### mondate.r
### S4 class to store and calculate dates in terms of months,
### and fractional parts thereof.
### - Dan Murphy, June 1, 2010
## Copyright (C) <2010 - 2013> <Daniel Murphy>
## License: GPL (>= 2)
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.mondate.tolerance <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
.mondate.origin <- "1999-12-31" <- 2000
.ISO.origin <- "1899-12-31" <- 1900
.origin.diff.years <- <- as.numeric(as.Date(.mondate.origin))
.as.Date.origin <- "1970-1-1"
.displayFormat <- c(US="%m/%d/%Y", # US format
EU="%Y-%m-%d", # EU format
.default.displayFormat <- ifelse (
(length(grep("United States",Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"))) + # windows
length(grep("en_US", Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")))) > 0L, # mac os X
.displayFormat[1L], .displayFormat[3L]
.get.default.displayFormat <- function() ifelse (
(length(grep("United States",Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME"))) + # windows
length(grep("en_US", Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")))) > 0L, # mac os X
.displayFormat[1L], .displayFormat[3L]
.default.timeunits <- "months"
.get.default.timeunits <- function() "months"
.date.classes <- c("Date","POSIXt","POSIXct","POSIXlt")
.infinite.strings <- c("Inf", "-Inf")
# Help translate months to quarters
.qtr <- rep(1:4, each = 3)
# fyi: yr=Inf is not a leap year
.trim <- function(x) sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", x))
.is.leapyear<-function(yr) yr%%400==0 | (yr%%4==0 & yr%%100!=0)
# fixed bug when mo is NA 8/21/2010
if (length(yr) > length(mo)) mo <- rep(mo, length(yr) / length(mo) + 1)[1:length(yr)]
if (length(yr) < length(mo)) yr <- rep(yr, length(mo) / length(yr) + 1)[1:length(mo)]
nna <- ! & !
# fixed a bug when yr or mo is NA 1/22/12: assigning numnna inside the
# following if statement doesn't work sometimes
numnna <- sum(nna)
if (numnna == 0L) return(rep(NA, length(mo)))
ina <- !nna
N <- length(mo)
mo <- mo[nna]
yr <- yr[nna]
# infinite month will produce NA's with a warning
days <- .motbl[mo]
days[.is.leapyear(yr)&mo==2] <- 29
days[is.infinite(yr)]<-Inf # new as of 8/19/2010
if (numnna > 0) {
daze <- rep(NA, N)
daze[nna] <- days
else days
.is.wholenumber <- function(x, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
return(abs(x - round(x)) < tolerance)
setClassUnion("funcNULL", c("function", "NULL"))
# representation(
slots = c(
displayFormat = "character",
timeunits = "character",
formatFUN = "funcNULL"
contains = "numeric",
prototype = prototype(
displayFormat = character(0),
timeunits = character(0),
formatFUN = NULL
# , S3methods = TRUE
#setGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat", function(x) standardGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat"))
#setMethod("mondateDisplayFormat", "mondate", function(x) x@displayFormat)
#setMethod("mondateDisplayFormat", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
#setGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("mondateDisplayFormat<-"))
#setReplaceMethod("mondateDisplayFormat", "mondate", function(x, value) {
# x@displayFormat <- value
# x
# })
setGeneric("displayFormat", function(x) standardGeneric("displayFormat"))
setMethod("displayFormat", "mondate", function(x) x@displayFormat)
setMethod("displayFormat", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
setGeneric("displayFormat<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("displayFormat<-"))
setReplaceMethod("displayFormat", "mondate", function(x, value) {
x@displayFormat <- value
#setGeneric("mondateTimeunits", function(x) standardGeneric("mondateTimeunits"))
#setMethod("mondateTimeunits", "mondate", function(x) x@timeunits)
#setMethod("mondateTimeunits", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
#setGeneric("mondateTimeunits<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("mondateTimeunits<-"))
#setReplaceMethod("mondateTimeunits", "mondate", function(x, value) {
# x@timeunits <- value
# x
# })
setGeneric("timeunits", function(x) standardGeneric("timeunits"))
setMethod("timeunits", "mondate", function(x) x@timeunits)
setMethod("timeunits", "ANY", function(x) NULL)
setGeneric("timeunits<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("timeunits<-"))
