
Defines functions quickInverse doseFind

Documented in doseFind quickInverse

##' Inverse (dose-finding) estimate of a target x value (e.g., a percentile)
#' Inverse ("dose-finding") point estimation of a dose (x) for a specified target y value (e.g., a response rate), 
#'  using a user-specified forward-estimation algorithm (default is CIR).
#' The function works by calling \code{estfun} for forward estimation of the x-y relationship, then using \code{\link{approx}} with the x and y roles reversed for inverse estimation. The \code{extrapolate} option sets the \code{rule} argumet for this second call: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item {}{\code{extrapolate=TRUE} translates to \code{rule=2}, which actually means that the x value on the edge of the estimated y range will be assigned.}
#' \item{}{\code{extrapolate=FALSE} (default) translates to \code{rule=1}, which means an \code{NA} will be returned for any target y value lying outside the estimated y range.}
#' }
#' Note also that the function is set up to work with a vector of targets.
#' If the data were obtained from an adaptive dose-finding design and you seek to estimate a dose other than the experiment's target, note that away from the target the estimates are likely biased (Flournoy and Oron, 2019). Use \code{adaptiveShrink=TRUE} to mitigate the bias. In addition, either provide the true target as \code{starget}, or a vector of values to \code{target}, with the first value being the true target.

##' @author Assaf P. Oron \code{<assaf.oron.at.gmail.com>}

#' @param y  can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a \code{\link{DRtrace}} object or a \code{\link{doseResponse}} object. 
#' @param x dose levels (if not included in y). 
#' @param wt weights (if not included in y).
#' @param target A vector of target response rate(s), for which the percentile dose estimate is needed. See Note.
#' @param full logical, is a more complete output desired (relevant only for doseFind)? if \code{FALSE} (default), only a point estimate of the dose (x) for the provided target rate is returned.
#' @param extrapolate logical: should extrapolation beyond the range of estimated y values be allowed? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param dec (relevant only for doseFind) logical, is the true function is assumed to be monotone decreasing? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param estfun the name of the dose-response estimation function. Default \code{\link{cirPAVA}}.
#' @param errOnFlat logical: in case the forward estimate is completely flat making dose-finding infeasible, should an error be returned? Under default (\code{FALSE}), \code{NA}s are returned for the target estimate. 
#' @param adaptiveShrink logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards an experiment's target? Recommended if data were obtained via an adaptive dose-finding design. See \code{\link{DRshrink}} and the Note.
#' @param starget The shrinkage target. Defaults to \code{target[1]}.
#' @param ...	Other arguments passed on to \code{\link{doseResponse}} and \code{estfun}.

#' @return under default, returns point estimate(s) of the dose (x) for the provided target rate(s). With \code{full=TRUE}, returns a list with
#' \itemize{
#' \item {targest } {  The said point estimate of x}
#' \item {input  }  {  a \code{doseResponse} object summarizing the input data}
#' \item {output  }  {  a \code{doseResponse} object with the forward estimate at design points}
#' \item {shrinkage  }  {  a \code{doseResponse} object which is the \code{alg} output of the forward-estimation function}
#' }

#' @seealso \code{\link{oldPAVA}},\code{\link{cirPAVA}}. If you'd like point and interval estimates together, use \code{\link{quickInverse}}.

#' @references Flournoy N and Oron AP, 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

#' @export

doseFind<-function(y,x=NULL,wt=NULL,estfun=cirPAVA,target=NULL,full=FALSE,dec=FALSE,extrapolate=FALSE,errOnFlat=FALSE,adaptiveShrink=FALSE,starget=target[1],...) {

### converting to doseResponse object 
### Basically it's a numeric data frame with x,y,weight, and x increasing
if(is.null(target)) stop("Must provide target to dose-find for.\n")
if(!is.doseResponse(y)) dr=doseResponse(y=y,x=x,wt=wt,...) else dr=y
if (any(is.na(dr))) stop ("Missing values are not allowed.\n")
# Adaptive-design shrinkage fix
if(adaptiveShrink) dr=DRshrink(y=dr,target=starget,...)

# We start via forward estimation


# Degenerate case
	if(errOnFlat) stop("Cannot dose-find; curve completely flat.\n")
	if(full) return (list(targest=NA,input=dr,shrinkage=pavout$shrinkage,output=pavout$output))

### The estimate is generated by using 'approx' with x and y interchanged
# targets outside y range are provisionally NA'ed... now if so desired, extrapolate
if(any(is.na(tout)) && extrapolate)
	if(length(lowTargets)>0) tout[lowTargets]=extrapol(c(newy[1],newx[1]),c(newy[2],newx[2]),xout=target[lowTargets])
	if(length(hiTargets)>0) tout[hiTargets]=extrapol(c(newy[m-1],newx[m-1]),c(newy[m],newx[m]),xout=target[hiTargets])
#### output

if (!full)  return(tout) 

return (list(targest=tout,input=dr,shrinkage=pavout$shrinkage,output=pavout$output))

#' Point and Interval Inverse Estimation ("Dose-Finding"), using CIR and IR
#' Convenience wrapper for point and interval estimation of the "dose" that would generate a \code{target} "response" value, using CIR and IR.
#' The inverse point estimate is calculated in a straightforward manner from a forward estimate, using \code{\link{doseFind}}. For the inverse interval, the default option (\code{delta=TRUE}) calls \code{\link{deltaInverse}} for a "local" (Delta) inversion of the forward intervals. 

