
Defines functions YearQuartersFormat mondate.ymd mondate.mdy ymd `names<-.mondate` as.list.mondate quarters.mondate print.mondate diff.mondate tail.mondate head.mondate seq.mondate rep.mondate rbindmondate cbindmondate unique.mondate format.mondate as.data.frame.mondate mean.mondate subtract add as.character.mondate as.POSIXct.mondate as.POSIXlt.mondate as.Date.mondate as.mondate .date.to.mondate .is.wholenumber .daysinmonth .is.leapyear .trim .get.default.timeunits .get.default.displayFormat

Documented in add as.character.mondate as.data.frame.mondate as.Date.mondate as.list.mondate as.mondate as.POSIXct.mondate as.POSIXlt.mondate cbindmondate diff.mondate format.mondate head.mondate mean.mondate mondate.mdy mondate.ymd print.mondate quarters.mondate rbindmondate rep.mondate seq.mondate subtract tail.mondate unique.mondate YearQuartersFormat ymd

### mondate.r
### S4 class to store and calculate dates in terms of months, 
###     and fractional parts thereof.

### - Dan Murphy, June 1, 2010

##    Copyright (C) <2010 - 2013>  <Daniel Murphy>

##    License: GPL (>= 2)

##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


.mondate.tolerance <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5

.mondate.origin <- "1999-12-31"
    .mondate.year.zero <- 2000
    .ISO.origin <- "1899-12-31"
    .ISO.year.zero <- 1900
    .origin.diff.years <- .mondate.year.zero-.ISO.year.zero
    .mondate.days.zero <- as.numeric(as.Date(.mondate.origin))
    .as.Date.origin <- "1970-1-1"

.displayFormat <- c(US="%m/%d/%Y", # US format
                   EU="%Y-%m-%d", # EU format

.default.displayFormat <- ifelse (
    (length(grep("United States",Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"))) +      # windows
     length(grep("en_US",        Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")))) > 0L, # mac os X
        .displayFormat[1L], .displayFormat[3L]
.get.default.displayFormat <- function() ifelse (
    (length(grep("United States",Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"))) +      # windows
     length(grep("en_US",        Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")))) > 0L, # mac os X
        .displayFormat[1L], .displayFormat[3L]
.default.timeunits <- "months"
.get.default.timeunits <- function() "months"

.date.classes <- c("Date","POSIXt","POSIXct","POSIXlt")

.infinite.strings <- c("Inf", "-Inf")

# Help translate months to quarters
.qtr <- rep(1:4, each = 3)


# fyi: yr=Inf is not a leap year
.trim <- function(x) sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", x))
.is.leapyear<-function(yr) yr%%400==0 | (yr%%4==0 & yr%%100!=0)
    # fixed bug when mo is NA 8/21/2010
    if (length(yr) > length(mo)) mo <- rep(mo, length(yr) / length(mo) + 1)[1:length(yr)]
    if (length(yr) < length(mo)) yr <- rep(yr, length(mo) / length(yr) + 1)[1:length(mo)]
    nna <- !is.na(yr) & !is.na(mo)
    # fixed a bug when yr or mo is NA 1/22/12: assigning numnna inside the 
    #   following if statement doesn't work sometimes
    numnna <- sum(nna)
    if (numnna == 0L) return(rep(NA, length(mo)))
    ina <- !nna
    N <- length(mo)
    mo <- mo[nna]
    yr <- yr[nna]
    # infinite month will produce NA's with a warning
    days <- .motbl[mo]
    days[.is.leapyear(yr)&mo==2] <- 29
    days[is.infinite(yr)]<-Inf # new as of 8/19/2010
    if (numnna > 0) {
        daze <- rep(NA, N)
        daze[nna] <- days
    else days
.is.wholenumber <- function(x, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
    return(abs(x - round(x)) < tolerance)

setClassUnion("funcNULL", c("function", "NULL"))
#    representation(
  slots = c(
    displayFormat = "character",
    timeunits = "character",
    formatFUN = "funcNULL"
  contains = "numeric",
  prototype = prototype(
    displayFormat = character(0),
    timeunits = character(0),
    formatFUN = NULL
#    , S3methods = TRUE


#setGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat", function(x) standardGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat"))
#setMethod("mondateDisplayFormat", "mondate", function(x) x@displayFormat)
#setMethod("mondateDisplayFormat", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
#setGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat<-"))
#setReplaceMethod("mondateDisplayFormat", "mondate", function(x, value) { 
#    x@displayFormat <- value
#    x 
#    })
setGeneric("displayFormat", function(x) standardGeneric("displayFormat"))
setMethod("displayFormat", "mondate", function(x) x@displayFormat)
setMethod("displayFormat", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
setGeneric("displayFormat<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("displayFormat<-"))
setReplaceMethod("displayFormat", "mondate", function(x, value) { 
    x@displayFormat <- value

