
Defines functions createDFdocumentation successDFtoROCdf roc2binary renameCol createGroups extractPairedComparisonsWRBM extractPairedComparisonsBRBM convertDFtoDesignMatrix convertDFtoScoreMatrix getMRMCscore undoIMRMCdf createIMRMCdf convertDF

Documented in convertDF convertDFtoDesignMatrix convertDFtoScoreMatrix createGroups createIMRMCdf extractPairedComparisonsBRBM extractPairedComparisonsWRBM getMRMCscore renameCol roc2binary successDFtoROCdf undoIMRMCdf

## convertDF ####
#' Convert MRMC data frames
#' @param inDF An MRMC dataframe with reading study results in \code{inDFtype} format
#' @param inDFtype A string indicating the format type of the input MRMC data frame
#' @param outDFtype A string indicating the format type of the output MRMC data frame. 
#' @param readers A character array holding the column names (readerIDs) corresponding to the data from different readers
#' @return An MRMC dataframe with reading study results in \code{outDFtype} format
#' @export
#' @details
#' MRMC data frames contain scores from readers, cases, and sometimes modalities. This packages deals with (currently)
#' two MRMC data frame formats. These are the formats:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{matrixMode}{
#'     For this format, each row contains all the information for a case, 
#'     including the reader study result for several readers, ground truth and other information as seperate columns.
#'     This mode can only hold data from one modality.
#'   }
#'   \item{listMode}{
#'     For this format, each row contains the data for one observation. The columns 
#'     specify the readerID, caseID, score, ground truth, and other information if there is any.
#'     This mode can hold data from multiple modalities.
#'   }
#' }
# @examples
convertDF <- function(inDF, inDFtype, outDFtype, readers){
  if (inDFtype == "matrixMode" & outDFtype == "listMode"){
    # Split the data frame by columns, with and without the readers
    dfReaders <- inDF[ , (colnames(inDF) %in% readers)]
    dfNoReaders <- inDF[ , !(colnames(inDF) %in% readers)]
    # Replicate the data without readers while adding the data for each reader
    outDF <- data.frame()
    for (iReader in readers) {
      # Start with the data frame with no readers
      tempDF <- dfNoReaders
      # Add a column "readerID" and assign it the reader name
      tempDF$readerID <- iReader
      # Add a column "score" and assign it the scores of the current reader
      tempDF$score <- dfReaders[ , iReader]
      # Aggregate the reader data into the output data frame
      outDF <- rbind(outDF, tempDF)

## createIMRMCdf ####
#' Convert a data frame with all needed factors to doIMRMC formatted data frame
#' @param dFrame This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score, and truth.
#'        These columns are not expected to be named as such and other columns may exist.
#' @param keyColumns This list identifies the column names of the data frame to be used for the analysis.
#'        list(readerID = "***", caseID = "***", modalityID = "***", score = "***", truth="***")
#' @param truePositiveFactor The true positive label, such as "cancer" or "1"
#' @return output a doIMRMC formatted data frame: rows for truth and rows for data
#' @export
# @examples
createIMRMCdf <- function(
  keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID", caseID = "caseID", modalityID = "modalityID", score = "score", truth = "truth"),
  truePositiveFactor = "cancer"

  readerID <- keyColumns$readerID
  caseID <- keyColumns$caseID
  modalityID <- keyColumns$modalityID
  score <- keyColumns$score
  truth <- keyColumns$truth

  data0 <- dFrame[dFrame[ , truth] != truePositiveFactor, ]
  data0 <- data.frame(
    readerID   = data0[ , readerID],
    caseID     = data0[ , caseID],
    modalityID = data0[ , modalityID],
    score      = data0[ , score],
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  data1 <- dFrame[dFrame[ , truth] == truePositiveFactor, ]
  data1 <- data.frame(
    readerID   = data1[ , readerID],
    caseID     = data1[ , caseID],
    modalityID = data1[ , modalityID],
    score      = data1[ , score],
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  truth0 <- data.frame(
    readerID = "truth",
    caseID = droplevels(unique(data0$caseID)),
    modalityID = "truth",
    score = 0,
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  truth1 <- data.frame(
    readerID = "truth",
    caseID = droplevels(unique(data1$caseID)),
    modalityID = "truth",
    score = 1,
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  IMRMCdf <- droplevels(rbind(truth0, truth1, data0, data1))
  IMRMCdf <- IMRMCdf[!is.na(IMRMCdf$score), ]



