
Defines functions curvHDRfilter

Documented in curvHDRfilter

########## R function: curvHDRfilter ###########
# For obtaining a curvHDR filter from a set of
# multivariate continuous data. The current version
# supports univaraite, bivariate and trivariate data.

# Last changed: 04 APR 2017

#' @importFrom rgl rgl.clear rgl.bg rgl.spheres
#' @importFrom misc3d contour3d
#' @importFrom graphics polygon plot hist
#' @importFrom stats IQR sd qnorm
#' @importFrom feature featureSignif
#' @importFrom grDevices contourLines
#' @importFrom misc3d contour3d updateTriangles drawScene.rgl
#' @importFrom geometry convhulln
#' @importFrom ptinpoly pip3d
#' @importFrom ks hpi Hpi.diag kde contourLevels
#' @importFrom hdrcde hdr
#' @importFrom KernSmooth dpik

curvHDRfilter <- function(x,HDRlevel=0.1,growthFac=NULL,signifLevel=0.05,bwFac=1,

   # Make sure input data is a matrix with between 1 and 3 columns:

   x <- as.matrix(x)
   dmn <- ncol(x)
   xOrig <- x

   if (!any(ncol(x)==(1:3)))
      stop("x should be a vector or a matrix with between 1 and 3 columns.")
   # Set various defaults:

   if (is.null(growthFac))
      growthFac <- 2^dmn
   if (is.null(gridsize))
     if (dmn==1) gridsize <- 801
     if (dmn==2) gridsize <- rep(151,2)
     if (dmn==3) gridsize <- rep(51,3)
   if ((dmn==3)&(is.null(HpiGridSize)))
      HpiGridSize <- rep(21,3)
   if (is.null(minSampSize)) minSampSize <- 50*(2^(dmn-1))

   # Remove debri if flag is set:

   if (removeDebri)
      mins <- apply(x,2,min)   
      maxs <- apply(x,2,max)
      omitInds <- NULL
      for (j in 1:dmn)
         omitInds <- c(omitInds,(1:nrow(x))[(x[,j]==mins[j])|(x[,j]==maxs[j])])
      if (!is.null(omitInds))
         x <- as.matrix(x[-omitInds,])

   # Perform robust standardisation of data:

   stDevs <- apply(x,2,sd)
   IQRvals <- apply(x,2,IQR)
   corrFac <- qnorm(3/4) - qnorm(1/4)
   sigHatsx <- apply(cbind(stDevs,IQRvals/corrFac),1,min)
   meanx <- apply(x,2,mean)
   for (j in 1:dmn)
      x[,j] <- (x[,j]-meanx[j])/sigHatsx[j]   
   # Obtain normal scale bandwidths:

   sampSizeFac <- (4/((dmn+6)*nrow(x)))^(1/(dmn+8))
   bwNS <- rep(sampSizeFac,dmn)

   # Set up plot if `graphChk' is TRUE:

   if (graphChk)
      if (dmn==1)
         histObj <- hist(x,freq=FALSE,breaks=100,col="orange",bty="l",
                         xlab="standardised data",main="graphical check in progress",
         histMax <- max(histObj$density)
         stripWidth <- histMax/40
         curPolLow <- 0 ; curPolUpp <- stripWidth
      if (dmn==2)
        plot(x[,1],x[,2],col="orange",bty="l",xlab="standardised first variable",pch=".",
              ylab="standardised first variable",main="graphical check in progress",

      if (dmn==3)
           if (nrow(x)<=2000) xSub <- x
           if (nrow(x)> 2000) xSub <- x[sample(1:nrow(x),2000),]
           rgl.clear() ; rgl.bg(color="white")
      ans <- readline("Hit Enter to continue.")

