonotyping to amino acid based. 'VDJJ.VJJ' groups B cells with identical germline genes (V and J segments for both heavy chain and light chain. Those arguments including 'cdr3length' will group all sequences with identical VDJ and VJ CDR3 sequence lengths. Those arguments including 'cdr3.homology' will additionally impose a homology requirement for CDRH3 and CDRL3 sequences.'CDR3.homology',or 'CDRH3.homology' will group sequences based on homology only (either of the whole CDR3 sequence or of the VDJ CDR3 sequence respectively).
#' All homology calculations are performed on the amino acid level.
#' @param samples.to.clonotype Vector - lists the samples names which should be clonotyped. The unspecified samples will keep their old clonotype defintions.
#' @param samples.to.combine Vector or list of vectors - lists the samples which you wish to have their clonotypes merged (e.g., c('s1','s2') to only merge the first 2 samples, or list(c('s1','s3'), c('s2', 's4')) to merge the first and third, second and fourth, respectively). global.clonotype must be set to T!
#' @param homology.threshold Numeric value between 0 and 1 corresponding to the homology threshold forn the clone.strategy arguments that require a homology threshold. Default value is set to 70 percent sequence homology. For 70 percent homology, 0.3 should be supplied as input.
#' @param hierarchical Character. Defaults to "none". This is an extention specifically for cells with aberrant numbers of chains (i.e. 0VDJ 1VJ, 1VDJ 0VJ, 0VDJ 2VJ, 2VDJ 0VJ). Cells with 2VDJ 2VJ are filtered out as these are most likely doublets.
#' If set to "none" aberrant cells are assigned to their own clonotypes.
#' If set to "single.chains" the function will proceed in two steps: 0. Prefiltering: cells with 2 VDJ 2 VJ chains as well as cells with 2 VDJ and any number of VJ chains are filtered out. 1. define clonotypes classically with all cells containing exactly 1VDJ 1VJ chains. 2. For cells with only a single chain (either VDJ or VJ), check if any clone exists, which matches the clonotyping criteria for this chain. If true, add this cell to that clone. If false, create a new clone containing that cell. In case that more than 1 existing clone matches the aberrant cell, the cell is assigned to the most frequent existing clone. Two reasons are behind this decision: 2.1. The aberrant cells is numerically more likely to be a part of the more frequent existing clone. 2.2 In case of a wrong assignment, the effect of the error is lower, if an already expanded clone is increase by one count, rather than a existing non-expanded clone being assigned a second entry and thereby resulting as expanded. Cells with three chains are assigned to their own clonotypes
#' If set to "double.and.single.chains" the function will proceed as if set to "single.chains" but include two more steps
#' 3. Check the frequency of each cell 1 VDJ 2 VJ chain exact clone (by exact nucleotide CDR3 matching). Only if this count exceeds the triple.chain.count.threshold, the clone is used as a "hub clone". This protects from merging clonotypes on the basis of rare doublets.
#' 4. Merge existing clonotypes into the 1 VDJ 2 VJ clonotypes as they match with the assumption that e.g. a cell with 1 VDJ 1 VJ is part of that same clonotype, but missing a VJ chain due to stochastical sampling
#' @param triple.chain.count.threshold Minimal occurrance frequency for any cell with more than 2 of either VDJ or VJ chain (e.g. 2 VDJ 1 VJ) for it to be considered as a trustworthy clone for hierarchical clonotyping ONLY when hierarchical is set to "double.and.single.chains". Defaults to 3, meaning that, an exact combination of three chains needs to appear in the dataset at least 3 times for it to be considered as a clone, into which other cells are merged. (For the counting of exact combination of chains CDR3 nucleotide string matching is used, even if clonotyping by homology)
#' @param global.clonotype Logical specifying whether clonotyping should occur across samples or only within a single sample (grouping via sample_id column).
#' @param VDJ.VJ.1chain Logical specifying whether cells other than once with 1 VDJ and 1 VJ chains should be considered.
#' @param same.origin Logical - if the merged samples come from the same donor, with the same or with different origins. If two datasets come from the same origin, enclone will filter to remove certain artifacts.
#' @param platypus.version Only "v3" available
#' @param operating.system Character - operating system on which enclone will be run. 'Windows' for Windows, 'Linux' for Linux, 'Darwin' for MacOS.
#' @return Returns a VGM[[1]]-type dataframe. The columns clonotype_id and clonotype_frequency are updated with the new clonotyping strategy. They represent the "active strategy" that downstream functions will use. Furthermore extra columns are added with clonotyping information.New columns are named by clonotyping strategy so to allow for multiple clonotyping identifiers to be present in the same VDJ dataframe and make comparisons between these straighforward.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reclonotyped_vgm <- VDJ_clonotype(VDJ=Platypus::small_vgm[[1]],
#' clone.strategy="cdr3.nt",
#' hierarchical = "none", global.clonotype = TRUE)
#' reclonotyped_vgm <- VDJ_clonotype(VDJ=Platypus::small_vgm[[1]],
#' clone.strategy="cdr3.homology", homology.threshold = 0.5,
#' hierarchical = "single.chains", global.clonotype = TRUE)

VDJ_enclone <- function(VDJ,

  #for CRAN checks
  Nr_of_VDJ_chains <- NULL
  Nr_of_VJ_chains <- NULL
  ccombs1 <- NULL
  unique_id_internal <- NULL
  sample_id <- NULL
  new_clonal_feature <- NULL

  #### Functions definition ####
  match_ab_single <- function(sample_dfs, sample_aberrant){ #for matching cells with only a single chain in total to cells with anything more than that. Needs a new_clonal_feature column to compare
    if(nrow(sample_aberrant) > 0){
      curr_ab <- sample_aberrant

      message(paste0("Attempting to merge in ", length(unique(sample_aberrant$unique_id_internal)), " aberrant cells"))

      for(cel in 1:nrow(curr_ab)){
        clone_matches <- which(stringr::str_detect(sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature, curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel]))
        if(sample_aberrant$Nr_of_VDJ_chains[cel] == 0){
        if(length(unique(sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature[clone_matches])) > 1){ #This returns TRUE if multiple defined 1VDJ 1VJ clones match the pattern of the aberrant query clone

