
Defines functions meta.table funnelPlot print.summary.sienaMeta summary.sienaMeta plot.sienaMeta reportp print.sienaMeta siena08

Documented in funnelPlot meta.table plot.sienaMeta print.sienaMeta print.summary.sienaMeta siena08 summary.sienaMeta

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: siena08.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains the code for the meta analysis of a
# * collection of Siena fits.
# *****************************************************************************/
##@siena08 siena08
siena08 <- function(..., projname="sienaMeta", bound=5, alpha=0.05, maxit=20)
	fitList <- (!inherits(list(...)[[1]], 'sienaFit'))
	if (fitList)
		dots <- (list(...))[[1]]
    dots <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1] ##first entry is the word 'list'
    if (length(dots) == 0)
        stop('need some sienafits')
    nm <- names(dots)
    if (is.null(nm))
        fixup <- seq(along=dots)
        fixup <- nm == ''
	if (fitList)
		listName <- deparse(substitute(fitList))
		dep <- paste(listName, seq(along=fitList), sep='')
    dep <- sapply(dots[fixup], function(x) deparse(x)[1])
		dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(nm))
        nm <- dep
    else if (length(dep) > 0)
        nm[fixup] <- dep
    names(dots) <- nm
    if (any(duplicated(nm)))
        stop('names must be unique')
    ex <- dots
    projnames <- sapply(ex, function(x)x$x$projname)
    if (any(duplicated(projnames)))
        projnames <- paste(projnames, "(", names(ex), ")", sep="")

    ##first make a data frame
    mydf <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(ex), function(i, y)
                                  x <- y[[i]]
                                  n <- length(x$theta)
                                  scoretests <- rep(NA, length(x$theta))
                                  if (!is.null(x$testresulto))
                                      scoretests[x$test] <-
                                  data.frame(projname=rep(projnames[i], n),
                                                   sep=": "),
                                             version=rep(x$version, n),
                                             ## add anything more needed
                                             ## for the report

                              }, y=ex
    ## make sure the effects are in the right order.
    mydf$effects <- factor(mydf$effects, levels=unique(mydf$effects))

    ## produce meta analysis object
    dometa <- function(x)
        ##tidy up the data frame x first so theta and sj2 match in length
        ##not actually necessary for iwlsm, as model.frame deals with it.
        ## but easier for the remainder...
        x1 <- x[!is.na(x$theta) & !is.na(x$se) & x$se < bound,]
        if (any(x1$theta != 0))
            if (sum((x1$se < bound)) >= 3)
                suppressWarnings(check.correl <- cor.test(x1$theta, x1$se,
                ## warnings will be given in case of ties, not important here
                check.correl <- data.frame(estimate=NA, p.value=NA,
                                           method="no correlation test")
            regfit <- iwlsm(theta ~ 1, psi=psi.iwlsm, data=x1,
                            ses=x1$se^2, maxit=maxit)
            regfit$terms <- NA
            regfit$model <- NULL
            regfit$psi <- NULL
            ## symbols ttilde, Qstat, Tsq as in Snijders & Baerveldt (2003),
            ##(18), (17), (15)
            Tsq <- sum((x1$theta / x1$se)^2)
            regsummary <- summary(regfit)
            tratio <- regsummary$coef[1, 3]
            ttilde <- sum(x1$theta / x1$se^2) / sqrt(sum(1 / x1$se^2))
            Qstat <- Tsq - ttilde^2
            cjplus <- -2 * sum(pnorm(x1$theta / x1$se, lower.tail=FALSE,
            cjminus <- -2 * sum(pnorm(x1$theta / x1$se, log.p=TRUE))
            cjplusp <- 1 - pchisq(cjplus, 2 * nrow(x1))
            cjminusp <- 1 - pchisq(cjminus, 2 * nrow(x1))
            ## ML estimates and confidence intervals
            maxxlik <- maxlik(x1$theta, x1$se)
            cmu  <- confint.mu(x1$theta, x1$se, alpha)
            csig <- confint.sig(x1$theta, x1$se, alpha)
            ret1 <- list(cor.est=check.correl$estimate,
                         regfit=regfit, regsummary=regsummary,
                         Tsq=Tsq, pTsq=1 - pchisq(Tsq, nrow(x1)),
                         ptratio=2 * pnorm(abs(tratio), lower.tail=FALSE),
                         pttilde=1 - pchisq(Qstat, nrow(x1) - 1),
                         cjplus=cjplus, cjminus=cjminus,
                         cjplusp=cjplusp, cjminusp=cjminusp, n1=nrow(x1),
                         mu.ml=maxxlik$mu, sigma.ml=maxxlik$sigma,
                         mu.confint=cmu, sigma.confint=csig)
            ret1 <- NULL
            ret1$n1 <- 0
        if (any(!is.na(x$scoretests)))
            n <- sum(!is.na(x$scoretests))
            cjplus <- -2 * sum(pnorm(x$scoretests, lower.tail=FALSE,
                                     log.p=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
            cjminus <- -2 * sum(pnorm(x$scoretests, log.p=TRUE),
            cjplusp <- 1 - pchisq(cjplus, 2 * n)
            cjminusp <- 1 - pchisq(cjminus, 2 * n)
            ret1$scoreplus <- cjplus
            ret1$scoreminus <- cjminus
            ret1$scoreplusp <- cjplusp
            ret1$scoreminusp <- cjminusp
            ret1$ns <- n
            ret1$ns <- 0