   if (!quiet)
      ## cat("\n")
      message("Computing high curvature regions ...")
   # Obtain high curvature regions:

   fSobj <- featureSignif(x,bw=bwFac*bwNS,gridsize=gridsize,signifLevel=signifLevel)
   if (dmn==1)
      x.grid <- fSobj$fhat$x.grid[[1]]
      y.grid <- sign(as.numeric(fSobj$curv))
      curvPolys <- contour1D(0,x.grid,y.grid)
   if (dmn==2)
       curvPolys <- contourLines(fSobj$fhat$x.grid[[1]],fSobj$fhat$x.grid[[2]],
   if (dmn==3)
      contour3dObjCurv <- contour3d(fSobj$curv,0.5,fSobj$fhat$x.grid[[1]],

      # Separate into contiguous components:

      curvPolys <- separateTriPolyh(contour3dObjCurv)

   numCurvPolys <- length(curvPolys)

   # Show significant curvature polygons if `graphChk' is TRUE:

   if (graphChk)
      for (j in 1:numCurvPolys)
         if (dmn==1) 
            curPoly <- list(x=c(curvPolys[[j]],rev(curvPolys[[j]])),
            curPolLow <- curPolLow + stripWidth ; curPolUpp <- curPolUpp + stripWidth
         if (dmn==2) 
         if (dmn==3)
            curvPolys[[j]] <- updateTriangles(curvPolys[[j]],color="darkmagenta",alpha=0.15)
      ans <- readline("Hit Enter to continue.")
   if (!quiet)
      message("Growing convexified high curvature regions ...")

   # Convexify polygons/polyhedra (if d>1).
   # Then grow them by specified growth factor
   # using  bisection searches:

   grownPolys <- list()
   for (j in 1:numCurvPolys)
      currCurvPoly <- curvPolys[[j]]
      if (dmn==1)
         currInitPoly <- currCurvPoly
         Vinit <- abs(currInitPoly[2]-currInitPoly[1])

      if (dmn==2)
         currCurvPolyMat <- cbind(currCurvPoly$x,currCurvPoly$y)
         hpts <- chull(currCurvPolyMat[!is.na(rowSums(currCurvPolyMat)),])	
	 hpts <- c(hpts,hpts[1]) 	
	 convHullPolyMat <- cbind(currCurvPolyMat[hpts,1],currCurvPolyMat[hpts,2])
         currChull <- list(x=convHullPolyMat[,1],y=convHullPolyMat[,2])
         currInitPoly <- currChull
         Vinit <- areaPolygon(currInitPoly)
      if (dmn==3)
         uniqVertices <- unique(rbind(currCurvPoly$v1,currCurvPoly$v2,
         currChull <- convhulln(uniqVertices,options="FA")
         currChull$v1 <- uniqVertices[currChull$hull[,1],]
         currChull$v2 <- uniqVertices[currChull$hull[,2],]
         currChull$v3 <- uniqVertices[currChull$hull[,3],]
         currInitPoly <- currChull
         Vinit <- currInitPoly$vol

      if (dmn==1) rUppFac <- 1
      if (dmn==2) rUppFac <- 1
      if (dmn==3) rUppFac <- 3/4
      rLow <- 0 ; rUpp <- (rUppFac*Vinit/pi)^(1/dmn)*(growthFac^(1/dmn)-1)

      # Make sure that root is captured:

      rootCaptured <- FALSE
      while (!rootCaptured)
         if (dmn==1) Vupp <- intervalGrow(currInitPoly,rUpp)$volume
         if (dmn==2) Vupp <- polygonGrow(currInitPoly,rUpp)$volume
         if (dmn==3) Vupp <- polyhedronGrow(currInitPoly,rUpp)$volume
         if (Vupp>(growthFac*Vinit))
            rootCaptured <- TRUE
            rUpp <- 1.2*rUpp

      tolerance <- 0.0001
      relErr <- tolerance + 1
      while (relErr>tolerance)
         rMid <- (rLow + rUpp)/2

