


# Issue #375: friendly warning when sandwich fails
mod <- feols(y ~ x1 + i(period, treat, 5) | id + period, base_did)
hyp <- as.numeric(1:10 %in% 6:10)
# not supported
expect_warning(hypotheses(mod, hypothesis = hyp, vcov = "HC0"), pattern = "sandwich")
# supported
d <- hypotheses(mod, hypothesis = hyp, vcov = "HC1")
expect_inherits(d, "data.frame")

# bugs stay dead: logit with transformations
dat <- mtcars
dat$gear <- as.factor(dat$gear)
dat <- dat
mod1 <- suppressMessages(feglm(am ~ mpg + mpg^2 | gear, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = dat, warn = FALSE))
mod2 <- suppressMessages(feglm(am ~ mpg | gear, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = dat, warn = FALSE))
mod3 <- suppressMessages(feglm(am ~ mpg + mpg^2 | gear, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mtcars, warn = FALSE))
mod4 <- suppressMessages(feglm(am ~ mpg | gear, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mtcars, warn = FALSE))

#skip_if_not_installed("fixest", minimum_version = "0.10.2")
expect_inherits(insight::get_data(mod1), "data.frame")
expect_inherits(insight::get_data(mod2), "data.frame")
expect_inherits(insight::get_data(mod3), "data.frame")
expect_inherits(insight::get_data(mod4), "data.frame")

expect_slopes(mod1, pct_na = 62.5)
expect_slopes(mod2, pct_na = 62.5)
expect_slopes(mod3, pct_na = 62.5)
expect_slopes(mod4, pct_na = 62.5)

# 20 observations for which we can't compute results
mfx <- slopes(mod1, variables = "mpg")
expect_inherits(mfx, "marginaleffects")
expect_equivalent(nrow(mfx), 12)

# fixest::feols vs. Stata
data(EmplUK, package = "plm")
stata <- readRDS(testing_path("stata/stata.rds"))$fixest_feols
model <- feols(wage ~ capital * output | firm, EmplUK)
mfx <- merge(tidy(slopes(model)), stata)
expect_equivalent(mfx$estimate, mfx$estimate)
expect_equivalent(mfx$std.error, mfx$std.errorstata, tolerance = .00001)

# fixest::fepois vs. Stata
data(EmplUK, package = "plm")
stata <- readRDS(testing_path("stata/stata.rds"))$fixest_fepois
model <- fepois(log(wage) ~ capital * output | firm, EmplUK)
mfx <- merge(tidy(slopes(model, type = "link")), stata)
expect_equivalent(mfx$estimate, mfx$estimate, tolerance = .000001)
expect_equivalent(mfx$std.error, mfx$std.errorstata, tolerance = .001)

# fixest::feols: predictions
data(trade, package = "fixest")
model <- feols(Euros ~ dist_km | Destination + Origin, data = trade)
pred1 <- predictions(model)
pred2 <- predictions(model, newdata = head(trade))
expect_predictions(pred2, n_row = 6)

# numeric cluster variable raises warning
fe <- data.frame(unit = 1:25, fe = rnorm(25))
dat <- expand.grid(unit = 1:25, time = 1:50)
dat <- merge(dat, fe, by = "unit")
dat$x <- rnorm(nrow(dat)) + dat$fe
dat$w <- rnorm(nrow(dat))
dat$y <- dat$x + dat$w + dat$x * dat$w + dat$fe + rnorm(nrow(dat), sd = 10)
dat <- dat
dat2 <- dat
dat2$unit <- as.factor(dat2$unit)
dat2 <- dat2
mod1 <- feols(y ~ x * w | unit, data = dat)
mod2 <- fixest::feols(y ~ x * w | unit, data = dat2)
p <- plot_slopes(mod2, variables = "x", condition = "w")
expect_inherits(p, "ggplot")

