
Defines functions detect

Documented in detect

#' Detect heatwaves and cold-spells.
#' Applies the Hobday et al. (2016) marine heat wave definition to an input time
#' series of temperature along with a daily date vector.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @param data A data frame with three columns. In the default setting (i.e. ommitting
#' the arguments \code{doy}, \code{x} and \code{y}; see immediately below), the
#' data set is expected to have the headers \code{doy}, \code{t} and \code{temp}.
#' \code{doy} is the Julian day running from 1 to 366, but modified so that the
#' day-of-year (doy) vector for non-leap-years runs 1...59 and then 61...366.
#' For leap years the 60th day is February 29. The \code{t} column is a vector
#' of dates of class \code{Date}, while \code{temp} is the measured variable (by
#' default it is assumed to be temperature). Data of the appropriate format are
#' created by the function \code{\link{make_whole}}, but your own data can be supplied
#' if they meet the criteria specified by \code{\link{make_whole}}.
#' @param doy If a column headed \code{doy} is not available, another column with
#' Julian dates can be supplied. This argument accepts the name of that column. The
#' default name is, of course, \code{doy}.
#' @param x This column is expected to contain a vector of dates as per the
#' specification of \code{make_whole}. If a column headed \code{t} is present in
#' the dataframe, this argument may be ommitted; otherwise, specify the name of
#' the column with dates here.
#' @param y This is a column containing the measurement variable. If the column
#' name differs from the default (i.e. \code{temp}), specify the name here.
#' @param climatology_start Required. The start date for the period across which
#' the (varying by day-of-year) seasonal cycle and extremes threshold are
#' calculated.
#' @param climatology_end Required. The end date for the period across which
#' the (varying by day-of-year) seasonal cycle and extremes threshold are
#' calculated.
#' @param pctile Threshold percentile (\%) for detection of extreme values.
#' Default is \code{90}th percentile. Please see \code{cold_spells} for more
#' information about the calculation of marine cold spells.
#' @param window_half_width Width of sliding window about day-of-year (to one
#' side of the center day-of-year) used for the pooling of values and
#' calculation of climatology and threshold percentile. Default is \code{5}
#' days, which gives a window width of 11 days centered on the 6th day of the
#' series of 11 days.
#' @param smooth_percentile Boolean switch selecting whether to smooth the
#' climatology and threshold percentile timeseries with a moving average of
#' width \code{smooth_percentile}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param smooth_percentile_width Full width of moving average window for smoothing
#' climatology and threshold. Default is \code{31} days.
#' @param clim_only Choose to calculate only the climatologies and not the
#' events. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param min_duration Minimum duration for acceptance of detected MHWs.
#' Default is \code{5} days.
#' @param join_across_gaps Boolean switch indicating whether to join MHWs which
#' occur before/after a short gap as specified by \code{max_gap}. Default
#' is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param max_gap Maximum length of gap allowed for the joining of MHWs. Default
#' is \code{2} days.
#' @param max_pad_length Specifies the maximum length of days over which to
#' interpolate (pad) missing data (specified as \code{NA}) in the input
#' temperature time series; i.e., any consecutive blocks of NAs with length
#' greater than \code{max_pad_length} will be left as \code{NA}. Set as an
#' integer. Default is \code{3} days.
#' @param cold_spells Boolean specifying if the code should detect cold events
#' instead of heat events. Default is \code{FALSE}. Please note that the
#' climatological thresholds for cold-spells are calculated the same as for
#' heatwaves, meaning that \code{pctile} should be set the same regardless
#' if one is calculating heatwaves or cold-spells. For example, if one wants
#' to calculate heatwaves above the 90th percentile threshold
#' (the default) one sets \code{pctile = 90}. Likewise, if one would like