    meta <- by(mydf, mydf$effects, dometa)
# copy effect specification and ML estimates
# to components requestedEffects, theta and se
	requestedEffects <- ex[[1]]$requestedEffects
	if (dim(requestedEffects)[1] != length(unique(mydf$effects))){
		warning('\nWarning: length requestedEffects incorrect.\n')
	meta.theta <- sapply(meta,
	meta.theta[is.na(meta.theta)] <- 0
	meta.se <- sapply(meta,
	names(meta.theta) <- rep('', length(meta.theta))
	names(meta.se) <- rep('', length(meta.se))
# Put the IWLS estimates easily accessible on the meta object
	neff <- length(unique((mydf$effects))) # number of effects
	muhat <- rep(NA, neff)
	se.muhat <- rep(NA, neff)
	for (i in 1:neff)
	if (!is.null(meta[[i]]$regsummary))
			muhat[i] <- meta[[i]]$regsummary$coefficients[1, 1]
			se.muhat[i] <- meta[[i]]$regsummary$coefficients[1, 2]
	meta$muhat <- muhat
	meta$se.muhat <- se.muhat
# add everything to the meta object created
    meta$thetadf <- mydf
    class(meta) <- "sienaMeta"
    meta$projname <- projname
    meta$bound <- bound
    ## count the score tests
    meta$scores <- by(mydf, mydf$effects,
	meta$requestedEffects <- requestedEffects
	meta$theta <- meta.theta
	meta$se <- meta.se
	meta$startingDate <- date()

## methods

##@print.sienaMeta Methods
print.sienaMeta <- function(x, file=FALSE, reportEstimates=FALSE, ...)
    exitfn <- function()
        if (file)
            ## close the report file

    projname <- x$projname
    if (file)
        Report(openfiles=TRUE, type="a", projname=projname) # initialise a file
        Report(openfiles=TRUE, type="n") #initialise with no file
    ## projnames <- unique(x$thetadf$projname)
    ## nProjects <- length(projnames)
    effects <- unique(x$thetadf$effects)
    ## nEffects <- length(effects)
    ## results

    ## estimates

    Report(c("\nTests for mean parameters use a t-distribution with N-1 d.f.,\n" ,
	         "where N = number of included groups.\n"), sep="", outf)
    Report(c("\nUpper bound used for standard error is",
             format(round(x$bound, 4), width=9, nsmall=2), ".\n"), sep="", outf)

