`%!in%` = Negate(`%in%`)
#NAMESPACE HACK FOR CRAN; won't let me use SHELF 3 times :
logt.error <-utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
gamma.error<-utils::getFromNamespace("gamma.error", "SHELF")
lognormal.error<-utils::getFromNamespace("lognormal.error", "SHELF")
logt.error<-utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
makeGroupPlot<-utils::getFromNamespace("makeGroupPlot", "SHELF")
makeLinearPoolPlot<-utils::getFromNamespace("makeLinearPoolPlot", "SHELF")
makeSingleExpertPlot<-utils::getFromNamespace("makeSingleExpertPlot", "SHELF")
expertdensity<-utils::getFromNamespace("expertdensity", "SHELF")
normal.error_mod <- function (parameters, values, probabilities, weights, mode,trunc =FALSE){
if(trunc){ #Survival Trunc
Fx <- pnorm(values, parameters[1], exp(parameters[2]))
Fa <- pnorm(0, parameters[1], exp(parameters[2]))
Fb <- pnorm(1, parameters[1], exp(parameters[2]))
F_final <- (Fx - Fa)/(Fb-Fa)
F_final <- pnorm(values, parameters[1], exp(parameters[2]))
res1 <- sum(weights * (F_final - probabilities)^2)
if (!is.null(mode)) {
res1 <- res1 + (parameters[1] - mode)^2
t_error_mod <- function (parameters, values, probabilities, weights, degreesfreedom,
if(trunc){ #Survival Trunc
Fx <- stats::pt((values - parameters[1])/exp(parameters[2]),
Fa <- stats::pt((0 - parameters[1])/exp(parameters[2]),
Fb <- stats::pt((1 - parameters[1])/exp(parameters[2]),
F_final <- (Fx - Fa)/(Fb-Fa)
F_final <- stats::pt((values - parameters[1])/exp(parameters[2]),
res1 <- sum(weights * (F_final - probabilities)^2)
if (!is.null(mode)) {
res1 <- res1 + (parameters[1] - mode)^2
gamma.error_mod <- function (parameters, values, probabilities, weights, mode,trunc=FALSE){
if(trunc){ #Survival Trunc
Fx <- stats::pgamma(values, exp(parameters[1]),exp(parameters[2]))
Fa <- stats::pgamma(0, exp(parameters[1]),exp(parameters[2]))
Fb <- stats::pgamma(1, exp(parameters[1]),exp(parameters[2]))
F_final <- (Fx - Fa)/(Fb-Fa)
F_final <- stats::pgamma(values, exp(parameters[1]),exp(parameters[2]))
res1 <- sum(weights * (F_final - probabilities)^2)
if (!is.null(mode)) {
res1 <- res1 + ((exp(parameters[1]) - 1)/exp(parameters[2]) -
lognormal.error_mod <-function (parameters, values, probabilities, weights, mode,trunc =FALSE){
if(trunc){ #Survival Trunc
Fx <- stats::plnorm(values, parameters[1],exp(parameters[2]))
Fa <- stats::plnorm(0, parameters[1],exp(parameters[2]))
Fb <- stats::plnorm(1, parameters[1],exp(parameters[2]))
F_final <- (Fx - Fa)/(Fb-Fa)
F_final <- stats::plnorm(values, parameters[1],exp(parameters[2]))
res1 <- sum(weights * ( F_final- probabilities)^2)
if (!is.null(mode)) {
res1 <- res1 + (exp(parameters[1] - exp(parameters[2])^2) -
beta.error_mod <- function (parameters, values, probabilities, weights, mode ){
res1 <- sum(weights * (stats::pbeta(values, exp(parameters[1]),
exp(parameters[2])) - probabilities)^2)
if (!is.null(mode)) {
res1 <- res1 + ((exp(parameters[1]) - 1)/(exp(parameters[1]) +
exp(parameters[2]) - 2) - mode)^2
dt.scaled <- function (x, df, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncp, log = FALSE){
if (!log)
stats::dt((x - mean)/sd, df, ncp = ncp, log = FALSE)/sd
else stats::dt((x - mean)/sd, df, ncp = ncp, log = TRUE) -
expert_log_dens <- function(x, df, pool_type, k_norm = NULL, St_indic){
if(is.null(dim(df))){ #corced to vector
df <-matrix(df, nrow = 1, ncol = length(df))
if(St_indic ==1){
a <- 0
b <- 1
a <- -Inf
b <- +Inf
like <- rep(NA,nrow(df))
for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
if(df[i,1] == 1){ # 1 equal normal
like[i] <- stats::dnorm(x, df[i,3], df[i,4], log = F)
k_trunc <- stats::pnorm(b,df[i,3], df[i,4])-stats::pnorm(a,df[i,3], df[i,4])
if(df[i,1] == 2){ # 2 equal t
like[i] <- dt.scaled(x, df[i,5], df[i,3], df[i,4], log = F)
k_trunc <- pt.scaled(b, df[i,5], df[i,3], df[i,4])-pt.scaled(a, df[i,5], df[i,3], df[i,4])
if(df[i,1] == 3){ # 3 equal gamma
like[i] <- stats::dgamma(x, df[i,3], df[i,4], log = F)
k_trunc <- stats::pgamma(b, df[i,3], df[i,4])-stats::pgamma(a, df[i,3], df[i,4])
if(df[i,1] == 4){ # 4 equal lnorm
like[i] <- stats::dlnorm(x, df[i,3], df[i,4],log = F)
k_trunc <- stats::plnorm(b, df[i,3], df[i,4])-stats::plnorm(a, df[i,3], df[i,4])
if(df[i,1] == 5){# 5 = beta
like[i] <- stats::dbeta(x, df[i,3], df[i,4], log = F)
k_trunc <- stats::pbeta(b, df[i,3], df[i,4])-stats::pbeta(a, df[i,3], df[i,4])
like[i] <- like[i]/k_trunc
if(pool_type ==1){
like[i] <- like[i]*df[i,2]
like[i] <- like[i]^df[i,2]
if(pool_type == 1){
fitdist_mod <- function (vals, probs, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, weights = 1,
tdf = 3, expertnames = NULL, excludelog.mirror = TRUE, mode = NULL, trunc = FALSE){
logt.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
gamma.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("gamma.error", "SHELF")
lognormal.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("lognormal.error",
logt.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
makeGroupPlot <- utils::getFromNamespace("makeGroupPlot",
makeLinearPoolPlot <- utils::getFromNamespace("makeLinearPoolPlot",
makeSingleExpertPlot <- utils::getFromNamespace("makeSingleExpertPlot",
expertdensity <- utils::getFromNamespace("expertdensity",
if (is.matrix(vals) == F) {
vals <- matrix(vals, nrow = length(vals), ncol = 1)
if (is.matrix(probs) == F) {
probs <- matrix(probs, nrow = nrow(vals), ncol = ncol(vals))
if (is.matrix(weights) == F) {
weights <- matrix(weights, nrow = nrow(vals), ncol = ncol(vals))
if (length(lower) == 1) {
lower <- rep(lower, ncol(vals))
if (length(upper) == 1) {
upper <- rep(upper, ncol(vals))
if (length(tdf) == 1) {
tdf <- rep(tdf, ncol(vals))
n.experts <- ncol(vals)
normal.parameters <- matrix(NA, n.experts, 2)
t.parameters <- matrix(NA, n.experts, 3)
mirrorgamma.parameters <- gamma.parameters <- matrix(NA,
n.experts, 2)
mirrorlognormal.parameters <- lognormal.parameters <- matrix(NA,
n.experts, 2)
mirrorlogt.parameters <- logt.parameters <- matrix(NA, n.experts,
beta.parameters <- matrix(NA, n.experts, 2)
ssq <- matrix(NA, n.experts, 9)
colnames(ssq) <- c("normal", "t", "gamma", "lognormal", "logt",
"beta", "mirrorgamma", "mirrorlognormal", "mirrorlogt")
if (n.experts > 1 & n.experts < 27 & is.null(expertnames)) {
expertnames <- paste("expert.", LETTERS[1:n.experts],
sep = "")
if (n.experts > 27 & is.null(expertnames)) {
expertnames <- paste("expert.", 1:n.experts, sep = "")
for (i in 1:n.experts) {
# if (min(probs[, i]) > 0.4) {
# stop("smallest elicited probability must be less than 0.4")
# }
if (min(probs[, i]) < 0 | max(probs[, i]) > 1) {
stop("probabilities must be between 0 and 1")
# if (max(probs[, i]) < 0.6) {
# stop("largest elicited probability must be greater than 0.6")
# }
if (min(vals[, i]) < lower[i]) {
stop("elicited parameter values cannot be smaller than lower parameter limit")
if (max(vals[, i]) > upper[i]) {
stop("elicited parameter values cannot be greater than upper parameter limit")
if (tdf[i] <= 0) {
stop("Student-t degrees of freedom must be greater than 0")
if (min(probs[-1, i] - probs[-nrow(probs), i]) < 0) {
stop("probabilities must be specified in ascending order")
if (min(vals[-1, i] - vals[-nrow(vals), i]) <= 0) {
stop("parameter values must be specified in ascending order")
inc <- (probs[, i] > 0) & (probs[, i] < 1)
minprob <- min(probs[inc, i])
maxprob <- max(probs[inc, i])
minvals <- min(vals[inc, i])
maxvals <- max(vals[inc, i]) <- stats::approx(x = probs[inc, i], y = vals[inc,
i], xout = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6))$y
l <-[1]
u <-[3]
minq <- stats::qnorm(minprob)
maxq <- stats::qnorm(maxprob)
m <- (minvals * maxq - maxvals * minq)/(maxq - minq)
v <- ((maxvals - minvals)/(maxq - minq))^2
#browser() <- stats::optim(c(m, 0.5 * log(v)), normal.error_mod,
values = vals[inc, i], probabilities = probs[inc,
i], weights = weights[inc, i], mode = mode[i],trunc = trunc)
normal.parameters[i, ] <- c($par[1], exp($par[2]))
ssq[i, "normal"] <-$value
lprob <- 0.000001
lower[i] <- stats::qnorm(lprob, normal.parameters[i,1],normal.parameters[i,2])
upper[i] <- stats::qnorm(1-lprob, normal.parameters[i,1],normal.parameters[i,2])
} <- stats::optim(c(m, 0.5 * log(v)), t_error_mod,
values = vals[inc, i], probabilities = probs[inc,
i], weights = weights[inc, i], degreesfreedom = tdf[i],
mode = mode[i],trunc = trunc)
t.parameters[i, 1:2] <- c($par[1], exp($par[2]))
t.parameters[i, 3] <- tdf[i]
ssq[i, "t"] <-$value
if (lower[i] == 0) { #Can't use the distribtuions as they are shifted distributions if lower not equal to 0
vals.scaled1 <- vals[inc, i] - lower[i]
m.scaled1 <- m - lower[i]
# browser() <- stats::optim(c(log(m.scaled1^2/v), log(m.scaled1/v)),
gamma.error_mod, values = vals.scaled1, probabilities = probs[inc,
i], weights = weights[inc, i], mode = mode[i],trunc = trunc)
gamma.parameters[i, ] <- exp($par)
ssq[i, "gamma"] <-$value
std <- ((log(u - lower[i]) - log(l - lower[i]))/1.35)
mlog <- (log(minvals - lower[i]) * maxq - log(maxvals -
lower[i]) * minq)/(maxq - minq) <- stats::optim(c(mlog, log(std)),
lognormal.error_mod, values = vals.scaled1, probabilities = probs[inc,
i], weights = weights[inc, i], mode = mode[i],trunc = trunc)