#' identify the most intense cold-spells one must also set \code{pctile = 90},
#' even though cold spells are in fact simply the coldest extreme events in a
#' time series, which statistically equate to values below the 10th percentile.
#' @details
#' \enumerate{
#' \item This function assumes that the input time series consists of continuous
#' daily values with few missing values. Time ranges which start and end
#' part-way through the calendar year are supported. The accompanying function
#' \code{\link{make_whole}} aids in the preparation of a time series that is
#' suitable for use with \code{detect}, although this may also be accomplished
#' 'by hand' as long as the criteria are met as discussed in the documentation
#' to \code{\link{make_whole}}.
#' \item It is recommended that a climatology period of at least 30 years is
#' specified in order to capture decadal thermal periodicities. It is further
#' advised that full the start and end dates for the climatology period result
#' in full years, e.g. "1982-01-01" to "2011-12-31" or "1982-07-01" to
#' "2012-06-30"; if not, this may result in an unequal weighting of data
#' belonging with certain months within a time series.
#' \item This function supports leap years. This is done by ignoring Feb 29s
#' for the initial calculation of the climatology and threshold. The values for
#' Feb 29 are then linearly interpolated from the values for Feb 28 and Mar 1.
#' \item The calculation of onset and decline rates assumes that the events
#' started a half-day before the start day and ended a half-day after the
#' end-day. This is consistent with the duration definition as implemented,
#' which assumes duration = end day - start day + 1. As of version 0.15.7, an
#' event that is already present at the beginning of a time series, or an event
#' that is still present at the end of a time series, will report the rate of
#' onset or the rate of decline as \code{NA}, as it is impossible to know what
#' the temperature half a day before or after the start or end of the event is.
#' This may be a departure from the python marineHeatWaves function.
#' \item For the purposes of event detection, any missing temperature values not
#' interpolated over (through optional \code{max_pad_length}) will be set equal
#' to the seasonal climatology. This means they will trigger the end/start of
#' any adjacent temperature values which satisfy the event definition criteria.
#' \item If the code is used to detect cold events (\code{coldSpells} = TRUE),
#' then it works just as for heat waves except that events are detected as
#' deviations below the (100 - pctile)th percentile  (e.g., the 10th instead of
#' 90th) for at least 5 days. Intensities are reported as negative values and
#' represent the temperature anomaly below climatology.
#' \item If only the climatology for the time series is required, and not the
#' events themselves, this may be done by setting \code{clim_only} = TRUE.
#' }
#' The original Python algorithm was written by Eric Oliver, Institute for
#' Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Feb 2015, and is
#' documented by Hobday et al. (2016). The marine cold spell option was
#' implemented in version 0.13 (21 Nov 2015) of the Python module as a result
#' of our preparation of Schlegel et al. (submitted), wherein the cold events
#' receive a brief overview.
#' @return The function will return a list of two tibbles (see the \code{tidyverse}),
#' \code{clim} and \code{event}, which are the climatology and events,
#' respectively. The climatology contains the full time series of daily temperatures,
#' as well as the the seasonal climatology, the threshold and various aspects of the
#' events that were detected. The software was designed for detecting extreme
#' thermal events, and the units specified below reflect that intended purpose.
#' However, the various other kinds of extreme events may be detected according
#' to the 'marine heat wave' specifications, and if that is the case, the appropriate
#' units need to be determined by the user.
#'   \item{doy}{Julian day (day-of-year). For non-leap years it runs 1...59 and
#'   61...366, while leap years run 1...366. This column will be named differently if
#'   another name was specified to the \code{doy} argument.}