setReplaceMethod("timeunits", "mondate", function(x, value) {
x@timeunits <- value
setGeneric("mondate", function(x,
displayFormat = getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .get.default.displayFormat()),
timeunits = getOption("mondate.timeunits", default = .get.default.timeunits()),
...) standardGeneric("mondate"))
setMethod("mondate", "mondate", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, formatFUN, ...) {
if (missing(formatFUN))
displayFormat = if (missing(displayFormat)) x@displayFormat else displayFormat,
timeunits = if(missing(timeunits)) x@timeunits else timeunits,
formatFUN = if(missing(formatFUN)) x@formatFUN else formatFUN,
setMethod("mondate", "numeric", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) {
if (timeunits == "months") new("mondate", x, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
if (timeunits=="years") new("mondate", 12 * x, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
else {
# x represents the number of days since beginning of 01/01/2000
x <- as.POSIXlt(as.Date(x, origin = .mondate.origin))
new("mondate", (x$year - .origin.diff.years) * 12 + x$mon + x$mday /
.daysinmonth(x$year +, x$mon + 1),
displayFormat = displayFormat,
timeunits = timeunits,
# Date conversion
# At this writing (2/10/2012) mondates work best if they correspond to
# a day, specifically, the instant of time as of the close of business
# on a day. Technically, since the underlying data type is numeric,
# mondates "could" represent time to minutes and seconds, but that is
# not currently the intended use of the mondate class. <- function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) {
x <- as.POSIXlt(x, ...)
# Note that per ISO standard, x is time since 1900; i.e.,
# close of business 12/31/1899.
new("mondate", (x$year - .origin.diff.years) * 12 + x$mon + x$mday /
.daysinmonth(x$year +, x$mon + 1),
displayFormat = displayFormat,
timeunits = timeunits,
setMethod("mondate", "Date",
setMethod("mondate", "POSIXt",
setMethod("mondate", "character", function(x, displayFormat = "keep", timeunits, format, ...) {
# format is the user's requested format for converting the character
# into a date
# If missing, then we'll attempt to determine the best conversion format
# based on the first non-NA value in x,
# and we'll retain that format as the display format (default = "keep").
# m is the first non-NA value in x.
isnax <-
m <- match(TRUE, !isnax)
if ( # all-NA input
return(mondate(as.Date(rep(NA, length(x))), displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...))
# When no date conversion format is specified, find the first format that
# can convert the input to a Date
mf <- missing(format)
if (!mf && length(format) > 1) {
format <- format[1L]
warning("length(format) > 1, only first element used.")
if (mf) {
# Find best format for converting this character to date
for (i in 1:length(.displayFormat)) {
d <- as.Date(x[m], format = .displayFormat[i], ...)
if (! break
if ( {
msg <- paste("mondate character: first non-NA element '", x[m], "' is not a date.", sep = "")
msg <- c(msg, "\nConverting to numeric, then to mondate. Try specifying 'format'.")
if (displayFormat == "keep") {
displayFormat <- getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .default.displayFormat)
msg <- c(msg, '\ndisplayFormat = "keep" not applicable, using default.')
return(mondate(as.numeric(x), displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...))
format <- .displayFormat[i]
if (displayFormat == "keep") displayFormat <- format # else goes to default
# Use format to convert the character
y <- as.Date(x, format = format, ...)
isnay <-
wisnayx <- which(isnay & !isnax)
if (length(wisnayx)) {
# Check if the "new" NA's after conversion coincide with Inf
ty <- .trim(x[wisnayx])
infty <- ty %in% .infinite.strings
winfty <- which(infty)
if (!mf) displayFormat <- format
z <-, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
if (length(wisnayx)) {
if (length(winfty)) z[wisnayx[winfty]]@.Data <- as.numeric(ty[infty])
if (any( & !isnax)) warning("format '", format, "' did not convert some characters into dates")
setMethod("mondate", "factor", function(x, displayFormat = "keep", timeunits, ...) mondate(as.character(x), displayFormat, timeunits, ...))