lognormal.parameters[i, 1:2] <- c($par[1],
ssq[i, "lognormal"] <-$value <- stats::optim(c(log(m.scaled1), log(std)),
logt.error, values = vals.scaled1, probabilities = probs[inc,
i], weights = weights[inc, i], degreesfreedom = tdf[i])
logt.parameters[i, 1:2] <- c($par[1], exp($par[2]))
logt.parameters[i, 3] <- tdf[i]
ssq[i, "logt"] <-$value
if ((lower[i] ==0) & (upper[i] < Inf)) {#Can't use the distribtuions as they are shifted distributions if lower not equal to 0
vals.scaled2 <- (vals[inc, i] - lower[i])/(upper[i] -
m.scaled2 <- (m - lower[i])/(upper[i] - lower[i])
v.scaled2 <- v/(upper[i] - lower[i])^2
alp <- abs(m.scaled2^3/v.scaled2 * (1/m.scaled2 -
1) - m.scaled2)
bet <- abs(alp/m.scaled2 - alp)
if (identical(probs[inc, i], (vals[inc, i] - lower[i])/(upper[i] -
lower[i]))) {
alp <- bet <- 1
} <- stats::optim(c(log(alp), log(bet)), beta.error_mod,
values = vals.scaled2, probabilities = probs[inc,
i], weights = weights[inc, i], mode = mode[i], lower = lower[i], upper = upper[i])
beta.parameters[i, ] <- exp($par)
ssq[i, "beta"] <-$value
if (upper[i] < Inf) {
valsMirrored <- upper[i] - vals[inc, i]
probsMirrored <- 1 - probs[inc, i]
mMirrored <- upper[i] - m <- stats::optim(c(log(mMirrored^2/v),
log(mMirrored/v)), gamma.error, values = valsMirrored,
probabilities = probsMirrored, weights = weights[inc,
mirrorgamma.parameters[i, ] <- exp($par)
ssq[i, "mirrorgamma"] <- Inf$value
mlogMirror <- (log(upper[i] - maxvals) * (1 - minq) -
log(upper[i] - minvals) * (1 - maxq))/(maxq -
stdMirror <- ((log(upper[i] - l) - log(upper[i] -
u))/1.35) <- optim(c(mlogMirror, log(stdMirror)),
lognormal.error, values = valsMirrored, probabilities = probsMirrored,
weights = weights[inc, i])
mirrorlognormal.parameters[i, 1:2] <- c($par[1],
ssq[i, "mirrorlognormal"] <-$value <- stats::optim(c(log(mMirrored),
log(stdMirror)), logt.error, values = valsMirrored,
probabilities = probsMirrored, weights = weights[inc,
i], degreesfreedom = tdf[i])
mirrorlogt.parameters[i, 1:2] <- c($par[1],
mirrorlogt.parameters[i, 3] <- tdf[i]
ssq[i, "mirrorlogt"] <-$value
limits <- data.frame(lower = lower, upper = upper)
row.names(limits) <- expertnames
dfn <- data.frame(normal.parameters)
names(dfn) <- c("mean", "sd")
row.names(dfn) <- expertnames
dft <- data.frame(t.parameters)
names(dft) <- c("location", "scale", "df")
row.names(dft) <- expertnames
dfg <- data.frame(gamma.parameters)
names(dfg) <- c("shape", "rate")
row.names(dfg) <- expertnames
dfmirrorg <- data.frame(mirrorgamma.parameters)
names(dfmirrorg) <- c("shape", "rate")
row.names(dfmirrorg) <- expertnames
dfln <- data.frame(lognormal.parameters)
names(dfln) <- c("mean.log.X", "sd.log.X")
row.names(dfln) <- expertnames
dfmirrorln <- data.frame(mirrorlognormal.parameters)
names(dfmirrorln) <- c("mean.log.X", "sd.log.X")
row.names(dfmirrorln) <- expertnames
dflt <- data.frame(logt.parameters)
names(dflt) <- c("location.log.X", "scale.log.X", "df.log.X")
row.names(dflt) <- expertnames
dfmirrorlt <- data.frame(mirrorlogt.parameters)
names(dfmirrorlt) <- c("location.log.X", "scale.log.X", "df.log.X")
row.names(dfmirrorlt) <- expertnames
dfb <- data.frame(beta.parameters)
names(dfb) <- c("shape1", "shape2")
row.names(dfb) <- expertnames
ssq <- data.frame(ssq)
row.names(ssq) <- expertnames
if (excludelog.mirror) {
reducedssq <- ssq[, c("normal", "t", "gamma", "lognormal",
index <- apply(reducedssq, 1, which.min)
best.fitting <- data.frame( = names(reducedssq)[index])
else {
index <- apply(ssq, 1, which.min)
best.fitting <- data.frame( = names(ssq)[index])
row.names(best.fitting) <- expertnames
vals <- data.frame(vals)
names(vals) <- expertnames
probs <- data.frame(probs)
names(probs) <- expertnames
fit <- list(Normal = dfn, Student.t = dft, Gamma = dfg, Log.normal = dfln,
Log.Student.t = dflt, Beta = dfb, mirrorgamma = dfmirrorg,
mirrorlognormal = dfmirrorln, mirrorlogt = dfmirrorlt,
ssq = ssq, best.fitting = best.fitting, vals = t(vals),
probs = t(probs), limits = limits)
class(fit) <- "elicitation"
plotfit <- function (fit, d = "best", xl = -Inf, xu = Inf, ql = NA, qu = NA,
lp = FALSE, ex = NA, sf = 3, ind = TRUE, lpw = 1, fs = 12,
lwd = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = expression(f[X](x)), legend_full = TRUE,
percentages = FALSE, returnPlot = FALSE){
logt.error <-utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
gamma.error<-utils::getFromNamespace("gamma.error", "SHELF")
lognormal.error<-utils::getFromNamespace("lognormal.error", "SHELF")
logt.error<-utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
makeGroupPlot<-utils::getFromNamespace("makeGroupPlot", "SHELF")
makeLinearPoolPlot<-utils::getFromNamespace("makeLinearPoolPlot", "SHELF")
makeSingleExpertPlot<-utils::getFromNamespace("makeSingleExpertPlot", "SHELF")
expertdensity<-utils::getFromNamespace("expertdensity", "SHELF")
if (d == "beta" & (min(fit$limits) == -Inf | max(fit$limits) ==
Inf)) {
stop("Parameter limits must be finite to fit a beta distribution")
if (d == "gamma" & min(fit$limits) == -Inf) {
stop("Lower parameter limit must be finite to fit a (shifted) gamma distribution")
if (d == "lognormal" & min(fit$limits) == -Inf) {
stop("Lower parameter limit must be finite to fit a (shifted) log normal distribution")
if (d == "logt" & min(fit$limits) == -Inf) {
stop("Lower parameter limit must be finite to fit a (shifted) log t distribution")
if ( == F & (ql < 0 | ql > 1)) {
stop("Lower feedback quantile must be between 0 and 1")
if ( == F & (qu < 0 | qu > 1)) {
stop("Upper feedback quantile must be between 0 and 1")
ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_grey(base_size = fs))
ggplot2::theme_update(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))
if (nrow(fit$vals) > 1 & == T & lp == F) {
if (xl == -Inf & min(fit$limits[, 1]) > -Inf) {
xl <- min(fit$limits[, 1])
if (xu == Inf & max(fit$limits[, 2]) < Inf) {
xu <- max(fit$limits[, 2])
p1 <- suppressWarnings(makeGroupPlot(fit, xl, xu, d,
lwd, xlab, ylab, expertnames = rownames(fit$Normal)))
if (returnPlot) {
if (nrow(fit$vals) > 1 & lp == T) {
if (xl == -Inf & min(fit$limits[, 1]) > -Inf) {
xl <- min(fit$limits[, 1])
if (xl == -Inf & min(fit$limits[, 1]) == -Inf) {
f1 <- SHELF::feedback(fit, quantiles = 0.01, dist = d)
xl <- min(f1$expert.quantiles)
if (xu == Inf & max(fit$limits[, 2]) < Inf) {
xu <- max(fit$limits[, 2])
if (xu == Inf & max(fit$limits[, 2]) == Inf) {
f2 <- SHELF::feedback(fit, quantiles = 0.99, dist = d)
xu <- max(f2$expert.quantiles)
p1 <- makeLinearPoolPlot(fit, xl, xu, d, lpw, lwd, xlab,
ylab, legend_full, expertnames = rownames(fit$Normal))
if (returnPlot) {
if (nrow(fit$vals) > 1 & == F) {
if (xl == -Inf & fit$limits[ex, 1] > -Inf) {
xl <- fit$limits[ex, 1]
if (xu == Inf & fit$limits[ex, 2] < Inf) {
xu <- fit$limits[ex, 2]
p1 <- suppressWarnings(makeSingleExpertPlot(fit, d,
xl, xu, ql, qu, sf, ex = ex, lwd, xlab, ylab, percentages))
if (returnPlot) {
if (nrow(fit$vals) == 1) {
p1 <- suppressWarnings(makeSingleExpertPlot(fit, d,
xl, xu, ql, qu, sf, ex = 1, lwd, xlab, ylab, percentages))
if (returnPlot) {
dt.scaled <- function (x, df, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncp, log = FALSE){
if (!log)
stats::dt((x - mean)/sd, df, ncp = ncp, log = FALSE)/sd
else stats::dt((x - mean)/sd, df, ncp = ncp, log = TRUE) -
qt.scaled <- function (p, df, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncp, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
mean + sd * stats::qt(p, df, ncp = ncp, log.p = log.p)
rt.scaled <- function (n, df, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncp) {
mean + sd * stats::rt(n, df, ncp = ncp)
eval_dens_pool <- function(x.eval, pool.df, pool_type, St_indic){
#Ensure weights sum to 1
pool.df$wi <- pool.df$wi/sum(pool.df$wi)
dens.vec <- apply(pool.df, 1, function(x){get_density(
dist = x["dist"],
param1 = x["param1"],
param2 = x["param2"],
param3 = x["param3"],
x = x.eval, St_indic =St_indic)})
if(pool_type == "log pool"){
return(apply(dens.vec, 1, function(x){prod(x^pool.df$wi)}))
#scaled by an arbitary constant which we don't need to know for candidate density evaluation
return(apply(dens.vec, 1, function(x){sum(x*pool.df$wi)}))
ssq_mix <- function(object, values, probs){
df_ssq <- data.frame(pi = object$pi, mu = object$mu, sd = object$sd)
#Evaluate the pnorm individually
pnorm_eval <- apply(df_ssq,1, FUN = function(x){stats::pnorm(values,x["mu"],
pnorm_eval_weighted <- t(pnorm_eval)*df_ssq$pi
#Sum the pnorm then subtract
return(sum((colSums(pnorm_eval_weighted) - probs)^2))
expert_dens <- function(expert_df, probs = seq(0.01, 0.98, by = 0.002)){
if(length(unique(expert_df$expert)) !=1){ #Only one expert, Don't need to anything
if(is.null(expert_df$weights) && is.null(expert_df$wi)){
warning("No weights given.. assuming equally weighted expert opinion")
expert_df$weights <- 1
expert_df$weights <- expert_df$wi
expert_df_sum <- expert_df %>% dplyr::group_by(times_expert) %>% dplyr::arrange(times_expert) %>%
dplyr::summarize(sum_weights = sum(weights))
if(any(expert_df_sum$sum_weights != 1)&& any(expert_df$weights != 1)){
warning("Some weights don't sum to 1.. reweighting")
expert_df <-expert_df %>% dplyr::left_join(expert_df_sum,"times_expert") %>%
