#' Expand messy dates to lists of dates
#' These functions expand on date ranges, sets of dates, and unspecified or
#' approximate dates (annotated with '..', '{}', 'XX' or '~').
#' As these messydates may refer to several possible dates,
#' the function "opens" these values to reveal a vector of all the possible
#' dates implied.
#' Imprecise dates (dates only containing information on year and/or month)
#' are also expanded to include possible dates within that year and/or month.
#' The function removes the annotation from dates with unreliable sources ('?'),
#' before being expanded normally as though they were incomplete.
#' @param x A `mdate` object.
#' If not an 'mdate' object, conversion is handled first with ´as_messydate()´.
#' @param approx_range Range to expand approximate dates,
#' or date components, annotated with '~', by default 0.
#' That is, removes signs for approximate dates and
#' treats these dates as precise dates.
#' If 3, for example, adds 3 days for day approximation,
#' 3 months for month approximation,
#' 3 years for year/whole date approximation,
#' 3 years and 3 months for year-month approximation,
#' and 3 months and 3 days for month-day approximation.
#' @return A list of dates, including all dates in each range or set.
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_split str_detect
#' str_extract str_remove_all
#' @importFrom lubridate as_date ymd years
#' @examples
#' d <- as_messydate(c("2008-03-25", "-2012-02-27", "2001-01?", "~2001",
#' "2001-01-01..2001-02-02", "{2001-01-01,2001-02-02}", "{2001-01,2001-02-02}",
#' "2008-XX-31", "..2002-02-03", "2001-01-03..", "28 BC"))
#' expand(d)
#' @export
expand <- function(x, approx_range = 0) {
if (!is_messydate(x)) {
message("Date object(s) converted to 'mdate' class")
x <- as_messydate(x)
x <- stringr::str_remove_all(x, "[:space:]|\\{|\\}|\\%|\\?")
if (approx_range == 0) {
x <- stringr::str_replace_all(x, "\\~|^\\.\\.|\\.\\.$", "")
} else {
x <- expand_approximate(x, approx_range)
x <- expand_unspecified(x)
x <- expand_negative(x)
x <- expand_sets(x)
x <- expand_ranges(x)
expand_approximate <- function(dates, approx_range) {
# Substitute signs
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "^\\~[:digit:]{4}$"),
paste0(dates, "-01-01"), dates)
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "^[:digit:]{4}-\\~[:digit:]{2}$|^[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}\\~$"),
paste0(dates, "-01"), dates)
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "\\~") &
stringr::str_detect(dates, "\\.\\."),
str_replace_all(dates, "\\~", ""), dates)
# expansion for approximate ranges not yet implemented
dates <- suppressWarnings(expand_approximate_years(dates, approx_range))
dates <- suppressWarnings(expand_approximate_months(dates, approx_range))
dates <- suppressWarnings(expand_approximate_days(dates, approx_range))
dates <- unlist(dates)
expand_unspecified <- function(dates) {
# Assumes no century for ambiguous dates not specified previously when dates were coerced
dates <- zero_padding(dates)
# Separate ranges and sets of dates
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, ",", ",,")
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})($|,)",
dates <- unspecified_months(dates)
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, ",,", ",")
expand_negative <- function(dates) {
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, ",", ",,")
dates <- zero_padding(dates)
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)-([:digit:]{4})($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)-([:digit:]{4})-02($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)-([:digit:]{4})-04($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)-([:digit:]{4})-06($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)-([:digit:]{4})-09($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)-([:digit:]{4})-11($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates,
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "-,", "-")
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, ",,", ",")
expand_sets <- function(dates) {
# Sets of months
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "^[:digit:]{4}-XX-31$|^[:digit:]{4}-XX-30$"),
paste(gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "01-31", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "02-28", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "03-31", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "04-30", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "05-31", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "06-30", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "07-31", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "08-31", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "09-30", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "10-31", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "11-30", dates),
gsub("XX-31|XX-30", "12-31", dates),
sep = ","), dates)
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "^[:digit:]{4}-XX-[:digit:]{2}$"),
paste(gsub("XX", "01", dates), gsub("XX", "02", dates),
gsub("XX", "03", dates), gsub("XX", "04", dates),
gsub("XX", "05", dates), gsub("XX", "06", dates),
gsub("XX", "07", dates), gsub("XX", "08", dates),
gsub("XX", "09", dates), gsub("XX", "10", dates),
gsub("XX", "11", dates), gsub("XX", "12", dates),
sep = ","), dates)
dates <- stringr::str_split(dates, "\\,")
expand_ranges <- function(dates) {
dates <- suppressWarnings(ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "([:digit:]{1})\\.\\.([:digit:]{1})|([:digit:]{1})\\.\\.-") &
nchar(dates) < 17,
expand_unspecified_ranges(dates), dates))
dates <- suppressWarnings(lapply(dates, function(x) {
x <- stringr::str_split(x, "\\.\\.")