#'   \item{t}{The date of the temperature measurement. This column will be
#'   named differently if another name was specified to the \code{x} argument.}
#'   \item{temp}{If the software was used for the purpose for which it was designed,
#'   seawater temperature [deg. C] on the specified date will be returned. This
#'   column will of course be named differently if another kind of measurement was
#'   specified to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{seas_clim_year}{Climatological seasonal cycle [deg. C].}
#'   \item{thresh_clim_year}{Seasonally varying threshold (e.g., 90th
#'   percentile) [deg. C].}
#'   \item{var_clim_year}{Seasonally varying variance (standard deviation) [deg. C].}
#'   \item{thresh_criterion}{Boolean indicating if \code{temp} exceeds
#'   \code{thresh_clim_year}.}
#'   \item{duration_criterion}{Boolean indicating whether periods of consecutive
#'   \code{thresh_criterion} are >= \code{min_duration}.}
#'   \item{event}{Boolean indicating if all criteria that define a MHW or MCS are
#'   met.}
#'   \item{event_no}{A sequential number indicating the ID and order of
#'   occurence of the MHWs or MCSs.}
#' The events are summarised using a range of event metrics:
#'   \item{index_start}{Start index of event.}
#'   \item{index_stop}{Stop index of event.}
#'   \item{event_no}{A sequential number indicating the ID and order of
#'   the events.}
#'   \item{duration}{Duration of event [days].}
#'   \item{date_start}{Start date of event [date].}
#'   \item{date_stop}{Stop date of event [date].}
#'   \item{date_peak}{Date of event peak [date].}
#'   \item{int_mean}{Mean intensity [deg. C].}
#'   \item{int_max}{Maximum (peak) intensity [deg. C].}
#'   \item{int_var}{Intensity variability (standard deviation) [deg. C].}
#'   \item{int_cum}{Cumulative intensity [deg. C x days].}
#'   \item{rate_onset}{Onset rate of event [deg. C / day].}
#'   \item{rate_decline}{Decline rate of event [deg. C / day].}
#' \code{int_max_rel_thresh}, \code{int_mean_rel_thresh},
#' \code{int_var_rel_thresh}, and \code{int_cum_rel_thresh}
#' are as above except relative to the threshold (e.g., 90th percentile) rather
#' than the seasonal climatology.
#' \code{int_max_abs}, \code{int_mean_abs}, \code{int_var_abs}, and
#' \code{int_cum_abs} are as above except as absolute magnitudes
#' rather than relative to the seasonal climatology or threshold.
#' \code{int_max_norm} and \code{int_mean_norm} are as above except
#' units are in multiples of threshold exceedances, i.e., a value of 1.5
#' indicates the event intensity (relative to the climatology) was 1.5 times the
#' value of the threshold (relative to climatology,
#' i.e., threshold - climatology.)
#' Note that \code{rate_onset} and \code{rate_decline} will return \code{NA}
#' when the event begins/ends on the first/last day of the time series. This
#' may be particularly evident when the function is applied to large gridded
#' data sets. Although the other metrics do not contain any errors and
#' provide sensible values, please take this into account in its
#' interpretation.
#' @author Albertus J. Smit, Robert W. Schlegel, Eric C. J. Oliver
#' @references Hobday, A.J. et al. (2016). A hierarchical approach to defining
#' marine heatwaves, Progress in Oceanography, 141, pp. 227-238,
#' doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.12.014
#' Schlegel, R. W., Oliver, C. J., Wernberg, T. W., Smit, A. J. (2017).
#' Coastal and offshore co-occurrences of marine heatwaves and cold-spells.
#' Progress in Oceanography, 151, pp. 189-205, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2017.01.004
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ts_dat <- make_whole(sst_WA)
#' res <- detect(ts_dat, climatology_start = "1983-01-01",
#'               climatology_end = "2012-12-31")
#' # show a portion of the climatology:
#' res$clim[1:10, ]
#' # show some of the heat waves:
#' res$event[1:5, 1:10]
detect <-
           doy = doy,
           x = t,
           y = temp,
           pctile = 90,
           window_half_width = 5,
           smooth_percentile = TRUE,
           smooth_percentile_width = 31,
           clim_only = FALSE,
           min_duration = 5,
           join_across_gaps = TRUE,
           max_gap = 2,
           max_pad_length = 3,
           cold_spells = FALSE
           # verbose = TRUE, # to be implemented
  ) {