## undoIMRMCdf ####
#' Convert a doIMRMC formatted data frame to a standard data frame
#' with all factors.
#' @details Delete rows specifying truth and put the truth information on every row.
#' @param df.MRMC This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score.
#'        Each row is a reader x case x modality observation from the study
#'        In addition to observations from the study,
#'            this data frame requires rows specifying the truth for each caseID.
#'        For truth specifications, the readerID needs to equal "truth" or "-1",
#'            modalityID can be anything ("truth" is a good choice),
#'            and score should be 0 for signal-absent normal case, 1 for signal-present disease case.
#' @return output a data frame with columns readerID, caseID, modalityID, score, truth
#' @export
# @examples
undoIMRMCdf <- function(df.MRMC) {
  # Separate the data frame into rows corresponding to truth
  # and rows corresping to observations
  df.Truth <- df.MRMC[df.MRMC$readerID == "-1", ]
  if (nrow(df.Truth) > 0) {
    df.Obs <- df.MRMC[df.MRMC$readerID != "-1", ]
  } else {
    df.Truth <- df.MRMC[df.MRMC$readerID == "truth", ]
    df.Obs <- df.MRMC[df.MRMC$readerID != "truth", ]

  df.Truth <- df.Truth[, c("caseID", "score")]
  names(df.Truth) <- c("caseID", "truth")

  df <- droplevels(merge(df.Obs, df.Truth, by = "caseID"))



# Get a score from an MRMC data frame ####
#' Get a score from an MRMC data frame
#' @param df An MRMC data frame
#' @param iR The numeric index of the readerID
#' @param iC The numeric index of the caseID
#' @param modality The character description of the modalityID
#' @return The score
#' @export
# @examples
# # Simulate an MRMC data frame ####
# simRoeMetz.config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# dFrameMRMC <- sim.gRoeMetz(simRoeMetz.config)
# desc <- dFrameMRMC[
#   as.numeric(dFrameMRMC$readerID) == 2 &
#     as.numeric(dFrameMRMC$caseID) == 4 &
#     dFrameMRMC$modalityID == "testA",
# ]
# print(desc$score)
# print(getMRMCscore(dFrameMRMC, 2, 4, "testA"))

getMRMCscore <- function(df, iR, iC, modality) {
  score <- df[as.numeric(df$readerID) == iR &
                as.numeric(df$caseID) == iC &
                df$modalityID == modality, "score"]
  if (length(score) == 0) score <- NULL

# Convert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix ####
#' Convert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix
#' @description Convert an MRMC data frame to a score matrix, dropping readers or cases with no observations
#' @param dfMRMC An MRMC data frame
#' @param modality The score matrix depends on the modality.
#'   If more than one modality exists in the data frame,
#'   you must specify which modality to subset.
#' @param dropFlag [logical] The default setting (TRUE) removes readers and cases
#'   that have no observations. Dropping them by default will speed up analyses.
#'   Leaving the levels (dropFlag = FALSE) is useful if you need the entire score
#'   or design matrix when comparing or doing analyses with two modalities.
#' @return A matrix [nCases, nReaders] of the scores each reader reported for each case
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
convertDFtoScoreMatrix <- function(dfMRMC, modality = NULL, dropFlag = TRUE) {

  # If modality is specified, subset the data on modalityID == modality
  if (!is.null(modality)) {
    dfMRMC <- dfMRMC[dfMRMC$modalityID == modality, ]
    dfMRMC$modalityID <- factor(dfMRMC$modalityID)

  # Check that there is data from one modality only.
  if (nlevels(dfMRMC$modalityID) != 1) {
    desc <- paste("This function only treats data sets with one modality.\n",
                  "nlevels(dfMRMC$modalityID) =", nlevels(dfMRMC$modalityID), "\n")