# mondates can hold their shape if they have dim attributes
setMethod("mondate", "array", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...)
structure(mondate(c(x), displayFormat, timeunits, ...), dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x)))
setMethod("mondate", "missing", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) new("mondate", displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...))
setMethod("mondate", "ANY", function(x, displayFormat, timeunits, ...) {
warning("Attempting to convert class '", class(x),
"' to 'mondate' via 'as.Date' then 'as.numeric'. Check results!",
call. = FALSE)
y <- tryCatch(as.Date(x, ...),
error = function(e) tryCatch(as.numeric(x),
error = function(e)
stop("Cannot convert class '", class(x), "' to class 'mondate'")
mondate(y, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
# Use S4 to simulate S3-type "as.mondate" behavior
as.mondate <- function(x, ...) mondate(x, ...)
as.Date.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
# 1/22/12 Removed attributes of x since Dates can't hold their shape
x <- c(unclass(x))
# 3/8/12 If a mondate is assigned to the 'names' attribute of an ojbect
# within a 'structure' call, then when 'attributes(object)' is
# subsequently called, 'x' (the 'names' mondate) arrives here with mode
# 'character' whose value = character representation of the mondate's
# underlying double. (I don't know why, but I believe it's buried in the
# primitive 'attributes' function.)
# This generates an error with the 'floor' function.
# The following test avoids the error.
# Unfortunately by assigning 'names' via 'structure' the object's
# 'names' display as the underlying double value,
# not the date value, when the object is printed. That is why this test
# test simply returns the unclassed value of x.
# Better to assign mondate names with the 'names' function:
# names(object) <- mondate
if (mode(x) != "numeric") return(x)
ym <- floor(x)
y <- ym %/% 12L +
m <- ym %% 12 + 1
d <- ceiling(round((x - ym) * .daysinmonth(y, m), 7))
nna <- !
i <- (abs(x - round(x)) < .mondate.tolerance)
d[i&nna] <- 1
z <- as.Date(rep(NA, length(x)))
z[nna] <- as.Date(paste(y[nna], m[nna], d[nna], sep = "-"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
z[i&nna] <- z[i&nna] - 1
as.POSIXlt.mondate <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXlt(as.Date(x), ...)
as.POSIXct.mondate <- function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(x), ...)
# Per ?as.numeric: "as.numeric and is.numeric are internally S4 generic and
# so methods can be set for them via setMethod."
setMethod("as.numeric", "mondate", function(x,
convert = FALSE, stripdim = FALSE,
timeunits = c("months", "years", "days"),
...) {
# If convert == FALSE, just strip out data part
# If convert==TRUE, change units if necessary.
# If stripdim, strip dim and names (like base::as.numeric)
# Otherwise, keep shape.
if (missing(timeunits)) timeunits <- slot(x,"timeunits")
if (!convert) {
if (stripdim) y <- x@.Data
else y <- structure(x@.Data, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))
else # convert
# may not need arithmetic
if (timeunits == "months") {
if (stripdim) y <- x@.Data
else y <- structure(x@.Data, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))
else # need arithmetic
if (stripdim) {
if (timeunits == "years") y <- structure(x@.Data / 12, timeunits = timeunits)
else y <- structure(as.numeric(as.Date(x)) -, timeunits = timeunits)
else {# keep shape
dims <- dim(x)
dimnms <- dimnames(x)
if (timeunits == "years") y <- structure(x@.Data / 12, timeunits = timeunits, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
else y <- structure(as.numeric(as.Date(x)) -, timeunits = timeunits, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
as.character.mondate <- function(x, format, ...) {
if (missing(format)) {
formatFUN <- slot(x, "formatFUN")
if (is.null(formatFUN))
formatFUN <- local({
fmt <- displayFormat(x)
function(x) format.Date(x, format = fmt)
else formatFUN <- function(x) format.Date(x, format, ...)