          #update: prioritisation of merging cells into clonotypes of the same sample
          same_sample <- subset(sample_dfs[clone_matches,], sample_id == curr_ab$sample_id[cel])
          #are there any existing clones in the same sample as the current aberrant cell which match this cells pattern?
          if(nrow(same_sample) > 0){ #-> yes
            #Assigning the aberrant query clone to the most frequent matching clone of the same sample
            curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel] <- names(which.max(table(same_sample$new_clonal_feature)))
          } else { #-> no. Proceed as before update
            #Assigning the aberrant query clone to the most frequent matching clone
            curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel] <- names(which.max(table(sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature[clone_matches])))
        } else if(length(unique(sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature[clone_matches])) == 1){#This returns TRUE if exactly one predefined clone matches the pattern of the abberant query clone
          curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel] <- unique(sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature[clone_matches]) #Assigning the aberrant query clone to the only matching clone
        }  #ELSE: no clone found with the light chain of this cell => open a new clone by leaving the clonal feature as is
      sample_aberrant <- curr_ab #re transpose into list

  match_ab_single_homology <- function(sample_dfs, sample_aberrant, clone.strategy, homology.threshold){ #for matching cells with only a single chain in total to cells with anything more than that. Needs a new_clonal_feature column to compare
    if(nrow(sample_aberrant) > 0){
      curr_ab <- sample_aberrant

      message(paste0("Attempting to merge in ", length(unique(sample_aberrant$unique_id_internal)), " aberrant cells"))

      for(cel in 1:nrow(curr_ab)){

        #check if the chain matches any already existing clone
        clone_matches <- which(stringr::str_detect(sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature, curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel]))
        #now check for homology
        if(length(clone_matches) > 0){
          #Get normalized string distances between the current aberrant cell and the clones with matching v gene usage and cdr3 length
          if(nchar(curr_ab$VDJ_cdr3s_aa[cel]) != 0){
            dists_VDJ <- stringdist::stringdist(sample_dfs$VDJ_cdr3s_aa[clone_matches], curr_ab$VDJ_cdr3s_aa[cel]) / nchar(curr_ab$VDJ_cdr3s_nt[cel])
          } else if(nchar(curr_ab$VDJ_cdr3s_aa[cel]) == 0){
            if(clone.strategy %in% c("Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDR3.homology", "CDR3.homology")){
              dists_VDJ <- rep(0, length(clone_matches))
            } else if(clone.strategy %in% c("Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDRH3.homology", "CDRH3.homology")){ #problem case: looking for VDJ homology only, but cell has no VDJ chain. Will be its own clonotype
              dists_VDJ <- rep(100, length(clone_matches))
          if(nchar(curr_ab$VJ_cdr3s_nt[cel]) != 0 & clone.strategy %in% c("Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDR3.homology", "CDR3.homology")){
            dists_VJ <- stringdist::stringdist(sample_dfs$VJ_cdr3s_aa[clone_matches], curr_ab$VJ_cdr3s_aa[cel]) / nchar(curr_ab$VJ_cdr3s_aa[cel])
          } else {dists_VJ <- rep(0, length(clone_matches))}
          dists <- dists_VDJ + dists_VJ #getting combined distances and testing vs. threshold

          #Directo  homology criterion
          if(any(dists <= homology.threshold)){
            curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel] <- sample_dfs$new_clonal_feature[clone_matches][which.min(dists)] #Assigning the aberrant query clone to the only matching clone
            #ELSE: no clone found with the light chain of this cell => open a new clone
          } else { curr_ab$new_clonal_feature[cel] <- paste0("hclust_nomatch_", curr_ab$unique_id_internal)}
      sample_aberrant <- curr_ab #re transpose into list

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - SUBROUTINE 1: strip sample id off barcodes for easier mergings
  strip_barcodes <- function(sample_df){
    strip_single_barcode <- function(barcode){
      stripped_barcode <- unlist(stringr::str_split(barcode, '_'))[2]
    sample_df$stripped_barcodes <- unlist(lapply(sample_df$barcode, function(x) strip_single_barcode(x)))

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - SUBROUTINE 2: calls enclone on sample df, returns the output csv path, output sample df, and sample name(s)
  get_enclone_output <- function(sample_df, output_dir = temp_dir, VDJ_directory = VDJ.directory){
    sample_names <- unlist(unique(sample_df$sample_id))
    message(paste0("Processing sample ", paste0(sample_names, collapse = ';')))

    #sample_names <- paste0(sample_names, collapse = merge_origin_sep)
    file_name <- paste0(sample_names, collapse = '_')
    temp_file <- paste0(output_dir, '/', file_name, '.csv')

    VDJ_sample_paths <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(sample_names)){
      VDJ_sample_paths[i] <- paste0(VDJ_directory, '/', sample_names[i])

    path_with_origin <- paste0(VDJ_sample_paths, collapse = merge_origin_sep)

    #Get cell type
    cell_type <- unique(sample_df$celltype)
    if(length(cell_type) > 1){
      stop('Enclone only works on data with a single cell type - ensure your (merged) sample contains a single cell type or do not merge samples with different cell types')

    if(cell_type == 'B cell'){
      cell_type <- 'BCR'
    }else if(cell_type == 'T cell'){
      cell_type <- 'TCR'
      stop(paste0('Unrecognized cell type ', cell_type))

    console_command <- paste0(os_prefix, 'enclone ', cell_type, '=', '"', path_with_origin, '"', ' POUT=', temp_file, ' PCELL PCOLS=barcode,group_id NOPRINT')

    return(list('sample_df'=sample_df, 'sample_names'=sample_names, 'csv_file'=temp_file))