x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
if (length(y) == 2) y <- as.character(seq(as.Date(y[1]), as.Date(y[2]),
by = "days"))
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "\\%"), expand_negative_dates(x), x)
expand_negative_dates <- function(dates) {
dates <- lapply(dates, function(x) {
x <- stringr::str_split(x, "\\%")
x <- lapply(x, function(a) stringr::str_remove(a, "^-"))
x <- lapply(x, function(r) {
y <- stringr::str_extract(r, "^[0-9]{4}")
md <- stringr::str_replace(r, "^[0-9]{4}", "0000")
r <- lubridate::ymd(md) - lubridate::years(y)
r <- lubridate::as_date(r)
x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
if (length(y) == 2) y <- as.character(seq(y[1], y[2], by = "days"))
x <- lapply(x, function(y) zero_padding(y))
expand_approximate_years <- function(dates, approx_range) {
# For year approximation
ly <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(approx_range / 4), "\\.")[[1]][1]) +
(365 * approx_range)
dates <- lapply(dates, function(x) {
# Leap year
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^\\~[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}-[:digit:]{2}$|
|^[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}-[:digit:]{2}\\~$") &
approx_range < 4 &
lubridate::leap_year(lubridate::as_date(gsub("\\~", "", x))),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - ly, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + ly + 1), x)
# Non leap year
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^\\~[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}-[:digit:]{2}$|
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - ly, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + ly), x)
# On before
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^\\.\\."),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\.\\.", "", x)) - ly, "..",
gsub("\\.\\.", "", x)), x)
# On after, leap
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "\\.\\.$") & approx_range < 4 &
"", x))),
paste0(gsub("\\.\\.", "", x), "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\.\\.", "", x)) + ly + 1), x)
# On after
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "\\.\\.$"),
paste0(gsub("\\.\\.", "", x), "..", as.Date(gsub("\\.\\.", "", x)) + ly), x)
# Year-Month
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}\\~-[:digit:]{2}$"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) -
(ly + (30.42 * approx_range)), "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) +
(ly + (30.42 * approx_range))), x)
expand_approximate_months <- function(dates, approx_range) {
# For month approximation
mr <- 30.42 * approx_range
dates <- lapply(dates, function(x) {
# One Month
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 &
stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~04-|-\\~06-|-\\~09-|-\\~11-"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 31, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 30), x)
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 &
stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~05-|-\\~10-|-\\~12-|-\\~07-"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 30, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 31), x)
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 &
stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~01-|-\\~08-"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 31, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 31), x)
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 &
stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~03-") & # leap year
lubridate::leap_year(lubridate::as_date(gsub("\\~", "", x))),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 29, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 31), x)
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 &
stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~03-"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 28, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 31), x)
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 &
stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~02-") & # leap year
lubridate::leap_year(lubridate::as_date(gsub("\\~", "", x))),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 31, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 29), x)
x <- ifelse(approx_range == 1 & stringr::str_detect(x, "-\\~02-"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - 31, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + 28), x)
# Multiple months
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^[:digit:]{4}-\\~[:digit:]{2}-[:digit:]{2}$"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - mr, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + mr), x)
# Month-Day
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^[:digit:]{4}-\\~[:digit:]{2}-\\~[:digit:]{2}$"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - (mr + approx_range), "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + (mr + approx_range)), x)
expand_approximate_days <- function(dates, approx_range) {
dates <- lapply(dates, function(x) {
# Day
x <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(x, "^[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}-\\~[:digit:]{2}$"),
paste0(as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) - approx_range, "..",
as.Date(gsub("\\~", "", x)) + approx_range), x)
expand_unspecified_ranges <- function(dates) {
dates <- strsplit(as.character(dates), "\\.\\.")
dates1 <- purrr::map_chr(dates, 1)
dates1 <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates1,
paste0(dates1, "-01-01"), dates1)
dates1 <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates1, "^([:digit:]{4})-([:digit:]{2})$|^-([:digit:]{4})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
paste0(dates1, "-01"), dates1)
dates2 <- purrr::map_chr(dates, 2)
dates2 <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates2,
paste0(dates2, "-12-31"), dates2)
dates2 <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates2, "^([:digit:]{4})-02$|^-([:digit:]{4})-02$"),
paste0(dates2, "-28"), dates2)
dates2 <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates2,
paste0(dates2, "-31"), dates2)
dates2 <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates2,
paste0(dates2, "-30"), dates2)
dates <- paste(dates1, dates2, sep = "..")
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "^-|\\.\\.-"),
gsub("\\.\\.", "%", dates), dates)
unspecified_months <- function(dates) {
dates <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-02($|,)") &
!grepl("\\.", as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(dates, "[:digit:]{4}")) / 4),
stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-02($|,)",
stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-02($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-09($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-04($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-06($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "(^|,)([:digit:]{4})-11($|,)",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates,
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates,
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "\\.\\.([:digit:]{4})-02$",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "\\.\\.([:digit:]{4})-04$",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "\\.\\.([:digit:]{4})-06$",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "\\.\\.([:digit:]{4})-09$",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates, "\\.\\.([:digit:]{4})-11$",
dates <- stringr::str_replace_all(dates,
zero_padding <- function(y) {
y <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(y, "^\\-([:digit:]{1})-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
stringr::str_replace_all(y, "^-", "-000"),
ifelse(stringr::str_detect(y, "^\\-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
stringr::str_replace_all(y, "^-", "-00"),
ifelse(stringr::str_detect(y, "^\\-([:digit:]{3})-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
stringr::str_replace_all(y, "^-", "-0"), y)))
y <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(y, "^([:digit:]{3})-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
paste0("0", y),
ifelse(stringr::str_detect(y, "^([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
paste0("00", y),
ifelse(stringr::str_detect(y, "^([:digit:]{1})-([:digit:]{2})-([:digit:]{2})$"),
paste0("000", y), y)))
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