dplyr::mutate(weights = weights/sum_weights)
expert_density <- apply(expert_df, 1, function(x){get_quant_val(
dist = x["dist"],
param1 = x["param1"],
param2 = x["param2"],
param3 = x["param3"],
probs = probs)})
rownames(expert_density) <- probs
list(expert_df = expert_df %>% dplyr::select(-sum_weights),
expert_density = expert_density)
#Will modify for the SHINY APP
# expert_pooling <- function(expert_quant_list = NULL,
# lower_bound = -Inf, upper_bound = Inf, St_indic = 0){
# dfs_expert <- list()
# plts_pool <- list()
# dfs_pool <- list()
# #if(!is.null(expert_quant_list)){ # If a list of quantiles and probabilities
# if(is.null(expert_quant_list$weights_mat)){
# weights_mat <- NULL
# }
# suppressMessages(attach(expert_quant_list))
# max.timepoints <- length(times)
# for(i in 1:max.timepoints){
# timepoint <- paste0("Time ",times[i])
# fit.eval <- SHELF::fitdist(vals = na.omit(v_array[,,i]),
# probs = na.omit(p_mat[,i]), lower = lower_bound, upper = upper_bound)
# weights <- na.omit(weights_mat[,i])
# if(is.null(weights_mat) && ncol(stats::na.omit(v_array[,,i])) == 1){
# weights <- 1 #Only one expert so weights should be 1
# }else if(is.null(weights_mat)){
# warning("No weights assigned assuming equal weights")
# weights <- 1
# }
# best_fit_index <- apply(fit.eval$ssq[,c("normal","t","gamma", "lognormal", "beta")], 1, which.min)
# best_fit <- names(fit.eval$ssq[,c("normal","t","gamma", "lognormal", "beta")])[best_fit_index]
# best_fit_loc <- sapply(best_fit, function(x){which(x == names(fit.eval$ssq))})
# fit.eval.dist <- fit.eval[best_fit_loc]
# pool.df_output <- matrix(nrow = length(best_fit_loc),ncol = 3)
# colnames(pool.df_output) <- c("param1", "param2", "param3")
# for(i in 1:length(best_fit_loc)){
# pool.df_output[i,1:length(fit.eval.dist[[i]][i,])] <- as.numeric(as.vector(fit.eval.dist[[i]][i,]))
# }
# dfs_expert[[timepoint]] <- data.frame(dist = best_fit, wi = weights, pool.df_output)
# plts_pool[[timepoint]] <- makePoolPlot(fit = fit.eval,
# xl =lower_bound,
# xu =upper_bound,
# d = "best",
# w = weights,
# lwd =1,
# xlab = "x",
# ylab =expression(f[X](x)),
# legend_full = TRUE,
# ql = NULL,
# qu = NULL,
# nx = 200,
# addquantile = FALSE,
# fs = 12,
# expertnames = NULL,
# St_indic =St_indic
# )
# dfs_pool[[timepoint]] <- plts_pool[[timepoint]][["data"]]
# }
# # }else{ #This isn't really needed will remove
# #
# # times <- unique(expert_density$expert_df[,"times_expert"])
# # probs <- as.numeric(rownames(expert_density$expert_density))
# #
# # for(i in 1:length(times)){
# #
# # timepoint <- paste0("Time ",times[i])
# #
# # index.loc <- which(expert_density$expert_df$times_expert == times[i])
# # temp_df <- expert_density$expert_df[index.loc, ]
# # temp_dens <- expert_density$expert_density[,index.loc]
# #
# # v <- temp_dens
# # p <- matrix(rep(probs, ncol(temp_dens)), nrow = length(probs), ncol = ncol(temp_dens))
# #
# # # Need to consider upper and lower bounds
# # fit.eval <- SHELF::fitdist(v, p, lower= lower_bound, upper = upper_bound)
# #
# # if(!is.null(temp_df$weights)){
# # weights <- temp_df$weights
# # }else{
# # weights <- 1
# # }
# #
# #
# # best_fit_index <- apply(fit.eval$ssq[,c("normal","t","gamma", "lognormal", "beta")], 1, which.min)
# # best_fit <- names(fit.eval$ssq[,c("normal","t","gamma", "lognormal", "beta")])[best_fit_index]
# #
# # best_fit_loc <- sapply(best_fit, function(x){which(x == names(fit.eval$ssq))})
# # fit.eval.dist <- fit.eval[best_fit_loc]
# #
# # pool.df_output <- matrix(nrow = length(best_fit_loc),ncol = 3)
# # colnames(pool.df_output) <- c("param1", "param2", "param3")
# #
# # for(i in 1:length(best_fit_loc)){
# # pool.df_output[i,1:length(fit.eval.dist[[i]][i,])] <- as.numeric(as.vector(fit.eval.dist[[i]][i,]))
# # }
# # dfs_expert[[timepoint]] <- data.frame(dist = best_fit, wi = weights, pool.df_output)
# #
# #
# # plts_pool[[timepoint]] <- makePoolPlot(fit = fit.eval,
# # xl =lower_bound,
# # xu =upper_bound,
# # d = "best",
# # w = weights,
# # lwd =1,
# # xlab = "x",
# # ylab =expression(f[X](x)),
# # legend_full = TRUE,
# # ql = NULL,
# # qu = NULL,
# # nx = 200,
# # addquantile = FALSE,
# # fs = 12,
# # expertnames = NULL,St_indic = St_indic)
# #
# # dfs_pool[[timepoint]] <- plts_pool[[timepoint]][["data"]]
# #
# #
# # }
# #
# # }
# list(dfs_expert =dfs_expert,
# plts_pool =plts_pool,
# dfs_pool = dfs_pool)
# }
#myfit <- fitdist(expert_density, probs)
#plotfit(myfit,lp = T)
# Reweights the weights if they don't sum to 1 anyway
get_quant_val <- function(dist,param1, param2, param3 = NULL, probs = seq(0.01, 0.98, by = 0.01)){
if(dist == "t"){
probs_eval <- as.numeric(param1) + as.numeric(param2)*stats::qt(as.numeric(probs),as.numeric(param3))
probs <- paste0(probs, collapse = ",")
probs_eval <- paste0("q",dist,
"(c(",probs,"),", param1,
probs_eval <- eval(parse(text = probs_eval))
pt.scaled <-function (q, df, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncp, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
stats::pt((q - mean)/sd, df, ncp = ncp, log.p = log.p)
get_cdf_val <- function(dist,param1, param2, param3 = NULL, vals = seq(0.01, 0.98, by = 0.01)){
if(dist == "t"){
probs_eval <- stats::pt((vals - as.numeric(param1))/as.numeric(param2), as.numeric(param3), log.p = F)
vals <- paste0(vals, collapse = ",")
probs_eval <- paste0("p",dist,
"(c(",vals,"),", param1,
probs_eval <- eval(parse(text = probs_eval))
get_density <- function(dist, param1, param2, param3 = NULL, x = seq(0.01, 0.98, by = 0.01), St_indic){
x <- paste0(x, collapse = ",")
if(St_indic ==1){
a <- 0
b <- 1
a <- -Inf
b <- +Inf
if(dist == "t"){
#From SHELF reference Student.t Parameters of the fitted t distributions.
#Note that (X - location) / scale has a standard t distribution
dens_x <- paste0("d",dist,
"((c(",x,")-",param1,")/",param2,",", param3,")/",param2)
cdf_a_b <-paste0("p",dist,
"((c(",a,",",b,")-",param1,")/",param2,",", param3,")")
}else{ #
dens_x <- paste0("d",dist,
"(c(",x,"),", param1,
cdf_a_b <- paste0("p",dist,
"(c(",a,",",b,"),", param1,
k_trunc <- diff(eval(parse(text = cdf_a_b)))
dens_eval <- eval(parse(text = dens_x))/k_trunc
#' Credible interval for pooled distribution
#' Returns the interval based on defined quantiles.
#' The approach used only provides an approximate (although quite accurate) integral.
#' @param plt_obj A plot object from `plot_expert_opinion`.
#' @param val The name of the opinion for which the interval will be generated.
#' @param interval A vector of the upper and lower probabilities. Default is the standard 95% interval
#' @keywords Expert
#' @return Credible interval based on the pooled distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' param_expert_example1 <- list()
#' param_expert_example1[[1]] <- data.frame(dist = c("norm","t"),
#' wi = c(0.5,0.5), # Ensure Weights sum to 1
#' param1 = c(0.1,0.12),
#' param2 = c(0.005,0.005),
#' param3 = c(NA,3))
#' plot_opinion1<- plot_expert_opinion(param_expert_example1[[1]],
#' weights = param_expert_example1[[1]]$wi)
#' cred_int(plot_opinion1,val = "linear pool", interval = c(0.025, 0.975))
cred_int <- function(plt_obj, val = "linear pool",interval = c(0.025, 0.975)){
plt_df <- plt_obj$data %>% dplyr::filter(expert == val) %>% data.frame()
total_integral <- integrate.xy(plt_df$x, plt_df$fx)
partial_integral <- rep(NA, nrow(plt_df))
partial_integral[1] <- 0
for(i in 2:nrow(plt_df)){
partial_integral[i] <- integrate.xy(plt_df$x[1:i], plt_df$fx[1:i])/total_integral
plt_df$cdf <- partial_integral
limits <- c(plt_df$x[which.min(abs(plt_df$cdf - interval[1]))],plt_df$x[which.min(abs(plt_df$cdf - interval[2]))])
names(limits) <- c("lower", "upper")
#' makePoolPlot
#' @param fit
#' @param xl
#' @param xu
#' @param d
#' @param w
#' @param lwd
#' @param xlab
#' @param ylab
#' @param legend_full
#' @param ql
#' @param qu
#' @param nx
#' @param addquantile
#' @param fs
#' @param expertnames
#' @param St_indic
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal
#' @noRd
makePoolPlot <- function (fit, xl, xu, d = "best", w = 1, lwd = 1, xlab = "x",
ylab = expression(f[X](x)), legend_full = TRUE, ql = NULL,
qu = NULL, nx = 500, addquantile = FALSE, fs = 12, expertnames = NULL,
logt.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
gamma.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("gamma.error", "SHELF")
lognormal.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("lognormal.error",
logt.error <- utils::getFromNamespace("logt.error", "SHELF")
makeGroupPlot <- utils::getFromNamespace("makeGroupPlot",
makeLinearPoolPlot <- utils::getFromNamespace("makeLinearPoolPlot",
makeSingleExpertPlot <- utils::getFromNamespace("makeSingleExpertPlot",
expertdensity <- utils::getFromNamespace("expertdensity",
lpname <- c("linear pool", "log pool")
expert <- ftype <- NULL
n.experts <- nrow(fit$vals)
if (length(d) == 1) {
d <- rep(d, n.experts)
if (is.null(expertnames)) {
if (n.experts < 27) {
expertnames <- LETTERS[1:n.experts]
if (n.experts > 26) {
expertnames <- 1:n.experts
nxTotal <- nx + length(c(ql, qu))
x <- matrix(0, nxTotal, n.experts)
fx <- x
if (min(w) < 0 | max(w) <= 0) {
stop("expert weights must be non-negative, and at least one weight must be greater than 0.")