    dashes <- paste(rep("-", 80), collapse="")
    x$thetadf$excl <- ifelse(x$thetadf$se > x$bound,
                             " EXCLUDED from meta-analysis", "")
    by(x$thetadf, x$thetadf$effects, function(x, y)
       i <- match(x$effects[1], effects)
       y <- y[[effects[i]]]
       Report(c("\n", dashes, "\nParameter ", i, ": ",
                as.character(x$effects[1]), "\n", dashes, "\n"),
              sep="", outf)
	   if (reportEstimates)
       tmp <- paste("Data set ", 1:nrow(x), ", ", format(x$projname),
                    " :  Estimate ",
                    format(round(x$theta, 4), width=12),
                    " (standard error ",
                    format(round(x$se, 4), nsmall=4,
                           width=12), ")", x$excl, "\n", sep="")
       Report(c(tmp, "\n"), sep="", outf)
       Report(c(" ", y$n1, " datasets used.\n\n"), sep="", outf)
       if (y$n1 > 0)
           Report("Test that estimates and standard errors are uncorrelated",
           if (is.na(y$cor.est))
               Report("\ncannot be performed.\n\n", outf)
               Report(c(": \n", y$cor.meth, " =", format(round(y$cor.est, 4),
                        ", two-sided ",reportp(y$cor.pval,3), "\n\n"), sep="",
           Report(c("Estimates and test based on IWLS modification of",
                    "Snijders & Baerveldt (2003)\n"),
                    "-------------------------\n"), sep="",
           Report(c("Test that all parameters are 0 : \n"), outf)
           Report(c("chi-squared =", format(round(y$Tsq, 4), width=9),
                    ", d.f. = ", y$n1, ", ",
                    reportp(y$pTsq, 3), "\n\n"), sep="", outf)
           Report(c("Estimated mean parameter",
                    format(round(y$regsummary$coefficients[1, 1], 4), width=9),
                    " (s.e.", format(round(y$regsummary$coefficients[1, 2], 4),
                                     width=9), "), two-sided ",
                    reportp(2 * pt(-abs(y$regsummary$coefficients[1, 3]),
                                   y$n1 - 1), 3), "\n\n"), sep="", outf)
           Report(c("Estimated standard deviation",
                    format(round(y$regsummary$stddev, 4), width=9)), outf)
           Report("\nTest that variance of parameter is 0 :\n", outf)
           Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$Qstat, 4), width=9),
                    " (d.f. = ", y$n1-1, "), ", reportp(y$pttilde, 3),
                    "\n\n"), sep="", outf)
           Report(c("Estimates and confidence intervals under normality",
                    "-------\n"), outf)
           Report(c("Estimated mean parameter",
                    format(round(y$mu.ml, 4), width=9),
                    " (s.e.",format(round(y$mu.ml.se, 4), width=9),
                    "), two-sided ",
                    reportp(2 * pt(-abs(y$mu.ml/y$mu.ml.se),
                                   y$n1 - 1), 3), "\n"), sep="", outf)
           Report(c(format(round(y$mu.confint[3], 2), width=4),
                    "level confidence interval [",
                    format(round(y$mu.confint[1], 4), width=7),
                    format(round(y$mu.confint[2], 4), width=7), "]\n"), outf)
           Report(c("Estimated standard deviation",
                    ifelse((y$sigma.ml > 0.0001) | (y$sigma.ml < 0.0000001),
                           format(round(y$sigma.ml, 4), width=9), " < 0.0001"),
                     "\n"), outf)
           Report(c(format(round(y$sigma.confint[3], 2), width=4),
                    "level confidence interval [",
                    format(round(y$sigma.confint[1], 4), width=7),
                    format(round(y$sigma.confint[2], 4), width=7), "]\n\n"), outf)
           Report("Fisher's combination of one-sided tests\n", outf)
           Report("----------------------------------------\n", outf)
           Report("Combination of right one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
           Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$cjplus, 4), width=9),
                    " (d.f. = ", 2 * y$n1, "), ", reportp(y$cjplusp, 3),
                    "\n"), sep="", outf)
           Report("Combination of left one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
           Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$cjminus, 4), width=9),
                    " (d.f. = ", 2 * y$n1, "), ", reportp(y$cjminusp, 3),
                    "\n"), sep="", outf)
           Report(c("There were no data sets satisfying the bounds for",
                    "this parameter.\n No combined output is given.\n"), outf)
   }, y=x)
    ##score tests
    if (any(x$scores))
        Report(c("\n\n", paste(rep("-", 65), collapse=""),
                 "\nScore tests:\nFisher combination\n",
                 paste(rep("-", 65), collapse=""), "\n"), sep="", outf)

        by(x$thetadf, x$thetadf$effects, function(x, y)
           i <- match(x$effects[1], effects)
           y <- y[[effects[i]]]
           if (y$ns > 0)
               Report(c("\n", "(", i, ")   ",
                        as.character(x$effects[1]), "\n"), sep="", outf)
               tmp <- paste("Data set ", 1:nrow(x), ", ", format(x$projname),
                            " : z = ", ifelse(is.na(x$scoretests), "NA",
                                              format(round(x$scoretests, 4),
                            "\n", sep="")
               Report(c(tmp, "\n"), sep="", outf)
               Report("Combination of right one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
               Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$scoreplus, 4),
                        " (d.f. = ", 2 * y$ns, "), ",
                        reportp(y$scoreplusp, 3), "\n"), sep="", outf)
               Report("Combination of left one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
               Report(c("Chi-squared = ",
                        format(round(y$scoreminus, 4), width=9),
                        " (d.f. = ", 2 * y$ns, "), ",
                        reportp(y$scoreminusp, 3), "\n"), sep="", outf)
       }, y=x)

##@reportp Miscellaneous
reportp <- function(p, ndec)
    thr <- exp(-ndec * log(10.0));
    if (is.na(p))
        "p undefined"
    else if (p > thr)
        c("p = ", format(round(p, ndec), width=ndec+2, scientific=FALSE,
        c("p < ", format(round(thr, ndec), width=ndec+2, scientific=FALSE,