#setGeneric("mondateTimeunits", function(x) standardGeneric("mondateTimeunits"))
#setMethod("mondateTimeunits", "mondate", function(x) x@timeunits)
#setMethod("mondateTimeunits", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
#setGeneric("mondateTimeunits<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("mondateTimeunits<-"))
#setReplaceMethod("mondateTimeunits", "mondate", function(x, value) { 
#    x@timeunits <- value
#    x 
#    })
setGeneric("timeunits", function(x) standardGeneric("timeunits"))
setMethod("timeunits", "mondate", function(x) x@timeunits)
setMethod("timeunits", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
setGeneric("timeunits<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("timeunits<-"))
setReplaceMethod("timeunits", "mondate", function(x, value) { 
    x@timeunits <- value


setGeneric("mondate", function(x, 
    displayFormat = getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .get.default.displayFormat()), 
    timeunits = getOption("mondate.timeunits", default = .get.default.timeunits()), 
    ...) standardGeneric("mondate"))

setMethod("mondate", "mondate", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, formatFUN, ...) {
  if (missing(formatFUN))
        displayFormat = if (missing(displayFormat)) x@displayFormat else displayFormat,
        timeunits = if(missing(timeunits)) x@timeunits else timeunits,
        formatFUN = if(missing(formatFUN)) x@formatFUN else formatFUN,

setMethod("mondate", "numeric", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) {
    if (timeunits == "months") new("mondate", x, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
    if (timeunits=="years")  new("mondate", 12 * x, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
    else {
        # x represents the number of days since beginning of 01/01/2000
        x <- as.POSIXlt(as.Date(x, origin = .mondate.origin))
        new("mondate", (x$year - .origin.diff.years) * 12 + x$mon + x$mday /
                       .daysinmonth(x$year + .ISO.year.zero, x$mon + 1),
            displayFormat = displayFormat,
            timeunits = timeunits,

# Date conversion
# At this writing (2/10/2012) mondates work best if they correspond to
#   a day, specifically, the instant of time as of the close of business
#   on a day. Technically, since the underlying data type is numeric,
#   mondates "could" represent time to minutes and seconds, but that is
#   not currently the intended use of the mondate class.
.date.to.mondate <- function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) {
    x <- as.POSIXlt(x, ...)
    # Note that per ISO standard, x is time since 1900; i.e.,
    #   close of business 12/31/1899.
    new("mondate", (x$year - .origin.diff.years) * 12 + x$mon + x$mday /
                   .daysinmonth(x$year + .ISO.year.zero, x$mon + 1),
                   displayFormat = displayFormat,
                   timeunits = timeunits,
setMethod("mondate", "Date",   .date.to.mondate)
setMethod("mondate", "POSIXt", .date.to.mondate)

setMethod("mondate", "character", function(x, displayFormat = "keep", timeunits, format, ...) {
  # format is the user's requested format for converting the character
  #   into a date
  # If missing, then we'll attempt to determine the best conversion format
  #   based on the first non-NA value in x, 
  #   and we'll retain that format as the display format (default = "keep").
  # m is the first non-NA value in x. 
  isnax <- is.na(x)
  m <- match(TRUE, !isnax)
  if (is.na(m)) # all-NA input
      return(mondate(as.Date(rep(NA, length(x))), displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...))
  # When no date conversion format is specified, find the first format that
  #   can convert the input to a Date
  mf <- missing(format)
  if (!mf && length(format) > 1) {
    format <- format[1L]
    warning("length(format) > 1, only first element used.")
    if (mf) {
        # Find best format for converting this character to date
        for (i in 1:length(.displayFormat)) {
            d <- as.Date(x[m], format = .displayFormat[i], ...)
            if (!is.na(d)) break
        if (is.na(d)) {
            msg <- paste("mondate character: first non-NA element '", x[m], "' is not a date.", sep = "")
            msg <- c(msg, "\nConverting to numeric, then to mondate. Try specifying 'format'.")
            if (displayFormat == "keep") {
                displayFormat <- getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .default.displayFormat)
                msg <- c(msg, '\ndisplayFormat = "keep" not applicable, using default.')
            return(mondate(as.numeric(x), displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...))
        format <- .displayFormat[i]
        if (displayFormat == "keep") displayFormat <- format # else goes to default
    # Use format to convert the character
    y <- as.Date(x, format = format, ...)
  isnay <- is.na(y)
  wisnayx <- which(isnay & !isnax)
  if (length(wisnayx)) {
    # Check if the "new" NA's after conversion coincide with Inf
    ty <- .trim(x[wisnayx])
    infty <- ty %in% .infinite.strings
    winfty <- which(infty)
  if (!mf) displayFormat <- format
  z <- .date.to.mondate(y, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
  if (length(wisnayx)) {
    if (length(winfty)) z[wisnayx[winfty]]@.Data <- as.numeric(ty[infty])
  if (any(is.na(z) & !isnax)) warning("format '", format, "' did not convert some characters into dates")

setMethod("mondate", "factor", function(x, displayFormat = "keep", timeunits, ...) mondate(as.character(x), displayFormat, timeunits, ...))