if (length(w) == 1) {
w <- rep(w, n.experts)
weight <- matrix(w/sum(w), nxTotal, n.experts, byrow = T)
sd.norm <- rep(NA, n.experts)
for (i in 1:n.experts) {
if (is.infinite(xl) || is.infinite(xu)) {
if (St_indic == 1) {
xl <- 0
xu <- 1
else {
min.mean.index <- which.min(fit$Normal$mean) <- which.min(fit$Normal$sd)
max.mean.index <- which.max(fit$Normal$mean) <- which.max(fit$Normal$sd)
xl <- qnorm(0.001, fit$Normal[min.mean.index, 1],
fit$Normal[, 2])
xu <- qnorm(0.999, fit$Normal[max.mean.index, 1],
fit$Normal[, 2])
for (i in 1:n.experts) {
densitydata <- expertdensity(fit, d[i], ex = i, xl,
xu, ql, qu, nx)
x[, i] <- densitydata$x
if (St_indic == 1) {
k_trunc <- integrate.xy(x = x[, 1], fx = densitydata$fx)
else {
k_trunc <- 1
fx[, i] <- densitydata$fx/k_trunc
fx.lp <- apply(fx * weight, 1, sum)
if (any(is.infinite(fx^weight))) {
warning("Print Non finite density for log pooling - Results invalid")
fx.logp <- apply(fx^weight, 1, prod)
k_norm <- integrate.xy(x = x[, 1], fx = fx.logp)
fx.logp <- fx.logp/k_norm
df1 <- data.frame(x = rep(x[, 1], n.experts + 2), fx = c(as.numeric(fx),
fx.lp, fx.logp), expert = factor(c(rep(expertnames,
each = nxTotal), rep("linear pool", nxTotal), rep("log pool",
nxTotal)), levels = c(expertnames, "linear pool", "log pool")),
ftype = factor(c(rep("individual", nxTotal * n.experts),
rep("linear pool", nxTotal), rep("log pool", nxTotal)),
levels = c("individual", "linear pool", "log pool")))
df1$expert <- factor(df1$expert, levels = c(expertnames,
"linear pool", "log pool"))
if (legend_full) {
cols <- (scales::hue_pal())(n.experts + 2)
linetypes <- c(rep("dashed", n.experts), "solid", "solid")
sizes <- lwd * c(rep(0.5, n.experts), 1.5, 1.5)
names(cols) <- names(linetypes) <- names(sizes) <- c(expertnames,
p1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = fx, colour = expert,
linetype = expert, size = expert)) + scale_colour_manual(values = cols,
breaks = c(expertnames, lpname)) + scale_linetype_manual(values = linetypes,
breaks = c(expertnames, lpname)) + scale_size_manual(values = sizes,
breaks = c(expertnames, lpname))
else {
p1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = fx, colour = ftype,
linetype = ftype, size = ftype)) + scale_linetype_manual(name = "distribution",
values = c("dashed", "solid", "solid")) + scale_size_manual(name = "distribution",
values = lwd * c(0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) + scale_color_manual(name = "distribution",
values = c("black", "red", "blue"))
if (legend_full) {
for (i in 1:n.experts) {
if (d[i] == "hist") {
p1 <- p1 + geom_step(data = subset(df1, expert ==
expertnames[i]), aes(colour = expert))
else {
p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = subset(df1, expert ==
expertnames[i]), aes(colour = expert))
else {
for (i in 1:n.experts) {
if (d[i] == "hist") {
p1 <- p1 + geom_step(data = subset(df1, expert ==
expertnames[i]), aes(colour = ftype))
else {
p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = subset(df1, expert ==
expertnames[i]), aes(colour = ftype))
if (length(unique(d)) == 1 & d[1] == "hist") {
p1 <- p1 + geom_step(data = subset(df1, expert == lpname),
aes(colour = expert))
else {
p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = subset(df1, expert == lpname[1]),
aes(colour = expert))
p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = subset(df1, expert == lpname[2]),
aes(colour = expert))
p1 <- p1 + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab)
if ((!is.null(ql)) & (!is.null(qu)) & addquantile) {
if (legend_full) {
ribbon_col <- (scales::hue_pal())(n.experts + 2)[n.experts +
else {
ribbon_col <- "red"
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = with(df1, subset(df1,
x <= ql & expert == lpname[1])), aes(ymax = fx,
ymin = 0), alpha = 0.2, show.legend = FALSE, colour = NA,
fill = ribbon_col) + geom_ribbon(data = with(df1,
subset(df1, x >= qu & expert == lpname[2])), aes(ymax = fx,
ymin = 0), alpha = 0.2, show.legend = FALSE, colour = NA,
fill = ribbon_col)
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = with(df1, subset(df1,
x <= ql & expert == lpname[2])), aes(ymax = fx,
ymin = 0), alpha = 0.2, show.legend = FALSE, colour = NA,
fill = ribbon_col) + geom_ribbon(data = with(df1,
subset(df1, x >= qu & expert == lpname[2])), aes(ymax = fx,
ymin = 0), alpha = 0.2, show.legend = FALSE, colour = NA,
fill = ribbon_col)
if (lpname[1] == "marginal") {
p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.title = element_blank())
p1 + theme(text = element_text(size = fs))
#' Plotting Pooled Expert Opinion
#' Returns a ggplot with the individual expert opinions along with the pooled distributions (both linear and logarithmic).
#' @param object Either a object of class elicitation (from `SHELF`) or a dataframe with parameters of the distribution (see Example below).
#' @param xl_plt Optionally set the lower bound for the plot
#' @param xu_plt Optionally set the upper bound for the plot
#' @param weights A vector with the weight of each expert. If omitted, set to equal weights.
#' @param St_indic Set to 1 if you want to truncate the distributions to be between 0 and 1.
#' @return A ggplot with pooled distributions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' expert_df <- data.frame(dist = c("norm","t"), #Distribution Name
#' wi = c(1/3,2/3), #Expert weights
#' param1 = c(0.3,0.40), #Parameter 1
#' param2 = c(0.05,0.05),# Parameter 2
#' param3 = c(NA,3)) #Parameter 3: Only t-distribution
#' plot_expert_opinion(expert_df , weights = expert_df$wi)
plot_expert_opinion <- function(object, xl_plt = NULL, xu_plt = NULL, weights = NULL, St_indic =0){
weights <- 1
xl_plt <- min(object$limits["lower"])
xu_plt <- max(object$limits["upper"])
if(St_indic ==1){
xl_plt <- max(0, xl_plt)
xu_plt <- min(1,xu_plt)
plt <- makePoolPlot(fit= object,
xl =xl_plt,
xu =xu_plt,
d = "best",
w = weights,
lwd =1,
xlab = "x",
ylab =expression(f[X](x)),
legend_full = TRUE,
ql = NULL,
qu = NULL,
nx = 200,
addquantile = FALSE,
fs = 12,
expertnames = NULL,
St_indic = St_indic)
object$times_expert <- 2 #Just for compatibility
expert_dens_list <- expert_dens(object, probs = seq(0.001, 0.99, by = 0.005))
lower <- as.numeric(utils::head(expert_dens_list$expert_density, n = 1)-0.1)
upper <- as.numeric(utils::tail(expert_dens_list$expert_density, n = 1)+0.1)
# if(is.null(lower) || is.null(upper)){
# stop("Upper and lower bounds required for distributions")
# }
xl_plt <- min(lower)
xu_plt <- max(upper)
if(St_indic ==1){
xl_plt <- max(0, xl_plt)
xu_plt <- min(1,xu_plt)
probs_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(rownames(expert_dens_list$expert_density),
ncol = dim(expert_dens_list$expert_density)[2])
fit_shelf <- SHELF::fitdist(vals = expert_dens_list$expert_density,
probs_mat, lower = lower, upper = upper)
plt <- makePoolPlot(fit= fit_shelf,
xl = xl_plt,
xu = xu_plt,
d = "best",
w = weights,
lwd =1,
xlab = "x",
ylab =expression(f[X](x)),
legend_full = TRUE,
ql = NULL,
qu = NULL,
nx = 200,
addquantile = FALSE,
fs = 12,
expertnames = NULL,
St_indic = St_indic)
#' Fitting Parametric Survival models with Expert Opinion
#' Implementation of survival models with expert opinion on the survival probabilities or expected difference in survival.
#' Function is equivalent to the `fit.models` in `survHE` except for the inclusion of the "expert_type" and "param_expert" arguments.
#' Worked examples can be found in the [README]( file.
#' Note that the default method is "hmc", however, the user may use "mle" (method "inla" is not included).
#' @param formula As per `fit.models` in `survHE`
#' @param data As per `fit.models` in `survHE`
#' @param distr As per `fit.models` in `survHE`. Note Generalized F model is not available for method = "hmc" nor Royston-Parmar available with opinion on the mean survival.
#' @param method As per `fit.models` in `survHE`. (except for the inla method). It should be noted that a few of the models are fit using JAGS, however, for consistency we still use "hmc".
#' @param expert_type Either "survival", which indicates expert opinion on the survival function or "mean" (actually anything that does not contain "survival") which represents a belief on difference in survival.
#' @param param_expert A list containing a dataframe for each timepoint (if applicable). Each dataframe should have columns with the following names and each row representing an expert:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{dist}: Names of the distribution assigned to each expert which may be "norm", "t", "lnorm", "gamma", "beta".
#' \item \strong{wi}: Weight of the expert, must sum to 1.
#' \item \strong{param1}: First parameter of the distribution (e.g. mean for norm distribution). Parameters as per `SHELF` package.
#' \item \strong{param2}: Second parameter of the distribution.
#' \item \strong{param3}: Third parameter of the distribution (NA expect for degrees of freedom for t distribution)
#' }
#' @param ... Other arguments may be required depending on the example. See [README]( for details.
#' @return An object of class ``expertsurv`` which contains the parameters of the models estimated with expert opinion.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords models
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' require("dplyr")
#' #Expert Opinion as a normal distribution centered on 0.1 with sd 0.005
#' param_expert_example1 <- list()
#' param_expert_example1[[1]] <- data.frame(dist = c("norm"),
#' wi = c(1), # Ensure Weights sum to 1
#' param1 = c(0.1),
#' param2 = c(0.05),
#' param3 = c(NA))
#' timepoint_expert <- 14 # Expert opinion at t = 14
#' data2 <- data %>% rename(status = censored) %>% mutate(time2 = ifelse(time > 10, 10, time),
#' status2 = ifelse(time> 10, 0, status))
#' example1 <-,status2)~1,data=data2,
#' distr=c("wei", "gomp"),
#' method="mle",
#' opinion_type = "survival",
#' times_expert = timepoint_expert,
#' param_expert = param_expert_example1)
#' plot(example1, = TRUE, t = seq(0:20)) #Plot Survival
#', type = "aic") #Plot AIC
#' <- function(formula = NULL, data, distr = NULL, method = "hmc",
expert_type = "survival", param_expert = NULL, ...){
exArgs <- list(...)
