#' Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object
#' @param ... other arguments.
#' @param data an object to be converted into an cubble object. Currently
#' support objects of classes `tibble`, `ncdf4`, `stars`, and `sftime`.
#' @param key a character (symbol), the spatial identifier,
#' see [cubble::make_cubble()]
#' @param index a character (symbol), the temporal identifier,
#' see [cubble::make_cubble()].
#' @param coords a vector of character (symbol) of length 2,
#' see [cubble::make_cubble()].
#' @param vars a vector of variables to read in (with quote),
#' used in `as_cubble.netcdf()`
#' to select the variable to read in.
#' @param lat_range,long_range in the syntax of `seq(FROM, TO, BY)`
#' to downsample
#' @param crs used in `as_cubble.tbl_df()` to set the crs.
#' the data to read in `as_cubble.netcdf()`.
#' @param dimensions used when creating a cubble from a stars object
#' @importFrom tidyr unchop
#' @importFrom tsibble index
#' @export
#' @return a cubble object
#' @examples
#' climate_flat |> as_cubble(key = id, index = date, coords = c(long, lat))
#' # only need `coords` if create from a tsibble
#' dt <- climate_flat |> tsibble::as_tsibble(key = id, index = date)
#' dt |> as_cubble(coords = c(long, lat))
#' # netcdf
#' path <- system.file("ncdf/", package = "cubble")
#' raw <- ncdf4::nc_open(path)
#' dt <- as_cubble(raw)
#' # subset degree
#' dt <- as_cubble(raw,vars = c("q", "z"),
#' long_range = seq(113, 153, 3),
#' lat_range = seq(-53, -12, 3))
#'# stars - take a few seconds to run
#' tif <- system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
#' x <- stars::read_stars(tif)
#' x |> as_cubble(index = band)
#' # don't have to supply coords if create from a sftime
#' dt <- climate_flat |>
#' sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = sf::st_crs("OGC:CRS84")) |>
#' sftime::st_as_sftime()
#' dt |> as_cubble(key = id, index = date)
as_cubble <- function(data, key, index, coords, ...) {
#' @rdname as_cubble
#' @export <- function(data, key, index, coords, ...){
key <- enquo(key)
index <- enquo(index)
coords <- enquo(coords)
as_cubble(as_tibble(data), key = !!key, index = !!index, coords = !!coords)
#' @rdname as_cubble
#' @export
as_cubble.tbl_df <- function(data, key, index, coords, crs, dimensions, ...) {
if (is_tsibble(data)){
key <- sym(tsibble::key_vars(data))
index <- sym(tsibble::index(data))
} else{
key <- enquo(key)
index <- enquo(index)
coords <- enquo(coords)
coords <- names(data)[tidyselect::eval_select(coords, data)]
# check if date is already nested in the list-column
col_type <- map(data, class)
listcol_var <- names(col_type)[col_type == "list"]
if (length(listcol_var) == 0){
all_vars <- find_invariant(data, !!key)
data <- data |>
tidyr::nest(ts = c(!!!all_vars$variant))
} else{
listcol_var <- listcol_var[1]
if (listcol_var != "ts")
colnames(data)[colnames(data) == listcol_var] <- "ts"
chopped <- data |> tidyr::unchop("ts")
already <- as_name(index) %in% names(chopped[["ts"]])
if (!already) cli::cli_abort(
"Can't' find the index variable in the data. Please check."