  # Dropping levels will remove readers or cases that have no observations
  # Dropping them by default will speed up analyses
  # Leaving the levels is useful if you want to see the entire score or design matrix
  if (dropFlag) {
    dfMRMC <- droplevels(dfMRMC)

  caseIDs <- levels(dfMRMC$caseID)
  readerIDs <- levels(dfMRMC$readerID)
  nCases <- nlevels(dfMRMC$caseID)
  nReaders <- nlevels(dfMRMC$readerID)

  scores <- array(-1, c(nCases, nReaders), dimnames = list(caseIDs, readerIDs))

  index <- dfMRMC[ , c("caseID","readerID")]
  index <- data.matrix(index)

  scores[index] <- dfMRMC$score


# Convert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix ####
#' Convert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix
#' @description Convert an MRMC data frame to a design matrix, dropping readers or cases with no observations
#' @param dfMRMC An MRMC data frame
#' @param modality The score matrix depends on the modality.
#'   If more than one modality exists in the data frame,
#'   you must specify which modality to subset.
#' @param dropFlag [logical] The default setting (TRUE) removes readers and cases
#'   that have no observations. Dropping them by default will speed up analyses.
#'   Leaving the levels (dropFlag = FALSE) is useful if you need the entire score
#'   or design matrix when comparing or doing analyses with two modalities.
#' @return A matrix [nCases, nReaders] indicating which scores were reported for each reader and case
#' @export
convertDFtoDesignMatrix <- function(dfMRMC, modality = NULL, dropFlag = TRUE) {

  # If modality is specified, subset the data on modalityID == modality
  if (!is.null(modality)) {
    dfMRMC <- dfMRMC[dfMRMC$modalityID == modality, ]

  # Reduce the modality factor to what is actually contained
  dfMRMC$modalityID <- factor(dfMRMC$modalityID)
  # Check that there is data from one modality only.
  if (nlevels(dfMRMC$modalityID) != 1) {
    desc <- paste("This function only treats data sets with one modality.\n",
                  "nlevels(dfMRMC$modalityID) =", nlevels(dfMRMC$modalityID), "\n")

  # Dropping levels will remove readers or cases that have no observations
  # Dropping them by default will speed up analyses
  # Leaving the levels is useful if you want to see the entire score or design matrix
  if (dropFlag) {
    dfMRMC <- droplevels(dfMRMC)

  caseIDs <- levels(dfMRMC$caseID)
  readerIDs <- levels(dfMRMC$readerID)
  nCases <- nlevels(dfMRMC$caseID)
  nReaders <- nlevels(dfMRMC$readerID)

  design <- array(0, c(nCases, nReaders), dimnames = list(caseIDs, readerIDs))

  index <- dfMRMC[ , c("caseID","readerID")]
  index <- data.matrix(index)

  design[index] <- 1



## Extract between-reader between-modality pairs of scores ####
#' Extract between-reader between-modality pairs of scores
#' @param data0 This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score.
#' @param modalities The modalities (testA, testB) for the scores to be paired
#' @param keyColumns This list identifies the column names
#' of the data frame to be used for the analysis.
#'        list(readerID = "***", caseID = "***",
#'             modalityID = "***", score = "***", truth="***")
#' @return A data frame of all paired observations.
#'   Each observation comes from a pair of readers evaluating a case in two modalities.
#'   The first column corresponds to one reader evaluating the case in testA.
#'   The second column corresonds to the other reader evaluating the case in testB.
#' @export
# @examples
extractPairedComparisonsBRBM <- function(
  modalities = c("testA", "testB"),
  keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID",
                    caseID = "caseID",
                    modalityID = "modalityID",
                    score = "score")
) {

  # Establish the key column names
  readerID <- keyColumns$readerID
  caseID <- keyColumns$caseID
  modalityID <- keyColumns$modalityID
  score <- keyColumns$score

  # Create an MRMC data frame
  dfMRMC <- data.frame(
    readerID   = data0[ , readerID],
    caseID     = data0[ , caseID],
    modalityID = data0[ , modalityID],
    score      = data0[ , score],
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE