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - SUBROUTINE 3: merge the new clonotypes into the sample dfs, using the stripped_barcodes column. Recalculate clonotype frequencies, reorder sample df, clean-up
  merge_enclone_clonotypes <- function(enclone_out){
    new_clonotypes <- utils::read.csv(enclone_out$csv_file)
    new_clonotypes <- new_clonotypes[c('group_id', 'barcode')]
    names(new_clonotypes)[names(new_clonotypes) == 'group_id'] <- 'new_group_id'
    names(new_clonotypes)[names(new_clonotypes) == 'barcode'] <- 'stripped_barcodes'

    sample_df <- enclone_out$sample_df
    sample_df <- strip_barcodes(sample_df)

    sample_out <- merge(sample_df, new_clonotypes, by='stripped_barcodes', all.x = T)
    sample_out$new_group_id <- unlist(lapply(sample_out$new_group_id, function(x) paste0('clonotype', x)))
    sample_out$clonotype_id <- sample_out$new_group_id
    sample_out$clonotype_id_10x <- sample_out$new_group_id

    sample_out$clonotype_frequency <- unlist(lapply(sample_out$clonotype_id, function(x) length(which(sample_out$clonotype_id == x))))

    sample_out$stripped_barcodes <- NULL
    sample_out$new_group_id <- NULL


  #### Parameter setup ####
  platypus.version <- "v3"
  if(missing(global.clonotype)) global.clonotype <- F
  if(missing(clone.strategy)) clone.strategy <- "cdr3.aa"
  if(missing(VDJ.VJ.1chain)) VDJ.VJ.1chain <- T
  if(missing(VDJ)) stop("Please provide input data as VDJ")
  if(missing(hierarchical)) hierarchical <- "none"
  if(missing(homology.threshold)) homology.threshold <- 0.3
  if(missing(triple.chain.count.threshold)) triple.chain.count.threshold <- 5

  if(hierarchical == F){
    hierarchical <- "none"
    message("After function updates, please set hierachical to either 'none', 'single.chains', 'double.and.single.chains'. hierarchical was set to 'none' based on your current input for backwards compatibility")
  if(hierarchical == T){
    hierarchical <- "single.chains"
    message("After function updates, please set hierachical to either 'none', 'single.chains', 'double.and.single.chains'. hierarchical was set to 'single.chains' based on your current input for backwards compatibility")
  if(!hierarchical %in% c("none", "single.chains", "double.and.single.chains")){
    stop("Please set hierachical to either 'none', 'single.chains', 'double.and.single.chains'.")

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - Added the VDJ directory which enclone will need (which should include all sample VDJ)
  if(missing(VDJ.directory) & clone.strategy == 'enclone') stop('Please input the VDJ directory for all samples when clone.strategy = "enclone" ')

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - Added operating system parameter for enclone
  if(missing(operating.system) & clone.strategy == 'enclone'){
               Windows= {message("Windows system detected")
                         operating.system <- "Windows"},
               Linux  = {message("Linux system detected")
                        operating.system <- "Linux"},
               Darwin = {message("MAC system detected")
                        operating.system <- "Darwin"})


  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - Added samples.to.clonotype parameter - specify either vector of samples to reclonotype, rest will be kept the same
  if(missing(samples.to.clonotype)) samples.to.clonotype <- 'all'

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - Added samples.to.combine parameter - either vector of list of vectors for samples to have their clonotypes merged (e.g., c('s1', 's2') will only merge the first 2 samples; list(c('s1', 's2'), c('s3', 's4')) will merge the first 2 samples, and the third with the fourth, respectively )
  if(missing(samples.to.combine)) samples.to.combine <- NULL

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - Added same.origin parameter - enclone treats samples from the same donor but with the same/different origins slightly differently.
  if(missing(same.origin)) same.origin <- F

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - this ensures sample names will match the sample file names in the VDJ directory (all to lowercase); will also need X to keep old VDJ order
  VDJ$sample_id <- unlist(lapply(VDJ$sample_id, function(x) tolower(x)))
  if(!('X' %in% colnames(VDJ))) {
    VDJ$X <- 1:nrow(VDJ)

  #### ENCLONE VERSION #### - some more preprocessing/utility variables
  if(clone.strategy == 'enclone'){
    if(operating.system == 'Windows'){
      os_prefix <- 'cmd.exe '
      os_prefix <- ''

    #Enclone treats differently samples from the same donor but with the same origin/different origins - visit https://10xgenomics.github.io/enclone/ for more information
      merge_origin_sep <- ','
      merge_origin_sep <- ':'

    samples.to.clonotype <- unlist(lapply(samples.to.clonotype, function(x) tolower(x)))
    #Create the temp directory to output the parseable enclone files (per cell)
    temp_dir <- './temp_call_enclone'
    if(!dir.exists(temp_dir)) dir.create(temp_dir)

    #Check if enclone - the command line version - is installed on the user's system
    enclone_check <- system(paste0(os_prefix, "enclone"), intern = TRUE)
    if(any(stringr::str_detect(enclone_check, 'command not found'))){
      stop('Please ensure enclone is installed on your system - visit https://10xgenomics.github.io/enclone/ for more information!')

    #Check if the VDJ directory sample names correspond to the VDJ sample names
    repertoire.number <- unique(VDJ$sample_id)
      samples_to_clonotype <- repertoire.number
      samples_to_clonotype <- samples.to.clonotype

    sample_files <- list.files(VDJ.directory)
    sample_files <- unlist(lapply(sample_files, function(x) tolower(x)))
    for(sample in samples_to_clonotype){
      if(!(tolower(sample) %in% sample_files)){
        stop(paste0('Unable to find the VDJ out file for sample ', sample))

  #Making cloning stategy fitting with VDJ / VJ naming scheme
  #This way the old keyworks will still work and this update should not break any old code
  #remember for renaming later
  clone.strategy.as.input <- clone.strategy
         VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length.cdr3.homology = {clone.strategy <- 'Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDR3.homology'},
         VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length.VDJcdr3.homology  = {clone.strategy <- 'Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDRH3.homology'},
         cdr3.homology = {clone.strategy <- 'CDR3.homology'},
         VDJcdr3.homology = {clone.strategy <- 'CDRH3.homology'},
         VDJJ.VJJ = {clone.strategy <- "hvj.lvj"},
         VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length = {clone.strategy <- "hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths"})

  if(!clone.strategy %in% c("enclone", "10x.default", "cdr3.nt", "cdr3.aa", "hvj.lvj", "hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths", "Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDR3.homology", "Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDRH3.homology", "CDR3.homology", "CDRH3.homology")){
    stop("Please enter one of the following clonotyping stategies: \n  10x.default, cdr3.nt, cdr3.aa, VDJJ.VJJ, VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length, VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length.cdr3.homology, VDJJ.VJJ.cdr3length.VDJcdr3.homology, cdr3.homology, VDJcdr3.homology")
  } else {
    message(paste0("Clonotyping strategy: ", clone.strategy.as.input))
  #### prep for hierarchical ####
  #adding a unique identifier column for later