# plot_slopes: extracts all required data
fe <- data.frame(unit = 1:25, fe = rnorm(25))
dat <- expand.grid(unit = 1:25, time = 1:50)
dat <- merge(dat, fe, by = "unit")
dat$x <- rnorm(nrow(dat)) + dat$fe
dat$w <- rnorm(nrow(dat))
dat$y <- dat$x + dat$w + dat$x * dat$w + dat$fe + rnorm(nrow(dat), sd = 10)
dat <- dat
mod1 <- fixest::feols(y ~ x * w | unit, data = dat)
dat2 <- dat
dat2$unit <- as.factor(dat2$unit)
dat2 <- dat2
mod2 <- fixest::feols(y ~ x * w | unit, data = dat2)
k <- plot_slopes(mod2, variables = "x", condition = "w", draw = FALSE)
expect_inherits(k, "data.frame")
expect_false(any(k$estimate == 0))

# predictions: bugs stay dead: Issue #203
dat <- mtcars
dat$factor_am = factor(dat$am)
dat <- dat
m1 <- feols(mpg ~ hp * am, data = dat)
m2 <- feols(mpg ~ hp * factor_am, data = dat)
m3 <- feols(mpg ~ hp * wt, data = dat)
m4 <- feols(mpg ~ i(am, hp), data = dat)
m5 <- feglm(am ~ hp | gear, data = dat)
pred1 <- predictions(m1)
pred2 <- predictions(m2)
pred3 <- predictions(m3)
pred4 <- predictions(m4)
pred5 <- predictions(m5)
expect_predictions(pred5, se = FALSE)
# vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("fixest plot_predictions with i()",
#                         plot_predictions(m4, condition = c("hp", "am")))

# bug stay dead: insight::get_data doesn't get all columns
reg <- feols(
Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length | Species | Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, 
data = iris)
mfx1 <- slopes(reg, newdata = iris)
mfx2 <- slopes(reg)
expect_inherits(mfx1, "marginaleffects")
expect_inherits(mfx2, "marginaleffects")

# bug stays dead
dt <- mtcars
dt$cyl <- factor(dt$cyl)
fit1 <- suppressMessages(feols(mpg ~ 0 | carb | vs ~ am, data = dt))
fit2 <- suppressMessages(feols(mpg ~ cyl | carb | vs ~ am, data = dt))
fit3 <- suppressMessages(feols(mpg ~ 0 | carb | vs:cyl ~ am:cyl, data = dt))
mfx1 <- slopes(fit1)
mfx2 <- slopes(fit2)
mfx3 <- slopes(fit3)
expect_inherits(mfx1, "marginaleffects")
expect_inherits(mfx2, "marginaleffects")
expect_inherits(mfx3, "marginaleffects")

# Issue #443: `newdata` breaks when it is a `data.table`
dat <- data.table(mtcars)
m <- feols(mpg ~ cyl * disp, dat)
m1 <- slopes(m)
m2 <- slopes(m, newdata = datagrid(disp = 0))  
expect_inherits(m1, "marginaleffects")
expect_inherits(m2, "marginaleffects")
m1 <- comparisons(m)
m2 <- comparisons(m, newdata = datagrid(disp = 0))  
expect_inherits(m1, "comparisons")
expect_inherits(m2, "comparisons")

# Issue #458: fixest with data table
tmp <- data.table(y = rnorm(10), x = rnorm(10))
model <- feols(y ~ x, tmp)
m <- slopes(model)
expect_inherits(m, "marginaleffects")

# Issue #484: i() converts to factors but was treated as numeric
m <- feols(Ozone ~ i(Month), airquality)
m <- slopes(m)
expect_inherits(m, "marginaleffects")

# Issue #493
mod <- feols(vs ~ hp * factor(cyl), data = mtcars)
cmp <- comparisons(
    newdata = datagrid(hp = c(80, 100, 120)),
    by = "hp")
expect_equivalent(nrow(cmp), 9)
expect_equivalent(nrow(tidy(cmp)), 9)
mod <- feglm(vs ~ hp * factor(cyl), data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
cmp <- comparisons(
    newdata = datagrid(hp = c(80, 100, 120)),
    by = "hp")