##@plot.sienaMeta Methods
plot.sienaMeta <- function(x, ..., which = 1:length(x$theta), useBound=TRUE, layout = c(2,2))
    ## library(lattice)
	if (useBound)
		usedLines <- is.na(x$thetadf$scoretests) & (x$thetadf$se < x$bound)
		usedLines <- is.na(x$thetadf$scoretests)
    tmp <- xyplot(theta ~ se|effects[which],
                  xlab="standard errors", layout=layout,
                  panel=function(x, y)
                  panel.xyplot(x, y)
                  panel.abline(0, qnorm(0.025))
                  panel.abline(0, qnorm(0.975))
              {   list(xlim=c(min(0,min(x)),max(0,max(x))),
    tmp[!sapply(tmp$y.limits, function(x)all(is.na(x)))]

##@summary.sienaMeta Methods
summary.sienaMeta <- function(object, file=FALSE, extra=TRUE, ...)
    object$file <- file
    object$extra <- extra
    class(object) <- c("summary.sienaMeta", class(object))

##@print.summary.sienaMeta Methods
print.summary.sienaMeta <- function(x, file=FALSE, extra=TRUE, ...)
	exitfn <- function()
		if (file)
			## close the report file

	if (!is.null(x$file))
		file <- x$file
	if (!is.null(x$extra))
		extra <- x$extra
	projname <- x$projname
	if (file)
		Report(openfiles=TRUE, type="a", projname=projname) # initialise a file
		Report(openfiles=TRUE, type="n") #initialise with no file
	if (file)
		## do some sums for the heading

		namelen <- nchar(projname) + 4
		##linelen <- 80
		astlen <- min(namelen + 10, 80)
		nBlanks <- if (astlen < 80)
			(80 - astlen) %/% 2
		nBlanks2 <- if (namelen < 80)
			(80 - namelen) %/% 2
		Report(c(rep(" ", nBlanks), rep("*", astlen), "\n"), sep="", outf)
		Report(c(rep(" ", nBlanks2), projname, ".txt\n"), sep="", outf)
		Report(c(rep(" ", nBlanks), rep("*", astlen), "\n"), sep="", outf)
		Report(c("Filename is ", projname, ".txt.\n\n"), sep="", outf)
		Report(c("This file contains primary output for SIENA project <<",
				projname, ">>.\n\n"), sep="", outf)
		Report(c("Date and time:", format(Sys.time(),
					"%d/%m/%Y %X"), "\n\n"), outf)
		packageValues <- packageDescription(pkgname,
			fields=c("Version", "Date"))
		Report(c(paste(pkgname, "version "), packageValues[[1]], " (",
				format(as.Date(packageValues[[2]]), "%d %m %Y"), ")\n\n"), sep="", outf)
	Report(c("================================= SIENA08 ",
			"Multilevel use of Siena algorithms according to ",
			"Snijders & Baerveldt (2003) with extension\n",
			"=========================================\n\n"), sep="", outf)
	projnames <- unique(x$thetadf$projname)
	nProjects <- length(projnames)
	effects <- unique(x$thetadf$effects)
	nEffects <- length(effects)
	Report(c("Number of projects in the list is " ,
			length(projnames), ".\n"), sep="", outf)
	Report("The names of these projects are :\n", outf)
	tmp <- paste("project", 1:nProjects, ": <", projnames,
		">\n", sep="")
	Report(tmp, sep="", outf)
	Report(c("\nOptions for running Siena08:\n",
			"-> Parameters are excluded from the meta-analysis when their ",
			"standard\n", "   error exceeds an upper bound of ",
			round(x$bound,digits=2), ".\n"), sep="", outf)
	if (extra)
		Report("-> Extra output requested\n", outf)
		Report("-> No extra output requested\n", outf)
	## RSiena version
	Report(c("\nThe RSiena Version of the first fit object is ",
			x$thetadf$version[1], ".\n\n"), sep="", outf)
	## project names
	by(x$thetadf, x$thetadf$projname, function(x)
			Report(c("Object <", x$projname[1], "> contains estimates of ",
					nrow(x), " parameters.\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c("The number of valid score tests found was ",
					sum(is.na(x$scoretests)), ".\n"),
				sep="", outf);
	Report(c("\nA total of", nEffects, "parameters in", nProjects,
			"projects :\n"),   outf)
	Report(paste(format(1:length(effects)), ". " , effects, "\n", sep=""),
		sep="", outf)
	Report(c("\nThe projects contain the parameters as follows",
			"(1=present, 0=absent):\n\n"), outf)
	row1 <- (1:nEffects)
	rows <- do.call(rbind, tapply(x$thetadf$effects,
			x$thetadf$projname, function(x)
				as.numeric(effects %in% x)
	rows <- format(rbind(row1, rows), width=3)
	row2 <- rep(paste(rep("-", nchar(rows[1, 1])), collapse=""), nEffects)
	rows <- rbind(rows[1,], row2, rows[-1, ])
	col1 <- format(rbind("Project",
			paste(rep("-", 7), collapse=""),
			cbind(1:nProjects)), justify="centre")
	col2 <- format(rbind( "|",  "--+--",  cbind(rep("|", nProjects))),
	rows <- cbind(col1, col2, rows)
	Report(t(rows), sep = c(rep.int("", ncol(rows) - 1), "\n"), outf)
	by(x$thetadf, x$thetadf$projname, function(x)
			Report(c("\nProject", x$projname[1], "\n"), outf)
			tmp <- paste("par.", 1:nEffects, "estimate",
				format(round(x$theta, 4), width=12), "(s.e. ",
				format(round(x$se, 4), width=11), ") (conv_t",
				format(round(x$tconv, 4), width=9), ")\n")
			Report(format(tmp), sep="", outf)
			Report(c("\nMaximal absolute convergence t-statistic = ",
					format(round(max(abs(x$tconv)), 4), width=9), "\n"), outf)
			## score tests
	## results