  ####ENCLONE VERSION#### - skip this preparation if clone.strategy = 'enclone'
  if(clone.strategy != 'enclone'){
    VDJ$unique_id_internal <- c(paste0("id", 1:nrow(VDJ)))
    VDJ$new_clonal_feature <- NA
    #adding a column for nchars and setting to empty strings if length 0 (makes pasting and comparing strings later easier)
    VDJ$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa <- nchar(VDJ$VDJ_cdr3s_aa)
    VDJ$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa[VDJ$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa == 0] <- ""
    VDJ$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa <- nchar(VDJ$VJ_cdr3s_aa)
    VDJ$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa[VDJ$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa == 0] <- ""

    #run through of the columns so to make them all characters and empty strings if neccessary
    for(i in 1:ncol(VDJ)){
      if(names(VDJ)[i] %in% c("VDJ_cdr3s_aa", "VJ_cdr3s_aa", "VDJ_cdr3s_nt", "VJ_cdr3s_nt", "VDJ_vgene", "VDJ_jgene", "VJ_vgene", "VJ_jgene")){
        VDJ[,i] <- as.character(VDJ[,i])
        VDJ[is.na(VDJ[,i]),i] <- ""
        VDJ[VDJ[,i] == "NA",i] <- ""

    if(!"sample_id" %in% names(VDJ) & global.clonotype == F){
      stop("sample_id column needed for clonotyping by sample was not found in the input dataframe")
    if(!"sample_id" %in% names(VDJ) & hierarchical != "none" ){
      warning("sample_id column not found in input dataframe. This is used to merge single chain cells into existing clonotypes of the same sample with a higher priority than other samples. This feature is not available without a valid sample_id column")
      VDJ$sample_id <- "no_info_provided"

    #redefining count so to make sure
    VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains <- 0
    VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains[nchar(VDJ$VDJ_cdr3s_aa) > 0] <- 1
    VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains[stringr::str_detect(VDJ$VDJ_cdr3s_aa, ";")] <- 2
    VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains <- 0
    VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains[nchar(VDJ$VJ_cdr3s_aa) > 0] <- 1
    VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains[stringr::str_detect(VDJ$VJ_cdr3s_aa, ";")] <- 2

    if(hierarchical == "none"){ #NOT hierarchical
      #only include clones with one heavy and one light chain
        VDJ<- VDJ[which(VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains==1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains==1),]
      }####STOP strict
    } else { # hierarchical (either all or only single chain)
      #only include clones with one heavy and one light chain
        message("Hierarchical clonotyping is specifically designed to incorporate cells with abberand numbers of chains. Filtering for 1VDJ 1VJ chain thereby defeats its purpose. Function will continue without filtering.")
      prior_filtering <- nrow(VDJ)
      #filtering cells with 2 VDJ and 2 VJ chains as but not cells with e.g. 2 VJ and 1 VDJ chain. Cells with only 1 chain in total are also kept
      VDJ <- subset(VDJ,  (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 0) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 1) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 2) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 0 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 2) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 0 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 1))
      if(nrow(VDJ) > 0){
        message(paste0("Filtered out ", prior_filtering - nrow(VDJ), " cells containing more than one VDJ AND VJ chain or two VDJ chains, as these likely correspond to doublets"))
      } else {stop("After filtering for doublets, no cells remained")}

      #here we pick only single chain cells as aberrant cells. All others are treated as if hierarchical was set to none
      aberrant <-  subset(VDJ, (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 0) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 0 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 1))

      if(nrow(aberrant) > 0){ #check if there are aberrant cells

        #removing these cells by the added unique id from the main table
        VDJ <- VDJ[!VDJ$unique_id_internal %in% aberrant$unique_id_internal, ]

        if(hierarchical == "double.and.single.chains"){
          #here we pick out two sets: single chain cells and cells with double chains of either VDJ or VJ chains (including those with 3 chains in total)
          double_aberrant <- subset(VDJ, (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains > 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 0) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains > 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 1) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains > 1) | (VDJ$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 0 & VDJ$Nr_of_VJ_chains > 1))

          VDJ <- VDJ[!VDJ$unique_id_internal %in% double_aberrant$unique_id_internal, ]

          if(nrow(double_aberrant) > 0){ #checking that we have cells

            #to be able to remap original cells later we keep a copy before making pseudocells
            backup_double_aberrant <- double_aberrant

            #### Checking minimal count to use triple aberrant cells as hub cells for clonotypes ####
            triple_aberrant <- subset(double_aberrant, (double_aberrant$Nr_of_VDJ_chains > 1 & double_aberrant$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 1) | (double_aberrant$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 1 & double_aberrant$Nr_of_VJ_chains > 1))

            #to be able to remap original cells later we keep a copy before making pseudocells
            backup_triple_aberrant <- triple_aberrant

            #order CDR3s alphabetically
            for(z in 1:nrow(triple_aberrant)){
              triple_aberrant$VDJ_cdr3s_nt_check[z] <- paste0(sort(stringr::str_split(triple_aberrant$VDJ_cdr3s_nt[z], ";", simplify = T)[1,]), collapse = "")
              triple_aberrant$VJ_cdr3s_nt_check[z] <- paste0(sort(stringr::str_split(triple_aberrant$VJ_cdr3s_nt[z], ";", simplify = T)[1,]), collapse = "")
            #add new checking feature
            triple_aberrant$thresh_check_feature <- paste0(triple_aberrant$VDJ_cdr3s_nt_check, triple_aberrant$VJ_cdr3s_nt_check)
            #getting those cells which are higher in frequency then the set threshold
            high_conf_unique_features <- names(table(triple_aberrant$thresh_check_feature)[table(triple_aberrant$thresh_check_feature) > triple.chain.count.threshold])

            message(paste0("Found ", length(high_conf_unique_features), " exact matching clones with 3 chains and a frequency of at least ", triple.chain.count.threshold,". These will be used as high confidence clonotypes."))