    temp <- NULL

    doy <- eval(substitute(doy), data)
    ts.x <- eval(substitute(x), data)
    ts.y <- eval(substitute(y), data)
    t_series <- tibble::tibble(doy,
    rm(doy); rm(ts.x); rm(ts.y)
    t_series$ts.y <- zoo::na.approx(t_series$ts.y, maxgap = max_pad_length)

    if (missing(climatology_start))
      stop("Oops! Please provide BOTH start and end dates for the climatology.")

    if (missing(climatology_end))
      stop("Bummer! Please provide BOTH start and end dates for the climatology.")

    # clim_start <- paste(climatology_start, "01", "01", sep = "-")
    clim_start <- climatology_start
    if (t_series$ts.x[1] > clim_start)
      stop(paste("The specified start date precedes the first day of series, which is",

    # clim_end <- paste(climatology_end, "12", "31", sep = "-")
    clim_end <- climatology_end
    if (clim_end > t_series$ts.x[nrow(t_series)])
      stop(paste("The specified end date follows the last day of series, which is",

    if (cold_spells)
      t_series$ts.y <- -t_series$ts.y

    tDat <- t_series %>%
      dplyr::filter(ts.x >= clim_start & ts.x <= clim_end) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(ts.x = lubridate::year(ts.x)) %>%
      tidyr::spread(ts.x, ts.y)

    all_NA <- apply(tDat[59:61, ], 2, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))
    no_NA <- names(all_NA[all_NA > 0])
    tDat[59:61, no_NA] <- zoo::na.approx(tDat[59:61, no_NA], maxgap = 1, na.rm = TRUE)
    tDat <- rbind(utils::tail(tDat, window_half_width),
                  tDat, utils::head(tDat, window_half_width))

    seas_clim_year <- thresh_clim_year <- var_clim_year <- rep(NA, nrow(tDat))

    for (i in (window_half_width + 1):((nrow(tDat) - window_half_width))) {
      seas_clim_year[i] <-
          c(t(tDat[(i - (window_half_width)):(i + window_half_width), 2:ncol(tDat)])),
          na.rm = TRUE)
      thresh_clim_year[i] <-
          c(t(tDat[(i - (window_half_width)):(i + window_half_width), 2:ncol(tDat)])),
          probs = pctile/100,
          type = 7,
          na.rm = TRUE,
          names = FALSE
      var_clim_year[i] <-
          c(t(tDat[(i - (window_half_width)):(i + window_half_width), 2:ncol(tDat)])),
          na.rm = TRUE

    len_clim_year <- 366
    clim <-
        doy = tDat[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year), 1],
        seas_clim_year = seas_clim_year[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year)],
        thresh_clim_year = thresh_clim_year[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year)],
        var_clim_year = var_clim_year[(window_half_width + 1):((window_half_width) + len_clim_year)]

    if (smooth_percentile) {
      clim <- clim %>%
          seas_clim_year = raster::movingFun(
            n = smooth_percentile_width,
            fun = mean,
            type = "around",
            circular = TRUE,
            na.rm = FALSE
        ) %>%
          thresh_clim_year = raster::movingFun(
            n = smooth_percentile_width,
            fun = mean,
            type = "around",
            circular = TRUE,
            na.rm = FALSE
        ) %>%
          var_clim_year = raster::movingFun(
            n = smooth_percentile_width,
            fun = mean,
            type = "around",
            circular = TRUE,
            na.rm = FALSE

    if (clim_only) {
      t_series <- merge(data, clim, by = "doy")
      t_series <- t_series[order(t_series$ts.x),]