#' If \code{delta=FALSE}, a second call to \code{\link{quickIsotone}} generates a high-resolution grid outlining the forward intervals. Then the algorithm "draws a horizontal line" at \code{y=target} to find the right and left bounds on this grid. Note that the right (upper) dose-finding confidence bound is found on the lower forward confidence bound, and vice versa. This approach is not recommended, tending to produce CIs that are too wide.
#' If the data were obtained from an adaptive dose-finding design and you seek to estimate a dose other than the experiment's target, note that away from the target the estimates are likely biased (Flournoy and Oron, 2019). Use \code{adaptiveShrink=TRUE} to mitigate the bias. In addition, either provide the true target as \code{starget}, or a vector of values to \code{target}, with the first value being the true target.

#' @param y  can be either of the following: y values (response rates), a 2-column matrix with positive/negative response counts by dose, a \code{\link{DRtrace}} object or a \code{\link{doseResponse}} object. 
#' @param x dose levels (if not included in y). 
#' @param wt weights (if not included in y).
#' @param target A vector of target response rate(s), for which the percentile dose estimate is needed. See Note.
#' @param estfun the function to be used for point estimation. Default \code{\link{cirPAVA}}.
#' @param intfun the function to be used for interval estimation. Default \code{\link{morrisCI}} (see help on that function for additional options).
#' @param delta logical: should intervals be calculated using the delta ("local") method (default, \code{TRUE}) or back-drawn directly from the forward bounds? See Details.
#' @param conf numeric, the interval's confidence level as a fraction in (0,1). Default 0.9.
#' @param resolution numeric: how fine should the grid for the inverse-interval approximation be? Default 100, which seems to be quite enough. See 'Details'.
#' @param extrapolate logical: should extrapolation beyond the range of estimated y values be allowed? Default \code{FALSE}. Note this affects only the point estimate; interval boundaries are not extrapolated.
#' @param adaptiveShrink logical, should the y-values be pre-shrunk towards an experiment's target? Recommended when the data were obtained via an adaptive dose-finding design. See \code{\link{DRshrink}} and the Note below.
#' @param starget The shrinkage target. Defaults to \code{target[1]}.
#' @param adaptiveCurve logical, should the CIs be expanded by using a parabolic curve between estimation points rather than straight interpolation (default \code{FALSE})? Recommended when adaptive design was used and \code{target} is not 0.5.
#' @param ...	Other arguments passed on to \code{\link{doseFind}} and \code{\link{quickIsotone}}, and onwards from there.

#' @return A data frame with 4 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {\code{target}  }  { The user-provided target values of y, at which x is estimated}
#' \item {\code{point} } {  The point estimates of x}
#' \item {\code{lowerPPconf,upperPPconf}  }  { the interval-boundary estimates for a 'PP'=\code{100*conf} confidence interval}
#' }

#' @references Flournoy N and Oron AP, 2020. Bias Induced by Adaptive Dose-Finding Designs. Journal of Applied Statistics 47, 2431-2442.

#' @seealso \code{\link{quickIsotone}},\code{\link{doseFind}},\code{\link{deltaInverse}}
#' @example inst/examples/invExamples.r
#' @export

quickInverse<-function(y, x=NULL, wt=NULL, target, estfun=cirPAVA, intfun = morrisCI,
	delta=TRUE,conf = 0.9, resolution=100, extrapolate=FALSE,
	adaptiveShrink=FALSE, starget=target[1], adaptiveCurve = FALSE, ...)

#### Point estimate first
# Adaptive-design shrinkage fix. We must do it here b/c used for both point and interval
if(adaptiveShrink) dr=DRshrink(y=dr,target=starget,...)
## adaptiveShrink set to FALSE to avoid double-shrinking

# All point estimates are NA -> exit here
if(all(is.na(pestimate$targest))) {

if(delta) { ## Default, delta-method ("local") intervals
	dout[,3:4]=deltaInverse(pestimate,target=target,intfun=intfun,conf=conf,adaptiveCurve = adaptiveCurve,...)
} else {
#### CI, using "global" interpolation; generally too conservative and not recommended
#	if(adaptiveShrink) dr=DRshrink(y=dr,target=starget,...)

	## Calculate forward CIs at high-rez grid

	### CI by finding 'right points' on grid
	for (a in 1:length(dout$target))
		if(dout$target[a]<=max(fwdCIgrid[,3]))  # upper inverse interval taken from fwd LCL 
		if(dout$target[a]>=min(fwdCIgrid[,4]))  # and vice versa

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