            #keep track of the ID of these cells
            high_conf_triple_chains <- triple_aberrant$unique_id_internal[triple_aberrant$thresh_check_feature %in% high_conf_unique_features]

            #not needed anymore
            triple_aberrant <- NULL

            #removing all double and triple aberant cells by the added unique id from the main table
            VDJ <- VDJ[!VDJ$unique_id_internal %in% double_aberrant$unique_id_internal, ]

            #now the key part +> use the unique identifer to split up double chain cells in to 2 normal cells each and pass them trough as normal
            for(i in 1:ncol(double_aberrant)){
              if(names(double_aberrant)[i] %in% c("VDJ_cdr3s_aa", "VJ_cdr3s_aa", "VDJ_cdr3s_nt", "VJ_cdr3s_nt", "VDJ_vgene", "VDJ_jgene", "VJ_vgene", "VJ_jgene")){
                double_aberrant[!stringr::str_detect(double_aberrant[,i], ";"),i] <- paste0(double_aberrant[!stringr::str_detect(double_aberrant[,i], ";"),i], ";")
            #making pseudocells
            pseudo_cells <- list()
            for(i in 1:nrow(double_aberrant)){
              curr <- rbind(double_aberrant[i,], double_aberrant[i,]) #make dataframe with two identical rows
              for(j in 1:ncol(curr)){
                if(names(curr)[j] %in% c("VDJ_cdr3s_aa", "VJ_cdr3s_aa", "VDJ_cdr3s_nt", "VJ_cdr3s_nt", "VDJ_vgene", "VDJ_jgene", "VJ_vgene", "VJ_jgene")){
                  #add a ; to chains that do not have one to to make splitting easier
                  #remove ;from the end
                  curr[,j] <- gsub(";$", "", curr[,j])
                  curr[!stringr::str_detect(curr[,j], ";"),j] <- paste0(curr[!stringr::str_detect(curr[,j], ";"),j], ";",curr[!stringr::str_detect(curr[,j], ";"),j])
                  #For cells in row 1 = make those equal to the first "chain" of the aberrant cell
                  curr[1,j] <- stringr::str_split(curr[1,j], ";", simplify = T)[1,1]
                  #For cells in row 2 = make those equal to the second "chain" of the aberrant cell
                  curr[2,j] <- stringr::str_split(curr[2,j], ";", simplify = T)[1,2]
              #updating nchar values
              curr$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa <- nchar(curr$VDJ_cdr3s_aa)
              curr$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa[curr$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa == 0] <- ""
              curr$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa <- nchar(curr$VJ_cdr3s_aa)
              curr$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa[curr$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa == 0] <- ""
              #adding to list
              pseudo_cells[[i]] <- curr
            #coerce into one dataframe
            pseudo_cells <- dplyr::bind_rows(pseudo_cells)
            #now to distribute these cells into either the normal VDJ or the aberrant cells

            normal_pseudo <- subset(pseudo_cells, pseudo_cells$Nr_of_VDJ_chains != 0 & pseudo_cells$Nr_of_VJ_chains != 0)
            aberrant_pseudo <- subset(pseudo_cells, pseudo_cells$Nr_of_VDJ_chains == 0 | pseudo_cells$Nr_of_VJ_chains == 0)

            #bind with corresponding dataframes
            VDJ <- rbind(VDJ, normal_pseudo)
            aberrant <- subset(aberrant, !unique_id_internal %in% aberrant_pseudo$unique_id_internal)
            aberrant <- rbind(aberrant, aberrant_pseudo)

          } else {#end checking if we have double aberrant cells
            clone.strategy <- "single.chains" #if there are not double aberrant chains, we switch back to normal hierarchical clonotyping

      } else {#end checking if we have  aberrant cells
        clone.strategy <- "none"

  #### prep for global clonotying ####
  #if(global.clonotype==F){ # loop through each repertoire individually
  #  repertoire.number <- unique(as.character(VDJ$sample_id))
  #  sample_dfs <- list()
  #  sample_aberrant <- list()
  #  for(j in 1:length(repertoire.number)){ #Add samples to list
  #    sample_dfs[[j]] <- subset(VDJ, sample_id==repertoire.number[j])
  #    if(hierarchical != "none"){
  #      #subsetting the aberrant cells two. The chance is quite high that in small repertoires some of these resulting dataframes will contain 0 rows.
  #      sample_aberrant[[j]] <- subset(aberrant, sample_id==repertoire.number[j])
  #    }
  #  }
  #} else { #global clonotyping. Convert to list so to be able to run it through the same loop as for non global clonotyping
  #  sample_dfs <- list(VDJ)
  #  if(hierarchical != "none"){
  #    sample_aberrant <- list(aberrant)
  #  }
  #### Start sample loop ####

  ####ENCLONE VERSION#### - more specific sample preparation for clonotyping and sample merging (depending on global.clonotype, samples.to.clonotype, samples.to.merge)

  repertoire.number <- unique(VDJ$sample_id)

    samples_to_clonotype <- repertoire.number
    samples_to_clonotype <- samples.to.clonotype

  samples_not_clonotyped <- VDJ[!(VDJ$sample_id %in% samples_to_clonotype),]
  VDJ <- VDJ[VDJ$sample_id %in% samples_to_clonotype,]

  #Segment the main VDJ into sample dfs - these will be used to indicate the file directory names for enclone (via sample_dfs[[1]]$sample_id)
  sample_dfs <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(samples_to_clonotype)){
      sample_dfs[[i]] <- VDJ[which(VDJ$sample_id==samples_to_clonotype[i]),]

  }else if(!is.null(samples.to.combine) & global.clonotype){
    remaining_dfs <- 0
    samples.to.combine <- unlist(lapply(samples.to.combine, function(x) tolower(x)))
    if(is.vector(samples.to.combine) & !is.list(samples.to.combine)){
      for(i in 1:length(samples.to.combine)){
        if(!(tolower(samples.to.combine[i]) %in% VDJ$sample_id)){
          stop(paste0('Sample ', samples.to.combine[i], ' not found in your VDJ object. Ensure the spelling is correct!'))
      sample_dfs[[1]] <- VDJ[VDJ$sample_id %in% samples.to.combine,]
      remaining_dfs <- remaining_dfs + 1