  # Split the data by the input modalities
  df.X <- dfMRMC[dfMRMC$modalityID == modalities[1], ]
  df.Y <- dfMRMC[dfMRMC$modalityID == modalities[2], ]

  # Split the data by readers
  df.XR <- split(df.X, list(df.X$readerID), drop = TRUE)
  nReadersX <- length(df.XR)
  readersX <- names(df.XR)

  # Split the data by readers
  df.YR <- split(df.Y, list(df.Y$readerID), drop = TRUE)
  nReadersY <- length(df.YR)
  readersY <- names(df.YR)

  # For each pair of distinct readers, merge the data
  x <- NULL
  y <- NULL
  for (readerXi in readersX) {
    for (readerYj in readersY) {

      if (readerXi == readerYj) next()

      df.RxR <- merge(df.XR[[readerXi]], df.YR[[readerYj]], by = "caseID")
      x <- c(x, df.RxR$score.x)
      y <- c(y, df.RxR$score.y)



  return(data.frame(x = x, y = y, stringsAsFactors = TRUE))


## Extract within-reader between-modality pairs of scores ####
#' Extract within-reader between-modality pairs of scores
#' @param data0 This data frame includes columns for readerID, caseID, modalityID, score.
#' @param modalities The modalities (testA, testB) for the scores to be paired
#' @param keyColumns This list identifies the column names
#' of the data frame to be used for the analysis.
#'        list(readerID = "***", caseID = "***",
#'             modalityID = "***", score = "***", truth="***")
#' @return A data frame of all paired observations.
#'   Each observation comes from a one reader evaluating a case in two modalities
#'   The first column corresponds to one reader evaluating the case in testA.
#'   The second column corresonds to the same reader evaluating the case in testB.
#' @export
# @examples
extractPairedComparisonsWRBM <- function(
  modalities = "testA",
  keyColumns = list(readerID = "readerID",
                    caseID = "caseID",
                    modalityID = "modalityID",
                    score = "score")
) {

  readerID <- keyColumns$readerID
  caseID <- keyColumns$caseID
  modalityID <- keyColumns$modalityID
  score <- keyColumns$score

  dfMRMC <- data.frame(
    readerID   = data0[ , readerID],
    caseID     = data0[ , caseID],
    modalityID = data0[ , modalityID],
    score      = data0[ , score],
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE

  # Pool reader counts into a contingency table
  modality.X <- modalities[1]
  modality.Y <- modalities[2]

  # Split the data by modalities
  df.X <- dfMRMC[dfMRMC$modalityID == modality.X,]
  df.Y <- dfMRMC[dfMRMC$modalityID == modality.Y,]

  # Split the data by readers
  df.XR <- split(df.X, df.X$readerID, drop = TRUE)
  nReadersX <- length(df.XR)
  readersX <- names(df.XR)

  df.YR <- split(df.Y, df.Y$readerID, drop = TRUE)
  nReadersY <- length(df.YR)
  readersY <- names(df.YR)

  reader.i <- 1
  reader.j <- 2

  x <- NULL
  y <- NULL
  for (readerXi in readersX) {
    for (readerYj in readersY) {

      if (readerXi != readerYj) next()

      df.RxR <- merge(df.XR[[readerXi]], df.YR[[readerYj]], by = "caseID")
      x <- c(x, df.RxR$score.x)
      y <- c(y, df.RxR$score.y)



  return(data.frame(x = x, y = y, stringsAsFactors = TRUE))


## createGroups ####
#' Assign a group label to items in a vector
#' @param items A vector of items
#' @param nG The number of groups
#' @return A data frame containing the items and their group labels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- paste("item", 1:10, sep = "")
#' df <- createGroups(x, 3)
#' print(df)
createGroups <- function(items, nG) {

  n <- length(items)

  # Determine the number of items in each group
  nPerG.base <- floor(n/nG)
  remainder <- n - nPerG.base*nG
  nPerG <- rep(nPerG.base, nG)
  if (remainder) nPerG[1:remainder] <- nPerG[1:remainder] + 1

  # Create labels for each reader
  desc <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nG) desc <- c(desc, rep(paste("group", i, sep = ""), nPerG[i]))

  readerGroups <- data.frame(items = items, desc = desc, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)