# mondates can hold their shape if they have dim attributes
setMethod("mondate", "array", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...)
    structure(mondate(c(x), displayFormat, timeunits, ...), dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x)))

setMethod("mondate", "missing", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) new("mondate", displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...))

setMethod("mondate", "ANY", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) {
    warning("Attempting to convert class '", class(x),
                "' to 'mondate' via 'as.Date' then 'as.numeric'. Check results!",
                call. = FALSE)
    y <- tryCatch(as.Date(x, ...),
        error = function(e) tryCatch(as.numeric(x),
            error = function(e)
                stop("Cannot convert class '", class(x), "' to class 'mondate'")
    mondate(y, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)

# Use S4 to simulate S3-type "as.mondate" behavior
as.mondate <- function(x, ...) mondate(x, ...)


as.Date.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
    # 1/22/12 Removed attributes of x since Dates can't hold their shape
    x <- c(unclass(x))
    # 3/8/12 If a mondate is assigned to the 'names' attribute of an ojbect 
    #   within a 'structure' call, then when 'attributes(object)' is 
    #   subsequently called, 'x' (the 'names' mondate) arrives here with mode 
    #   'character' whose value = character representation of the mondate's 
    #   underlying double. (I don't know why, but I believe it's buried in the 
    #   primitive 'attributes' function.)
    #   This generates an error with the 'floor' function. 
    #   The following test avoids the error. 
    #   Unfortunately by assigning 'names' via 'structure' the object's 
    #   'names' display as the underlying double value, 
    #   not the date value, when the object is printed. That is why this test
    #   test simply returns the unclassed value of x.
    #   Better to assign mondate names with the 'names' function:
    #       names(object) <- mondate
    if (mode(x) != "numeric") return(x)
    ym <- floor(x)
    y <- ym %/% 12L + .mondate.year.zero
    m <- ym %% 12 + 1
    d <- ceiling(round((x - ym) * .daysinmonth(y, m), 7))
    nna <- !is.na(x)
    i <- (abs(x - round(x)) < .mondate.tolerance)
    d[i&nna] <- 1
    z <- as.Date(rep(NA, length(x)))
    z[nna] <- as.Date(paste(y[nna], m[nna], d[nna], sep = "-"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    z[i&nna] <- z[i&nna] - 1

as.POSIXlt.mondate <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(as.Date(x), ...)
as.POSIXct.mondate <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(x), ...)  

# Per ?as.numeric: "as.numeric and is.numeric are internally S4 generic and 
#   so methods can be set for them via setMethod."
setMethod("as.numeric", "mondate", function(x, 
               convert = FALSE, stripdim = FALSE,  
               timeunits = c("months", "years", "days"), 
               ...) {
    # If convert == FALSE, just strip out data part
    # If convert==TRUE, change units if necessary.
    # If stripdim, strip dim and names (like base::as.numeric)
    # Otherwise, keep shape.
    if (missing(timeunits)) timeunits <- slot(x,"timeunits")
    if (!convert) {
        if (stripdim) y <- x@.Data
        else y <- structure(x@.Data, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x)) 
    else # convert
    # may not need arithmetic
    if (timeunits == "months") {
        if (stripdim) y <- x@.Data
        else y <- structure(x@.Data, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x)) 
    else # need arithmetic
    if (stripdim) {
        if (timeunits == "years") y <- structure(x@.Data / 12, timeunits = timeunits)
        else y <- structure(as.numeric(as.Date(x)) - .mondate.days.zero, timeunits = timeunits)
    else {# keep shape
        dims <- dim(x)
        dimnms <- dimnames(x)
        if (timeunits == "years") y <- structure(x@.Data / 12, timeunits = timeunits, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
        else y <- structure(as.numeric(as.Date(x)) - .mondate.days.zero, timeunits = timeunits, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)

as.character.mondate <- function(x, format, ...) {
    if (missing(format)) {
      formatFUN <- slot(x, "formatFUN")
      if (is.null(formatFUN))
        formatFUN <- local({
          fmt <- displayFormat(x)
          function(x) format.Date(x, format = fmt)
    else formatFUN <- function(x) format.Date(x, format, ...)
    dims <- dim(x)
    dimnms <- dimnames(x)
    nams <- names(x)
    y <- character(length(x))
    if (any(i <- is.infinite(x))) {
        y[!i] <- formatFUN(as.Date(x[!i]))
        ipos <- x[i] > 0
        y[i][ipos] <- "Inf"
        y[i][!ipos] <- "-Inf"
    else y <- formatFUN(as.Date(x))
    dim(y) <- dims
    if (is.null(dims)) names(y) <- nams
    else dimnames(y) <- dimnms


setMethod("Compare", "mondate", function(e1, e2) { 
    callGeneric(getDataPart(e1), getDataPart(e2))