    }else if(is.list(samples.to.combine) & is.vector(samples.to.combine)){
      for(i in 1:length(samples.to.combine)){
        samples.to.combine[[i]] <- lapply(samples.to.combine[[i]], function(x) tolower(x))

        for(j in 1:length(samples.to.combine[[i]])){
          if(!(tolower(samples.to.combine[[i]][[j]]) %in% VDJ$sample_id)){
            stop(paste0('Sample ', samples.to.combine[[i]][[j]], ' not found in your VDJ object. Ensure the spelling is correct!'))
        sample_dfs[[i]] <- VDJ[VDJ$sample_id %in% samples.to.combine[[i]],]
        remaining_dfs <- remaining_dfs + 1

    remaining_samples <- repertoire.number[which(!(repertoire.number) %in% unlist(samples.to.combine))]

      for(i in 1:length(remaining_samples)){
          sample_dfs[[i+remaining_dfs]] <- VDJ[which(VDJ$sample_id==remaining_samples[i]),]
    sample_dfs[[1]] <- VDJ

  samples_not_clonotyped$new_clonal_feature <- NULL
  samples_not_clonotyped$unique_id_internal <- NULL
  samples_not_clonotyped$nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa <- NULL
  samples_not_clonotyped$nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa <- NULL

  ####ENCLONE VERSION#### - for a more modular implementation of the enclone subroutine, will skip the sample iteration and normal clonotyping routine (ALSO NOT TO BREAK THE CODE!!!)
  if(clone.strategy != 'enclone'){
    for(i in 1:length(sample_dfs)){
      ####Clonotyping strategies

      message(paste0("Processing sample ", paste0(unique(sample_dfs[[i]]$sample_id), collapse = ';')))

      if(clone.strategy=="10x.default"){ ####START 10x default
        sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- sample_dfs[[i]]$clonotype_id_10x
        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical 10x default
          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- lapply(sample_aberrant[[i]], function(x){
            x$new_clonal_feature <- x$clonotype_id_10x
        } ####STOP Hierarchical 10x default
      } #### STOP default 10x
      else if(clone.strategy=="cdr3.nt"){ ####START cdr3.nt

        sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_cdr3s_nt,
                                                    sample_dfs[[i]]$VJ_cdr3s_nt, sep="")

        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical single cdr3.nt

          #define clonal features
          sample_aberrant[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_aberrant[[i]]$VDJ_cdr3s_nt,
                                                           sample_aberrant[[i]]$VJ_cdr3s_nt, sep="")

          #match to main dataframe and update clonal features accordingly
          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- match_ab_single(sample_dfs[[i]], sample_aberrant[[i]])
        } ####STOP Hierarchical cdr3.nt
      } ####STOP cdr3.nt
      else if(clone.strategy=="cdr3.aa"){ ####START cdr3.aa

        sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa,
                                                    sample_dfs[[i]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa, sep="")

        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical single cdr3.aa

          #define clonal features
          sample_aberrant[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_aberrant[[i]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa,
                                                           sample_aberrant[[i]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa, sep="")

          #match to main dataframe and update clonal features accordingly
          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- match_ab_single(sample_dfs[[i]], sample_aberrant[[i]])
        } ####STOP Hierarchical cdr3.aa
      } ####STOP cdr3.aa
      else if(clone.strategy=="hvj.lvj"){ ####START hvj.lvj
        sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_vgene,

        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical single cdr3.nt

          sample_aberrant[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_aberrant[[i]]$VDJ_vgene,

          #match to main dataframe and update clonal features accordingly
          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- match_ab_single(sample_dfs[[i]], sample_aberrant[[i]])
        } ####STOP Hierarchical hvj.lvj
      } ####STOP hvj.lvj
      else if(clone.strategy=="hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths"){ ####START hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths
        sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_vgene,

        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical single hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths

          sample_aberrant[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_aberrant[[i]]$VDJ_vgene,

          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- match_ab_single(sample_dfs[[i]], sample_aberrant[[i]]) #match to main dataframe and update clonal features accordingly
        } #### Stop hierarchical single hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths
      } ####STOP hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths
      else if(clone.strategy=="Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDR3.homology" | clone.strategy=="Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDRH3.homology"){   ####START hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths homology

        sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_vgene,
        #loop over unique new clonal features
        curr_cl <- list()
        for(k in 1:length(unique(sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature))){
          curr_cl[[k]] <- subset(sample_dfs[[i]], new_clonal_feature == unique(sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature)[k])
          if(nrow(curr_cl[[k]]) > 1){ #only passing ones to hclust which have at least two entries
            nchars_VDJ <- nchar(curr_cl[[k]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa)
            nchars_VDJ[nchars_VDJ == 0] <- 1 #account for missing chains
            #open stringdist matrix
            VDJ_distance <- stringdist::stringdistmatrix(curr_cl[[k]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa, curr_cl[[k]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa,method = "lv")/nchars_VDJ
            if (clone.strategy=="Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDR3.homology"){
              nchars_VJ <- nchar(curr_cl[[k]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa)
              nchars_VJ[nchars_VJ == 0] <- 1 #account for missing chains
              #open stringdist matrix
              VJ_distance <- stringdist::stringdistmatrix(curr_cl[[k]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa,curr_cl[[k]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa,method = "lv")/nchars_VJ
            } else {VJ_distance <- 0} #in case of Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDRH3.homology clonotyping
            #draw clusters
            combined_distance <- VDJ_distance + VJ_distance
            diag(combined_distance) <- NA
            hclust_combined <- stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(combined_distance)) #convert combined_distance to a distance object
            hclust_combined_cut <- stats::cutree(hclust_combined, h = homology.threshold)
            #add to clonal features
            curr_cl[[k]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(curr_cl[[k]]$new_clonal_feature,"_",k, "_",hclust_combined_cut)
        sample_dfs[[i]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(curr_cl) #reassemble the dataframe

        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical single hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths

          sample_aberrant[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste(sample_aberrant[[i]]$VDJ_vgene,