	## estimates
	Report(c("\n\n", paste(rep("=", 29), collapse=""),
			"\nResults of the meta-analysis:\n",
			paste(rep("=", 29), collapse=""), "\n"), sep="", outf)

	Report(c("\nUpper bound used for standard error is",
			format(round(x$bound, 4), width=9, nsmall=2), ".\n"), sep="", outf)

	dashes <- paste(rep("-", 80), collapse="")
	x$thetadf$excl <- ifelse(x$thetadf$se > x$bound,
		" EXCLUDED from meta-analysis", "")
	by(x$thetadf, x$thetadf$effects, function(x, y)
			i <- match(x$effects[1], effects)
			y <- y[[effects[i]]]
			Report(c("\n", dashes, "\nParameter ", i, ": ",
					as.character(x$effects[1]), "\n", dashes, "\n"),
				sep="", outf)
			tmp <- paste("Data set ", 1:nrow(x), ", ", format(x$projname),
				" :  Estimate ",
				format(round(x$theta, 4), width=12),
				" (standard error ",
				format(round(x$se, 2), nsmall=2,
					width=11), ")", x$excl, "\n", sep="")
			Report(c(tmp, "\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c(" ", y$n1, " datasets used.\n\n"), sep="", outf)
			if (y$n1 > 0)
				if (extra)
					Report(c("IWLS modification of Snijders-Baerveldt (2003) method ",
							"of combining estimates"), outf)
							"---------------------------------\n"), sep="", outf)
					Report(c("This method assumes that true parameters and",
							" standard errors are uncorrelated.\n",
							"This can be checked by the plot method ",
							"and the test below.\n\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report("Test that estimates and standard errors are uncorrelated",
				if (is.na(y$cor.est))
					Report("\ncannot be performed.\n\n", outf)
					Report(c(": \n", y$cor.meth, " =", format(round(y$cor.est, 4),
							", two-sided ",reportp(y$cor.pval,3), "\n\n"),
						sep="", outf)
				Report(c("Test that all parameters are 0 : \n"), outf)
				Report(c("chi-squared =", format(round(y$Tsq, 4), width=9),
						", d.f. = ", y$n1, ", ",
						reportp(y$pTsq, 3), "\n\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c("Estimated mean parameter",
						format(round(y$regsummary$coefficients[1, 1], 4), width=9),
						" (s.e.", format(round(y$regsummary$coefficients[1, 2], 4),
							width=9), "), two-sided ",
						reportp(2*pt(-abs(y$regsummary$coefficients[1, 3]),
								y$n1 - 1), 3), "\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c("based on IWLS modification of Snijders & Baerveldt (2003). ",
						"\n\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c("Residual standard error",
						format(round(y$regsummary$stddev, 4), width=9)), outf)
				Report("\nTest that variance of parameter is 0 :\n",outf)
				Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$Qstat, 4), width=9),
						" (d.f. = ", y$n1-1, "), ", reportp(y$pttilde, 3),
						"\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c("based on IWLS modification of Snijders & Baerveldt (2003).",
						"\n\n"), sep="", outf)