setMethod("Arith", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
    if (missing(e2)) 
        x <- mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e1, convert = TRUE)), 
                timeunits = e1@timeunits, displayFormat = e1@displayFormat)
    else {
        timeunits <- e1@timeunits
        if (timeunits != e2@timeunits) 
            warning("Unequal timeunits, using first mondate's -- '", timeunits, "'", sep = "")
        if (timeunits == "months"){ 
#            x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)), displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, timeunits = timeunits)
            x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)), displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, formatFUN = NULL, .S3Class = NULL)
        if (timeunits == "years")
#            x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)) / 12, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, timeunits = timeunits)
            x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)) / 12, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, formatFUN = NULL, .S3Class = NULL)
        else {
            dims <- dim(x)
            dimnms <- dimnames(x)
#            x <- structure(unclass(callGeneric(as.Date(e1), as.Date(e2))), units = NULL, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
            x <- structure(unclass(callGeneric(as.Date(e1), as.Date(e2))), units = NULL, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, formatFUN = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
setMethod("-", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
  timeunits <- timeunits(e1)
  if (timeunits == timeunits(e2)) as.difftime(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2), , units = timeunits)
  else { 
    warning("Unequal timeunits, using first mondate's -- '", timeunits, "'", sep = "")
    if (timeunits == "months") as.difftime(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2) / 12, , units = timeunits)
    else as.difftime(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2) * 12, , units = timeunits)

setMethod("Arith", c("numeric", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
    mondate(callGeneric(e1, as.numeric(e2, convert= TRUE)), 
            timeunits = e2@timeunits, displayFormat = e2@displayFormat, formatFUN = e2@formatFUN)
setMethod("Arith", c("mondate", "numeric"), function(e1, e2) {
  mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e1, convert = TRUE), e2), 
          timeunits = e1@timeunits, displayFormat = e1@displayFormat, formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
setMethod("Arith", c("mondate", "array"), function(e1, e2) {
  mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e1, convert = TRUE), e2), 
          timeunits = e1@timeunits, displayFormat = e1@displayFormat, formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
setMethod("Arith", c("array", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
    mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e2, convert = TRUE), e1), 
            timeunits = e2@timeunits, displayFormat = e2@displayFormat, formatFUN = e2@formatFUN)

# Simplify adding days to mondates -- use a difftime object
setMethod("+", c("mondate", "difftime"), function(e1, e2) {
  units <- attr(e2, "units")
  if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
  if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) + 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
  if (units == "months") {
    if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 + unclass(e2)
    else e1 + unclass(e2) / 12
  if (units == "years") {
    if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 + unclass(e2)
    else e1 + unclass(e2) * 12
  if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
  else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
setMethod("-", c("mondate", "difftime"), function(e1, e2) {
  units <- attr(e2, "units")
  if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
  if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) - 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
  if (units == "months") {
    if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 - unclass(e2)
    else e1 - unclass(e2) / 12
  if (units == "years") {
    if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 - unclass(e2)
    else e1 - unclass(e2) * 12
  if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
  else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)

add <- function(e1, e2, units, forcelastday = FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(e1, "mondate")) stop("add not defined for e1's class")
  if (!is.numeric(e2)) stop ("e2 must be numeric")
  if (missing(units)) units <- timeunits(e1)
  if (!(units %in% c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"))) stop("invalid units specified")
  dm <- dim(e1)
  dmnms <- dimnames(e1)
  nms <- names(e1)
  z <- 
    if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
    if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) + 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
    if (units == "months") {
      if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {
        len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))  
        ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
        yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1)) 
        mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
        dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
        mnth <- mnth + as.numeric(e2)
        nextyear <- mnth > 12
        if (any(nextyear)) {
          yr[nextyear] <- yr[nextyear] + (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %/% 12
          mnth[nextyear] <- (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %% 12 + 1
        daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
        ndx <- dy > daysinm
        dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
        mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
      else e1 + e2
    if (units == "years") {
      if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {  
        len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))  
        ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
        yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1)) 
        mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
        dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
        yr <- yr + as.numeric(e2)
        daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
        ndx <- dy > daysinm   # leap year
        dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
        mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
      else e1 + 12 * e2
    if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
    else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
    if (forcelastday) {
      is.last.day <- day(e1) == .daysinmonth(year(e1), month(e1))
      if (any(is.last.day)) z[is.last.day] <- mondate.ymd(year(z[is.last.day]), month(z[is.last.day]))
  if (!is.null(dm)) {
    dim(z) <- dm
    dimnames(z) <- dmnms
  else names(z) <- nms
subtract <- function(e1, e2, units, forcelastday = FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(e1, "mondate")) stop("add not defined for e1's class")
  if (!is.numeric(e2)) stop ("e2 must be numeric")
  if (missing(units)) units <- timeunits(e1)
  if (!(units %in% c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"))) stop("invalid units specified")
  dm <- dim(e1)
  dmnms <- dimnames(e1)
  nms <- names(e1)
  z <- 
    if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
    if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) - 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
    if (units == "months") {
      if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {  
        len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))  
        ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
        yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1)) 
        mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
        dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
        mnth <- mnth - as.numeric(e2)
        nextyear <- mnth <= 0
        if (any(nextyear)) {
          yr[nextyear] <- yr[nextyear] + (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %/% 12
          mnth[nextyear] <- (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %% 12 + 1
        daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
        ndx <- dy > daysinm
        dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
        mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
      else e1 - e2
    if (units == "years") {
      if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {  
        len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))  
        ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
        yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1)) 
        mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
        dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
        yr <- yr - as.numeric(e2)
        daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
        ndx <- dy > daysinm   # leap year
        dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
        mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
      else e1 - 12 * e2
    if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
    else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
    if (forcelastday) {
      is.last.day <- day(e1) == .daysinmonth(year(e1), month(e1))
      if (any(is.last.day)) z[is.last.day] <- mondate.ymd(year(z[is.last.day]), month(z[is.last.day]))
  if (!is.null(dm)) {
    dim(z) <- dm
    dimnames(z) <- dmnms
  else names(z) <- nms