          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- match_ab_single_homology(sample_dfs[[i]], sample_aberrant[[i]], clone.strategy, homology.threshold) #match to main dataframe and update clonal features accordingly
        } #### STOP hierarchical single hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths
      } ####STOP hvj.lvj.cdr3lengths homology
      else if (clone.strategy=="CDR3.homology" | clone.strategy=="CDRH3.homology"){####START homology

        if(nrow(sample_dfs[[i]]) > 1){ #only passing ones to hclust which have at least two entries
          nchars_VDJ <- nchar(sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa)
          nchars_VDJ[nchars_VDJ == 0| is.na(nchars_VDJ)] <- 1 #account for missing chains
          cdr3_VDJ <- sample_dfs[[i]]$VDJ_cdr3s_aa

          #open stringdist matrix
          VDJ_distance <- stringdist::stringdistmatrix(cdr3_VDJ, cdr3_VDJ,method = "lv")/nchars_VDJ
          if (clone.strategy=="CDR3.homology"){
            nchars_VJ <- nchar(sample_dfs[[i]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa)
            nchars_VJ[nchars_VJ == 0 | is.na(nchars_VJ)] <- 1 #account for missing chains
            cdr3_VJ <- sample_dfs[[i]]$VJ_cdr3s_aa

            #open stringdist matrix
            VJ_distance <- stringdist::stringdistmatrix(cdr3_VJ,cdr3_VJ,method = "lv")/nchars_VJ
          } else {VJ_distance <- 0} #in case of Hvj.Lvj.CDR3length.CDRH3.homology clonotyping
          #draw clusters
          combined_distance <- VDJ_distance + VJ_distance
          diag(combined_distance) <- NA

          hclust_combined <- stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(combined_distance)) #convert combined_distance to a distance object
          hclust_combined_cut <- stats::cutree(hclust_combined, h = homology.threshold)
          #add to clonal features

          sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- paste0("hclust", hclust_combined_cut)
        if(hierarchical != "none"){ ####START Hierarchical single homology

          sample_aberrant[[i]]$new_clonal_feature <- "hclust" #The match_ab_single_homology function runs a str_detect to find clonal_features in the main dataframe which contain the clonal feature...
          #of the aberrant cell in question. Here we set all clonal features of the aberrant cells to hclust. This string is also contained in all clonal features of the main table...
          #(see above). Therefore, for each aberrant cell all cells from the main dataframe are taken into consideration and cells are merged in only based on homology
          sample_aberrant[[i]] <- match_ab_single_homology(sample_dfs[[i]], sample_aberrant[[i]], clone.strategy, homology.threshold) #match to main dataframe and update clonal features accordingly
        }####STOP Hierarchical single homology
      }####STOP homology

      #### regrouping ####
      #grouping and merging again to get accurate frequencies
      if(hierarchical != "none"){
        aggr_aberrant <- sample_aberrant[[i]]
        if(any(names(aggr_aberrant) != names(sample_dfs[[i]]))){
          stop("Not able to join main and merging dataframes due to column mismatch")
        } else {
          sample_dfs[[i]] <- rbind(sample_dfs[[i]], aggr_aberrant)
        #recondensing pseudocells into original ones and matching clonotypes accordingly

        if(hierarchical == "double.and.single.chains"){

          #input are the dataframe of normal cells and the dataframe of aberrant cells. Both contain pseudocells
          #we first have to pick out these pseudocells by getting only the rows which have duplicated unique internal ids
          pseudo_cells <- sample_dfs[[i]][sample_dfs[[i]]$unique_id_internal %in% names(table(sample_dfs[[i]]$unique_id_internal)[table(sample_dfs[[i]]$unique_id_internal) > 1]), ]

          #now remove these from the sample_dfs[[i]] dataframe
          sample_dfs[[i]] <- subset(sample_dfs[[i]], !sample_dfs[[i]]$unique_id_internal %in% pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal)

          if(length(unique(pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal)) > 1){
            original_aberrant <- list()
            unique_ids_covered <- c()
            for(j in 1:length(unique(pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal))){
              if(!unique(pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal)[j] %in% unique_ids_covered){ #check if this id has already been processed as part of a clonotype
                curr_pseudo_cell <- subset(pseudo_cells, unique_id_internal == unique(pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal)[j])
                #getting the associated clonotypes for each cell
                curr_clonotypes <- curr_pseudo_cell$new_clonal_feature #this vector will always be length 2
                if(unique(pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal)[j] %in% high_conf_triple_chains){ #checking if this was passed the triple.chain.count.threshold
                  #create an identifer to raise awarness that this is a joined clonotype
                  update_clonotype_feature <- paste0("joint_", curr_clonotypes[1], "_", curr_clonotypes[2])

                  #adding the new clonotype feature to ALL cells that matched at least one of the two pseudocells of that clonotype
                  matches <- which(sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature %in% curr_pseudo_cell$new_clonal_feature)

                  if(length(matches) > 0){
                    sample_dfs[[i]]$new_clonal_feature[matches] <- update_clonotype_feature

                  #add a new clonal feature to the original cell. This will make it distinct from any other cells
                  #now find the original cells that made up the pseudocells with this clonal feature and add the updated clonal feature
                  all_matching_orig_ids <- pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal[pseudo_cells$new_clonal_feature %in% curr_clonotypes]
                  #additional filtering step required: we only keep those original cells of which we have two rows aka BOTH pseudocells in that table. This way we only group exact matches but not extra pseudocells which may match this clonotype, but of which the original cell contained a non matching chain
                  full_matching_orig_ids <- all_matching_orig_ids[duplicated(all_matching_orig_ids) == T]

                  original_aberrant[[j]] <- subset(backup_double_aberrant, unique_id_internal %in% full_matching_orig_ids)
                  original_aberrant[[j]]$new_clonal_feature <- update_clonotype_feature
                  #keep track so we dont have to repeat the loop
                  unique_ids_covered <- c( unique_ids_covered,original_aberrant[[j]]$unique_id_internal)

                } else { # did not pass the triple.chain.count.threshold

                  #create an identifer to raise awarness that this is a low conf clonotype of only aberrant cells
                  update_clonotype_feature <- paste0("double_cell_", "_matching_", curr_clonotypes[1], "_", curr_clonotypes[2])