## renameCol ####
#' Rename a data frame column name or a list object name
#' @param df A data frame
#' @param oldColName Old column name
#' @param newColName New column name
#' @return the data frame with the updated column name
#' @export
# @examples
renameCol <- function(df, oldColName, newColName) {
  names(df)[names(df) == oldColName] <- newColName

## roc2binary ####
#' Convert ROC data formatted for doIMRMC to TPF and FPF data formatted for doIMRMC
#' @param df.auc data frame of roc scores formatted for doIMRMC
#' @param threshold The threshold for determining binary decisions
#' @return a list of two data frames (df.tpf and df.fpf) both formatted for doIMRMC
#' @export
# @examples
roc2binary <- function(df.auc, threshold) {
  df.truth <- df.auc[df.auc$readerID == -1 | df.auc$readerID == "truth", ]
  df.scores <- df.auc[df.auc$readerID != -1 & df.auc$readerID != "truth", ]

  truth.neg <- droplevels(df.truth[df.truth$score == 0, ])
  cases.neg <- levels(truth.neg$caseID)
  nC.neg <- nlevels(truth.neg$caseID)

  truth.pos <- droplevels(df.truth[df.truth$score == 1, ])
  cases.pos <- levels(truth.pos$caseID)
  nC.pos <- nlevels(truth.pos$caseID)

  df.scores$pos <- 0
  df.scores$pos[df.scores$score > threshold] <- 1

  index.pos <- as.character(df.scores$caseID) %in% cases.pos
  index.neg <- as.character(df.scores$caseID) %in% cases.neg

  df.tpf <- df.scores[ , c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")]
  df.tpf$score <- 0.5
  df.tpf$score[index.pos] <- df.scores$pos[index.pos]

  df.fpf <- df.scores[ , c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")]
  df.fpf$score <- 0.5
  df.fpf$score[index.neg] <- df.scores$pos[index.neg]

      df.tpf = rbind(df.truth, df.tpf),
      df.fpf = rbind(df.truth, df.fpf)


## successDFtoROCdf ####
#' Convert an MRMC data frame of successes to one formatted for doIMRMC
#' @param df Each row contains a success observation for one reader evaluating one case
#' @return data frame ready for doIMRMC
#' @export
# @examples
successDFtoROCdf <- function(df) {

  # Successes are signal-present scores
  df.AUC <- data.frame(
    readerID = df$readerID,
    caseID = df$caseID,
    modalityID = df$modalityID,
    score = df$score,
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  # Create 5 fake signal-absent observations per reader
  nC0 <- 5
  df.AUC <- rbind(
      readerID = rep(levels(df$readerID), rep(nC0, nlevels(df$readerID))),
      caseID = rep(paste("fakeCase", 1:nC0, sep = ""), nC0),
      modalityID = rep("modalityA", nC0 * nlevels(df$readerID)),
      score = rep(0.5, nC0 * nlevels(df$readerID)),
      stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  # Create truth for signal-present cases
  df.AUC <- rbind(
      readerID = rep("-1", nlevels(df$caseID)),
      caseID = levels(df$caseID),
      modalityID = rep("truth", nlevels(df$caseID)),
      score = rep(1, nlevels(df$caseID)),
      stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  # Create truth for signal-absent cases
  df.AUC <- rbind(
      readerID = rep("-1", nC0),
      caseID = paste("fakeCase", 1:nC0, sep = ""),
      modalityID = rep("truth", nC0),
      score = rep(0, nC0),
      stringsAsFactors = TRUE


## createDFdocumentation ####
createDFdocumentation <- function(df) {

  desc1 <- utils::capture.output(utils::str(df))
  nVar <- length(desc1) - 1

  desc2 <- c(
    paste("#\' \\code{", deparse(substitute(df)), "} is a", desc1[1], "\\cr \n"),
    "#\'   \\itemize{ \\cr \n",
    paste("#\'     \\item \\code{", desc1[2:nVar], "} \\cr \n"),
    "#\'   }"




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iMRMC documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:36 p.m.