				Report(c("Estimates and confidence intervals under normality",
                    "assumptions\n"), outf)
                    "-------\n"), outf)
				Report(c("Estimated mean parameter",
                    format(round(y$mu.ml, 4), width=9),
                    " (s.e.",format(round(y$mu.ml.se, 4), width=9),
                    "), two-sided ",
                    reportp(2 * pt(-abs(y$mu.ml/y$mu.ml.se),
                                   y$n1 - 1), 3), "\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c(format(round(y$mu.confint[3], 2), width=4),
                    "level confidence interval [",
                    format(round(y$mu.confint[1], 4), width=7),
                    format(round(y$mu.confint[2], 4), width=7), "]\n"), outf)
				Report(c("Estimated standard deviation",
                    ifelse((y$sigma.ml > 0.0001) | (y$sigma.ml < 0.0000001),
                           format(round(y$sigma.ml, 4), width=9), " < 0.0001"),
                     "\n"), outf)
				Report(c(format(round(y$sigma.confint[3], 2), width=4),
                    "level confidence interval [",
                    format(round(y$sigma.confint[1], 4), width=7),
                    format(round(y$sigma.confint[2], 4), width=7), "]\n\n"), outf)

				Report("Fisher's combination of one-sided tests\n", outf)
				Report("----------------------------------------\n", outf)
				Report("Combination of right one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
				Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$cjplus, 4), width=9),
						" (d.f. = ", 2 * y$n1, "), ", reportp(y$cjplusp, 3),
						"\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report("Combination of left one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
				Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$cjminus, 4), width=9),
						" (d.f. = ", 2 * y$n1, "), ", reportp(y$cjminusp, 3),
						"\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c("There were no data sets satisfying the bounds for",
						"this parameter.\n No combined output is given.\n"), outf)
		}, y=x)
	##score tests
	if (any(x$scores))
		Report(c("\n\n", paste(rep("-", 65), collapse=""),
				"\nScore tests:\nFisher combination\n",
				paste(rep("-", 65), collapse=""), "\n"), sep="", outf)

		invisible(by(x$thetadf, x$thetadf$effects, function(x, y)
					i <- match(x$effects[1], effects)
					y <- y[[effects[i]]]
					if (y$ns > 0)
						Report(c("\n", "(", i, ")   ",
								as.character(x$effects[1]), "\n"), sep="", outf)
						tmp <- paste("Data set ", 1:nrow(x), ", ", format(x$projname),
							" : z = ",
							ifelse(is.na(x$scoretests), "NA",
								format(round(x$scoretests, 4), width=12)),
							"\n", sep="")
						Report(c(tmp, "\n"), sep="", outf)
						Report("Combination of right one-sided p-values:\n", outf)
						Report(c("Chi-squared = ", format(round(y$scoreplus, 4),
								" (d.f. = ", 2 * y$ns, "), ",
								reportp(y$scoreplusp, 3), "\n"), sep="", outf)
						Report("Bonferroni combination of left and right one-sided p-values:\n",
						Report(c(reportp(2*min(y$scoreminusp, y$scoreplusp), 3), "\n"),
							sep="", outf)
				}, y=x))

funnelPlot <- function(anslist, k, threshold=NULL, origin=TRUE,
				plotAboveThreshold=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...)
	if (!inherits(anslist, 'list'))
		stop('this function needs a list of sienaFit objects.')
	if (!inherits(anslist[[1]], 'sienaFit'))
		stop('this function needs a list of sienaFit objects.')
	if (k <= 0)
		stop('k should be positive.')
	if (k > min(sapply(anslist, function(x){x$pp})))
		stop(paste('k is too large, should be less than or equal to ',
			min(sapply(anslist, function(x){x$pp})),'.', sep=''))
	use <- sapply(anslist, function(x){!x$fixed[k]})
	if (sum(use, na.rm=TRUE) == 0)
		stop(paste('no estimations of parameter ',k,'.', sep=''))
	notUsed <- sum(!use, na.rm=TRUE)
	efNames <- sapply(anslist, function(x){x$effects$effectName[k]})
	if (!all(efNames == efNames[1]))
		warning('not all tested effect names are the same.')
	use0 <- use
	th0 <- sapply(anslist, function(x){x$theta[k]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
	se0 <- sapply(anslist, function(x){x$se[k]}, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
	th <- th0[use]
	se <- se0[use]
	if (is.null(threshold))
		threshold <- (1.1 * range(se, na.rm=TRUE)[2]) + 0.01
	use <- use[se < threshold]
	tooLarge <- sum(se >= threshold, na.rm=TRUE)
	use <- (se < threshold)
	xxlim <- 1.1*range(th[use], na.rm=TRUE)
	yylim <- c(0,1.1*range(se[use], na.rm=TRUE)[2])
	if ((plotAboveThreshold) & any(!use))
		yylim[2] <- threshold+ 0.05
	if (origin)
		xxlim[1] <- min(xxlim[1], 0)
		xxlim[2] <- max(xxlim[2], 0)
	plot(th[use], se[use], xlim=xxlim, ylim=yylim, main=efNames[1],
			xlab='theta', ylab='se', ...)
	ma <- xxlim[2]
	mi <- xxlim[1]
	lines(c(0,ma), c(0, ma/1.96), col='red')
	lines(c(0,mi), c(0,  mi/(-1.96)), col='red')
	if ((plotAboveThreshold) & any(!use))
		points(th[!use], rep(threshold, sum(!use, na.rm=TRUE)), pch=8)
	if ((notUsed > 0) & verbose)
		cat(notUsed, 'groups had no estimation of parameter', k,'.\n')
		cat('Table of parameter values for these groups : \n')
	#	print(round(cbind((th0[!use0]), se0[!use0]), 4))
		t0 <- table(round(th0[!use0], 4))
		t <- matrix(t0, 1, length(t0))
		colnames(t) <- names(t0)
		rownames(t) <- 'count'
	if ((tooLarge > 0) & verbose)
		cat(tooLarge, 'groups had standard errors larger than', threshold,'.\n')
		cat('Rounded parameter values for these groups : \n')
		t <- as.matrix(round(rbind(th[!use], se[!use]), 2))
		rownames(t) <- c('par', 'se')