    } else {
      t_series <- t_series %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(clim, by = "doy")
      t_series$ts.y[is.na(t_series$ts.y)] <- t_series$seas_clim_year[is.na(t_series$ts.y)]
      t_series$thresh_criterion <- t_series$ts.y > t_series$thresh_clim_year
      ex1 <- rle(t_series$thresh_criterion)
      ind1 <- rep(seq_along(ex1$lengths), ex1$lengths)
      s1 <- split(zoo::index(t_series$thresh_criterion), ind1)
      proto_events <- s1[ex1$values == TRUE]
      index_stop <- index_start <- NULL
      proto_events_rng <-
        lapply(proto_events, function(x)
          data.frame(index_start = min(x), index_stop = max(x)))

      duration <- NULL

      protoFunc <- function(proto_data) {
        out <- proto_data %>%
          dplyr::mutate(duration = index_stop - index_start + 1) %>%
          dplyr::filter(duration >= min_duration) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(date_start = t_series$ts.x[index_start]) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(date_stop = t_series$ts.x[index_stop])

      proto_events <- do.call(rbind, proto_events_rng) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(event_no = cumsum(ex1$values[ex1$values == TRUE])) %>%

      t_series$duration_criterion <- rep(FALSE, nrow(t_series))

      for (i in 1:nrow(proto_events)) {
        t_series$duration_criterion[proto_events$index_start[i]:proto_events$index_stop[i]] <-
          rep(TRUE, length = proto_events$duration[i])

      ex2 <- rle(t_series$duration_criterion)
      ind2 <- rep(seq_along(ex2$lengths), ex2$lengths)
      s2 <- split(zoo::index(t_series$thresh_criterion), ind2)
      proto_gaps <- s2[ex2$values == FALSE]
      proto_gaps_rng <-
        lapply(proto_gaps, function(x) data.frame(index_start = min(x), index_stop = max(x)))

      proto_gaps <- do.call(rbind, proto_gaps_rng) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(event_no = c(1:length(ex2$values[ex2$values == FALSE]))) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(duration = index_stop - index_start + 1)

      if (any(proto_gaps$duration >= 1 & proto_gaps$duration <= max_gap)) {
        proto_gaps <- proto_gaps %>%
          dplyr::mutate(date_start = t_series$ts.x[index_start]) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(date_stop = t_series$ts.x[index_stop]) %>%
          dplyr::filter(duration >= 1 & duration <= max_gap)
      } else {
        join_across_gaps <- FALSE

      if (join_across_gaps) {
        t_series$event <- t_series$duration_criterion
        for (i in 1:nrow(proto_gaps)) {
          t_series$event[proto_gaps$index_start[i]:proto_gaps$index_stop[i]] <-
            rep(TRUE, length = proto_gaps$duration[i])
      } else {
        t_series$event <- t_series$duration_criterion

      ex3 <- rle(t_series$event)
      ind3 <- rep(seq_along(ex3$lengths), ex3$lengths)
      s3 <- split(zoo::index(t_series$event), ind3)
      events <- s3[ex3$values == TRUE]
      event_no <- NULL
      events_rng <-
        lapply(events, function(x)
          data.frame(index_start = min(x), index_stop = max(x)))

      events <- do.call(rbind, events_rng) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(event_no = cumsum(ex3$values[ex3$values == TRUE])) %>%

      t_series$event_no <- rep(NA, nrow(t_series))
      for (i in 1:nrow(events)) {
        t_series$event_no[events$index_start[i]:events$index_stop[i]] <-
          rep(i, length = events$duration[i])

      int_mean <- int_max <- int_cum <- int_mean_rel_thresh <-
        int_max_rel_thresh <- int_cum_rel_thresh <- int_mean_abs <-
        int_max_abs <- int_cum_abs <- int_mean_norm <- int_max_norm <-
        rate_onset <- rate_decline <- mhw_rel_thresh <-
        rel_thresh_norm <- mhw_rel_seas <- NULL