nrow_vec <- rep(NA,length(param_expert))
for(i in 1:length(param_expert)){
nrow_vec[i] <- nrow(param_expert[[i]])
warning("Assuming Linear pooling for the multiple expert opinions")
exArgs$pool_type <-"linear pool"
#will need to be modified
exArgs$formula <- formula
exArgs$data = data
exArgs$param_expert <- param_expert
if(!is.null(expert_type) && method == "inla"){
warning("Expert Opinion is not implemented with the inla method")
if(!is.null(expert_type) && is.null(param_expert)){
warning("You have not specified any expert opinions using the param_expert argument")
if(!is.null(expert_type) && expert_type != "survival" && any(distr == "rps")){
warning("Mean Difference is not implemented for RPS models")
if(method == "hmc" && any(distr == "genf")){
warning("Generalized F models are implemented")
fit.models(formula = formula, data = data, distr = distr, method = method, exArgs = exArgs)
fit.models <- function (formula = NULL, data, distr = NULL, method = "mle", exArgs,
if (is.null(formula)) {
stop("You need to specify a model 'formula', e.g. 'formula=Surv(time,event)~treat'")
method <- tolower(method)
if (!method %in% c("hmc", "inla", "mle")) {
stop("Methods available for use are 'mle', 'hmc' or 'inla'")
check_distributions(method, distr)
if (method == "mle") {
res <- format_output_fit.models(lapply(distr, function(x)runMLE(x,
exArgs)), method, distr, formula, data)
if (method == "inla") {
stop("INLA is not implemented in expertsurv")
if (method == "hmc") {
if(any(distr %in% c("gam", "gomp", "gga"))){
if (!isTRUE(requireNamespace("rjags", quietly = TRUE))|!isTRUE(requireNamespace("R2jags", quietly = TRUE))) {
stop("You need to install the R packages 'rjags' and 'R2jags' along with JAGS")
res <- format_output_fit.models(lapply(distr, function(x) runHMC(x,
exArgs)), method, distr, formula, data)
#' Helper function to run the survival models using HMC (rstan)
#' for a given formula and dataset
#' @param x a (vector of) string(s) containing the name(s) of the model(s)
#' to be fitted
#' @param exArgs a list of extra arguments passed from the main 'fit.models'
#' function
#' @note Something will go here
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso fit.models
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Parametric survival models Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
#' @noRd
runHMC <- function (x, exArgs){
if (!isTRUE(requireNamespace("rstan", quietly = TRUE))) {
stop("You need to install the R package 'rstan'. Please run in your R terminal:\n install.packages('rstan')")
formula <- exArgs$formula
data = exArgs$data
availables <- load_availables()
d3 <- manipulate_distributions(x)$distr3
method <- "hmc"
if (exists("chains", where = exArgs)) {
chains <- exArgs$chains
else {
chains <- 2
if (exists("iter", where = exArgs)) {
iter <- exArgs$iter
else {
iter <- 2000
if (exists("warmup", where = exArgs)) {
warmup <- exArgs$warmup
else {
warmup <- floor(iter/2)
if (exists("thin", where = exArgs)) {
thin <- exArgs$thin
else {
thin <- 1
if (exists("control", where = exArgs)) {
control <- exArgs$control
else {
control <- list(NULL)
if (exists("seed", where = exArgs)) {
seed <- exArgs$seed
else {
seed <-$integer.max, 1)
if (exists("pars", where = exArgs)) {
pars <- exArgs$pars
else {
pars <- c("lambda_cens", "lambda_obs", "cens",
"d", "lp__", "loglambda_cens",
"loglambda_obs", "mu", "logP",
if (exists("include", where = exArgs)) {
include <- exArgs$include
else {
include <- FALSE
if (exists("k", where = exArgs)) {
k <- exArgs$k
else {
k <- 0
if (exists("cores", where = exArgs)) {
cores <- exArgs$cores
else {
cores <- 1
if (exists("iter_jags", where = exArgs)) {
iter_jags <- exArgs$iter_jags
else {
iter_jags <- iter*5
if (exists("init", where = exArgs)) {
if(d3%in% names(exArgs$init) ){
init <- exArgs$init[[d3]]
init = "random"
else {
init = "random"
if (exists("save.stan", where = exArgs)) {
save.stan <- exArgs$save.stan
stop("You must specify the path to save the model files using the save.stan_path argument")
save.stan.path <- exArgs$save.stan_path
else {
save.stan = FALSE
if (exists("refresh", where = exArgs)) {
refresh = exArgs$refresh
else {
refresh = max(iter/10, 1)
d <- names(availables[[method]][match(d3, availables[[method]])])
data.stan <- make_data_stan(formula, data, d3, exArgs)
tic <- proc.time()
if (d3 %in% c("gam", "gga", "gom")){
data.jags <- data.stan
if(d3 %in% c( "gom")){ = c("alpha","beta", "rate")
#Inits as per flexsurvreg (reparameterized)
modelinits <- function(){
beta = c(log(1/mean(data.jags$t)*stats::runif(1,0.8,1.5)),rep(0,data.jags$H -1))
list(alpha1 = stats::runif(1,0.001,0.003),alpha2 = stats::runif(1,0.001,0.003), beta = beta)
}else if(d3 == "gga"){ #(d3 == "gga") = c("Q","sigma", "beta", "r", "b","mu")
tinits1 <-data.jags$t + max(data.jags$t)<-data.jags$d ==1
data.jags$is.censored <- ifelse(data.jags$d==0, 1, 0)
data.jags$t_jags <- ifelse(data.jags$is.censored ==1, NA, data.jags$t)
data.jags$t_cen <- data.jags$t+data.jags$d
modelinits <- function(){list(t_jags = tinits1)}
#Stop JAGS Warning messages
data.jags <- data.jags[names(data.jags) %!in% c("t", "d", "a0")]
}else{ #"gam", = c("alpha","beta", "rate")
modelinits <- NULL
data.jags <- data.jags[names(data.jags) %!in% "max_param"]
message(paste0(" \n SAMPLING FOR MODEL '",d,"_expert' NOW. \n"))
model <-R2jags::jags(model.file = textConnection(get(paste0(d,".jags"))),
inits=modelinits, = c(,"St_expert"),
n.iter = iter_jags,
n.thin = thin,
n.burnin = iter,
jags.module = c("glm","dic"))
dso <- stanmodels[[paste0(d, "_expert")]]
model <- rstan::sampling(dso, data.stan, chains = chains,
iter = iter, warmup = warmup, thin = thin, seed = seed,
control = control, pars = pars, include = include, cores = cores,
init = init, refresh = refresh)
time_stan <- sum(rstan::get_elapsed_time(model))
toc <- proc.time() - tic
time_survHE <- toc[3]
ics <- compute_ICs_stan(model, d3, data.stan)
if (save.stan) {
if(d3 %in% c("gam", "gga", "gom")){
model_code <- get(paste0(d,".jags"))
con <- paste0(save.stan.path, d, ".txt")
model_code <- attr(model@stanmodel, "model_code")
con <- paste0(save.stan.path,d, ".stan")
writeLines(model_code, con = con)
message(paste0("Model code saved to the file: ", con,
## Add in for Jags
model_name <- d3
list(model = model, aic = ics$aic, bic = ics$bic, dic = ics$dic,
dic2 = ics$dic2,waic = ics$waic, pml = ics$pml, time2run = time_survHE,
data.stan = data.stan, save.stan = save.stan, model_name = model_name)
#' Helper function to create data in the correct format for rstan
#' @param formula a formula specifying the model to be used, in the form
#' \code{Surv(time,event)~treatment[+covariates]} in flexsurv terms, or
#' \code{inla.surv(time,event)~treatment[+covariates]} in INLA terms.
#' @param data A data frame containing the data to be used for the analysis.
#' This must contain data for the 'event' variable. In case there is no
#' censoring, then \code{event} is a column of 1s.
#' @return \item{data.stan}{A list containing the variables needed to pass
#' to 'stan' when calling \code{fit.models} with \code{method="hmc"}}.
#' @note Something will go here
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso fit.models
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Parametric survival models Bayesian inference via Hamiltonian
#' Monte Carlo
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stats
#' @import survival
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @noRd
make_data_stan <- function (formula, data, distr3, exArgs = globalenv()){
availables <- load_availables()
method <- "hmc"
formula_temp <- stats::update(formula, paste(all.vars(formula, data)[1],
"~", all.vars(formula, data)[2], "+."))
mf <- tibble::as_tibble(stats::model.frame(formula_temp, data)) %>%
dplyr::rename(time = 1,event = 2) %>% dplyr::rename_if(is.factor, .funs = ~gsub("as.factor[( )]","", .x)) %>%
dplyr::rename_if(is.factor, .funs = ~gsub("[( )]","", .x)) %>%
dplyr::bind_cols(tibble::as_tibble(stats::model.matrix(formula_temp,data)) %>% dplyr::select(contains("Intercept"))) %>%
dplyr::select(time,event, contains("Intercept"), everything()) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("ID")
####Code Change Here
if (distr3 %!in% c("rps")) {
data.stan <- list(t = (mf$time), d = mf$event, n = nrow(mf),
X = matrix(stats::model.matrix(formula, data), nrow = nrow(mf)),
H = ncol(stats::model.matrix(formula, data)))
if (data.stan$H == 1) {
data.stan$X <- cbind(data.stan$X, rep(0, data.stan$n))
data.stan$H <- ncol(data.stan$X)
if (distr3 == "rps") {
if (exists("k", where = exArgs)) {
k <- exArgs$k
else {
k <- 0
knots <- quantile(log((mf %>% filter(event == 1))$time),
seq(0, 1, length = k + 2))
B <- flexsurv::basis(knots, log(mf$time))
B_expert <- flexsurv::basis(knots, log(exArgs$times_expert))
DB <- flexsurv::dbasis(knots, log(mf$time))
mm <- stats::model.matrix(formula, data)[, -1]
if (length(mm) < 1) {
mm <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(mf)), nrow = nrow(mf), ncol = 2)
if (is.null(dim(mm))) {
mm <- cbind(mm, rep(0, length(mm)))
data.stan <- list(t = mf$time, d = mf$event, n = nrow(mf),
M = k, X = mm, H = ncol(mm), B = B, DB = DB, mu_gamma = rep(0,k + 2),
sigma_gamma = rep(5, k + 2), knots = knots, B_expert = B_expert)
data.stan$mu_beta = rep(0, data.stan$H)
if (distr3 %in% c("lno")) {
data.stan$sigma_beta <- rep(100, data.stan$H)
data.stan$sigma_beta <- rep(5, data.stan$H)
if (distr3 %in% c("gam","gom", "gga", "llo", "wei",
"wph")) {
data.stan$a_alpha = data.stan$b_alpha = 0.1
}else if(distr3 %in% c("lno")){
data.stan$a_alpha = 0
data.stan$b_alpha = 5
d <- names(availables[[method]][match(distr3, availables[[method]])])
priors <- list()
if (exists("priors", where = exArgs)) {
abbrs = manipulate_distributions(names(exArgs$priors))$distr3
pos = grep(distr3, abbrs)
if (length(pos) > 0) {
priors = exArgs$priors[[pos]]
if (!is.null(priors$mu_beta)) {
data.stan$mu_beta = priors$mu_beta
if (!is.null(priors$sigma_beta)) {
data.stan$sigma_beta <- priors$sigma_beta
if (!is.null(priors$mu_gamma) & distr3 == "rps") {
data.stan$mu_gamma <- priors$mu_gamma
if (!is.null(priors$sigma_gamma) & distr3 == "rps") {
data.stan$sigma_gamma <- priors$sigma_gamma
if (!is.null(priors$a_sigma)) {
data.stan$a_sigma = priors$a_sigma
if (!is.null(priors$b_sigma)) {
data.stan$b_sigma = priors$b_sigma
if (!is.null(priors$mu_P)) {
data.stan$mu_P = priors$mu_P
if (!is.null(priors$sigma_P)) {
data.stan$sigma_P = priors$sigma_P
if (!is.null(priors$mu_Q)) {
data.stan$mu_Q = priors$mu_Q
if (!is.null(priors$sigma_Q)) {
data.stan$sigma_Q = priors$sigma_Q
if (!is.null(priors$a_alpha)) {
data.stan$a_alpha = priors$a_alpha
if (!is.null(priors$b_alpha)) {
data.stan$b_alpha = priors$b_alpha
if(exArgs$opinion_type == "survival"){
data.stan$St_indic <- 1
#even if survival need to define these (just put as 1)
data.stan$id_comp <- 1
data.stan$id_trt <- 1
data.stan$id_St <- 1
data.stan$id_St <- exArgs$id_St
data.stan$St_indic <- 0
#even if survival need to define these (just put as 1)
data.stan$id_St <- 1
data.stan$id_trt <- exArgs$id_trt
data.stan$id_comp <- exArgs$id_comp
message("You need to supply the location within the dataframe row number of a treatment and a comparator arm to arguments id_trt and id_comp")
# if(ncol(mf) == 4){
# #No covariates
# # Has to be opinion_type survival
# data.stan$id_St <- 1
# }else if(ncol(mf) == 5){
# if(exArgs$opinion_type == "survival"){
# data.stan$id_St <- min(which(mf[,5] == exArgs$id_St))
# }else{# Survival Difference
# data.stan$id_trt <- min(which(mf[,5] == exArgs$id_trt))
# if(length(unique(mf[,5] %>% pull()))==2){
# data.stan$id_comp <- min(which(mf[,5] != exArgs$id_trt))
# }else{
# data.stan$id_comp <- min(which(mf[,5] == exArgs$id_comp))
# }
# }
# #put the number in could put in a combination of numbers
# }else{
# message("We do not allow more than one covariate (i.e. treatment) in the analysis - although it is technically possible")
# stop()
# }
param_expert <- exArgs$param_expert
n.experts <- c()
for(i in 1:length(param_expert)){
n.experts <- c(n.experts, nrow(param_expert[[i]]))
data_dist_ind <- num_param <- matrix(-999.2,nrow = max(n.experts), ncol = length(param_expert))
expert.array <- array(-999.2,dim = c(max(n.experts),5,length(param_expert)))
for(i in 1:length(param_expert)){
lk_up_dist <- c("norm", "t", "gamma", "lnorm","beta")
dist_fit <- param_expert[[i]][,1]
if(length(dist_fit) - length(expert.array[,1,i])){
dist_fit <- c(dist_fit, rep(-999.2,length(dist_fit) - length(expert.array[,1,i])))
expert.array[,1,i] <- as.numeric(sapply(dist_fit, function(x){which(x==lk_up_dist)}))
weight_vec <- param_expert[[i]][,2]
expert.array[1:length(weight_vec),2,i] <- weight_vec
expert.array[1:nrow(param_expert[[i]][,3:5]),3:5,i] <- as.matrix(param_expert[[i]][,3:5])
#Stan does not allow NA
expert.array[] <- -999.2
data.stan$n_time_expert <- length(exArgs$times_expert)
data.stan$time_expert <- as.array(exArgs$times_expert)
data.stan$n_time_expert <- 1
data.stan$time_expert <- numeric(0) #This produces an array of size 0
if (distr3 %in% c("gam", "gga", "gom")){
data.stan$time_expert <- 1 # Has to be defined for JAGS
data.stan$param_expert <-expert.array
data.stan$n_experts <- as.array(n.experts)
data.stan$pool_type <- 1
data.stan$pool_type <- as.numeric(grepl("line", exArgs$pool_type))
if(data.stan$pool_type == 0){
k_norm <- rep(NA,data.stan$n_time_expert )
for(i in 1:data.stan$n_time_expert){
param_expert[[i]]$dist <- stringr::str_replace_all(param_expert[[i]]$dist, "normal", "norm")
param_expert[[i]]$dist <- stringr::str_replace_all(param_expert[[i]]$dist, "lognorm", "lnorm")
min_quant <- 0
max_quant <- 1
quant.vec <- t(apply(param_expert[[i]], 1, function(x){get_quant_val(
dist = x["dist"],
param1 = x["param1"],
param2 = x["param2"],
param3 = x["param3"],
probs = c(0.001,0.025,0.5,0.975,0.999))}))
central.cauchy <- mean(quant.vec[,3])#mean
sd.cauchy <- max(apply(quant.vec,1, function(x){(x[4]-x[2])/4})) #sd
min_quant <- min(quant.vec)
max_quant <- max(quant.vec)
x.eval <- seq(min_quant, max_quant, length.out = 100)
dens.eval <- eval_dens_pool(x.eval,param_expert[[i]],pool_type = "log pool",St_indic =data.stan$St_indic)
k_norm[i] <- integrate.xy(x = x.eval,fx = dens.eval)
data.stan$k_norm <- k_norm
#Power prior
data.stan$a0 <- exArgs$a0
data.stan$a0 <- rep(1, nrow(data))
#' Helper function to compute the information criteria statistics
#' when using hmc as the inferential engine. 'rstan' does not do
#' DIC automatically and AIC/BIC are also not standard for Bayesian
#' models, so can compute them post-hoc by manipulating the
#' likelihood functions.