meta.table <- function(x, d=3, option=2,
	filename=paste(deparse(substitute(x)),'_global.tex',sep=""), align=TRUE)
# Produces three latex tables with summaries of sienaMeta object:
# with normality assumptions: parameters;
# with normality assumptions: confidence intervals;
# and the Fisher right and left combinations.
# d is number of digits after decimal point.
	code <- ifelse(align, "r@{.}l", "c")
	sepsign <- ifelse(align, "&", ".")
	numdig <- ifelse(align, 2, 1)
	num2dig <- ifelse(align, 4, 2)
    fromObjectToLaTeX <- function(a, mw=NULL){
		b <- as.character(a)
		b <- gsub('->', '$\\rightarrow$', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('<-', '$\\leftarrow$', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('<>', '$\\leftrightarrow$', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('=>', '$\\Rightarrow$', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('>=', '$\\geq$', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('<=', '$\\leq$', fixed=TRUE, b)
# Note: R changes \\ to \ but still displays \\ in printing the string.
		b <- gsub('^(1/1)', '', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('^(1/2)', '(sqrt)', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('^', '', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('_', '-', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('#', '.', fixed=TRUE, b)
		b <- gsub('&', '.', fixed=TRUE, b)
		format(b, width=mw)
	if (is.null(x$startingDate))
		startdate <- NULL
		startdate <- x$startingDate
	max.eff.width <- max(sapply(x$thetadf$effects,
# header
	line <- c(paste("% Table based on sienaMeta object",
	cat("\n",line, "\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("% combined sienaFit objects", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	line <- as.character(unique(x$thetadf$projname))
	cat("\n%",line, "\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	line <- c(paste("Estimation date",startdate))
	cat("\n%",line, "\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	neff <- length(unique((x$thetadf$effects))) # number of effects
	nscores <- 0
	if (option == 1)
# begin table 1
 	cat("Without assumptions of normality \\\\ \n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	line <- "\\begin{tabular}{l r"
	for (i in 1:7) {line <- paste(line, code)}
	line <- paste(line,"}")
	cat(line, "\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("Effect & $N$ & \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$T^2$} &  \\multicolumn{",
					numdig, "}{c}{($p_{T^2}$)} ",
					file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$\\hat\\mu_k$} &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{(s.e.)}",
					file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$\\hat\\sigma_k$} &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$Q$}",
					file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$p_{Q}$}", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" \\\\", "\n", sep="", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\hline \n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
# body 1
	for (i in 1:neff)
	line <- paste(fromObjectToLaTeX(x$thetadf$effects[i], max.eff.width), "&")
	line <- paste(line, x[[i]]$n1, " & ")
	if (x[[i]]$n1 >= 2)
		line <- paste(line, formatC(x[[i]]$Tsq, digits=1, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " &  (", formatC(x[[i]]$pTsq, digits=3, format="f",
					decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$regsummary$coefficients[1, 1], digits=d, format="f",
				decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & \ (",
				formatC(x[[i]]$regsummary$coefficients[1, 2], digits=d, format="f",
				decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$regsummary$stddev, digits=d, format="f",
				decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$Qstat, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " &  (",
				formatC(x[[i]]$pttilde, digits=3, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
	cat(line,"\\\\\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	nscores <- nscores + x[[i]]$ns
# tailer 1
	cat("\\end{tabular}\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	if (nscores > 0)
	cat("% There also were score tests.\\\\ \n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\bigskip\n\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
  	if (option == 2)
# begin table 2
	cat("With assumptions of normality \\\\ \n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	line <- "\\begin{tabular}{l r"
	for (i in 1:8) {line <- paste(line, code)}
	line <- paste(line,"}")
	cat(line, "\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("Effect & $N$ & \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$T^2$} &  \\multicolumn{",
			numdig, "}{c}{($p_{T^2}$)} ",
			file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$\\hat\\mu_k$} &  \\multicolumn{", num2dig,
			"}{c}{(conf. int.)}",
			file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$\\hat\\sigma_k$} &  \\multicolumn{", num2dig,
			"}{c}{(conf. int.)}",
			file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" \\\\", "\n", sep="", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\hline \n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	neff <- length(unique((x$thetadf$effects))) # number of effects
# body 2
	for (i in 1:neff)
	line <- paste(fromObjectToLaTeX(x$thetadf$effects[i], max.eff.width), "&")
	line <- paste(line, x[[i]]$n1, " & ")
	if (x[[i]]$n1 >= 2)
		line <- paste(line, formatC(x[[i]]$Tsq, digits=1, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & (", formatC(x[[i]]$pTsq, digits=3, format="f",
				decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$mu.ml, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & (", formatC(x[[i]]$mu.confint[1], digits=d, format="f",
					", &  ", formatC(x[[i]]$mu.confint[2], digits=d, format="f",
					decimal.mark=sepsign),")", sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$sigma.ml, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & (", formatC(x[[i]]$sigma.confint[1],
					digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign),
						", & ", formatC(x[[i]]$sigma.confint[2],
						digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign),")", sep="")
	cat(line,"\\\\\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	nscores <- nscores + x[[i]]$ns
# tailer 2
	cat("\\end{tabular}\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	if (nscores > 0)
	cat("% There also were score tests.\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\bigskip \n\n\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)