dims <- dim(x)
dimnms <- dimnames(x)
nams <- names(x)
y <- character(length(x))
if (any(i <- is.infinite(x))) {
y[!i] <- formatFUN(as.Date(x[!i]))
ipos <- x[i] > 0
y[i][ipos] <- "Inf"
y[i][!ipos] <- "-Inf"
else y <- formatFUN(as.Date(x))
dim(y) <- dims
if (is.null(dims)) names(y) <- nams
else dimnames(y) <- dimnms
setMethod("Compare", "mondate", function(e1, e2) {
callGeneric(getDataPart(e1), getDataPart(e2))
setMethod("Arith", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
if (missing(e2))
x <- mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e1, convert = TRUE)),
timeunits = e1@timeunits, displayFormat = e1@displayFormat)
else {
timeunits <- e1@timeunits
if (timeunits != e2@timeunits)
warning("Unequal timeunits, using first mondate's -- '", timeunits, "'", sep = "")
if (timeunits == "months"){
# x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)), displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, timeunits = timeunits)
x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)), displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, formatFUN = NULL, .S3Class = NULL)
if (timeunits == "years")
# x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)) / 12, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, timeunits = timeunits)
x <- structure(callGeneric(unclass(e1), unclass(e2)) / 12, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, formatFUN = NULL, .S3Class = NULL)
else {
dims <- dim(x)
dimnms <- dimnames(x)
# x <- structure(unclass(callGeneric(as.Date(e1), as.Date(e2))), units = NULL, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
x <- structure(unclass(callGeneric(as.Date(e1), as.Date(e2))), units = NULL, displayFormat = NULL, timeunits = timeunits, formatFUN = NULL, .S3Class = NULL, dim = dims, dimnames = dimnms)
setMethod("-", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
timeunits <- timeunits(e1)
if (timeunits == timeunits(e2)) as.difftime(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2), , units = timeunits)
else {
warning("Unequal timeunits, using first mondate's -- '", timeunits, "'", sep = "")
if (timeunits == "months") as.difftime(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2) / 12, , units = timeunits)
else as.difftime(as.numeric(e1) - as.numeric(e2) * 12, , units = timeunits)
setMethod("Arith", c("numeric", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
mondate(callGeneric(e1, as.numeric(e2, convert= TRUE)),
timeunits = e2@timeunits, displayFormat = e2@displayFormat, formatFUN = e2@formatFUN)
setMethod("Arith", c("mondate", "numeric"), function(e1, e2) {
mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e1, convert = TRUE), e2),
timeunits = e1@timeunits, displayFormat = e1@displayFormat, formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
setMethod("Arith", c("mondate", "array"), function(e1, e2) {
mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e1, convert = TRUE), e2),
timeunits = e1@timeunits, displayFormat = e1@displayFormat, formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
setMethod("Arith", c("array", "mondate"), function(e1, e2) {
mondate(callGeneric(as.numeric(e2, convert = TRUE), e1),
timeunits = e2@timeunits, displayFormat = e2@displayFormat, formatFUN = e2@formatFUN)
# Simplify adding days to mondates -- use a difftime object
setMethod("+", c("mondate", "difftime"), function(e1, e2) {
units <- attr(e2, "units")
if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) + 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "months") {
if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 + unclass(e2)
else e1 + unclass(e2) / 12
if (units == "years") {
if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 + unclass(e2)
else e1 + unclass(e2) * 12
if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
setMethod("-", c("mondate", "difftime"), function(e1, e2) {
units <- attr(e2, "units")
if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) - 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "months") {
if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 - unclass(e2)
else e1 - unclass(e2) / 12
if (units == "years") {
if (timeunits(e1) == units) e1 - unclass(e2)
else e1 - unclass(e2) * 12
if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
add <- function(e1, e2, units, forcelastday = FALSE) {
if (!inherits(e1, "mondate")) stop("add not defined for e1's class")
if (!is.numeric(e2)) stop ("e2 must be numeric")
if (missing(units)) units <- timeunits(e1)
if (!(units %in% c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"))) stop("invalid units specified")
dm <- dim(e1)
dmnms <- dimnames(e1)
nms <- names(e1)
z <-
if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) + 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "months") {
