#'@title Seminal change point
#'@description Change-point detection is related to event/trend change detection. Seminal change point detects change points based on deviations of linear regression models adjusted with and without a central observation in each sliding window <10.1145/312129.312190>.
#'@param sw_size Sliding window size
#'@return `hcp_scp` object
#'#loading the example database
#'#Using simple example
#'dataset <- examples_changepoints$simple
#'# setting up change point method
#'model <- hcp_scp()
#'# fitting the model
#'model <- fit(model, dataset$serie)
# making detection using hanr_ml
#'detection <- detect(model, dataset$serie)
#'# filtering detected events
hcp_scp <- function(sw_size = 30) {
obj <- harbinger()
obj$sw_size <- sw_size
class(obj) <- append("hcp_scp", class(obj))
#'@importFrom stats lm
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
detect.hcp_scp <- function(obj, serie, ...) {
analyze_window <- function(data, offset) {
n <- length(data)
y <- data.frame(t = 1:n, y = data)
mdl <- stats::lm(y~t, y)
err <- mean(obj$har_residuals(mdl$residuals))
y_a <- y[1:(offset-1),]
mdl_a <- stats::lm(y~t, y_a)
y_d <- y[(offset+1):n,]
mdl_d <- stats::lm(y~t, y_d)
err_ad <- mean(obj$har_residuals(c(mdl_a$residuals,mdl_d$residuals)))
#return 1-error on whole window; 2-error on window halves; 3-error difference
return(data.frame(mdl=err, mdl_ad=err_ad, mdl_dif=err-err_ad))
if(is.null(serie)) stop("No data was provided for computation", call. = FALSE)
obj <- obj$har_store_refs(obj, serie)
sx <- ts_data(obj$serie, obj$sw_size)
obj$offset <- round(obj$sw_size/2)
#===== Analyzing all data windows ======
errors <-,apply(sx, 1, analyze_window, obj$offset))
res <- errors$mdl_dif
change_point <- obj$har_outliers_idx(res)
change_point <- obj$har_outliers_group(change_point, length(res), res)
change_point <- c(rep(FALSE, obj$offset-1), change_point, rep(FALSE, obj$sw_size-obj$offset))
detection <- obj$har_restore_refs(obj, change_point = change_point)
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