	if (option == 3)
# header 3
	cat("With assumptions of normality \\\\ \n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	line <- "\\begin{tabular}{l r"
	for (i in 1:7) {line <- paste(line, code)}
	line <- paste(line,"}")
	cat(line, "\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("Effect & $N$ & \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$T^2$} &  \\multicolumn{",
			numdig, "}{c}{($p_{T^2}$)} ",
			file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$\\hat\\mu_k$} &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{(s.e.)}",
			file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$\\hat\\sigma_k$} &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$Q$}",
			file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" &  \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{($p$)} \\\\ \n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat(" \\\\", "\n", sep="", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\hline \n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
# body 3
	for (i in 1:neff)
	line <- paste(fromObjectToLaTeX(x$thetadf$effects[i], max.eff.width), "&")
	line <- paste(line, x[[i]]$n1, " & ")
	if (x[[i]]$n1 >= 2)
		line <- paste(line, formatC(x[[i]]$Tsq, digits=1, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & (", formatC(x[[i]]$pTsq, digits=3, format="f",
					decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$mu.ml, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & (",
				formatC(x[[i]]$mu.ml.se, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$sigma.ml, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " & ", formatC(x[[i]]$Qstat, digits=d, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), sep="")
		line <- paste(line, " &  (",
				formatC(x[[i]]$pttilde, digits=3, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign), ")", sep="")
	cat(line,"\\\\\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
# tailer 3
	if (nscores > 0)
	cat("% There also were score tests.\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\end{tabular}\\\\ \n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	cat("\\bigskip \n\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)

# header 4
	cat("Fisher combinations \\\\ \n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	line <- "\\begin{tabular}{l "
	for (i in 1:2) {line <- paste(line, code)}
	line <- paste(line,"}")
	cat(line, "\n", sep="", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("Effect & \\multicolumn{", numdig, "}{c}{$p$ (right-sided)} &  \\multicolumn{",
			numdig, "}{c}{$p$ (left-sided)} \\\\ \n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
	cat("\\hline \n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
# body 4
	for (i in 1:neff)
	line <- paste(fromObjectToLaTeX(x$thetadf$effects[i], max.eff.width), "&")
	line <- paste(line, formatC(x[[i]]$cjplusp, digits=3, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign),
					" & ", sep="")
	line <- paste(line, formatC(x[[i]]$cjminusp, digits=3, format="f", decimal.mark=sepsign),
	cat(line,"\\\\\n", file=filename, append = TRUE)
# tailer 4
	cat("\\end{tabular}\n\n\n", file=filename, append=TRUE)
	if (filename > "")
		cat('Results written to file', filename,'.\n')

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RSiena documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:19 p.m.