#'@title Anomaly detector using autoencoder
#'@description Anomaly detector using autoencoder
#'@param input_size Establish the input size for the autoencoder anomaly detector. It is the size of the output also.
#'@param encode_size The encode size for the autoencoder.
#'@return han_autoencoder object
#'histogram based method to detect anomalies in time series. Bins with smaller amount of observations are considered anomalies. Values below first bin or above last bin are also considered anomalies.>.
#'# setting up time series regression model
#'#Use the same example of hanr_fbiad changing the constructor to:
#'model <- han_autoencoder(3,1)
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
#'@importFrom daltoolbox ts_norm_gminmax
han_autoencoder <- function(input_size, encode_size) {
obj <- harbinger()
obj$input_size <- input_size
obj$encode_size <- encode_size
obj$model <- autoenc_encode_decode(obj$input_size, obj$encode_size)
obj$preproc <- daltoolbox::ts_norm_gminmax()
class(obj) <- append("han_autoencoder", class(obj))
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
fit.han_autoencoder <- function(obj, serie, ...) {
if(is.null(serie)) stop("No data was provided for computation",call. = FALSE)
serie <- stats::na.omit(serie)
ts <- ts_data(serie, obj$input_size)
obj$preproc <- fit(obj$preproc, ts)
ts <- transform(obj$preproc, ts)
ts <-
obj$model <- fit(obj$model, ts)
#'@import daltoolbox
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
#'@importFrom graphics hist
detect.han_autoencoder <- function(obj, serie, ...) {
if(is.null(serie)) stop("No data was provided for computation", call. = FALSE)
obj <- obj$har_store_refs(obj, serie)
ts <- ts_data(obj$serie, obj$input_size)
ts <- transform(obj$preproc, ts)
ts <-
result <-$model, ts))
ts <- c(as.double(ts[1,1:(ncol(ts)-1)]),as.double(ts[,ncol(ts)]))
ts_ae <- c(as.double(result[1,1:(ncol(result)-1)]),as.double(result[,ncol(result)]))
res <- obj$har_residuals(ts - ts_ae)
anomalies <- obj$har_outliers_idx(res)
anomalies <- obj$har_outliers_group(anomalies, length(res), res)
detection <- obj$har_restore_refs(obj, anomalies = anomalies)
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