setMethod("Summary","mondate", function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) 
    mondate(callGeneric(x@.Data, ..., na.rm = na.rm),  
            timeunits = x@timeunits, displayFormat = x@displayFormat, 
            formatFUN = x@formatFUN)

# Expand difftime units to include months and years
as.difftime <- function (tim, format = "%X", units = "auto") {
  if (units %in% c("months", "years"))
    if (!is.numeric(tim)) stop("'tim' must be numeric for units = '", units, "'", sep = "")
    else structure(tim, units = units, class = "difftime")
  else base::as.difftime(tim, format, units)


mean.mondate <- function(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, ...) 
    mondate(mean(unclass(x), trim = trim, na.rm = na.rm, ...), 
      displayFormat = displayFormat(x),
      timeunits = timeunits(x),
      formatFUN = x@formatFUN

# New "parallel mean", analogous to pmin and pmax
setGeneric("pmean", function(...) standardGeneric("pmean"))
setMethod("pmean", signature="mondate", function(...) {
    mondate(apply(cbind(...), 1, mean), displayFormat = displayFormat(..1), timeunits = timeunits(..1), formatFUN = ..1@formatFUN) 

# Per ?c: "This function is S4 generic, but with argument list (x, ..., recursive = FALSE)."
setMethod("c", "mondate", function(x, ..., recursive = FALSE) {
    L <- list(...)
    if (length(L) > 0L) 
        new("mondate", sapply(unlist(list(x, L)), getDataPart), 
                       displayFormat = x@displayFormat, 
                       timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
        new("mondate", c(getDataPart(x)), 
                       displayFormat = x@displayFormat, 
                       timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN)

# Per help("["): "These operators are also implicit S4 generics, but as primitives, 
#   S4 methods will be dispatched only on S4 objects x. "
setMethod("[", "mondate", function(x, i, j, ..., drop) { 
    y <- callNextMethod()
        new("mondate", y,
            displayFormat = x@displayFormat, 
            timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN
        dim = dim(y),
        dimnames = dimnames(y)

setMethod("show", "mondate", function(object) {
    cat('mondate: timeunits="', object@timeunits, '"\n', sep="")

# C/RBIND array, matrix subsection

#setGeneric("cbind", function(..., deparse.level = 1) standardGeneric("cbind"), signature = c("..."))# -> message about creating generic, signatures differ
#setGeneric("cbind")  # just this alone doesn't work...cannot "find" cbind(mondate) method below
#setMethod("cbind","mondate", function (..., deparse.level = 0) {
#    y <- .Internal(cbind(deparse.level = deparse.level, ...))
#    structure(
#        new("mondate", 
#            c(y), 
#            displayFormat = displayFormat(..1),
#            timeunits = timeunits(..1)
#            ),
#        dim = dim(y), 
#        dimnames = dimnames(y)
#        )
#    })
#setGeneric("rbind", function(..., deparse.level = 1) standardGeneric("rbind"), signature = c("..."))# -> message about creating generic, signatures differ
#setMethod("rbind","mondate", function (..., deparse.level = 0) {
#    y <- .Internal(rbind(deparse.level = deparse.level, ...))
#    structure(
#        new("mondate", 
#            c(y), 
#            displayFormat = displayFormat(..1),
#            timeunits = timeunits(..1)
#            ),
#        dim = dim(y), 
#        dimnames = dimnames(y)
#        )
#    })

setMethod("array", "mondate", function(data = NA, dim = length(data), dimnames = NULL) 
    mondate(callNextMethod(), displayFormat = displayFormat(data), timeunits = timeunits(data), formatFUN = data@formatFUN))

setMethod("matrix", "mondate", function(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL) 
    mondate(callNextMethod(), displayFormat = displayFormat(data), timeunits = timeunits(data), formatFUN = data@formatFUN))


as.data.frame.mondate <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
    dims <- dim(x)
    if (is.null(dims)) nrows <- length(x)
    if (length(dims) == 1L) nrows <- length(x)
    if (length(dims) == 2L) nrows <- dims[1L]
    else { # flatten like data.frame does
        nrows <- dims[1L]
        dim(x) <- c(dims[1L], length(x) / dims[1L])
    nm <- paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500), collapse = " ")
    # determine row.names
    if (is.null(row.names)) {
        if (nrows == 0) row.names <- character(0)
        else if(length(row.names <- names(x)) == nrows &&
                !any(duplicated(row.names))) {
        else if(optional) row.names <- character(nrows)
        else row.names <- seq_len(nrows)
    names(x) <- NULL
    value <- list(x)
    if(!optional) names(value) <- nm
    attr(value, "row.names") <- row.names
    class(value) <- "data.frame"

format.mondate<- function(x, ...) as.character(x, ...)

