
Defines functions gender_ipums_usa

# Find the gender of first names using U.S. Census data
# This internal function implements the \code{method = "ipums"} option of
# \code{\link{gender}}. See that function for documentation.
# @param name A character string of a first name. Case insensitive.
# @param years This argument can be either a single year, a range of years in
#   the form \code{c(1880, 1900)}. If no value is specified, then the names
#   will be looked up for the period 1789 to 1930. If a year or range of years
#   is specified, then the names will be looked up for that period. Acceptable
#   years range from 1789 to 1930.
gender_ipums_usa <- function(names, years) {

  genderdata::ipums_usa %>%
    filter(name %in% tolower(names),
           year >= years[1],
           year <= years[2]) %>%
    group_by(name) %>%
    summarise(female = sum(female),
              male = sum(male)) %>%
    mutate(proportion_male = round((male / (male + female)),
                                      digits = 4),
              proportion_female = round((female / (male + female)),
                                        digits = 4)) %>%
    mutate(gender = ifelse(proportion_female == 0.5, "either",
                           ifelse(proportion_female > 0.5, "female",
                                  "male"))) %>%
    mutate(year_min = years[1], year_max = years[2]) %>%
    rename(join_name = name) %>%
    left_join(tibble(name = names, join_name = tolower(names)),
              by = "join_name") %>%
    select(name, proportion_male, proportion_female, gender, year_min, year_max)


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gender documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 5:08 p.m.