
#' Blank correction
#' @description This function is used to remove blank from eems which can help
#'   to reduce the effect of scatter bands.
#' @template template_eem
#' @template template_blank
#' @template template_details_automatic_blank
#' @details Note that blank correction should be performed before Raman
#'   normalization (\code{eem_raman_normalisation()}). An error will occur
#'   if trying to perform blank correction after Raman normalization.
#' @references Murphy, K. R., Stedmon, C. a., Graeber, D., & Bro, R. (2013).
#'   Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC. Analytical
#'   Methods, 5(23), 6557. http://doi.org/10.1039/c3ay41160e
#'   \url{http://xlink.rsc.org/?DOI=c3ay41160e}
#' @importFrom rlist list.apply list.group list.ungroup
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1
#' # Open the fluorescence eem
#' file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "sample1.csv", package = "eemR")
#' eem <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary")
#' plot(eem)
#' # Open the blank eem
#' file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "nano.csv", package = "eemR")
#' blank <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary")
#' plot(blank)
#' # Remove the blank
#' eem <- eem_remove_blank(eem, blank)
#' plot(eem)
#' ## Example 2
#' # Open the fluorescence eem
#' folder <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", package = "eemR")
#' eems <- eem_read(folder, import_function = "cary")
#' plot(eems, which = 3)
#' # Open the blank eem
#' file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "nano.csv", package = "eemR")
#' blank <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary")
#' plot(blank)
#' # Remove the blank
#' eem <- eem_remove_blank(eems, blank)
#' plot(eems, which = 3)
#' # Automatic correction
#' folder <- system.file("extdata/cary/", package = "eemR")
#' # Look at the folder structure
#' list.files(folder, "*.csv", recursive = TRUE)
#' eems <- eem_read(folder, recursive = TRUE, import_function = "cary")
#' res <- eem_remove_blank(eems)
eem_remove_blank <- function(eem, blank = NA) {
    .is_eemlist(eem) | .is_eem(eem),
    .is_eemlist(blank) | is.na(blank)

  is_raman_normalized <- lapply(
    function(x) {
  is_raman_normalized <- unlist(is_raman_normalized)

  if (any(is_raman_normalized)) {
    stop("Samples have been Raman normalized. Please perform blank removal
         before Raman normalization.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.na(blank)) {
    t <- list.group(eem, ~location)
    t <- lapply(t, function(x) {
      class(x) <- "eemlist"

    res <- list.apply(t, .eem_remove_blank)
    res <- list.ungroup(res)
    class(res) <- "eemlist"
  } else {
    .eem_remove_blank(eem, blank)

.eem_remove_blank <- function(eem, blank = NA) {
    .is_eemlist(eem) | .is_eem(eem),
    .is_eemlist(blank) | is.na(blank)

  ## It is a list of eems, then call lapply
  if (.is_eemlist(eem)) {

    # if blank is NA then try to split the eemlist into blank and eems
    if (is.na(blank)) {
      blank <- eem_extract_blank(eem)

      if (length(blank) != 1 | length(eem) < 1) {
        stop("Cannot find blank for automatic correction.", call. = FALSE)

    res <- lapply(eem, eem_remove_blank, blank = blank)

    class(res) <- class(eem)

  # Do the blank subtraction.

  # Do not correct if it was already done
  if (attributes(eem)$is_blank_corrected) {

  if (is_blank(eem)) {
  } # do not modify blank samples

  blank <- unlist(blank, recursive = FALSE)

  x <- eem$x - blank$x

  ## Construct an eem object.
  res <- list(
    file = eem$file,
    x = x,
    ex = eem$ex,
    em = eem$em

  res <- eem(res)