#' @param model The 'rstan' object with the model fit
#' @param distr3 The 'rstan' object with the model fit
#' @importFrom loo loo
#' @return \item{list}{A list containing the modified name of the
#' distribution, the acronym (3-letters abbreviation), or the
#' labels (humane-readable name)}.
#' @note Something will go here
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso fit.models
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Parametric survival models Bayesian inference via Hamiltonian
#' Monte Carlo Bayesian inference via Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation
#' @noRd
compute_ICs_stan <-function (model, distr3, data.stan){
if (distr3 %!in% c("gam", "gga", "gom")) {
beta <- rstan::extract(model)$beta
else {
beta <- model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[, grep("beta",
beta.hat <- apply(beta, 2, stats::median)
linpred <- beta %*% t(data.stan$X)
linpred.hat <- beta.hat %*% t(data.stan$X)
model.eval <- paste0("lik_", distr3)
out = = eval(parse(text = model.eval)), args = list(distr3,
linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan))
logf = out$logf
logf.hat = out$logf.hat
npars = out$npars
logf_comb <- matrix(nrow = nrow(logf), ncol = ncol(logf))
for (i in 1:nrow(logf)) {
logf_comb[i, ] <- logf[i, ] + out$[i]/ncol(logf)
tryCatch(suppressWarnings(WAIC <- loo::loo(logf_comb)[["estimates"]][grep("looic",
rownames(loo::loo(logf_comb)[["estimates"]])), "Estimate"]),
error = function(e)
message("Cannot Evaluate WAIC"))
WAIC <- Inf
PML <- -2 * sum(log(nrow(logf_comb)/colSums(1/exp(logf_comb))))
loglik <- apply(logf, 1, sum) + out$ <- apply(logf.hat, 1, sum) + out$
D.theta <- -2 * loglik <- -2 *
pD <- mean(D.theta) -
warning(paste0("pD is not defined for ", distr3,
"; DIC estimates invalid, use WAIC or PML."))
pD <- 0
if (pD < 0) {
warning(paste0("pD is ", round(pD), " for ", distr3,
"; DIC estimates unreliable, use WAIC or PML."))
pV <- 0.5 * stats::var(D.theta)
dic <- mean(D.theta) + pD
dic2 <- mean(D.theta) + pV
aic <- + 2 * npars
bic <- + npars * log(data.stan$n)
list(aic = aic, bic = bic, dic = dic, dic2 = dic2, waic = WAIC,
pml = PML)
#' Helper function to format the output of the modelling (produced either
#' by running 'runMLE', or 'runINLA', 'runHMC'), in a way that is consistent
#' with the architecture of 'survHE'
#' @param output The output of one of the helper functions used to run the
#' models.
#' @param method The method used to do the estimation
#' @param distr The abbreviated name for the distribution to be used
#' @param formula The model formula
#' @param data The dataset used
#' @return \item{res}{A 'survHE' object containing all the relevant output
#' conveniently formatted}.
#' @note Something will go here
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso fit.models
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Parametric survival models Bayesian inference via Hamiltonian
#' Monte Carlo Bayesian inference via Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation
#' @noRd
format_output_fit.models <- function (output, method, distr, formula, data){
labs <- manipulate_distributions(distr)$labs
models <- lapply(output, function(x) x$model)
model.fitting <- list(aic = unlist(lapply(output, function(x) x$aic)),
bic = unlist(lapply(output, function(x) x$bic)), dic = unlist(lapply(output,
function(x) x$dic)))
misc <- list(time2run = unlist(lapply(output, function(x) x$time2run)),
formula = formula, data = data, model_name = unlist(lapply(output,
function(x) x$model_name)))
if (any(distr == "polyweibull")) {
misc$km = lapply(formula, function(f) make_KM(f, data))
else {
misc$km = make_KM(formula, data)
if (method == "hmc") {
misc$data.stan <- lapply(output, function(x) x$data.stan)
model.fitting$dic2 <- unlist(lapply(output, function(x) x$dic2))
model.fitting$waic <- unlist(lapply(output, function(x) x$waic))
model.fitting$pml <- unlist(lapply(output, function(x) x$pml))
names(models) <- labs
res <- list(models = models, model.fitting = model.fitting,
method = method, misc = misc)
class(res) <- "expertsurv"
make_sim_hmc <- function (m, t, X, nsim, newdata, dist, summary_stat, ...){
iter_stan <- m@stan_args[[1]]$iter
beta = rstan::extract(m)$beta
if (ncol(X) == 1) {
beta = beta[, 1,drop = F]
linpred <- beta %*% t(X)
sim <- lapply(1:nrow(X), function(x) {"rescale_hmc_", dist), args = list(m,
X, linpred[, x]))
if (nsim > iter_stan) {
stop("Please select a value for 'nsim' that is less than or equal to the value set in the call to 'fit.models'")
if (nsim == 1) {
sim <- lapply(sim, function(x) as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(x) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(summary_stat), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x)))
if (nsim > 1 & nsim < iter_stan) {
sim <- lapply(sim, function(x) as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(x) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(nsim, replace = FALSE), nrow = nsim, ncol = ncol(x)))
get_Surv <- function(dist, time, param1 = NULL, param2 = NULL, param3 = NULL, log = F, data.stan = NULL){
if(dist == "wei"){
shape = param1, scale = param2, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "wph"){
shape = param1, scale = param2, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "exp"){
return(stats::pexp(time, rate = param1, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "gam"){
return(stats::pgamma(time, shape = param1, rate = param2, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "gga"){
return(flexsurv::pgengamma(time, mu = param1, sigma = param2, Q = param3, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "gom"){
return(flexsurv::pgompertz(time, shape = param1, rate = param2, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "lno"){
meanlog = param1, sdlog = param2, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "llo"){
shape = param1, scale = param2, lower.tail = F, log = log))
if(dist == "rps"){
#2 ways to do it -- need to check if it is valid
#eta <- param1*data.stan$B_expert[which(time == data.stan$time_expert),] + param2
return(flexsurv::psurvspline(time, gamma = param1, knots= data.stan$knots,lower.tail = F, log = log, offset = param2 ))
get_mean_diff <- function(dist, time, param1 = NULL, param2 = NULL, param3 = NULL, log = F, data.stan = NULL){
if(dist == "wei"){
return(flexsurv::mean_weibull(shape = param1, scale = param2[1])-flexsurv::mean_weibull(shape = param1, scale = param2[2]))
if(dist == "wph"){
return(flexsurv::mean_weibullPH(shape = param1, scale = param2[1])-flexsurv::mean_weibullPH(shape = param1, scale = param2[2]))
if(dist == "exp"){
return(flexsurv::mean_exp(rate = param1[1])-flexsurv::mean_exp(rate = param1[2]))
if(dist == "gam"){
return(flexsurv::mean_gamma(shape = param1, rate = param2[1])-flexsurv::mean_gamma(shape = param1, rate = param2[2]))
if(dist == "gga"){
return(flexsurv::mean_gengamma(mu = param1[1], sigma = param2, Q = param3)-flexsurv::mean_gengamma(mu = param1[2], sigma = param2, Q = param3))
if(dist == "gom"){
return(flexsurv::mean_gompertz(shape = param1, rate = param2[1])-flexsurv::mean_gompertz(shape = param1, rate = param2[2]))
if(dist == "lno"){
return(flexsurv::mean_lnorm(meanlog = param1[1], sdlog = param2)-flexsurv::mean_lnorm(meanlog = param1[2], sdlog = param2))
if(dist == "llo"){
return(flexsurv::mean_llogis(shape = param1[1], scale = param2)-flexsurv::mean_llogis(shape = param1[2], scale = param2))
# if(dist == "rps"){
# }
expert_like <- function(data.stan, dist_surv, param1, param2 =NULL, param3= NULL){
log_lik <- rep(NA, length(data.stan$n_time_expert))
for(i in 1:length(data.stan$n_time_expert)){
n_experts <- dim(data.stan$param_expert[,,i, drop = F])[1]
if(data.stan$St_indic ==1){ #Survival
output <- get_Surv(dist_surv, data.stan$time_expert[i],
param1 =param1, param2 = param2, param3 = param3, data.stan = data.stan)
}else{# Add code for mean
output <- get_mean_diff(dist_surv,param1=param1, param2=param2, param3=param3, data.stan = data.stan)
if(n_experts == 1){
param_expert_curr <- matrix(nrow = 1, data.stan$param_expert[,,i])
param_expert_curr <- data.stan$param_expert[,,i]
if(data.stan$pool_type == 0){
log_lik[i] <- expert_log_dens(x = output, df = param_expert_curr, pool_type = data.stan$pool_type, k_norm = data.stan$k_norm[i], St_indic = data.stan$St_indic)
log_lik[i] <- expert_log_dens(x = output, df = param_expert_curr, pool_type = data.stan$pool_type,St_indic = data.stan$St_indic)
lik_rps <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist <- "rps"
gamma <- rstan::extract(model)$gamma
gamma.hat <- apply(gamma, 2, stats::median)
linpred.hat <- as.numeric(linpred.hat)
# LL<- apply(gamma_iters, 1, function(x){data.stan$d*log(hsurvspline(data.stan$t, gamma = x, knots = m.all$misc$data.stan[[1]]$knots))+
# psurvspline(q = data.stan$t, gamma = x, knots = m.all$misc$data.stan[[1]]$knots, lower.tail = F, log.p =T)})
# logf <- data.stan$d * (-log(data.stan$t) + log(gamma %*%
# t(data.stan$DB)) + gamma %*% t(data.stan$B) + linpred) -
# exp(gamma %*% t(data.stan$B) + linpred)
# logf.hat <- t(data.stan$d * (-log(data.stan$t) + log(data.stan$DB %*%
# gamma.hat) + data.stan$B %*% gamma.hat + linpred.hat) -
# exp(data.stan$B %*% gamma.hat + linpred.hat))
logf.hat <- array(dim = c(1,dim(linpred)[2]))
if(all(data.stan$X ==0)){
logf<- apply(gamma, 1, function(x){data.stan$d*log(flexsurv::hsurvspline(data.stan$t, gamma = x, knots = data.stan$knots))+
flexsurv::psurvspline(q = data.stan$t, gamma = x, knots = data.stan$knots, lower.tail = F, log.p =T)})
logf <- t(logf)
logf <- array(dim = dim(linpred))
#probably can be optimized
for(i in 1:nrow(logf)){
for(j in 1:ncol(logf)){
logf[i,j] <- data.stan$d[j]*log(flexsurv::hsurvspline(data.stan$t[j], gamma = gamma[i,], knots = data.stan$knots, offset = linpred[i,j]))+
flexsurv::psurvspline(q = data.stan$t[j], gamma = gamma[i,], knots = data.stan$knots, lower.tail = F, log.p =T, offset = linpred[i,j])
for(i in 1:ncol(logf.hat)){
logf.hat[i] <- data.stan$d[i]*log(flexsurv::hsurvspline(data.stan$t[i], gamma = gamma.hat, knots = data.stan$knots, offset = linpred.hat[i]))+
flexsurv::psurvspline(q = data.stan$t[i], gamma = gamma.hat, knots = data.stan$knots, lower.tail = F, log.p =T, offset = linpred.hat[i])
} <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist,param1 = gamma[i,], param2 = linpred[index_vec])
