
update.mexhaz <- function (object, formula, data, expected = NULL, base = NULL, degree = 3, knots = NULL,
    bound = NULL, n.gleg = 20, init = NULL, random = NULL, n.aghq = 10,
    fnoptim = c("nlm", "optim"), verbose = 0, method = "Nelder-Mead",
    iterlim = 10000, numHess = FALSE, print.level = 1, exactGradHess = TRUE,
    gradtol = ifelse(exactGradHess, 1e-08, 1e-06), envir = parent.frame(), ...)
    Call <- match.call()
    call.mod <- object$call
    if (!("formula" %in% names(Call))) {
        Call$formula <- . ~ .
    call.mod$formula <- update(as.formula(call.mod$formula),
    new.call <- call.mod[is.na(match(names(call.mod), c("init")))]
    if (length(which(is.na(match(names(Call), c("", "object",
        "formula"))))) > 0) {
        call.up <- Call[is.na(match(names(Call), c("", "object",
        if (length(which(!is.na(match(names(new.call), names(call.up))))) >
            0) {
            new.call[!is.na(match(names(new.call), names(call.up)))] <- call.up[!is.na(match(names(call.up),
        if (length(which(is.na(match(names(call.up), names(new.call))))) >
            0) {
                names(new.call)))])] <- call.up[is.na(match(names(call.up),
    if (!("base" %in% names(new.call))){
        new.call$base <- object$base
    if (!("data" %in% names(new.call))){
        new.call$data <- object$data
    if (!("init" %in% names(new.call))) {
        base <- eval(new.call$base)
        data <- eval(new.call$data,envir=envir)
        formula <- eval(new.call$formula)
        if (!("degree" %in% names(new.call))) {
            if (!is.na(object$degree)) {
                degree <- object$degree
            else {
                degree <- 3
        else degree <- eval(new.call$degree)
        if (!("knots" %in% names(new.call))) {
            knots <- object$knots
        else knots <- eval(new.call$knots)
        if (!("random" %in% names(new.call))) {
            random <- NULL
        else random <- eval(new.call$random)
        if (base == "exp.bs") {
            dbase <- degree
        if (base == "exp.ns") {
            degree <- 3
            dbase <- 1
        tot.formula <- terms(formula, data = data, specials = "nph")
        indNph <- attr(tot.formula, "specials")$nph
        if (length(indNph) > 0) {
            nTerm <- NULL
            nTerm2 <- NULL
            for (i in 1:length(indNph)) {
                nphterm <- attr(tot.formula, "variables")[[1 +
                nTerm <- c(nTerm, deparse(nphterm[[2L]], width.cutoff = 500L,
                  backtick = TRUE))
                nTerm2 <- c(nTerm2, deparse(nphterm, width.cutoff = 500L,
                  backtick = TRUE))
            nTerm <- paste(nTerm, collapse = "+")
            nTerm2 <- paste(nTerm2, collapse = "-")
            FormulaN <- as.formula(paste("~", nTerm))
        else {
            nTerm2 <- 0
            FormulaN <- as.formula("~1")
        FormulaF <- update(tot.formula, paste("NULL~.", nTerm2,
            sep = "-"))
        data.fix <- model.frame(FormulaF, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
        data.nph <- model.frame(FormulaN, data = data, na.action = na.pass)
        fix.obs <- model.matrix(FormulaF, data = data.fix, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
        names.fix <- colnames(fix.obs)[-1]
        nph.obs <- model.matrix(FormulaN, data = data.nph, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
        nbtd <- dim(nph.obs)[2]
        names.nph <- colnames(nph.obs)[-1]
        if (base == "weibull") {
            degree <- NA
            n.td.base <- 1
            n.ntd <- dim(fix.obs)[2]
            n.td.nph <- length(names.nph)
            if (n.td.nph > 0) {
                names.nph <- paste("Rho", names.nph, sep = "*")
            param.names <- c("logLambda", "logRho", names.fix,
            n.par.fix <- n.td.base + n.ntd + n.td.nph
            param.init <- rep(0, n.par.fix)
            param.init[1:2] <- 0.1
        else if (base %in% c("exp.bs", "exp.ns", "pw.cst")) {
            if (!is.null(knots)) {
                if (sum(abs(knots - knots[order(knots)])) > 0) {
                  knots <- knots[order(knots)]
                if (length(unique(knots)) < length(knots)) {
                  knots <- unique(knots)
            if (base == "pw.cst") {
                degree <- 0
                cuts <- c(0, knots, object$max.time)
                n.td.base <- length(knots) + 1
                names.base <- levels(cut(0, breaks = cuts, include.lowest = TRUE))
                fix.obs <- fix.obs[, -which(colnames(fix.obs) %in%
                  colnames(nph.obs)), drop = FALSE]
                names.fix <- colnames(fix.obs)
                if (!is.null(names.fix)) {
                  n.ntd <- dim(fix.obs)[2]
                else {
                  n.ntd <- 0
                intercept <- NULL
                n.inter <- 0
            else if (base %in% c("exp.bs", "exp.ns")) {
                n.td.base <- dbase + length(knots)
                names.base <- paste(ifelse(base == "exp.bs",
                  "BS", "NS"), degree, ".", 1:n.td.base, sep = "")
                n.ntd <- dim(fix.obs)[2]
                intercept <- "Intercept"
                n.inter <- 1
            n.td.nph <- length(names.nph) * n.td.base
            names.nph <- unlist(sapply(names.nph, function(x) {
                paste(x, names.base, sep = "*")
            param.names <- c(intercept, names.base, names.fix,
            n.par.fix <- n.td.base + n.ntd + n.td.nph
            param.init <- rep(0, n.par.fix)
            param.init[1:(n.td.base + n.inter)] <- -1
        n.rand <- 0
        if (!is.null(random)) {
            n.rand <- 1
            param.names <- c(param.names, paste(random, " [log(sd)]",
                sep = ""))
        init <- c(param.init, rep(0.1, n.rand))
        if (length(which(!is.na(match(param.names, names(object$coefficients))))) >
            0) {
            init[!is.na(match(param.names, names(object$coefficients)))] <- object$coefficients[!is.na(match(names(object$coefficients),
        new.call$init <- init

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mexhaz documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 5:08 p.m.