if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {
len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))
ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1))
mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
mnth <- mnth + as.numeric(e2)
nextyear <- mnth > 12
if (any(nextyear)) {
yr[nextyear] <- yr[nextyear] + (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %/% 12
mnth[nextyear] <- (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %% 12 + 1
daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
ndx <- dy > daysinm
dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
else e1 + e2
if (units == "years") {
if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {
len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))
ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1))
mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
yr <- yr + as.numeric(e2)
daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
ndx <- dy > daysinm # leap year
dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
else e1 + 12 * e2
if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) + as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (forcelastday) { <- day(e1) == .daysinmonth(year(e1), month(e1))
if (any( z[] <- mondate.ymd(year(z[]), month(z[]))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(z) <- dm
dimnames(z) <- dmnms
else names(z) <- nms
subtract <- function(e1, e2, units, forcelastday = FALSE) {
if (!inherits(e1, "mondate")) stop("add not defined for e1's class")
if (!is.numeric(e2)) stop ("e2 must be numeric")
if (missing(units)) units <- timeunits(e1)
if (!(units %in% c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"))) stop("invalid units specified")
dm <- dim(e1)
dmnms <- dimnames(e1)
nms <- names(e1)
z <-
if (units == "days") mondate(as.Date(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "weeks") mondate(as.Date(e1) - 7 * as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (units == "months") {
if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {
len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))
ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1))
mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
mnth <- mnth - as.numeric(e2)
nextyear <- mnth <= 0
if (any(nextyear)) {
yr[nextyear] <- yr[nextyear] + (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %/% 12
mnth[nextyear] <- (mnth[nextyear] - 1) %% 12 + 1
daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
ndx <- dy > daysinm
dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
else e1 - e2
if (units == "years") {
if (all(.is.wholenumber(e2))) {
len <- max(length(e1), length(e2))
ymdmat <- ymd(e1)
yr <- rep(ymdmat[ , "year" ], len %/% length(e1))
mnth <- rep(ymdmat[ , "month"], len %/% length(e1))
dy <- rep(ymdmat[ , "day" ], len %/% length(e1))
yr <- yr - as.numeric(e2)
daysinm <- .daysinmonth(yr, mnth)
ndx <- dy > daysinm # leap year
dy[ndx] <- daysinm[ndx]
mondate.ymd(yr, mnth, dy, displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
else e1 - 12 * e2
if (units == "auto") stop("'auto' units not supported")
else mondate(as.POSIXct(e1) - as.numeric(e2), displayFormat = displayFormat(e1), timeunits = timeunits(e1), formatFUN = e1@formatFUN)
if (forcelastday) { <- day(e1) == .daysinmonth(year(e1), month(e1))
if (any( z[] <- mondate.ymd(year(z[]), month(z[]))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(z) <- dm
dimnames(z) <- dmnms
else names(z) <- nms
setMethod("Summary","mondate", function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE)
mondate(callGeneric(x@.Data, ..., na.rm = na.rm),
timeunits = x@timeunits, displayFormat = x@displayFormat,
formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
# Expand difftime units to include months and years
as.difftime <- function (tim, format = "%X", units = "auto") {
if (units %in% c("months", "years"))
if (!is.numeric(tim)) stop("'tim' must be numeric for units = '", units, "'", sep = "")
else structure(tim, units = units, class = "difftime")
else base::as.difftime(tim, format, units)
mean.mondate <- function(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
mondate(mean(unclass(x), trim = trim, na.rm = na.rm, ...),
displayFormat = displayFormat(x),
timeunits = timeunits(x),
formatFUN = x@formatFUN
# New "parallel mean", analogous to pmin and pmax
setGeneric("pmean", function(...) standardGeneric("pmean"))
setMethod("pmean", signature="mondate", function(...) {
mondate(apply(cbind(...), 1, mean), displayFormat = displayFormat(..1), timeunits = timeunits(..1), formatFUN = ..1@formatFUN)
# Per ?c: "This function is S4 generic, but with argument list (x, ..., recursive = FALSE)."
setMethod("c", "mondate", function(x, ..., recursive = FALSE) {
L <- list(...)