unique.mondate<-function(x, ...) mondate(unique(unclass(x), ...),
        displayFormat = displayFormat(x),
        timeunits = timeunits(x),
        formatFUN = x@formatFUN

cbindmondate <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
  y <- list(...)
  dspFmt <- displayFormat(y[[1L]])
#  if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- .default.displayFormat
  if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .get.default.displayFormat())
  tu <- timeunits(y[[1L]])
#  if (is.null(tu)) tu <- .default.timeunits
  if (is.null(tu)) tu <- getOption("mondate.timeunits", default = .get.default.timeunits())
  cls <- sapply(y, function(x) class(x)[1L])
  if (all(cls == cls[1L])) mondate(cbind(..., deparse.level = deparse.level), displayFormat = dspFmt, timeunits = tu, formatFUN = y[[1L]]@formatFUN)
  else cbind.data.frame(...)

rbindmondate <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
  y <- list(...)
  dspFmt <- displayFormat(y[[1L]])
#  if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- .default.displayFormat
  if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .get.default.displayFormat())
  tu <- timeunits(y[[1L]])
#  if (is.null(tu)) tu <- .default.timeunits
  if (is.null(tu)) tu <- getOption("mondate.timeunits", default = .get.default.timeunits())
  cls <- sapply(y, function(x) class(x)[1L])
  if (all(cls == cls[1L])) mondate(rbind(..., deparse.level = deparse.level), displayFormat = dspFmt, timeunits = tu, formatFUN = y[[1L]]@formatFUN)
  else rbind.data.frame(...)

rep.mondate<-function(x, ...) mondate(rep(unclass(x), ...), 
    displayFormat = x@displayFormat, timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN)

seq.mondate<-function(from = NULL, to, ...) {
    if (missing(from)) mondate(seq(to = as.numeric(to, convert = TRUE), ...),
            displayFormat=to@displayFormat, formatFUN = to@formatFUN)
    if (missing(to)) mondate(seq(from = as.numeric(from, convert = TRUE), ...),
                timeunits = from@timeunits,
                displayFormat = from@displayFormat, formatFUN = from@formatFUN)
    else mondate(seq(from = as.numeric(from, convert = TRUE), to = as.numeric(to, convert = TRUE), ...),
                timeunits = from@timeunits,
                displayFormat = from@displayFormat, formatFUN = from@formatFUN)

head.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
    if (is.matrix(x)) head.matrix(x, ...) 
    else NextMethod()

tail.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
    if (is.matrix(x)) tail.matrix(x, ...) 
    else NextMethod()

diff.mondate <- function(x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, ...)
    structure(diff(as.numeric(x, convert = TRUE)
                   , lag = lag
                   , differences = differences)
              , timeunits = timeunits(x)

print.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
    print(noquote(as.character(x)), ...)

# 6/30/13
quarters.mondate <- function(x, abbreviate) quarters(as.Date(x), abbreviate)

# 3/8/12 So mondates can be X arguments in '*apply' functions:
as.list.mondate <- function(x, ...) lapply(X = NextMethod(), FUN = mondate)
# 3/8/12 So mondates can be assigned names (which worked before but caused
#           an error message    
`names<-.mondate` <- function(x, value) {
    names(x@.Data) <- value