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = gamma.hat, param2 = linpred.hat[index_vec])
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
#Enter code for Difference in survival
npars <- length(gamma.hat) + sum(apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) 1 -
all(x == 0)))
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_exp <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "exp"
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hexp(data.stan$t, exp(linpred[i, ]))) +
log(1 - stats::pexp(data.stan$t, exp(linpred[i, ])))
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hexp(data.stan$t, exp(linpred.hat))) +
log(1 - stats::pexp(data.stan$t, exp(linpred.hat))), nrow = 1) <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist,param1 = exp(linpred[i,index_vec]))
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = exp(linpred.hat[1,index_vec]))
npars <- 1 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_wei <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan ){
dist = "wei"
shape <- alpha <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(model)$alpha)
shape.hat <- stats::median(shape)
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hweibull(data.stan$t, shape[i], exp(linpred[i,
]))) + log(1 - stats::pweibull(data.stan$t, shape[i], exp(linpred[i,
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hweibull(data.stan$t,
shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat))) + log(1 - stats::pweibull(data.stan$t,
shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat))), nrow = 1) <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape[i], param2 = exp(linpred[i,index_vec]))
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape.hat, param2 = exp(linpred.hat[1,index_vec]))
npars <- 2 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_lno <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "lno"
sigma = as.numeric(rstan::extract(model)$alpha)
sigma.hat = stats::median(sigma)
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hlnorm(data.stan$t, (linpred[i,
]), sigma[i])) + log(1 - stats::plnorm(data.stan$t,
(linpred[i, ]), sigma[i]))
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hlnorm(data.stan$t,
(linpred.hat), sigma.hat)) + log(1 - stats::plnorm(data.stan$t,
(linpred.hat), sigma.hat)), nrow = 1) <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if (data.stan$St_indic == 1) {
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
else {
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt, data.stan$id_comp)
for (i in 1:nrow(linpred)) {[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist,
param1 = linpred[i, index_vec],
param2 = sigma[i])
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist,
param1 = linpred.hat[1, index_vec],
param2 = sigma.hat)
npars <- 2 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x ==
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_llo <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "llo"
sigma = as.numeric(rstan::extract(model)$alpha)
sigma.hat = stats::median(sigma)
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hllogis(data.stan$t, sigma[i], exp(linpred[i,]))) +
log(1 - flexsurv::pllogis(data.stan$t, sigma[i], exp(linpred[i,
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hllogis(data.stan$t,
sigma.hat, exp(linpred.hat))) + log(1 - flexsurv::pllogis(data.stan$t,
sigma.hat, exp(linpred.hat))), nrow = 1) <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = sigma[i], param2 = exp(linpred[i,index_vec]))
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = sigma.hat, param2 = exp(linpred.hat[1,index_vec]))
npars <- 2 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x ==
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_wph <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "wph"
shape <- alpha <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(model)$alpha)
shape.hat = stats::median(shape)
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hweibullPH(data.stan$t, shape[i], exp(linpred[i,
]))) + log(1 - flexsurv::pweibullPH(data.stan$t, shape[i],
exp(linpred[i, ])))
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hweibullPH(data.stan$t,
shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat))) + log(1 - flexsurv::pweibullPH(data.stan$t,
shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat))), nrow = 1) <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape[i], param2 = exp(linpred[i,index_vec]))
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape.hat, param2 = exp(linpred.hat[1,index_vec]))
npars <- 2 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x ==
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_gam <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "gam"
shape <- alpha <- as.numeric(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[ , grep("alpha",colnames(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix))])
shape.hat <- stats::median(shape)
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hgamma(data.stan$t, shape = shape[i],
rate = exp(linpred[i, ]))) +
stats::pgamma(q = data.stan$t,shape[i], rate = exp(linpred[i, ]), lower.tail = F, log = T)
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hgamma(data.stan$t,
shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat))) +
stats::pgamma(data.stan$t,shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat),lower.tail = F,
log = T), nrow = 1) <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape[i], param2 = exp(linpred[i,index_vec]))
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape.hat, param2 = exp(linpred.hat[1,index_vec]))
npars <- 2 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_gom <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "gom"
shape <- alpha <- as.numeric(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[ , grep("alpha",colnames(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix))])
shape.hat = stats::median(shape)
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hgompertz(data.stan$t, shape = shape[i],
rate = exp(linpred[i, ]))) +
flexsurv::pgompertz(data.stan$t,shape[i], rate = exp(linpred[i, ]), lower.tail = F, log = T)
})), nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d * log(flexsurv::hgompertz(data.stan$t,shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat))) +
flexsurv::pgompertz(data.stan$t,shape.hat, exp(linpred.hat), lower.tail = F, log = T), nrow = 1)
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
} <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape[i], param2 = exp(linpred[i,index_vec]))
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = shape.hat, param2 = exp(linpred.hat[1,index_vec]))
npars <- 2 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
lik_gga <- function (x, linpred, linpred.hat, model, data.stan){
dist = "gga"
q = as.numeric(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[ , grep("Q",colnames(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix))]) = stats::median(q)
scale = as.numeric(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[ , grep("sigma",colnames(model$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix))]) = stats::median(scale)
d2 <- sapply(data.stan$d,function(x){ifelse(x == 1, 0,1)})
logf <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(linpred), function(i) {
linpred[i, ], scale[i], q[i], log = T) +
d2*flexsurv::pgengamma(data.stan$t,linpred[i, ], scale[i], q[i], log = T, lower.tail = F)})),
nrow = nrow(linpred), byrow = T)
logf.hat <- matrix(data.stan$d*flexsurv::dgengamma(data.stan$t,linpred.hat,,, log = T) +
d2*flexsurv::pgengamma(data.stan$t, linpred.hat,,, log = T, lower.tail = F),
nrow = 1)
if(data.stan$St_indic == 1){
index_vec <- data.stan$id_St
index_vec <- c(data.stan$id_trt,data.stan$id_comp)
} <- rep(NA, nrow(linpred))
for(i in 1:nrow(linpred)){[i] <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = linpred[i,index_vec], param2 =scale[i], param3 = q[i])
} <- expert_like(data.stan, dist_surv = dist, param1 = linpred.hat[1,index_vec], param2 =,
param3 =[index_vec])
npars <- 3 + sum(1 - apply(data.stan$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))
list(logf = logf, logf.hat = logf.hat, npars = npars, f = NULL, = NULL, s = NULL, = NULL, =, =
get_stats_hmc <- function (x, mod){
if(names(x[["models"]])[mod] %in% c("Gamma", "Gen. Gamma","Gompertz")){
table = x$models[[mod]]$BUGSoutput$summary[, c("mean",
"sd", "2.5%", "97.5%")]
table = rstan::summary(x$models[[mod]])$summary[, c("mean",
"sd", "2.5%", "97.5%")]
table = table[-grep("lp__", rownames(table)), ]
if (any(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$X, 2, function(x) all(x ==
0)))) {
table = table[-grep("beta\\[2\\]", rownames(table)), ]
res ="rescale_stats_hmc_", x$misc$model_name[mod]))),
args = list(table = table, x = x))
load_availables <- function(){
availables = list(mle = c(genf = "gef", genf.orig = "gof",
gengamma = "gga", gengamma.orig = "ggo",
exp = "exp", weibull = "wei", weibullPH = "wph",
lnorm = "lno", gamma = "gam", gompertz = "gom",
llogis = "llo", lognormal = "lno", rps = "rps"),
inla = c(exponential = "exp", weibull = "wei",
weibullPH = "wph", lognormal = "lno",
loglogistic = "llo", rps = "rps"),
hmc = c(Exponential = "exp",Gamma = "gam", GenGamma = "gga",
Gompertz = "gom",
RP = "rps", WeibullAF = "wei", WeibullPH = "wph",
logLogistic = "llo", logNormal = "lno"))
#' Print a summary of the survival model(s) fitted by \code{fit.models}
#' Prints the summary table for the model(s) fitted, with the estimate of the
#' parameters - ported from ``survHE``.
#' @param x the \code{expertsurv} object (the output of the call to
#' \code{fit.models})
#' @param mod is the index of the model. Default value is 1, but the user can
#' choose which model fit to visualise, if the call to fit.models has a vector
#' argument for distr (so many models are fitted & stored in the same object)
#' @param \dots additional options, including: \code{digits} = number of
#' significant digits to be shown in the summary table (default = 6)
#' \code{original} = a flag to say whether the *original* table
#' from either \code{flexsurv} or \code{rstan/JAGS} should be printed
#' @return Printed message (no object returned) providing estimates of the survival models.