if (length(L) > 0L)
new("mondate", sapply(unlist(list(x, L)), getDataPart),
displayFormat = x@displayFormat,
timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
new("mondate", c(getDataPart(x)),
displayFormat = x@displayFormat,
timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
# Per help("["): "These operators are also implicit S4 generics, but as primitives,
# S4 methods will be dispatched only on S4 objects x. "
setMethod("[", "mondate", function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
y <- callNextMethod()
new("mondate", y,
displayFormat = x@displayFormat,
timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN
dim = dim(y),
dimnames = dimnames(y)
setMethod("show", "mondate", function(object) {
cat('mondate: timeunits="', object@timeunits, '"\n', sep="")
# C/RBIND array, matrix subsection
#setGeneric("cbind", function(..., deparse.level = 1) standardGeneric("cbind"), signature = c("..."))# -> message about creating generic, signatures differ
#setGeneric("cbind") # just this alone doesn't work...cannot "find" cbind(mondate) method below
#setMethod("cbind","mondate", function (..., deparse.level = 0) {
# y <- .Internal(cbind(deparse.level = deparse.level, ...))
# structure(
# new("mondate",
# c(y),
# displayFormat = displayFormat(..1),
# timeunits = timeunits(..1)
# ),
# dim = dim(y),
# dimnames = dimnames(y)
# )
# })
#setGeneric("rbind", function(..., deparse.level = 1) standardGeneric("rbind"), signature = c("..."))# -> message about creating generic, signatures differ
#setMethod("rbind","mondate", function (..., deparse.level = 0) {
# y <- .Internal(rbind(deparse.level = deparse.level, ...))
# structure(
# new("mondate",
# c(y),
# displayFormat = displayFormat(..1),
# timeunits = timeunits(..1)
# ),
# dim = dim(y),
# dimnames = dimnames(y)
# )
# })
setMethod("array", "mondate", function(data = NA, dim = length(data), dimnames = NULL)
mondate(callNextMethod(), displayFormat = displayFormat(data), timeunits = timeunits(data), formatFUN = data@formatFUN))
setMethod("matrix", "mondate", function(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
mondate(callNextMethod(), displayFormat = displayFormat(data), timeunits = timeunits(data), formatFUN = data@formatFUN))
## <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
dims <- dim(x)
if (is.null(dims)) nrows <- length(x)
if (length(dims) == 1L) nrows <- length(x)
if (length(dims) == 2L) nrows <- dims[1L]
else { # flatten like data.frame does
nrows <- dims[1L]
dim(x) <- c(dims[1L], length(x) / dims[1L])
nm <- paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500), collapse = " ")
# determine row.names
if (is.null(row.names)) {
if (nrows == 0) row.names <- character(0)
else if(length(row.names <- names(x)) == nrows &&
!any(duplicated(row.names))) {
else if(optional) row.names <- character(nrows)
else row.names <- seq_len(nrows)
names(x) <- NULL
value <- list(x)
if(!optional) names(value) <- nm
attr(value, "row.names") <- row.names
class(value) <- "data.frame"
format.mondate<- function(x, ...) as.character(x, ...)
unique.mondate<-function(x, ...) mondate(unique(unclass(x), ...),
displayFormat = displayFormat(x),
timeunits = timeunits(x),
formatFUN = x@formatFUN
cbindmondate <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
y <- list(...)
