
Defines functions default_stat_aes semi_join anti_join do_by str_extr guess_layer_mapping new_data_frame dapply check_required_aesthetics rbind_dfs uniquecols is.waive manual_scale ggname ggproto_formals parse_side_aes use_yside_aes use_xside_aes grab_Main_Mapping get_variable find_build_plotEnv

Documented in parse_side_aes use_xside_aes use_yside_aes

#' @import ggplot2
#' @import scales
#' @import grid
#' @import gtable
#' @import rlang
#' @importFrom vctrs vec_ptype2
#' @importFrom glue glue glue_collapse
#' @importFrom stats setNames

find_build_plotEnv <- function(){
  items <- lapply(sys.frames(), ls)
  expected_items <- c("by_layer","data","layer_data",
  EnvIndex <- unlist(lapply(items, function(x,y){sum(y%in%x)}, y = expected_items))
  Env <- sys.frames()[which(EnvIndex==max(EnvIndex))]

"%NA%" <- function(a, b){
  if(all(is.na(a))) b else a

get_variable <- function(x, envir){
  if(is.null(envir)) return(NULL)
  if(!x%in%ls(envir, all.names = T)) return(NULL)
  return(get(x, envir = envir))

grab_Main_Mapping <- function(env = NULL){
    env <- find_build_plotEnv()
  p <- get_variable("plot", env)
  # Evaluate aesthetics
  evaled <- lapply(p$mapping, eval_tidy, data = p$data)
  evaled <- compact(evaled)
  evaled <- as_gg_data_frame(evaled)
  evaled[,names(evaled)] <- lapply(evaled, FUN = function(x){
    if(!(is.numeric(x)|is.integer(x))) return(as.numeric(as.factor(x)))

#' @rdname ggside-ggproto-geoms
#' @export
use_xside_aes <- function(data){
  data$fill <- data$xfill %NA% data$fill
  data$colour <- data$xcolour %NA% data$colour

#' @rdname ggside-ggproto-geoms
#' @export
use_yside_aes <- function(data){
  data$fill <- data$yfill %NA% data$fill
  data$colour <- data$ycolour %NA% data$colour

#' @rdname ggside-ggproto-geoms
#' @export
parse_side_aes <- function(data, params){
  #determine if fill, xfill, or yfill should be used
  all_names <- c(colnames(data))
  if(any(c("fill", "xfill", "yfill")%in% all_names)) {
    fill_opts <- all_names[all_names %in% c("fill", "xfill", "yfill")]
    side_fill <- c("xfill","yfill")%in%fill_opts
      fill_prec <- c("xfill","yfill")[side_fill]
    } else {
      fill_prec <- "fill"
    data[[fill_prec]] <- data[[fill_prec]]
    exclude <- fill_opts[!fill_opts %in% fill_prec]
      data <- data[, setdiff(colnames(data), exclude), drop = F]

  if(any(c("colour", "xcolour", "ycolour")%in% all_names)) {
    colour_opts <- all_names[all_names %in% c("colour", "xcolour", "ycolour")]
    side_colour <- c("xcolour","ycolour")%in%colour_opts
      colour_prec <- c("xcolour","ycolour")[side_colour]
    } else {
      colour_prec <- "colour"
    data[[colour_prec]] <- data[[colour_prec]]
    exclude <- colour_opts[!colour_opts %in% colour_prec]
      data <- data[, setdiff(colnames(data), exclude), drop = F]


# proto2 TODO: better way of getting formals for self$draw
ggproto_formals <- function(x) formals(environment(x)$f)

ggname <- function(prefix, grob) {
  grob$name <- grobName(grob, prefix)

manual_scale <- function(aesthetic, values = NULL, breaks = waiver(), ...) {
  # check for missing `values` parameter, in lieu of providing
  # a default to all the different scale_*_manual() functions
  if (rlang::is_missing(values)) {
    values <- NULL
  } else {