  attributes(res) <- attributes(eem)
  attr(res, "is_blank_corrected") <- TRUE


#' Remove Raman and Rayleigh scattering
#' @template template_eem
#' @param type A string, either "raman" or "rayleigh".
#' @param order A integer number, either 1 (first order) or 2 (second order).
#' @param width Slit width in nm for the cut. Default is 10 nm.
#' @references
#' Lakowicz, J. R. (2006). Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
#' Boston, MA: Springer US.#'
#' \url{http://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-46312-4}
#' Murphy, K. R., Stedmon, C. a., Graeber, D., & Bro, R. (2013).
#' Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC. Analytical
#' Methods, 5(23), 6557. http://doi.org/10.1039/c3ay41160e#'
#'  \url{http://xlink.rsc.org/?DOI=c3ay41160e}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Open the fluorescence eem
#' file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "sample1.csv", package = "eemR")
#' eem <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary")
#' plot(eem)
#' # Remove the scattering
#' eem <- eem_remove_scattering(eem = eem, type = "raman", order = 1, width = 10)
#' eem <- eem_remove_scattering(eem = eem, type = "rayleigh", order = 1, width = 10)
#' plot(eem)
eem_remove_scattering <- function(eem, type, order = 1, width = 10) {
    .is_eemlist(eem) | .is_eem(eem),
    all(type %in% c("raman", "rayleigh")),
    length(order) == 1,
    length(type) == 1,
    length(width) == 1,
    is_between(order, 1, 2),
    is_between(width, 0, 100)

  ## It is a list of eems, then call lapply
  if (.is_eemlist(eem)) {
    res <- lapply(eem,
      type = type,
      order = order,
      width = width

    class(res) <- class(eem)

  # Remove the scattering.

  x <- eem$x
  em <- eem$em
  ex <- eem$ex

  if (type == "raman") {
    ex <- .find_raman_peaks(eem$ex)

  ind1 <- mapply(function(x) em <= x, order * ex - width)
  ind2 <- mapply(function(x) em <= x, order * ex + width)

  ind3 <- ifelse(ind1 + ind2 == 1, NA, 1)

  x <- x * ind3

  ## Construct an eem object.
  res <- eem
  res$x <- x

  attributes(res) <- attributes(eem)
  attr(res, "is_scatter_corrected") <- TRUE

  class(res) <- class(eem)


.find_raman_peaks <- function(ex) {

  # For water, the Raman peak appears at a wavenumber 3600 cm lower than the
  # incident wavenumber. For excitation at 280 nm, the Raman peak from water
  # occurs at 311 nm. Source : Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy (2006) -
  # Third Edition.pdf

  ## Convert wavenumber from nm to cm
  ex_wave_number <- 1 / ex

  ## For water. 3600 nm = 0.00036 cm
  raman_peaks <- ex_wave_number - 0.00036 # I think Stedmon use 3400 TODO

  ## Bring back to nm
  raman_peaks <- 1 / raman_peaks

  # raman_peaks <- -(ex / (0.00036 * ex - 1))


#' Fluorescence Intensity Calibration Using the Raman Scatter Peak of Water
#' @template template_eem
#' @template template_blank
#' @template template_details_automatic_blank
#' @description Normalize fluorescence intensities to the standard scale of
#'   Raman Units (R.U).
#' @details The normalization procedure consists in dividing all fluorescence
#'   intensities by the area (integral) of the Raman peak. The peak is located
#'   at excitation of 350 nm. (ex = 370) between 371 nm. and 428 nm in emission
#'   (371 <= em <= 428). Note that the data is interpolated to make sure that
#'   fluorescence at em 350 exist.
#' @references
#' Lawaetz, A. J., & Stedmon, C. A. (2009). Fluorescence Intensity Calibration
#' Using the Raman Scatter Peak of Water. Applied Spectroscopy, 63(8), 936-940.
#' \url{https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1366/000370209788964548}
#' Murphy, K. R., Stedmon, C. a., Graeber, D., & Bro, R. (2013). Fluorescence
#' spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC. Analytical Methods, 5(23),
#' 6557.
#' \url{http://xlink.rsc.org/?DOI=c3ay41160e}
#' @return An object of class \code{eem} containing: \itemize{ \item sample The
#'   file name of the eem. \item x A matrix with fluorescence values. \item em
#'   Emission vector of wavelengths. \item ex Excitation vector of wavelengths.
#'   }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Open the fluorescence eem
#' file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "sample1.csv", package = "eemR")
#' eem <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary")
#' plot(eem)
#' # Open the blank eem
#' file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "nano.csv", package = "eemR")
#' blank <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary")
#' # Do the normalisation
#' eem <- eem_raman_normalisation(eem, blank)
#' plot(eem)
eem_raman_normalisation <- function(eem, blank = NA) {
    .is_eemlist(eem) | .is_eem(eem),
    .is_eemlist(blank) | is.na(blank)