dspFmt <- displayFormat(y[[1L]])
# if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- .default.displayFormat
if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .get.default.displayFormat())
tu <- timeunits(y[[1L]])
# if (is.null(tu)) tu <- .default.timeunits
if (is.null(tu)) tu <- getOption("mondate.timeunits", default = .get.default.timeunits())
cls <- sapply(y, function(x) class(x)[1L])
if (all(cls == cls[1L])) mondate(cbind(..., deparse.level = deparse.level), displayFormat = dspFmt, timeunits = tu, formatFUN = y[[1L]]@formatFUN)
rbindmondate <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
y <- list(...)
dspFmt <- displayFormat(y[[1L]])
# if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- .default.displayFormat
if (is.null(dspFmt)) dspFmt <- getOption("mondate.displayFormat", default = .get.default.displayFormat())
tu <- timeunits(y[[1L]])
# if (is.null(tu)) tu <- .default.timeunits
if (is.null(tu)) tu <- getOption("mondate.timeunits", default = .get.default.timeunits())
cls <- sapply(y, function(x) class(x)[1L])
if (all(cls == cls[1L])) mondate(rbind(..., deparse.level = deparse.level), displayFormat = dspFmt, timeunits = tu, formatFUN = y[[1L]]@formatFUN)
rep.mondate<-function(x, ...) mondate(rep(unclass(x), ...),
displayFormat = x@displayFormat, timeunits = x@timeunits, formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
seq.mondate<-function(from = NULL, to, ...) {
if (missing(from)) mondate(seq(to = as.numeric(to, convert = TRUE), ...),
displayFormat=to@displayFormat, formatFUN = to@formatFUN)
if (missing(to)) mondate(seq(from = as.numeric(from, convert = TRUE), ...),
timeunits = from@timeunits,
displayFormat = from@displayFormat, formatFUN = from@formatFUN)
else mondate(seq(from = as.numeric(from, convert = TRUE), to = as.numeric(to, convert = TRUE), ...),
timeunits = from@timeunits,
displayFormat = from@displayFormat, formatFUN = from@formatFUN)
head.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.matrix(x)) head.matrix(x, ...)
else NextMethod()
tail.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.matrix(x)) tail.matrix(x, ...)
else NextMethod()
diff.mondate <- function(x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, ...)
structure(diff(as.numeric(x, convert = TRUE)
, lag = lag
, differences = differences)
, timeunits = timeunits(x)
print.mondate <- function(x, ...) {
print(noquote(as.character(x)), ...)
# 6/30/13
quarters.mondate <- function(x, abbreviate) quarters(as.Date(x), abbreviate)
# 3/8/12 So mondates can be X arguments in '*apply' functions:
as.list.mondate <- function(x, ...) lapply(X = NextMethod(), FUN = mondate)
# 3/8/12 So mondates can be assigned names (which worked before but caused
# an error message
`names<-.mondate` <- function(x, value) {
names(x@.Data) <- value
# 6/30/2013 Added 'cut'
#cut.mondate <- function(x, format = displayFormat(x), ...) {
# y <- cut(as.Date(x), ...)
# if (format != "%Y-%m-%d") levels(y) <- format(as.POSIXlt(levels(y)), format = format, ...)
# y
# }
cut.mondate <- function (x, breaks, labels = NULL,
include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE,
start.on.monday = TRUE,
attr.breaks = FALSE
, ...) {
if (!"mondate" %in% class(x)) stop("'x' must be a mondate")
if (missing(breaks)) stop("argument 'breaks' is missing, with no default")
if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
breaks <- sort(breaks)
# res <- NextMethod(breaks = breaks, labels = labels,
res <- cut.default(x, breaks = breaks, labels = labels,
include.lowest = include.lowest, right = right, ...)
if (!is.factor(res)) return(res) # see code for cut.default to determine what causes this
lvls <- levels(res)
nl <- length(lvls)
# codes.only <- FALSE
if (is.null(labels)) {
# Change the levels to display the mondate at the endpoints.
# levels(res) <- sapply(levels(res), function(z) {
lvls <- sapply(levels(res), function(z) {
lchar <- substr(z, 1L, 1L)
rchar <- substr(z, (nc<-nchar(z)), nc)
as.numeric(strsplit(substr(z, 2L, nc - 1L), ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]])
, displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN
, collapse = ","
sep = ""
if (!is.character(breaks)) stop("'breaks' must be numeric or character")
else {
if (length(breaks) > 1) stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
by2 <- strsplit(breaks, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
if (length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L) stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
valid <- pmatch(by2[length(by2)], c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "quarters"))
if ( stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
step <- ifelse(length(by2) == 2L, as.integer(by2[1L]), 1L)
# if days
if (valid == 1L) {
# right = TRUE yields NA in first element, but not pertinent in this case
res <- cut(as.Date(x), breaks = breaks, labels = labels, ...)
