
Defines functions select_tags

Documented in select_tags

#' Extract tagged variables of a linelist object
#' @keywords deprecated
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`

#' This function was  equivalent to running successively [tags_df()] and
#' [dplyr::select()] on a `linelist` object.
#' To encourage users to understand what is going on and in order to follow the
#' software engineering good practice of providing just one way to do a given
#' task, this function is now deprecated.
#' @param x a `linelist` object
#' @param ... the tagged variables to select, using [dplyr::select()] compatible
#'   terminology; see [tags_names()] for default values
#' @return A `data.frame` of tagged variables.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' * [tags()] for existing tags in a `linelist`
#' * [tags_df()] to get a `data.frame` of all tags
#' @examples
#' if (require(outbreaks)) {
#'   ## dataset we'll create a linelist from
#'   measles_hagelloch_1861
#'   ## create linelist
#'   x <- make_linelist(measles_hagelloch_1861,
#'     id = "case_ID",
#'     date_onset = "date_of_prodrome",
#'     age = "age",
#'     gender = "gender"
#'   )
#'   head(x)
#'   ## check tagged variables
#'   tags(x)
#'   select_tags(x, "gender", "age")
#'   # Instead, use:
#'   library(dplyr)
#'   x %>%
#'     tags_df() %>%
#'     select(gender, age)
#' }
select_tags <- function(x, ...) {

    details =
        "This function is deprecated:",
        "use the two step `tags_df()` and `dplyr::select()` process instead"

  df <- tags_df(x)
  dplyr::select(df, ...)


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linelist documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.