# 6/30/2013 Added 'cut'
#cut.mondate <- function(x, format = displayFormat(x), ...) {
#  y <- cut(as.Date(x), ...)
#  if (format != "%Y-%m-%d") levels(y) <- format(as.POSIXlt(levels(y)), format = format, ...)
#  y
#  }
cut.mondate <- function (x, breaks, labels = NULL, 
                         include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE, 
                         start.on.monday = TRUE, 
                         attr.breaks = FALSE
                         , ...) {
  if (!"mondate" %in% class(x)) stop("'x' must be a mondate")
  if (missing(breaks)) stop("argument 'breaks' is missing, with no default")
  if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
    breaks <- sort(breaks)
#    res <- NextMethod(breaks = breaks, labels = labels,
    res <- cut.default(x, breaks = breaks, labels = labels,
                      include.lowest = include.lowest, right = right, ...)
    if (!is.factor(res)) return(res) # see code for cut.default to determine what causes this
    lvls <- levels(res)
    nl <- length(lvls)
#    codes.only <- FALSE
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      #  Change the levels to display the mondate at the endpoints.
#      levels(res) <- sapply(levels(res), function(z) {
      lvls <- sapply(levels(res), function(z) {
        lchar <- substr(z, 1L, 1L)
        rchar <- substr(z, (nc<-nchar(z)), nc)
              as.numeric(strsplit(substr(z, 2L, nc - 1L), ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]])
              , displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN
            , collapse = ","
          sep = ""
  if (!is.character(breaks)) stop("'breaks' must be numeric or character")
  else {
    if (length(breaks) > 1) stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
    by2 <- strsplit(breaks, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
    if (length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L) stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
    valid <- pmatch(by2[length(by2)], c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "quarters"))
    if (is.na(valid)) stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
    step <- ifelse(length(by2) == 2L, as.integer(by2[1L]), 1L)
    # if days
    if (valid == 1L) {
      # right = TRUE yields NA in first element, but not pertinent in this case
      res <- cut(as.Date(x), breaks = breaks, labels = labels, ...)
      if (!is.factor(res)) return(res)
      breaks <- mondate(levels(res), displayFormat = displayFormat(x), timeunits(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
      if (right) {
        lvls <- as.character(breaks)
        breaks <- c(subtract(breaks[1L], step - 1L, units = "days"), breaks) 
      else {
        breaks <- subtract(breaks, step - 1L, units = "days")
        lvls <- as.character(breaks)
        breaks <- c(breaks, add(breaks[1L], step - 1L, units = "days"))
      if (!is.null(labels)) lvls <- labels
    if (valid == 2L) {
      # take advantage of Date's logic
      # if right, add 6 days (and (step-1)*7 weeks) to the levels to get to the end of the week, 
      # format appropriately
      res <- cut(as.Date(x), breaks = breaks, labels = labels, right = FALSE, start.on.monday = start.on.monday, ...)
      if (!is.factor(res)) return(res)
      breaks <- mondate(levels(res), displayFormat = displayFormat(x), timeunits(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
      if (right) {
        breaks <- add(breaks, (step - 1L) * 7L + 6L, units = "days")
        lvls <- as.character(breaks)
        breaks <- c(subtract(breaks[1L], step * 7L, units = "days"), breaks)
      else {
        lvls <- as.character(breaks)
        breaks <- c(breaks, add(tail(breaks, 1L), step * 7L, units = "days")) 
      if (!is.null(labels)) lvls <- labels
    else { # 3: month, 4: year, 5: quarter
      rng <- range(x)
      # num of months in interval
      valid <- valid - 2
      int <- switch(valid, 1, 12, 3)
      rng <- switch(valid,
        mondate.ymd(year(rng), month(rng),           displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN),
        mondate.ymd(year(rng),                       displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN),
        mondate.ymd(year(rng), .qtr[month(rng)] * 3, displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN) + (step - 1L) * 3L
      # generate the sequence of intervals
      brks <- seq(rng[1], rng[2], by = step * int)
      # append 'step' intervals ahead
      brks1 <- c(brks[1L] - int * step, brks)
      # run the default method
      res <- cut.default(x, breaks = brks1, labels = labels, right = TRUE, ...)
      # label appropriately
      if (right) {
        breaks <- mondate(brks1, timeunits = timeunits(x))
        lvls <- as.character(brks)
      else {
        # label the endpoints as the beginning of the the next day
        breaks <- add(mondate(brks1, timeunits = timeunits(x)), 1, "days")
        lvls <- as.character(head(breaks, -1L))
      if (!is.null(labels)) lvls <- labels
  if (any(duplicated(lvls))) {
    warning("As called, date-represented levels are not unique. 'Range_' used instead.")
    lvls <- paste("Range", seq_along(lvls), sep = "_")
  levels(res) <- lvls
  if (attr.breaks) attr(res, "breaks") <- breaks
  } # end cut.mondate


## Pulling out month, year, and day numbers
ymd <- function(x) {
    nms <- names(x)
    x <- mondate(x)
    xd <- x@.Data
    ym <- floor(xd)
    y <- ym %/% 12L + .mondate.year.zero
    m <- ym %% 12 + 1
    d <- ceiling(round((xd - ym) * .daysinmonth(y, m), 7))
    nna <- !is.na(xd)
    xdnna <- xd[nna]
    mnna <- m[nna]
    ynna <- y[nna]
    dnna <- d[nna]
    # find dates where month is fully completed
    i <- (abs(xdnna - round(xdnna)) < .mondate.tolerance)
    # when that happens, the division algorithm puts 'm' into the next month,
    #   so decrement back to correct month number
    mnna[i] <- mnna[i] - 1
    # if decrementing m puts us into "month 0", set month to december and
    #   decrement the year too
    ndx <- mnna < 1
    mnna[ndx] <- 12
    ynna[ndx] <- ynna[ndx] - 1
    # now know correct month and year for "completed months", so set day
    dnna[i] <- .daysinmonth(ynna[i], mnna[i])
    y[nna] <- ynna
    m[nna] <- mnna
    d[nna] <- dnna
    names(y) <- nms
    cbind(year = y, month = m, day = d)

