ddjeffreys <- function(x1, x2) {
# Jeffreys divergence
# If x1 and/or x2 are vectors, change them into data frames with 1 column
if (is.vector(x1))
x1 <- data.frame(x = x1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if (is.vector(x2))
x2 <- data.frame(x = x2, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if (!
stop("x1 must be a data frame or a vector.")
if (!
stop("x2 must be a data frame or a vector.")
# Check if x1 and x2 have the same number of columns
k <- ncol(x1)
if (ncol(x2) != k)
stop("ncol(x1) != ncol(x2)")
# Do x1 and x2 have the same column names?
if (!identical(colnames(x1), colnames(x2)))
warning("x1 and x2 do not have the same column names.")
x1 <-, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
x2 <-, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
for (j in 1:ncol(x1)) {
# If necessary, change the column into a factor
if (!is.factor(x1[, j]))
x1[, j] <- as.factor(x1[, j])
if (!is.factor(x2[, j]))
x2[, j] <- as.factor(x2[, j])
# x1[, j] and x2[, j] must be factors with the same levels
lev <- union(levels(x1[, j]), levels(x2[, j]))
x1[, j] <- factor(as.character(x1[, j]), levels = lev)
x2[, j] <- factor(as.character(x2[, j]), levels = lev)
# Table of joint probabilities of the 1st data set
p1 <- table(x1)/nrow(x1)
# Table of joint probabilities of the 2nd data set
p2 <- table(x2)/nrow(x2)
return(ddjeffreyspar(p1, p2))
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