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @keywords Parametric survival models
#' @examples
#' require("dplyr")
#' param_expert_example1 <- list()
#' param_expert_example1[[1]] <- data.frame(dist = c("norm","t"),
#' wi = c(0.5,0.5), # Ensure Weights sum to 1
#' param1 = c(0.1,0.12),
#' param2 = c(0.15,0.5),
#' param3 = c(NA,3))
#' timepoint_expert <- 14
#' data2 <- data %>% rename(status = censored) %>% mutate(time2 = ifelse(time > 10, 10, time),
#' status2 = ifelse(time> 10, 0, status))
#' mle = example1 <-,status2)~1,data=data2,
#' distr=c("wph", "gomp"),
#' method="mle",
#' pool_type = "log pool",
#' opinion_type = "survival",
#' times_expert = timepoint_expert,
#' param_expert = param_expert_example1)
#' print(mle)
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Baio.2020}{expertsurv}
#' @export
print.expertsurv <-function (x, mod = 1, ...)
exArgs <- list(...)
availables <- load_availables()
if (!exists("digits", where = exArgs)) {
digits = 6
else {
digits = exArgs$digits
if (!exists("original", where = exArgs)) {
original = FALSE
else {
original = exArgs$original
if (exists("orig", exArgs)) {
original = exArgs$orig
if (original == TRUE) {"original_table_", x$method), args = list(x,
mod, digits))
else {
method_eval <- paste0("get_stats_", x$method)
res =, args = list(x,mod))
format_table(x, mod, res, digits)
#### Adjusts SurvHE functions:
#error in a rps function
make_sim_hmc <- function (m, t, X, nsim, newdata, dist, summary_stat, ...){
iter_stan <- m[["n.iter"]]
beta <- m$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[, grep("beta",colnames(m$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix))]
iter_stan <- m@stan_args[[1]]$iter
beta = rstan::extract(m)$beta
if (ncol(X) == 1) {
beta = beta[, 1, drop = F] #PC: add drop to stop it coreceing to a vector
if (dist == "rps" & any(grepl("Intercept", colnames(X)))) {
X <- as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(X) %>% dplyr::select(-`(Intercept)`))
beta = beta[, -ncol(beta)]
linpred <- beta %*% t(X)
sim <- lapply(1:nrow(X), function(x) {"rescale_hmc_", dist), args = list(m,
X, linpred[, x]))
if (nsim > iter_stan) {
stop("Please select a value for 'nsim' that is less than or equal to the value set in the call to 'fit.models'")
if (nsim == 1) {
sim <- lapply(sim, function(x) as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(x) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(summary_stat), nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(x)))
if (nsim > 1 & nsim < iter_stan) {
sim <- lapply(sim, function(x) as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(x) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(nsim, replace = FALSE), nrow = nsim, ncol = ncol(x)))
rescale_hmc_gam <- function (m, X, linpred){
shape <- as.numeric(m$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[,"alpha"])
shape <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$alpha)
rate <- exp(linpred)
sim <- cbind(shape, rate)
colnames(sim) <- c("shape", "rate")
rescale_hmc_gom <- function (m, X, linpred){
shape <- as.numeric(m$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[,"alpha"])
shape <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$alpha)
rate <- exp(linpred)
sim <- cbind(shape, rate)
colnames(sim) <- c("shape", "rate")
rescale_hmc_gga<- function (m, X, linpred){
Q <- as.numeric(m$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[,"Q"])
sigma <- as.numeric(m$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix[,"sigma"])
Q <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$Q)
sigma <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$sigma)
mu <- linpred
sim <- cbind(mu, sigma, Q)
colnames(sim) <- c("mu", "sigma", "Q")
get_stats_hmc <- function(x, mod){
if(inherits(x$models[[mod]],"rjags")) {
table = x$models[[mod]]$BUGSoutput$summary[,c("mean",
"sd", "2.5%", "97.5%")]
table = rstan::summary(x$models[[mod]])$summary[, c("mean",
"sd", "2.5%", "97.5%")]
table = table[-grep("lp__", rownames(table)), ]
if ("X_obs" %in% names(x$misc$data.stan[[1]])) {
if (any(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$X_obs, 2, function(x) all(x ==
0)))) {
table = table[-grep("beta\\[2\\]", rownames(table)),
else {
if (any(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$X, 2, function(x) all(x ==
0)))) {
table = table[-grep("beta\\[2\\]", rownames(table)),
res ="rescale_stats_hmc_", x$misc$model_name[mod]),
args = list(table = table, x = x))
rescale_stats_hmc_gam <- function (table, x){
rate <- matrix(table[grep("rate", rownames(table)),], ncol = 4)
rownames(rate) <- "rate"
shape <- matrix(table[grep("alpha", rownames(table)),
], ncol = 4)
rownames(shape) <- "shape"
effects = add_effects_hmc(table, x) #typo in this function
res <- rbind(shape, rate, effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {
names(res) <- c("mean", "se", "L95%",
else {
colnames(res) <- c("mean", "se", "L95%",
get_stats_hmc <- function (x, mod){
if (inherits(x$models[[mod]],"rjags")) {
table = x$models[[mod]]$BUGSoutput$summary[, c("mean",
"sd", "2.5%", "97.5%")]
else {
table = rstan::summary(x$models[[mod]])$summary[, c("mean",
"sd", "2.5%", "97.5%")]
table = table[-grep("lp__", rownames(table)), ]
if ("X_obs" %in% names(x$misc$data.stan[[1]])) {
if (any(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$X_obs, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))) {
#Error (mod instead of 1)
#for RPS X matrix can be 0 for both columns
beta_drop <- which(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[mod]]$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)) == TRUE)
beta_drop <- paste0("beta\\[", beta_drop,"\\]")
beta_drop <- paste(beta_drop, collapse = "|")
table <- table[-grep(beta_drop, rownames(table)), ]
else {
if (any(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)))) {
beta_drop <- which(apply(x$misc$data.stan[[mod]]$X, 2, function(x) all(x == 0)) == TRUE)
beta_drop <- paste0("beta\\[", beta_drop,"\\]")
beta_drop <- paste(beta_drop, collapse = "|")
table <-table[-grep(beta_drop, rownames(table)), ]
res ="rescale_stats_hmc_", x$misc$model_name[mod]),
args = list(table = table, x = x))
#' Graphical representation of the measures of model fitting based on Information Criteria
#' Plots a summary of the model fit for all the models fitted.
#' @param ... Optional inputs. Must include an \code{expertsurv} object.
#' @param type should the DIC, WAIC, PML be plotted (AIC, BIC also allowed but only valid for frequentist approach).
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return A plot with the relevant model fitting statistics plotted in order of fit.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require("dplyr")
#' param_expert_example1 <- list()
#' param_expert_example1[[1]] <- data.frame(dist = c("norm"),
#' wi = c(1), # Ensure Weights sum to 1
#' param1 = c(0.1),
#' param2 = c(0.05),
#' param3 = c(NA))
#' timepoint_expert <- 14 # Expert opinion at t = 14
#' data2 <- expertsurv::data %>% rename(status = censored) %>%
#' mutate(time2 = ifelse(time > 10, 10, time),
#' status2 = ifelse(time> 10, 0, status))
#'example1 <-,status2)~1,data=data2,
#' distr=c("wei", "gomp"),
#' method="mle",
#' pool_type = "linear pool",
#' opinion_type = "survival",
#' times_expert = timepoint_expert,
#' param_expert = param_expert_example1)
#', type = "aic")
#'<- function (..., type = "dic"){
exArgs = list(...)
if (length(names(exArgs)) == 0) {
names(exArgs) = paste0("Object", 1:length(exArgs))
if (length(which(names(exArgs) == "")) > 0) {
names(exArgs)[which(names(exArgs) == "")] = paste0("Object",
1:length(which(names(exArgs) == "")))
w <- which(unlist(lapply(1:length(exArgs), function(i) class(exArgs[[i]]))) ==
if (length(w) == 0) {
stop("Please give at least one 'expertsurv' object, generated by a call to 'fit.models(...)")
else {
survHE_objs = lapply(1:length(w), function(i) exArgs[[w[i]]])
names(survHE_objs) = names(exArgs)[w]
if (!exists("mods", exArgs)) {
mods = 1:sum(unlist(lapply(survHE_objs, function(x) length(x$models))))
else {
mods = exArgs$mods
if (type %in% c("aic", "AIC", "a", "A")) {
type = "AIC"
if (type %in% c("bic", "BIC", "b", "B")) {
type = "BIC"
if (type %in% c("dic", "DIC", "d", "D")) {
type = "DIC"
if (type %in% c("dic2", "DIC2")) {
type = "DIC2"
if (type %in% c("waic", "WAIC", "w", "W")) {
type = "WAIC"
if (type %in% c("pml", "PML", "p", "P")) {
type = "PML"
type2 <- tolower(type)
toplot = lapply(1:length(survHE_objs), function(x) survHE_objs[[x]]$model.fitting %>%
bind_rows %>% mutate(object_name = as.factor(names(survHE_objs)[x]),
model_name = names(survHE_objs[[x]]$models))) %>% bind_rows %>%
mutate(lab = paste0(model_name, ":", object_name)) %>%
dplyr::select(object_name, model_name, lab, everything()) %>%
slice(mods) %>% arrange(desc(!!as.symbol(type2)))
if (exists("xlim", exArgs)) {
yl = exArgs$xlim
type_vals = toplot %>% pull(type2)
yl = c(min(type_vals)*.9, max(type_vals)*1.1)
#range(pretty(range(toplot %>% pull(type2))))
toplot$model_name <- factor(toplot$model_name, levels = toplot$model_name)
mfp = ggplot(data = toplot, aes(x = model_name, y = get(type2), fill = object_name)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) +
geom_text(aes(x = model_name, y = get(type2), label = get(type2) %>% round(digits = 1.5)), hjust = 1.05,
color = "white", size = 5.5, position = position_dodge(0.9)) +
coord_flip(ylim = yl)
mfp = mfp + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black",
size = 12, angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(color = "black", size = 12,
angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5), axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black",
size = 14, angle = 0, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5),
axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", size = 14,
angle = 90, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)) + theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.background = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold")) +
labs(y = toupper(type), x = "", title = paste0("Model comparison based on ",
toupper(type)), fill = "survHE object") + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
if (exists("col", exArgs)) {
mfp = mfp + scale_fill_manual(values = exArgs$col)
if (exists("colour", exArgs)) {
mfp = mfp + scale_fill_manual(values = exArgs$colour)
if (exists("color", exArgs)) {
mfp = mfp + scale_fill_manual(values = exArgs$color)
if (exists("name_legend", exArgs)) {
mfp = mfp + labs(fill = exArgs$name_legend)
mfp+ theme(legend.position = "none")
integrate.xy <-function (x, fx, a, b, use.spline = TRUE, xtol = 2e-08){
if (is.list(x)) {
fx <- x$y
x <- x$x
if (length(x) == 0)
stop("list 'x' has no valid $x component")
if ((n <- length(x)) != length(fx))
stop("'fx' must have same length as 'x'")
if (is.unsorted(x)) {
i <- sort.list(x)
x <- x[i]
fx <- fx[i]
if (any(i <- duplicated(x))) {
n <- length(x <- x[!i])
fx <- fx[!i]
if (any(diff(x) == 0))
stop("bug in 'duplicated()' killed me: have still multiple x[]!")
if (missing(a))
a <- x[1]
else if (any(a < x[1]))
stop("'a' must NOT be smaller than min(x)")
if (missing(b))
b <- x[n]
else if (any(b > x[n]))
stop("'b' must NOT be larger than max(x)")
if (length(a) != 1 && length(b) != 1 && length(a) != length(b))
stop("'a' and 'b' must have length 1 or same length !")
else {
k <- max(length(a), length(b))
if (any(b < a))
stop("'b' must be elementwise >= 'a'")
if (use.spline) {
xy <- stats::spline(x, fx, n = max(1024, 3 * n))
if (xy$x[length(xy$x)] < x[n]) {
if (TRUE)
warning("working around spline(.) BUG --- hmm, really?\n\n")
xy$x <- c(xy$x, x[n])
xy$y <- c(xy$y, fx[n])
x <- xy$x
fx <- xy$y
n <- length(x)
ab <- unique(c(a, b))
BB <- abs(outer(x, ab, "-")) < (xtol * max(b - a))
if (any(j <- 0 == colSums(BB))) {
y <- stats::approx(x, fx, xout = ab[j])$y
x <- c(ab[j], x)
i <- sort.list(x)
x <- x[i]
fx <- c(y, fx)[i]
n <- length(x)
dig0 <- floor(-log10(xtol))
f.match <- function(x, table, dig) match(signif(x, dig),
signif(table, dig))
d <- dig0
while (anyNA(ai <- f.match(a, x, d))) d <- d - 1/8
ai <- rep_len(ai, k)
d <- dig0
while (anyNA(bi <- f.match(b, x, d))) d <- d - 1/8
bi <- rep_len(bi, k)
dfx <- fx[-c(1, n)] * diff(x, lag = 2)
r <- numeric(k)
for (i in 1:k) {
a <- ai[i]
b <- bi[i]
r[i] <- (x[a + 1] - x[a]) * fx[a] + (x[b] - x[b - 1]) *
fx[b] + sum(dfx[seq(a, length = max(0, b - a - 1))])
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