
Defines functions get_power powersim.cord

Documented in powersim.cord

#' Provide power estimates for multivariate abundance models
#' @description
#' \code{powersim} returns a power estimate for a \code{\link[ecoCopula]{cord}} object for a given sample size \code{N}
#' and effect size of interest.
#' @details
#' \code{powersim} takes a \code{\link[ecoCopula]{cord}} object, sample size \code{N} and coefficient matrix \code{coeffs} which
#' specifies an effect size of interest and returns a power estimate.
#' The power estimate is obtained by first parsing the \code{\link[ecoCopula]{cord}} object into \code{\link{extend}},
#' \code{nsim} times with an effect size specified by \code{coeffs}. Next, the \code{\link[ecoCopula]{cord}} object is parsed into
#' \code{\link{extend}} an additional \code{ncrit} times with a null effect, which is defined by default by
#' \code{\link{effect_null}}. This effectively simulates \code{nsim} + \code{ncrit} \code{manyglm} models under both the null
#' and alternative hypothesis.
#' For each simulated \code{\link[mvabund]{manyglm}} object, a test statistic \code{test} is obtained. A critical test statistic
#' is then obtained as the upper 1 - \code{alpha} quantile of simulated test statistics under the null
#' hypothesis. Power is then estimated as the proportion of times the test statistics simulated under
#' the alternative hypothesis exceed the critical test statistic under the null.
#' To improve computation time, simulations are computed in parallel using the "socket" approach, which
#' by default uses all available cores minus 1 for clustering. Using 1 less than the number of available cores for your
#' machine (\code{detectCores()-1}) is recommended to better avoid errors relating to clustering or nodes.
#' @param object objects of class \code{cord}, typically the result of a call to \code{\link[ecoCopula]{cord}}.
#' @param coeffs Coefficient matrix for a \code{\link[mvabund]{manyglm}} object that characterises the size of effects to be simulated.
#' See \code{\link{effect_alt}} for help in producing this matrix.
#' @param term Name of predictor of interest in quotes.
#' @param N Number of samples for power estimate. Defaults to the number of observations in the original sample.
#' @param coeffs0 Coefficient matrix under the null hypothesis. Defaults to being specified by \code{\link{effect_null}}.
#' @param nsim Number of simulated test statistics under the specified effect size (\code{coeffs}) to estimate power. Defaults to \code{999}.
#' @param ncrit Number of simulated test statistics under the null effect to estimate the critical value. Defaults to \code{999}.
#' @param test Test statistic for power estimate to based upon. Defaults to \code{"score"}, however \code{"wald"} is also allowed.
#' @param alpha Type I error rate for power estimate, defaults to \code{0.05}.
#' @param newdata Data frame of the same size as the original data frame from the \code{\link[ecoCopula]{cord}} object
#' (\code{object$obj$data}), that specifies a different design of interest.
#' @param ncores Number of cores for parallel computing. Defaults to the total number of cores available on the
#' machine minus 1.
#' @param show.time Logical. Displays time elapsed. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param long_power Logical. Whether to estimate power using separate critical test statistics for each \code{nsim} test statistics
#' simulated under the alternative hypothesis. Note that although this will give a more accurate estimate of power, it will
#' take a considerably large amount of time. First try increasing \code{ncrit}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param n.samp integer, number of sets of residuals for importance sampling for the copula model with cord. Defaults to \code{10}, recommend setting this
#' higher for smaller sample sizes \code{N}.
#' @param nlv number of latent variables (default = 2) for the copula model with cord, recommend setting this lower for smaller sample sizes \code{N}.
#' @return Power estimate result, and;
#' \item{\code{power}}{power.}
#' @section Author(s):
#' Ben Maslen <b.maslen@unsw.edu.au>.
#' @section References:
#' Maslen, B., Popovic, G., Lim, M., Marzinelli, E., & Warton, D. (2023). How many sites? Methods to assist design decisions when collecting multivariate data in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(6), 1564-1573.
#' Popovic, G. C., Hui, F. K., & Warton, D. I. (2018). A general algorithm for covariance modeling of discrete data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 165, 86-100.
#' @seealso \code{\link{effect_alt}}, \code{\link{effect_null}}, \code{\link{extend}}
#' @import ecoCopula
#' @import mvabund
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom stats anova
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @rdname powersim
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(ecoCopula)
#' library(mvabund)
#' data(spider)
#' spiddat = mvabund(spider$abund)
#' X = data.frame(spider$x)
#' # Specify increasers and decreasers
#' increasers = c("Alopacce", "Arctlute", "Arctperi", "Pardnigr", "Pardpull")
#' decreasers = c("Alopcune", "Alopfabr", "Zoraspin")
#' # Find power for continuous predictor at effect_size=1.5
#' fit.glm = manyglm(spiddat~bare.sand, family="negative.binomial", data=X)
#' effect_mat = effect_alt(fit.glm, effect_size=1.5,
#'        increasers, decreasers, term="bare.sand")
#' fit.cord = cord(fit.glm)
#' powersim(fit.cord, coeffs=effect_mat, term="bare.sand", nsim=99, ncrit=99, ncores=2)
#' # Find power for categorical predictor with 4 levels at effect_size=1.5
#' X$Treatment = rep(c("A","B","C","D"),each=7)
#' fit_factors.glm = manyglm(spiddat~Treatment, family="negative.binomial", data=X)
#' effect_mat = effect_alt(fit_factors.glm, effect_size=1.5,
#'        increasers, decreasers, term="Treatment")
#' fit_factors.cord = cord(fit_factors.glm)
#' powersim(fit_factors.cord, coeffs=effect_mat, term="Treatment", nsim=99, ncrit=99, ncores=2)
#' # Change effect size parameterisation
#' effect_mat = effect_alt(fit_factors.glm, effect_size=1.5,
#'                          increasers, decreasers, term="Treatment",
#'                          K=c(3,1,2))
#' powersim(fit_factors.cord, coeffs=effect_mat, term="Treatment", nsim=99, ncrit=99, ncores=2)
#' }
#' @export