  # order values according to breaks
  if (is.vector(values) && is.null(names(values)) && !is.waive(breaks) &&
      !is.null(breaks) && !is.function(breaks)) {
    if (length(breaks) <= length(values)) {
      names(values) <- breaks
    } else {
      names(values) <- breaks[1:length(values)]

  pal <- function(n) {
    if (n > length(values)) {
      abort(glue("Insufficient values in manual scale. {n} needed but only {length(values)} provided."))
  discrete_scale(aesthetic, "manual", pal, breaks = breaks, ...)

is.waive <- function(x) inherits(x, "waiver")

uniquecols <- function(df) {
  df <- df[1, sapply(df, function(x) length(unique(x)) == 1), drop = FALSE]
  rownames(df) <- 1:nrow(df)

rbind_dfs <- function(dfs) {
  out <- list()
  columns <- unique(unlist(lapply(dfs, names)))
  nrows <- vapply(dfs, .row_names_info, integer(1), type = 2L)
  total <- sum(nrows)
  if (length(columns) == 0) return(new_data_frame(list(), total))
  allocated <- rep(FALSE, length(columns))
  names(allocated) <- columns
  col_levels <- list()
  ord_levels <- list()
  for (df in dfs) {
    new_columns <- intersect(names(df), columns[!allocated])
    for (col in new_columns) {
      if (is.factor(df[[col]])) {
        all_ordered <- all(vapply(dfs, function(df) {
          val <- .subset2(df, col)
          is.null(val) || is.ordered(val)
        }, logical(1)))
        all_factors <- all(vapply(dfs, function(df) {
          val <- .subset2(df, col)
          is.null(val) || is.factor(val)
        }, logical(1)))
        if (all_ordered) {
          ord_levels[[col]] <- unique(unlist(lapply(dfs, function(df) levels(.subset2(df, col)))))
        } else if (all_factors) {
          col_levels[[col]] <- unique(unlist(lapply(dfs, function(df) levels(.subset2(df, col)))))
        out[[col]] <- rep(NA_character_, total)
      } else {
        out[[col]] <- rep(.subset2(df, col)[1][NA], total)
    allocated[new_columns] <- TRUE
    if (all(allocated)) break
  is_date <- lapply(out, inherits, 'Date')
  is_time <- lapply(out, inherits, 'POSIXct')
  pos <- c(cumsum(nrows) - nrows + 1)
  for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
    df <- dfs[[i]]
    rng <- seq(pos[i], length.out = nrows[i])
    for (col in names(df)) {
      date_col <- inherits(df[[col]], 'Date')
      time_col <- inherits(df[[col]], 'POSIXct')
      if (is_date[[col]] && !date_col) {
        out[[col]][rng] <- as.Date(
          origin = ggplot_global$date_origin
      } else if (is_time[[col]] && !time_col) {
        out[[col]][rng] <- as.POSIXct(
          origin = ggplot_global$time_origin
      } else if (date_col || time_col || inherits(df[[col]], 'factor')) {
        out[[col]][rng] <- as.character(df[[col]])
      } else {
        out[[col]][rng] <- df[[col]]
  for (col in names(ord_levels)) {
    out[[col]] <- ordered(out[[col]], levels = ord_levels[[col]])
  for (col in names(col_levels)) {
    out[[col]] <- factor(out[[col]], levels = col_levels[[col]])
  attributes(out) <- list(
    class = "data.frame",
    names = names(out),
    row.names = .set_row_names(total)

check_required_aesthetics <- function(required, present, name) {
  if (is.null(required)) return()

  required <- strsplit(required, "|", fixed = TRUE)
  if (any(vapply(required, length, integer(1)) > 1)) {
    required <- lapply(required, rep_len, 2)
    required <- list(
      vapply(required, `[`, character(1), 1),
      vapply(required, `[`, character(1), 2)
  } else {
    required <- list(unlist(required))
  missing_aes <- lapply(required, setdiff, present)
  if (any(vapply(missing_aes, length, integer(1)) == 0)) return()