  if (is.na(blank)) {
    t <- list.group(eem, ~location)
    t <- lapply(t, function(x) {
      class(x) <- "eemlist"

    res <- list.apply(t, .eem_raman_normalisation)
    res <- list.ungroup(res)
    class(res) <- "eemlist"
  } else {
    .eem_raman_normalisation(eem, blank)

.eem_raman_normalisation <- function(eem, blank = NA) {
    .is_eemlist(eem) | .is_eem(eem),
    .is_eemlist(blank) | is.na(blank)

  ## It is a list of eems, then call lapply
  if (.is_eemlist(eem)) {

    # if blank is NA then try to split the eemlist into blank and eems
    if (is.na(blank)) {
      blank <- eem_extract_blank(eem)

      if (length(blank) != 1 | length(eem) < 1) {
        stop("Cannot find blank for automatic correction.", call. = FALSE)

    res <- lapply(eem, .eem_raman_normalisation, blank = blank)

    class(res) <- class(eem)

  # Do the normalisation.

  # Do not correct if it was already done
  if (attributes(eem)$is_raman_normalized) {

  # Do not modify blank samples
  if (is_blank(eem)) {

  blank <- unlist(blank, recursive = FALSE)

  em <- seq(371, 428, by = 2)
  ex <- rep(350, length(em))
  fluo <- pracma::interp2(blank$ex, blank$em, blank$x, ex, em)

  # index_ex <- which(blank$ex == 350)
  # index_em <- which(blank$em >= 371 & blank$em <= 428)
  # x <- blank$em[index_em]
  # y <- blank$x[index_em, index_ex]

  if (any(is.na(em)) | any(is.na(fluo))) {
    stop("NA values found in the blank sample. Maybe you removed scattering too soon?",
         call. = FALSE)

  area <- sum(diff(em) * (fluo[-length(fluo)] + fluo[-1]) / 2)

  cat("Raman area:", area, "\n")

  x <- eem$x / area

  ## Construct an eem object.
  res <- list(
    file = eem$file,
    x = x,
    ex = eem$ex,
    em = eem$em

  res <- eem(res)

  attributes(res) <- attributes(eem)
  attr(res, "is_raman_normalized") <- TRUE

  class(res) <- class(eem)


#' Inner-filter effect correction
#' @template template_eem
#' @param pathlength A numeric value indicating the pathlength (in cm) of the
#'   cuvette used for absorbance measurement. Default is 1 (1cm).
#' @param absorbance A data frame with:
#'   \describe{ \item{wavelength}{A numeric vector containing wavelengths.}
#'   \item{...}{One or more numeric vectors containing absorbance spectra.}}
#' @details The inner-filter effect correction procedure is assuming that
#'   fluorescence has been measured in 1 cm cuvette. Hence, absorbance will be
#'   converted per cm. Note that absorbance spectra should be provided (i.e. not
#'   absorption).
#' @section Names matching:
#'   The names of \code{absorbance} variables are expected to match those of the
#'   eems. If the appropriate absorbance spectrum is not found, an uncorrected
#'   eem will be returned and a warning message will be printed.
#' @section Sample dilution:
#'   Kothawala et al. 2013 have shown that a 2-fold dilution was required for
#'   sample presenting total absorbance > 1.5 in a 1 cm cuvette. Accordingly, a
#'   message will warn the user if total absorbance is greater than this
#'   threshold.
#' @references Parker, C. a., & Barnes, W. J. (1957). Some experiments with
#'   spectrofluorometers and filter fluorimeters. The Analyst, 82(978), 606.
#'   \url{http://doi.org/10.1039/an9578200606}
#'   Kothawala, D. N., Murphy, K. R., Stedmon, C. A., Weyhenmeyer, G. A., &
#'   Tranvik, L. J. (2013). Inner filter correction of dissolved organic matter
#'   fluorescence. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 11(12), 616-630.
#'   \url{http://doi.org/10.4319/lom.2013.11.616}
#' @return An object of class \code{eem} containing: \itemize{ \item sample The
#'   file name of the eem. \item x A matrix with fluorescence values. \item em
#'   Emission vector of wavelengths. \item ex Excitation vector of wavelengths.
#'   }
#' @examples
#' library(eemR)
#' data("absorbance")
#' folder <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", package = "eemR")
#' eems <- eem_read(folder, import_function = "cary")
#' eems <- eem_extract(eems, "nano") # Remove the blank sample
#' # Remove scattering (1st order)
#' eems <- eem_remove_scattering(eems, "rayleigh")
#' eems_corrected <- eem_inner_filter_effect(eems, absorbance = absorbance, pathlength = 1)
#' op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(eems, which = 1)
#' plot(eems_corrected, which = 1)
#' par(op)
#' @export
eem_inner_filter_effect <- function(eem, absorbance, pathlength = 1) {
    .is_eemlist(eem) | .is_eem(eem),

