
## dbWriteTable test
## Assumes that
##  a) PostgreSQL is running, and
##  b) the current user can connect
## both of which are not viable for release but suitable while we test
## Dirk Eddelbuettel, 10 Sep 2009

## only run this if this env.var is set correctly
if (Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_USER") != "" & Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_HOST") != "" & Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_DATABASE") != "") {

    ## try to load our module and abort if this fails

    ## load the PostgresSQL driver
    drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")

    ## connect to the default db
    con <- dbConnect(drv,
                     port=ifelse((p<-Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_PORT"))!="", p, 5432))

    if (dbExistsTable(con, "rockdata")) {
        print("Removing rockdata\n")
        dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata")

    dbGetQuery(con, "set client_encoding to 'UTF-8'")
    difficultstrings <- c("normal", "t\tab", "v\vertical tab", "n\newline", "r carriage \retern", "back \\ slash", "f\form feed")
    df <- data.frame(strings=difficultstrings)

    dbWriteTable(con, "rockdata", df)

    ## run a simple query and show the query result
    res <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from rockdata")
    print("Removing rockdata\n")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata")

    difficultstringe <- c("normal", "m\u00fc\u00df")
    df <- data.frame(strings=difficultstringe)
    tryres <- try({dbWriteTable(con, "rockdata", df)
        res <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from rockdata")
        for(n in 1:2){
            cat(paste(as.character(n), "\t"))
        print("Removing rockdata\n")
        dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata")
    if(tryres != TRUE){
       cat("FAIL:  could not write small umlaut u and ligature sz.\n")
       cat("       This might be no problem for you if you don't use those special characters.\n")
       cat("       Otherwise, please check for the server encoding.\n")
       cat("       Database encoding is usually set at the time of createdb.\n")
       cat("       You can see for more information on how to setup at \n")
       cat("       http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/multibyte.html\n\n")
       cat("PASS:  could write small umlaut u and ligature sz\n")
    difficultstringk <- c("normal", "kanji\u6f22\u5b57")
    df <- data.frame(strings=difficultstringk)
    tryres <- try({dbWriteTable(con, "rockdata", df)
        res <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from rockdata")
        for(n in 1:2){
            cat(paste(as.character(n), "\t"))
        print("Removing rockdata\n")
        dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata")
    if(tryres != TRUE){
       cat("FAIL:  could not write kanji.\n")
       cat("       This might be no problem for you if you don't use multibyte characters.\n")
       cat("       Otherwise, please check for the server encoding.\n")
       cat("       Database encoding is usually set at the time of createdb.\n")
       cat("       You can see for more information on how to setup at \n")
       cat("       http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/multibyte.html\n\n")
       cat("PASS:  could write kanji\n")

    ## cleanup
    if (dbExistsTable(con, "rockdata")) {
        print("Removing rockdata\n")
        dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata")

    if (dbExistsTable(con, "tempostgrestable"))
        dbRemoveTable(con, "tempostgrestable")

    ## Test the numeric mapping
    dbGetQuery(con, "create table tempostgrestable (intcolumn integer, floatcolumn float);")

    i <- as.integer(10)
    j <- as.numeric(56.6)

    sql <- paste("insert into tempostgrestable ",
                 "values (",i, "," ,j ,") ", sep="")
    res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

    dat <- dbReadTable(con, "tempostgrestable")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "tempostgrestable")
    res <- dbWriteTable(con, "numerictable", dat)
    dat <- dbReadTable(con, "numerictable")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "numerictable")
    cat("Read Numeric values\n")

    ## now test the types of the colums we got
    if( class(dat[,1]) == "integer" ) {
       cat("PASS -- all integer is as expected\n")
       cat(paste("FAIL -- an integer became ", class(dat[,1]), "\n"))
    stopifnot( class(dat[,2]) == "numeric" )

    ## and test the values
    if( identical( dat[1,1], i)){
       cat("PASS integer value is preserved")
       cat(paste("FAIL:", i, "changed to", dat[1,1], "\n")) 
    stopifnot( identical( dat[1,2], j))
    cat("GOOD -- all numeric values are as expected\n")

    ## Test the logical mapping
    if (dbExistsTable(con, "testlogical"))
        dbRemoveTable(con, "testlogical")
    dbGetQuery(con,"create table testlogical (col1 boolean, col2 boolean)")

    i <- as.logical(TRUE)
    j <- as.logical(FALSE)

    sql <- paste("insert into testlogical ",
                 "values (",i, "," ,j ,") ", sep="")
    res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql);

    dat <- dbReadTable(con, "testlogical")
    res <- dbWriteTable(con, "logicaltable", dat)
    dbRemoveTable(con, "testlogical")
    dat2 <- dbReadTable(con,"logicaltable")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "logicaltable")
    cat("Read Logical values\n")

    ## now test the types of the colums we got
    stopifnot( class(dat2[,1]) == "logical" )
    stopifnot( class(dat2[,2]) == "logical" )
    cat("GOOD -- all logical types are as expected\n")

    ## and test the values
    stopifnot( identical( dat2[1,1], i))
    stopifnot( identical( dat2[1,2], j))
    cat("GOOD -- all logical values are as expected\n")

    ## Test the character mapping
    if (dbExistsTable(con, "testchar"))
        dbRemoveTable(con, "testchar")
    dbGetQuery(con,"create table testchar (code char(3),city varchar(20),country text);")

    i <- as.character("IN")
    j <- as.character("Hyderabad")
    k <- as.character("India")

    sql <- paste("insert into testchar ",
                 "values ('",i,"' , '",j ,"' , '",k,"') ", sep="")
    res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql);

    dat <- dbReadTable(con, "testchar")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "testchar")
    dbWriteTable(con, "testchar", dat)
    dat <- dbReadTable(con, "testchar")
    cat("Read Character values\n")

    ## now test the types of the colums we got
    stopifnot( class(dat[,1]) == "character" )
    stopifnot( class(dat[,2]) == "character" )
    stopifnot( class(dat[,3]) == "character" )
    cat("GOOD -- all character types are as expected\n")

    ## and test the values
    ##stopifnot( identical( dat[1,1], i))
    stopifnot( identical( dat[1,2], j))
    stopifnot( identical( dat[1,3], k))
    cat("GOOD -- all character values are as expected\n")

    dbRemoveTable(con, "testchar")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "tempostgrestable")

    ## Test the numeric mapping
    dbGetQuery(con, "create table tempostgrestable (intcolumn date, floatcolumn timestamp with time zone);")

    sql <- paste("insert into tempostgrestable ",
                 "values ('2011-03-07', '2011-03-07 16:30:39') ")
    res <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

    dat <- dbReadTable(con, "tempostgrestable")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "tempostgrestable")
    dbWriteTable(con, "tempostgrestable2", dat)
    dat2 <- dbReadTable(con, "tempostgrestable2")
    dbRemoveTable(con, "tempostgrestable2")
    cat("Check that read after write gets the same data types\n")

    ## now test the types of the colums we got
    if( class(dat2[1,1]) == "Date" ){
        cat("PASS -- Date type is as expected\n")
        cat("FAIL -- Date type is other than Date: ")
    if( class(dat2[1,2])[1] == "POSIXct" ){
        cat("PASS -- TIMESTAMP is received as POSIXct\n")
        cat("FAIL -- TIMESTAMP is other than POSIXct: ")



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RPostgreSQL documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:53 p.m.