
Defines functions adjacency contagpixelgrid

Documented in adjacency contagpixelgrid

#' @title Pixel Adjacency Contagion
#' @export contagpixelgrid adjacency
#' @description Function for calculating the classic pixel-adjacency contagion landscape metric from a binary map (O'Neill, 1988).
##' @param xi A raster binary map (as an \code{im} object) or as a foreground set (as an \code{owin} object).
#' In the latter case the observation window, \code{obswin}, must be supplied.
#' See \code{\link{lacunaritycovariance-package}} for details.
#' If \code{xi} is an \code{owin} object it must be of \code{mask} type.
#' @param obswin If \code{xi} is an \code{owin} object then \code{obswin} is an
#'   \code{owin} object that specifies the observation window.
#' @param normalise If \code{TRUE} will divide result by \eqn{2 ln(2)} and add 1 to make contagion between 0 and 1 for all binary maps.

#' @details The unnormalised contagion landscape metric of categorical map is defined as
#' \deqn{\sum_i \sum_j Qij ln(Qij),} where \eqn{Qij} is the probability of
#' randomly selected adjacent pixels being in class \eqn{i} and class \eqn{j}
#' respectively, and \eqn{m} is the number of classes.
#' Here \eqn{m = 2} as \code{xi} is a binary map and we have defined 'adjacent'
#' pixels using the 4-neighbourhood regime.
#' Contagion is calculated from an adjacency matrix created using the function \code{adjacency}. 
#' The adjacency matrix is a 2 by 2 table containing the number of pairs of neighbouring pixels (where order matters) such that:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'     \tab Second pixel in \code{xi} \tab Second pixel not in \code{xi} \cr
#'  First pixel in \code{xi} \tab - \tab - \cr
#'  First pixel not in \code{xi} \tab - \tab - 
#' }

#' @return
#' The computed pixel-adjacency contagion value. If \code{normalise} is \code{TRUE} then the value will be between 0 and 1. Otherwise the value will be negative.

#' @references
#' O'Neill, R.V., Krummel, J.R., Gardner, R.H., Sugihara, G., Jackson, B., DeAngelis, D.L., et al. (1988) Indices of landscape pattern. \emph{Landscape Ecology}, 1, 153-162.

#' @examples
#' xi <- heather$coarse
#' obswin <- owin(xrange = c(0,7),yrange=c(0,16))
#' adjmat <- adjacency(xi,obswin)
#' pixeladjcontagion <- contagpixelgrid(xi,obswin)

#' @section Warning: Will fail if map is either all foreground or all background.
#' @describeIn contagpixelgrid Pixel-adjacency contagion landscape metric of a binary map.
contagpixelgrid <- function(xi, obswin, normalise=FALSE){
  if("im" %in% class(xi)){isbinarymap(xi, requiretrue = TRUE)
  }  else if (is.owin(xi) && is.null(obswin)){stop("obswin must be included if xi is an owin object.")}
  if (is.owin(xi)){
    out <- harmonise(xi,obswin)
    xi <- out[[1]]
    obswin <- out[[2]]
    xic <- intersect.owin(complement.owin(xi),obswin)
    xi <- intersect.owin(xi,obswin)
  if (is.im(xi)){
    obswin <- solutionset(!is.na(xi))
    xi <- solutionset(xi == 1)

  adjmat <- adjacency(xi,obswin)
  # num pixels in obswin?
  propOfXi <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,obswin)))/sum(as.matrix(obswin))
  propOfNotXi <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(complement.owin(xi),obswin)))/sum(as.matrix(obswin))
  contag <- 0
  #xi with xi part of contagion
  contag <- contag + sum(propOfXi*adjmat[1,]/rowSums(adjmat)[1]*log(propOfXi*adjmat[1,]/rowSums(adjmat)[1]))
  contag <- contag + sum(propOfNotXi*adjmat[2,]/rowSums(adjmat)[2]*log(propOfNotXi*adjmat[2,]/rowSums(adjmat)[2]))
  if (normalise) {contag <- 1+contag/(2*log(2))}

#' @describeIn contagpixelgrid Calculates the adjacency matrix used in the pixel contagion
adjacency <- function(xi, obswin = NULL){
  if("im" %in% class(xi)){isbinarymap(xi, requiretrue = TRUE)
    }  else if (is.owin(xi) && is.null(obswin)){stop("obswin must be included if xi is an owin object.")}
  if (is.owin(xi)){
    xic <- intersect.owin(complement.owin(xi),obswin)
    xi <- intersect.owin(xi,obswin)
  if (is.im(xi)){
    obswin <- solutionset(!is.na(xi))
    xi <- solutionset(xi == 1)
  xic <- intersect.owin(complement.owin(xi), obswin)
  xi <- intersect.owin(xi, obswin)

  #neighbours of points in xi that are also in xi, in each direction
  #(4 neighbourhood)
  numNnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(0,-xi$ystep)))))
  numSnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(0,xi$ystep)))))
  numWnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(xi$xstep,0)))))
  numEnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(-xi$xstep,0)))))
  xinbrsofxi <- sum(c(numNnbr,numSnbr,numWnbr,numEnbr))  
  #neighbours of points in xi that are not in xi
  numNnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(0,-xi$ystep)))))
  numSnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(0,xi$ystep)))))
  numWnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(xi$xstep,0)))))
  numEnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xi,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(-xi$xstep,0)))))
  notxinbrsofxi <- sum(c(numNnbr,numSnbr,numWnbr,numEnbr)) 
  #nbrs of not xi points that are IN xi
  numNnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(0,-xi$ystep)))))
  numSnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(0,xi$ystep)))))
  numWnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(xi$xstep,0)))))
  numEnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xi,vec=c(-xi$xstep,0)))))
  xinbrsofnotxi <- sum(c(numNnbr,numSnbr,numWnbr,numEnbr)) 
  #nbrs of not xi points that are NOT IN xi
  numNnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(0,-xi$ystep)))))
  numSnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(0,xi$ystep)))))
  numWnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(xi$xstep,0)))))
  numEnbr <- sum(as.matrix(intersect.owin(xic,shift.owin(xic,vec=c(-xi$xstep,0)))))
  notxinbrsofnotxi <- sum(c(numNnbr,numSnbr,numWnbr,numEnbr)) 
  adjacencymat <- matrix(c(xinbrsofxi,notxinbrsofxi,xinbrsofnotxi,notxinbrsofnotxi), nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE)
  colnames(adjacencymat) <- c("Xi","Not Xi")
  rownames(adjacencymat) <- c("Xi", "Not Xi")

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lacunaritycovariance documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:08 p.m.