         if (dmn==1)
            newVolLow <- intervalGrow(currInitPoly,rLow)$volume
            newVolMid <- intervalGrow(currInitPoly,rMid)$volume
            newVolUpp <- intervalGrow(currInitPoly,rUpp)$volume
         if (dmn==2)
            newVolLow <- polygonGrow(currInitPoly,rLow)$volume
            newVolMid <- polygonGrow(currInitPoly,rMid)$volume
            newVolUpp <- polygonGrow(currInitPoly,rUpp)$volume
         if (dmn==3)
            newVolLow <- polyhedronGrow(currInitPoly,rLow)$volume
            newVolMid <- polyhedronGrow(currInitPoly,rMid)$volume
            newVolUpp <- polyhedronGrow(currInitPoly,rUpp)$volume
         fLow <- newVolLow - growthFac*Vinit
         fUpp <- newVolUpp - growthFac*Vinit
         fMid <- newVolMid - growthFac*Vinit
         if (fMid<0) rLow <- rMid
         if (fMid>0) rUpp <- rMid
         relErr <- max(c((rUpp-rLow)/rMid,(fUpp-fLow)/fMid))

      if (dmn==1)
         grownPolys[[j]] <- intervalGrow(currInitPoly,rMid)$grownInterval
      if (dmn==2)
         grownPolys[[j]] <- polygonGrow(currInitPoly,rMid)$grownPolygon
      if (dmn==3)
         grownPolys[[j]] <- polyhedronGrow(currInitPoly,rMid)$grownPolyHedron

   # Add grown polyhedra if graphChk is TRUE:
   if (graphChk)
      for (j in 1:length(grownPolys))
         if (dmn==1)
            curPoly <- list(x=c(grownPolys[[j]],rev(grownPolys[[j]])),
            curPolLow <- curPolLow + stripWidth ; curPolUpp <- curPolUpp + stripWidth
         if (dmn==2)
         if (dmn==3)
            grownPolys[[j]] <- updateTriangles(grownPolys[[j]],color="forestgreen",alpha=0.15)
      ans <- readline("Hit Enter to continue.")

   if (!quiet)
         message("Obtaining highest density regions ...")

   # Obtain highest density regions based on data within each
   # grown polyhedron:

   curvHDRpolys <- list()
   jHDR <- 1 
   for (jGrow in 1:length(grownPolys))
      if (dmn==1) interiorIndics <- ((x>=grownPolys[[jGrow]][1])&(x<=grownPolys[[jGrow]][2]))
      if (dmn==2)
         grownPolyMat <- cbind(grownPolys[[jGrow]]$x,grownPolys[[jGrow]]$y)
         interiorIndics <- as.logical(inpolygon(x,grownPolyMat))
      if (dmn==3)
         pip3dInfo <- t2ve(grownPolys[[jGrow]])
         currVertices <- t(pip3dInfo$vb)
         currFaces    <- t(pip3dInfo$ib)
         interiorIndics <- as.logical(pip3d(currVertices,currFaces,x)==1)
      currSampSize <- sum(as.numeric(interiorIndics))

      if (currSampSize>=minSampSize)
         kdeData  <- x[interiorIndics==TRUE,]

         # Obtain bandwidth(s):
         if (dmn==1) hVal <- hpi(kdeData)
         if (dmn==2) Hmat <- Hpi.diag(kdeData,binned=TRUE)
         if (dmn==3) Hmat <- Hpi.diag(kdeData,pilot="samse",binned=TRUE,
         # Obtain kernel density estimator:

         if (dmn>1)
            kDest <- kde(kdeData,H=Hmat,binned=TRUE)