res <- new_spatial_cubble(
data, key = as_name(key), index = as_name(index), coords = coords
#if (!missing(crs)) res <- res |> make_spatial_sf(crs = crs)
if (!missing(crs)) attr(res, "crs") <- crs
if (!missing(dimensions)) attr(res, "dimensions") <- dimensions
#' @rdname as_cubble
#' @export
as_cubble.sf <- function(data, key, index,...) {
cc <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(data))
colnames(cc) <- if (sf::st_is_longlat(data))
c("long", "lat")
c("x", "y")
sf_column <- attr(data, "sf_column")
data <- cbind(data, cc)
data <- as_tibble(data)
key <- enquo(key)
index <- enquo(index)
cu <- as_cubble(data, key = !!key, index = !!index, coords = colnames(cc))
cb_cls <- c("spatial_cubble_df", "cubble_df")
structure(cu, class = c(cb_cls, "sf", setdiff(class(cu), cb_cls)),
sf_column = sf_column)
#' @rdname as_cubble
#' @export
as_cubble.ncdf4 <- function(data, key, index, coords, vars,
lat_range = NULL, long_range = NULL, ...){
# extract variables
lat_raw <- extract_longlat(data)$lat
long_raw <- extract_longlat(data)$long
time_raw <- extract_time(data) |> as.Date()
var <- extract_var(data, vars)
lat_idx <- 1:length(lat_raw)
long_idx <- 1:length(long_raw)
# subset long lat if applicable
if (!is.null(lat_range)) {
lat_idx <- which(lat_raw %in% lat_range)
lat_raw <- as.vector(lat_raw[which(lat_raw %in% lat_range)])
if (!is.null(long_range)) {
long_idx <- which(long_raw %in% long_range)
long_raw <- as.vector(long_raw[which(long_raw %in% long_range)])
raw_data <- var$var |> map(~.x[long_idx, lat_idx,])
# define dimension and grid
dim_order <- c(length(long_raw), length(lat_raw) ,
length(time_raw), length(var$name))
latlong_grid <- tidyr::expand_grid(lat = lat_raw, long = long_raw) |>
dplyr::mutate(id = dplyr::row_number())
mapping <- tidyr::expand_grid(var = var$name, time = time_raw) |>
# restructure data into flat
data <- array(unlist(raw_data), dim = dim_order) |> |>
as_tibble() |>
dplyr::bind_cols(mapping) |>
dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$long, .data$lat,
.data$time, .data$var, .data$Freq) |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$id) |>
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = .data$var, values_from = .data$Freq)
key <- "id"
all_vars <- find_invariant(data, !!key)
out <- data |> tidyr::nest(ts = c(!!!all_vars$variant))
out, key = key, index = "time", coords = c("long", "lat")
#' @rdname as_cubble
#' @export
as_cubble.stars <- function(data, key, index, coords, ...){
if ( { # vector data cube
# Check if any of the dimensions is an sfc
function(i) inherits(i$values, "sfc"))))
data$id <- seq_len(dim(data)[1]) # recycles
data <- sf::st_as_sf(data, long = TRUE)
key <- enquo(key)
index <- enquo(index)
as_cubble(data, key=!!key, index=!!index)
} else { # raster data cube
# making the assumption that long/lat are the first two dimensions
longlat <- names(stars::st_dimensions(data))[1:2]
index <- enquo(index)
if (quo_is_missing(index)) index <- quo(!!sym(names(dim(data)[3])))
as_tibble(data) |>
group_by(!!!map(longlat, sym)) |>
mutate(id = dplyr::cur_group_id()) |>
ungroup() |>
as_cubble(key = id, index = !!index, coords = longlat, dimension = stars::st_dimensions(data))
#' @rdname as_cubble
#' @export
as_cubble.sftime <- function(data, key, index, coords, ...){
key <- enquo(key)
index <- enquo(index)
coords <- enquo(coords)
# here assume the geometry column in an sftime object is always sfc_POINT
data <- data |>
mutate(long = sf::st_coordinates(geometry)[,1], lat = sf::st_coordinates(geometry)[,2])
if (quo_is_missing(coords)){
coords <- quo(c("long", "lat"))
coords <- as.list(quo_get_expr(coords))[-1]
coords <- unlist(map(coords, as_string))
all_vars <- data |> find_invariant(!!key)
spatial <- data |> select(all_vars$invariant, -!!index) |> distinct()
temporal <- as_tibble(data) |>
select(!!key, all_vars$variant, !!index) |>
nest(ts = all_vars$variant)
out <- spatial |> left_join(temporal, by = as_name(key))
out, key = as_name(key), index = as_name(index), coords = coords
globalVariables(c(".", "id", "geometry"))
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