                  #add a new clonal feature to the original cell. This will make it distinct from any other cells
                  #now find the original cells that made up the pseudocells with this clonal feature and add the updated clonal feature
                  all_matching_orig_ids <- pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal[pseudo_cells$new_clonal_feature %in% curr_clonotypes]
                  #additional filtering step required: we only keep those original cells of which we have two rows aka BOTH pseudocells in that table. This way we only group exact matches but not extra pseudocells which may match this clonotype, but of which the original cell contained a non matching chain
                  full_matching_orig_ids <- all_matching_orig_ids[duplicated(all_matching_orig_ids) == T]

                  original_aberrant[[j]] <- subset(backup_double_aberrant, unique_id_internal %in% full_matching_orig_ids)
                  original_aberrant[[j]]$new_clonal_feature <- update_clonotype_feature

                  #remove this from the sample_df dataframe
                  sample_dfs[[i]]  <- subset(sample_dfs[[i]], !unique_id_internal %in% unique(pseudo_cells$unique_id_internal[pseudo_cells$new_clonal_feature %in% curr_clonotypes]))

                  #keep track so we dont have to repeat the loop
                  unique_ids_covered <- c(unique_ids_covered, original_aberrant[[j]]$unique_id_internal)
            } #end loop over pseudo cells clonal features
            #finally bind the sample_dfs to the aberrant cells
            sample_dfs[[i]] <- rbind(sample_dfs[[i]], dplyr::bind_rows(original_aberrant))

      clones_g <- as.data.frame(sample_dfs[[i]] %>% dplyr::group_by(new_clonal_feature) %>% dplyr::summarise(new_clonal_frequency = dplyr::n()))
      clones_g <- clones_g[order(clones_g$new_clonal_frequency, decreasing = T),]
      clones_g$new_clonotype_id <- paste0("clonotype", 1:nrow(clones_g))
      sample_dfs[[i]] <- merge(sample_dfs[[i]], clones_g, by = "new_clonal_feature")
      #Order by frequency
      sample_dfs[[i]] <-sample_dfs[[i]][with(sample_dfs[[i]], order(-new_clonal_frequency)), ]
    }####STOP sample loop

    #### Output ####
    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- dplyr::bind_rows(sample_dfs)

    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[,-c(which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) %in% c("nchar_VDJ_cdr3s_aa", "nchar_VJ_cdr3s_aa","unique_id_internal")))]
    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[,c(2:ncol(VDJ.GEX.matrix), 1)]

    #Updating the active clonotype!

    #First, make sure to back up existing 10x clonotyping strategy
    if(!"clonotype_frequency_10x" %in% names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)){
      message("Backing up 10x default clonotyping in columns clonotype_id_10x and clonotype_frequency_10x before updating clonotype_id and clonotype_frequency columns")

      #VDJ.GEX.matrix$clonotype_frequency_10x <- VDJ.GEX.matrix$clonotype_frequency
      #Move clonotype_id_10x to the last column spot
      VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[c(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) != "clonotype_id_10x"], "clonotype_id_10x")]

    VDJ.GEX.matrix$clonotype_id <- VDJ.GEX.matrix$new_clonotype_id
    VDJ.GEX.matrix$clonotype_frequency <- VDJ.GEX.matrix$new_clonal_frequency

      if(any(stringr::str_detect(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix), paste0("clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input)))){
        message("Removing columns from VDJ.GEX.matrix stemming from a previous clonotyping run with same setting")
        VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[,!names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) %in% c(paste0("clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input), paste0("clonal_feature_",clone.strategy.as.input), paste0("clonotype_frequency_",clone.strategy.as.input))]
      names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) == "new_clonotype_id")] <- paste0("clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input)
      samples_not_clonotyped[paste0("clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input)] <- NA

      names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) == "new_clonal_feature")] <- paste0("clonal_feature_",clone.strategy.as.input)
      samples_not_clonotyped[paste0("clonal_feature_",clone.strategy.as.input)] <- NA

      names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) == "new_clonal_frequency")] <- paste0("clonotype_frequency_",clone.strategy.as.input)
      samples_not_clonotyped[paste0("clonotype_frequency_",clone.strategy.as.input)] <- NA

      if(any(stringr::str_detect(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix), paste0("global_clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input)))){
        VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[,!names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) %in% c(paste0("global_clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input), paste0("global_clonal_feature_",clone.strategy.as.input), paste0("global_clonotype_frequency_",clone.strategy.as.input))]
        message("Removing columns from VDJ.GEX.matrix stemming from a previous clonotyping run with same setting")
      names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) == "new_clonotype_id")] <- paste0("global_clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input)
      samples_not_clonotyped[paste0("global_clonotype_id_",clone.strategy.as.input)] <- NA

      names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) == "new_clonal_feature")] <- paste0("global_clonal_feature_",clone.strategy.as.input)
      samples_not_clonotyped[paste0("global_clonal_feature_",clone.strategy.as.input)] <- NA

      names(VDJ.GEX.matrix)[which(names(VDJ.GEX.matrix) == "new_clonal_frequency")] <- paste0("global_clonotype_frequency_",clone.strategy.as.input)
      samples_not_clonotyped[paste0("global_clonotype_frequency_",clone.strategy.as.input)] <- NA


    ####ENCLONE VERSION#### - add the samples not clonotyped

    #return(list(colnames(VDJ.GEX.matrix), colnames(samples_not_clonotyped)))

    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- rbind(VDJ.GEX.matrix, samples_not_clonotyped)
    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[order(unlist(VDJ.GEX.matrix$X)),]
    VDJ.GEX.matrix$X <- NULL


    enclone_outs <- lapply(sample_dfs, function(x) get_enclone_output(x))
    sample_outs <- lapply(enclone_outs, function(x) merge_enclone_clonotypes(x))

    unlink(temp_dir, recursive = T)

    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- do.call('rbind', sample_outs)
    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- rbind(VDJ.GEX.matrix, samples_not_clonotyped)
    VDJ.GEX.matrix <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[order(unlist(VDJ.GEX.matrix$X)),]
    VDJ.GEX.matrix$X <- NULL



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Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.