# 3/8/12 Modified so results inherit names, dim, dimnames.
setGeneric("year", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("year"))
setMethod("year", "mondate", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- ymd(x)[, "year"]
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("year", "Date", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("year", "POSIXt", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setGeneric("month", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("month"))
setMethod("month", "mondate", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- ymd(x)[, "month"]
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("month", "Date", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("month", "POSIXt", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setGeneric("day", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("day"))
setMethod("day", "mondate", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- ymd(x)[, "day"]
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("day", "Date", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%d"))
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("day", "POSIXt", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%d"))
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms

setGeneric("quarter", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("quarter"))
setMethod("quarter", "mondate", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3L + 1L
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("quarter", "Date", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3L + 1L
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("quarter", "POSIXt", function(x) {
    dm <- dim(x)
    dmnms <- dimnames(x)
    nms <- names(x)
    y <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3L + 1L
    if (!is.null(dm)) {
        dim(y) <- dm
        dimnames(y) <- dmnms
    else names(y) <- nms

setGeneric("MonthsBetween", function(from, to) standardGeneric("MonthsBetween"))
setMethod("MonthsBetween", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(from, to) {
    if (length(from) >= length(to)) {
        dims <- dim(from)
        dimnams <- dimnames(from)
    else {
        dims <- dim(to)
        dimnams <- dimnames(to)
    # 3/12/2013 Fixed bug -- intention is to return a magnitude (directionless)
    #   No bug in DaysBetween as 'abs' was originally coded 
    y <- abs(c(as.numeric(to)) - c(as.numeric(from)))
        , dim = dims
        , dimnames = dimnams
        , timeunits = "months"
        , .S3Class = NULL
setGeneric("YearsBetween", function(from, to) standardGeneric("YearsBetween"))
setMethod("YearsBetween", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(from, to) {
    if (length(from) >= length(to)) {
        dims <- dim(from)
        dimnams <- dimnames(from)
    else {
        dims <- dim(to)
        dimnams <- dimnames(to)
    # 3/12/2013 Fixed bug -- intention is to return a magnitude (directionless)
    #   No bug in DaysBetween as 'abs' was originally coded 
    y <- abs(c(as.numeric(to)) - c(as.numeric(from))) / 12
        , dim = dims
        , dimnames = dimnams
        , timeunits = "years"
        , .S3Class = NULL
setGeneric("DaysBetween", function(from, to) standardGeneric("DaysBetween"))
setMethod("DaysBetween", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(from, to) {
    if (length(from) >= length(to)) {
        dims <- dim(from)
        dimnams <- dimnames(from)
    else {
        dims <- dim(to)
        dimnams <- dimnames(to)
        round(abs(unclass(as.Date(to) - as.Date(from))))
        , dim = dims
        , dimnames = dimnams
        , units = NULL
        , timeunits = "days"

## Constructing with month, year, and day numbers
#mondate.mdy <- function(m, d, y, displayFormat = .default.displayFormat, 
#                               timeunits = .default.timeunits, ...) 
mondate.mdy <- function(m, d, y, ...) 
    mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d), 
#            displayFormat = displayFormat, 
#            timeunits = timeunits,
#mondate.ymd <- function(y, m, d, displayFormat = .default.displayFormat, 
#                               timeunits = .default.timeunits, ...) {
mondate.ymd <- function(y, m, d, ...) {
    if (missing(d)) {
        if (missing(m)) m <- 12
        else m <- as.numeric(m)
        y <- as.numeric(y)
        d <- .daysinmonth(y, m) # as of 8/19/2010 d=inf if y=inf
        # daysinmonth forces length d = max of y and m
        # R considers NA's as "not finite", but ISOdate returns NA's
        #   for NA days, so we'll allow NA values of d to be TRUE for "isf"
        isf <- is.finite(d) | is.na(d) 
        if (all(isf)) mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d),
#                              displayFormat = displayFormat, 
#                              timeunits = timeunits,
        else {
            md <- mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d),
#                              displayFormat = displayFormat, 
#                              timeunits = timeunits,
            nisf <- !isf
            md[nisf] <- Inf
            md[nisf & y[nisf] < 0] <- -Inf
    else {
        isinf <- is.infinite(y)
        if (any(isinf)) {
            z <- rep(NA, max(length(y), length(m), length(d)))
            isfin <- !isinf
            z[isfin] <- ISOdate(y[isfin], m[isfin], d[isfin])
#            z <- mondate(z, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
            z <- mondate(z, ...)
            z[isinf] <- Inf
            if (any(neg <- (y[isinf] < 0))) z[isinf][neg] <- -Inf
        else mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d), 
#                 displayFormat = displayFormat, 
#                 timeunits = timeunits,

# Helpful formatting functions
YearQuartersFormat <- function(x) paste(year(x), quarters(x), sep = "")

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mondate documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:32 a.m.