powersim.cord = function(object, coeffs, term, N=nrow(object$obj$data),
   coeffs0=effect_null(object$obj, term), nsim=1000,ncrit=999, test="score",
   alpha=0.05, newdata=NULL, ncores=detectCores()-1, show.time=TRUE,
   long_power=FALSE, n.samp=10, nlv=2) {

  if (long_power==FALSE){
  stats.null = rep(NA,ncrit)
  } else {
    stats.null =rep(NA,nsim*ncrit)
  stats = rep(NA,nsim)
  do.fit = TRUE

  ptm = proc.time()

  ncores = get_ncores(ncores)
  cl = makeCluster(ncores)
  clusterExport(cl, objects(envir = .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
  clusterExport(cl, objects(envir = environment()), envir = environment())
  libraries = clusterEvalQ(cl, {

  if (long_power){
    # obtain test statistics under the alternative hypothesis
    alt_sims = parSapply(cl, stats, MVApowerstat_long_alt, coeffs=coeffs)
    #stats = unlist(parSapply(cl, stats, MVApowerstat, coeffs=coeffs))

    stats = unlist(alt_sims[1,])
    alt_mods = alt_sims[2,]
    #stats.null = unlist(parSapply(cl, stats.null, MVApowerstat, coeffs=coeffs0))

    #change stats.null to a matrix of null test statistics
    stats.null.mat = matrix(stats.null,nrow=ncrit,ncol=nsim)

    #create vector for criticalStat
    criticalStat = rep(NA,nsim)

    for (i in c(1:nsim)){
      fit_alt.cord = alt_mods[[i]]
      # extended_data <<- data.frame(fit_alt.cord$obj$x)
      assign("extended_data", data.frame(fit_alt.cord$obj$x), inherits=TRUE)
      coeffs0_l = effect_null(fit_alt.cord$obj, term=term)
      stats.null_f = c(stats[i],unlist(parSapply(cl, stats.null.mat[,i], MVApowerstat_long_null, alt_mod=fit_alt.cord,coeffs=coeffs0_l)))
      #stats.null_f = c(stats[i],unlist(parSapply(cl, stats.null.mat[,i], MVApowerstat, coeffs=coeffs0)))
       criticalStat[i] = quantile(
        unlist(stats.null_f[!is.na(c(unlist(stats.null_f)))]), 1-alpha, na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {

    # obtain test statistics under the alternative hypothesis
    #stats = unlist(parSapply(cl, stats, MVApowerstat, coeffs=coeffs))

    # obtain test statistics under the alternative hypothesis
     alt_sims = parSapply(cl, stats, MVApowerstat_long_alt, coeffs=coeffs)
    #stats = unlist(parSapply(cl, stats, MVApowerstat, coeffs=coeffs))

     stats = unlist(alt_sims[1,])
     alt_mods = alt_sims[2,]
     coeffs_0 = alt_sims[3,]

    stats.null = c(stats[1],unlist(parSapply(cl, stats.null, MVApowerstat_long_null_2, coeffs=coeffs_0,alt_mods=alt_mods)))

    # for (i in c(1:ncrit)){
    #   #extended_data <<- data.frame(alt_mods_rd[[i]]$obj$x)
    #   #coeffs0_l = effect_null(alt_mods_rd[[i]]$obj, term=term)
    #   stats.null[i] <- anova(
    #     extend(
    #       object=alt_mods[[alt_mods_id[i]]],
    #       N=N,
    #       coeffs=coeffs_0[[alt_mods_id[i]]],
    #       newdata=newdata,
    #       n_replicate=n_replicate,
    #       do.fit=do.fit
    #     ),
    #     nBoot=1,
    #     test=test,
    #     show.time = "none"
    #   )$table[term,3]
    # }

    #stats.null <- c(stats[1],stats.null)

    #stats.null = c(stats[1],unlist(parSapply(cl, stats.null, MVApowerstat, coeffs=coeffs0)))
    criticalStat = quantile(
      unlist(stats.null[!is.na(stats.null)]), 1-alpha, na.rm=TRUE


  # criticalStat_lower = quantile(
  #   unlist(stats.null[!is.na(unlist(stats.null))]), 1-alpha+0.025, na.rm=TRUE
  # )
  # criticalStat_upper = quantile(
  #   unlist(stats.null[!is.na(unlist(stats.null))]), 1-alpha-0.025, na.rm=TRUE
  # )

  # Observe the proportion of times our test statistics exceed this value

  power = get_power(criticalStat, stats, nsim)

  out = list(power = power)

  elapsed = proc.time()[3] - ptm[3]
  print_time(elapsed, show.time)

  class(out) = "powersim.cord"
  return (out)

get_power = function(criticalStat, stats, nsim) {
  # change nsim in this function
  p = rep(NA, length=nsim)
  p = stats + 1e-8 > criticalStat
  return (mean(p,na.rm=TRUE))

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