    "{name} requires the following missing aesthetics: ",
    glue_collapse(lapply(missing_aes, glue_collapse, sep = ", ", last = " and "), sep = " or ")

dapply <- function(df, by, fun, ..., drop = TRUE) {
  grouping_cols <- .subset(df, by)
  fallback_order <- unique(c(by, names(df)))
  apply_fun <- function(x) {
    res <- fun(x, ...)
    if (is.null(res)) return(res)
    if (length(res) == 0) return(new_data_frame())
    vars <- lapply(setNames(by, by), function(col) .subset2(x, col)[1])
    if (is.matrix(res)) res <- split_matrix(res)
    if (is.null(names(res))) names(res) <- paste0("V", seq_along(res))
    if (all(by %in% names(res))) return(new_data_frame(unclass(res)))
    res <- modify_list(unclass(vars), unclass(res))
    new_data_frame(res[intersect(c(fallback_order, names(res)), names(res))])

  # Shortcut when only one group
  if (all(vapply(grouping_cols, single_value, logical(1)))) {

  ids <- id(grouping_cols, drop = drop)
  group_rows <- split_with_index(seq_len(nrow(df)), ids)
  rbind_dfs(lapply(seq_along(group_rows), function(i) {
    cur_data <- df_rows(df, group_rows[[i]])

new_data_frame <- function(x = list(), n = NULL) {
  if (length(x) != 0 && is.null(names(x))) {
    abort("Elements must be named")
  lengths <- vapply(x, length, integer(1))
  if (is.null(n)) {
    n <- if (length(x) == 0 || min(lengths) == 0) 0 else max(lengths)
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    if (lengths[i] == n) next
    if (lengths[i] != 1) {
      abort("Elements must equal the number of rows or 1")
    x[[i]] <- rep(x[[i]], n)

  class(x) <- "data.frame"

  attr(x, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(n)

guess_layer_mapping <- function(layer) {
  geom_class <- str_extr(class(layer$geom), "(X|Y)side")
  val <- if(all(is.na(geom_class))){
  } else {
    geom_class <- geom_class[!is.na(geom_class)]

str_extr <- function(string, pattern){
  matches <- regexec(pattern, text = string)
    start <- y[1]
    end <- start + attr(y, "match.length")[1] - 1L
    if(start==-1L) return(NA_character_)
    substr(x, start, end)}, x = string, y = matches))

do_by <- function(data, by, fun, ...){
  order_cache <- do.call('order', lapply(by, function(x){data[[x]]}))
  data <- data[order_cache,]
  split_by <- interaction(data[,by, drop = F], drop = T, lex.order = T)
  data <- rbind_dfs(lapply(split(data, split_by), FUN = fun, ...))
  data <- data[order(order_cache),]
  rownames(data) <- seq_len(nrow(data))

anti_join <- function(x, y, by) {
  keys <- join_keys(x, y, by)
semi_join <- function(x, y, by) {
  keys <- join_keys(x, y, by)

simplify <- function (x)
  if (length(x) == 2 && is_symbol(x[[1]], "~")) {
  if (length(x) < 3) {
  op <- x[[1]]
  a <- x[[2]]
  b <- x[[3]]
  if (is_symbol(op, c("+", "*", "~"))) {
    c(simplify(a), simplify(b))
  else if (is_symbol(op, "-")) {
    c(simplify(a), expr(-!!simplify(b)))
  else {

default_stat_aes <- function(mapping, stat, orientation = "x"){
    mapping <- aes()
  stat <- check_subclass(stat, "Stat", env = parent.frame())
  computed_var <- setdiff(c("x","y"), orientation)
  #if value assigned to computed_var isn't defined by user,
  #grab the default used by stat$default_aes if named aes exists.
  defaults <- stat$default_aes
  if(!computed_var%in%names(mapping)&&computed_var%in%names(defaults)) {
    mapping[[computed_var]] <- stat$default_aes[[computed_var]]

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ggside documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 1:07 a.m.