      events_list <- plyr::dlply(events, c("event_no"), function(df)
            ts.x = c(ts.x[df$index_start:df$index_stop]),
            ts.y = c(ts.y[df$index_start:df$index_stop]),
            seas_clim_year = c(seas_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop]),
            thresh_clim_year = c(thresh_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop]),
            mhw_rel_seas = c(ts.y[df$index_start:df$index_stop]) - c(seas_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop]),
            mhw_rel_thresh = c(ts.y[df$index_start:df$index_stop]) - c(thresh_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop]),
            rel_thresh_norm = c(ts.y[df$index_start:df$index_stop]) - c(thresh_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop]) /
              c(thresh_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop]) - c(seas_clim_year[df$index_start:df$index_stop])

      events <- cbind(events,
                      events_list %>%
                        dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "event_no") %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(event_no) %>%
                        dplyr::summarise(date_peak = ts.x[mhw_rel_seas == max(mhw_rel_seas)][1],
                                         int_mean = mean(mhw_rel_seas),
                                         int_max = max(mhw_rel_seas),
                                         int_var = sqrt(stats::var(mhw_rel_seas)),
                                         int_cum = max(cumsum(mhw_rel_seas)),
                                         int_mean_rel_thresh = mean(mhw_rel_thresh),
                                         int_max_rel_thresh = max(mhw_rel_thresh),
                                         int_var_rel_thresh = sqrt(stats::var(mhw_rel_thresh)),
                                         int_cum_rel_thresh = max(cumsum(mhw_rel_thresh)),
                                         int_mean_abs = mean(ts.y),
                                         int_max_abs = max(ts.y),
                                         int_var_abs = sqrt(stats::var(ts.y)),
                                         int_cum_abs = max(cumsum(ts.y)),
                                         int_mean_norm = mean(rel_thresh_norm),
                                         int_max_norm = max(rel_thresh_norm)) %>%
                        dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(event_no)) %>%

      mhw_rel_seas <- t_series$ts.y - t_series$seas_clim_year
      A <- mhw_rel_seas[events$index_start]
      B <- t_series$ts.y[events$index_start - 1]
      C <- t_series$seas_clim_year[events$index_start - 1]
      if (length(B) + 1 == length(A)) {
        B <- c(NA, B)
        C <- c(NA, C)
      mhw_rel_seas_start <- 0.5 * (A + B - C)

      events$rate_onset <- ifelse(
        events$index_start > 1,
        (events$int_max - mhw_rel_seas_start) / (as.numeric(
          difftime(events$date_peak, events$date_start, units = "days")) + 0.5),

      D <- mhw_rel_seas[events$index_stop]
      E <- t_series$ts.y[events$index_stop + 1]
      F <- t_series$seas_clim_year[events$index_stop + 1]
      mhw_rel_seas_end <- 0.5 * (D + E - F)

      events$rate_decline <- ifelse(
        events$index_stop < nrow(t_series),
        (events$int_max - mhw_rel_seas_end) / (as.numeric(
          difftime(events$date_stop, events$date_peak, units = "days")) + 0.5),

      if (cold_spells) {
        events <- events %>% dplyr::mutate(
          int_mean = -int_mean,
          int_max = -int_max,
          int_cum = -int_cum,
          int_mean_rel_thresh = -int_mean_rel_thresh,
          int_max_rel_thresh = -int_max_rel_thresh,
          int_cum_rel_thresh = -int_cum_rel_thresh,
          int_mean_abs = -int_mean_abs,
          int_max_abs = -int_max_abs,
          int_cum_abs = -int_cum_abs,
          int_mean_norm = -int_mean_norm,
          int_max_norm = -int_max_norm,
          rate_onset = -rate_onset,
          rate_decline = -rate_decline
        t_series <- t_series %>% dplyr::mutate(
          ts.y = -ts.y,
          seas_clim_year = -seas_clim_year,
          thresh_clim_year = -thresh_clim_year

      names(t_series)[1] <- paste(substitute(doy))
      names(t_series)[2] <- paste(substitute(x))
      names(t_series)[3] <- paste(substitute(y))

      list(clim = tibble::as_tibble(t_series),
           event = tibble::as_tibble(events))

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RmarineHeatWaves documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:22 p.m.