  ## It is a list of eems, then call lapply
  if (.is_eemlist(eem)) {
    res <- lapply(eem,
      absorbance = absorbance,
      pathlength = pathlength

    class(res) <- class(eem)


  # Some checks

  # names(absorbance) <- tolower(names(absorbance))

  if (!any(names(absorbance) == "wavelength")) {
    stop("'wavelength' variable was not found in the data frame.",
      call. = FALSE

  wl <- absorbance[["wavelength"]]

  if (!all(is_between(range(eem$em), min(wl), max(wl)))) {
    stop("absorbance wavelengths are not in the range of
         emission wavelengths", call. = FALSE)

  if (!all(is_between(range(eem$ex), min(wl), max(wl)))) {
    stop("absorbance wavelengths are not in the range of
         excitation wavelengths", call. = FALSE)

  index <- which(names(absorbance) == eem$sample)

  ## absorbance spectra not found, we return the uncorected eem
  if (length(index) == 0) {
    warning("Absorbance spectrum for ", eem$sample, " was not found. Returning uncorrected EEM.",
      call. = FALSE


  spectra <- absorbance[[index]]

  # Create the ife matrix

  cat(eem$sample, "\n")

  # Do not correct if it was already done
  if (attributes(eem)$is_ife_corrected) {

  sf <- stats::splinefun(wl, spectra)

  ex <- sf(eem$ex)
  em <- sf(eem$em)

  # Calculate total absorbance in 1 cm cuvette.
  # This also assume that the fluorescence has been measured in 1 cm cuvette.
  total_absorbance <- sapply(ex, function(x) {
    x + em
  }) / pathlength

  max_abs <- max(total_absorbance)

  if (max_abs > 1.5) {
    cat("Total absorbance is > 1.5 (Atotal = ", max_abs, ")\n",
      "A 2-fold dilution is recommended. See ?eem_inner_filter_effect.\n",
      sep = ""

  ife_correction_factor <- 10^(0.5 * total_absorbance)

    "Range of IFE correction factors:",
    round(range(ife_correction_factor), digits = 4), "\n"

    "Range of total absorbance (Atotal) :",
    round(range(total_absorbance / pathlength), digits = 4), "\n\n"

  x <- eem$x * ife_correction_factor

  ## Construct an eem object.
  res <- list(
    file = eem$file,
    x = x,
    ex = eem$ex,
    em = eem$em

  res <- eem(res)

  attributes(res) <- attributes(eem)
  attr(res, "is_ife_corrected") <- TRUE


is_between <- function(x, a, b) {
  x >= a & x <= b

# Return TRUE if eem is a blank sample

is_blank <- function(eem) {
  blank_names <- paste("nano", "miliq", "milliq", "mq", "blank", sep = "|")

  grepl(blank_names, eem$sample, ignore.case = TRUE)

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eemR documentation built on June 27, 2019, 5:08 p.m.