# Issue #484: fixest::i() parsing
mod1 <- feols(mpg ~ drat + i(cyl, i.gear), data = mtcars)
mod2 <- feols(mpg ~ drat + i(cyl, gear), data = mtcars)
mod3 <- feols(mpg ~ drat + i(cyl), data = mtcars)
mod4 <- feols(mpg ~ drat + i(cyl, wt) + i(gear,, data = mtcars)
fun <- function(model) {
    out <- marginaleffects:::get_modeldata(model)
    out <- marginaleffects:::get_variable_class(out, compare = "categorical")
    out <- names(out)
expect_true(all(c("cyl", "gear") %in% fun(mod1)))
expect_true("cyl" %in% fun(mod2))
expect_true("cyl" %in% fun(mod3))
expect_true(all(c("am", "cyl", "gear") %in% fun(mod4)))
m <- slopes(mod4)
expect_inherits(m, "marginaleffects")
expect_true(all(c("am", "cyl", "drat", "gear", "wt") %in% m$term))

# Issue #509
dat <- mtcars
dat$mpg[1] <- NA
dat <- dat
mod <- suppressMessages(feglm(am ~ mpg, family = binomial, data = dat))
mfx <- slopes(mod)
expect_inherits(mfx, "marginaleffects")
expect_equivalent(nrow(mfx), 31)
expect_true("mpg" %in% colnames(mfx))
expect_true("am" %in% colnames(mfx))

# Issue #531
mod <- feols(Ozone ~ Wind + i(Month), airquality)
mfx <- slopes(mod, variable = "Wind")
expect_true(all(mfx$conf.low < mfx$estimate))
expect_true(all(mfx$conf.high > mfx$estimate))

# regression test Issue #232: namespace collision with `rep()`
# can't override global binding for `rep()`
rep <- data.frame(Y = runif(100) > .5, X = rnorm(100))
mod <- feglm(Y ~ X, data = rep, family = binomial)
mfx <- slopes(mod)
expect_inherits(mfx, "marginaleffects")

# Issue #549
dat <- mtcars
dat$mpg[1] <- NA
mod <- fepois(hp ~ mpg + am, data = dat)
p <- predictions(mod, by = "am")

# Issue #705
data(trade, package = "fixest")
mod1 <- fepois(data = trade, Euros ~ 1 | Origin, offset = ~ log(dist_km))
mod2 <- fepois(data = trade, Euros ~ 1 | Origin)

mfx1 <- avg_slopes(mod1)
mfx2 <- avg_slopes(mod2)
expect_inherits(mfx1, "slopes")
expect_inherits(mfx2, "slopes")

# Issue #727: backtransform predictions
mod = fixest::feglm(am ~ hp, data = mtcars, family = binomial)
p1 <- avg_predictions(mod)
p2 <- avg_predictions(mod, type = "link", transform = mod$family$linkinv)
expect_equivalent(p1$estimate, p2$estimate)
expect_equivalent(p1$conf.low, p2$conf.low)

# Issue #839
mod <- feols(mpg ~ drat | gear, data = mtcars, weights = ~qsec)
res <- suppressWarnings(inferences(avg_slopes(mod), method = "boot", R = 20))
expect_inherits(res, "slopes")

## Issue #461
## commetned out because this seems to be an upstream problem. See issue.
# gen_data <- function(rows) {
#   data <- data.table(
#     x1 = rnorm(rows),
#     x2 = rnorm(rows),
#     group1 = rep(1:5, rows/5),
#     group2 = rep(1:2, rows/2),
#     group3 = rep(1:20, rows/20)
#   )
#   data[, y := x1*x2*rnorm(rows, 1, 0.1)]
#   data[, fe := paste0(group1, group2)]
#   setDF(data)
#   return(data)
# }
# data <- gen_data(50020)
# model <- feols(y ~ x1*x2 | group1^group2, data)
# nd <- datagrid(model = model)
# expect_error(slopes(model, newdata = "mean"), "combined")

## Issue #229: works interactively
# data(trade)
# dat <- trade
# mod <- feNmlm(Euros ~ log(dist_km) | Product, data = dat)
# expect_slopes(mod, newdata = dat) # environment issue

rm(list = ls())

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