         # Obtain HDR polygons:
         if (dmn==1)
            hdr.obj <- hdr(kdeData,prob=100*(1-HDRlevel),h=dpik(kdeData))
            numReg <- length(hdr.obj$hdr)/2
            HDRobj <- NULL
            for (j in 1:numReg)
               HDRobj[[j]] <- hdr.obj$hdr[(2*j-1):(2*j)]

         if (dmn>1)
            hdrLevel <- contourLevels(kDest,prob=HDRlevel)

         if (dmn==2)
            HDRobj <- contourLines(x=kDest$eval.points[[1]],y=kDest$eval.points[[2]],

         if (dmn==3)
            contour3dObjHDR <-  contour3d(kDest$estimate,level=hdrLevel, 
            HDRobj <- separateTriPolyh(contour3dObjHDR)

         for (jInn in 1:length(HDRobj))
            curvHDRpolys[[jHDR]] <- HDRobj[[jInn]]
            jHDR <- jHDR + 1

   # In the bivariate case, remove the "$level" component of
   # the polygons:

   if (dmn==2)
      for (j in 1:length(HDRobj))
         HDRobj[[j]] <- list(x=HDRobj[[j]]$x,y=HDRobj[[j]]$y)
   # Add HDR polyhedra if graphChk is TRUE:
   if (graphChk)
      for (j in 1:length(curvHDRpolys))
         if (dmn==1)
            curPoly <- list(x=c(curvHDRpolys[[j]],rev(curvHDRpolys[[j]])),
            curPolLow <- curPolLow + stripWidth ; curPolUpp <- curPolUpp + stripWidth
         if (dmn==2)

         if (dmn==3)
            curvHDRpolys[[j]] <- updateTriangles(curvHDRpolys[[j]],color="blue",alpha=0.15)
      ans <- readline("Hit Enter to continue.")   

   for (j in 1:length(curvHDRpolys))
      # Transform to original scale:

      if (dmn==1)
         curvHDRpolys[[j]] <- sigHatsx*curvHDRpolys[[j]] + meanx
      if (dmn==2)
         curvHDRpolys[[j]]$x <- sigHatsx[1]*curvHDRpolys[[j]]$x + meanx[1]
         curvHDRpolys[[j]]$y <- sigHatsx[2]*curvHDRpolys[[j]]$y + meanx[2]
      if (dmn==3)
         for (k in 1:3)
            curvHDRpolys[[j]]$v1[,k] <- sigHatsx[k]*curvHDRpolys[[j]]$v1[,k] + meanx[k]
            curvHDRpolys[[j]]$v2[,k] <- sigHatsx[k]*curvHDRpolys[[j]]$v2[,k] + meanx[k]
            curvHDRpolys[[j]]$v3[,k] <- sigHatsx[k]*curvHDRpolys[[j]]$v3[,k] + meanx[k]

      # Adjust the colour and alpha values of output polyhedra (trivariate case only):

      if (dmn==3)
         curvHDRpolys[[j]] <- updateTriangles(curvHDRpolys[[j]],color="blue",alpha=0.3)

   # Obtain logical vector named `insideFilter' that indicates which of the
   # input data points are inside at least one of the intervals/polygons/polyhedra:

   inFilterNum <- rep(0,nrow(xOrig))
   for (j in 1:length(curvHDRpolys))
      if (dmn==1)
         inFilterNum <- inFilterNum + as.numeric((xOrig>=curvHDRpolys[[j]][1])&
      if (dmn==2)
         currPolyMat <- cbind(curvHDRpolys[[j]]$x,curvHDRpolys[[j]]$y)
         inFilterNum <- inFilterNum + as.numeric(inpolygon(xOrig,currPolyMat))

      if (dmn==3)
         pip3dInfo <- t2ve(curvHDRpolys[[j]])
         currVertices <- t(pip3dInfo$vb)
         currFaces    <- t(pip3dInfo$ib)
         inFilterNum <- inFilterNum + as.numeric(pip3d(currVertices,currFaces,xOrig)==1)
   insideFilter <- as.logical(inFilterNum>0)
   # Prepare return objects:
   outObj <- list(data=xOrig,insideFilter=insideFilter,polys=curvHDRpolys,
   class(outObj) <- "curvHDRfilter"

   if (!quiet)
     message("Finished obtaining curvHDR filters.")

############ End of curvHDRfilter ###########

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curvHDR documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:50 p.m.