if (!is.factor(res)) return(res)
breaks <- mondate(levels(res), displayFormat = displayFormat(x), timeunits(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
if (right) {
lvls <- as.character(breaks)
breaks <- c(subtract(breaks[1L], step - 1L, units = "days"), breaks)
else {
breaks <- subtract(breaks, step - 1L, units = "days")
lvls <- as.character(breaks)
breaks <- c(breaks, add(breaks[1L], step - 1L, units = "days"))
if (!is.null(labels)) lvls <- labels
if (valid == 2L) {
# take advantage of Date's logic
# if right, add 6 days (and (step-1)*7 weeks) to the levels to get to the end of the week,
# format appropriately
res <- cut(as.Date(x), breaks = breaks, labels = labels, right = FALSE, start.on.monday = start.on.monday, ...)
if (!is.factor(res)) return(res)
breaks <- mondate(levels(res), displayFormat = displayFormat(x), timeunits(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN)
if (right) {
breaks <- add(breaks, (step - 1L) * 7L + 6L, units = "days")
lvls <- as.character(breaks)
breaks <- c(subtract(breaks[1L], step * 7L, units = "days"), breaks)
else {
lvls <- as.character(breaks)
breaks <- c(breaks, add(tail(breaks, 1L), step * 7L, units = "days"))
if (!is.null(labels)) lvls <- labels
else { # 3: month, 4: year, 5: quarter
rng <- range(x)
# num of months in interval
valid <- valid - 2
int <- switch(valid, 1, 12, 3)
rng <- switch(valid,
mondate.ymd(year(rng), month(rng), displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN),
mondate.ymd(year(rng), displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN),
mondate.ymd(year(rng), .qtr[month(rng)] * 3, displayFormat = displayFormat(x), formatFUN = x@formatFUN) + (step - 1L) * 3L
# generate the sequence of intervals
brks <- seq(rng[1], rng[2], by = step * int)
# append 'step' intervals ahead
brks1 <- c(brks[1L] - int * step, brks)
# run the default method
res <- cut.default(x, breaks = brks1, labels = labels, right = TRUE, ...)
# label appropriately
if (right) {
breaks <- mondate(brks1, timeunits = timeunits(x))
lvls <- as.character(brks)
else {
# label the endpoints as the beginning of the the next day
breaks <- add(mondate(brks1, timeunits = timeunits(x)), 1, "days")
lvls <- as.character(head(breaks, -1L))
if (!is.null(labels)) lvls <- labels
if (any(duplicated(lvls))) {
warning("As called, date-represented levels are not unique. 'Range_' used instead.")
lvls <- paste("Range", seq_along(lvls), sep = "_")
levels(res) <- lvls
if (attr.breaks) attr(res, "breaks") <- breaks
} # end cut.mondate
## Pulling out month, year, and day numbers
ymd <- function(x) {
nms <- names(x)
x <- mondate(x)
xd <- x@.Data
ym <- floor(xd)
y <- ym %/% 12L +
m <- ym %% 12 + 1
d <- ceiling(round((xd - ym) * .daysinmonth(y, m), 7))
nna <- !
xdnna <- xd[nna]
mnna <- m[nna]
ynna <- y[nna]
dnna <- d[nna]
# find dates where month is fully completed
i <- (abs(xdnna - round(xdnna)) < .mondate.tolerance)
# when that happens, the division algorithm puts 'm' into the next month,
# so decrement back to correct month number
mnna[i] <- mnna[i] - 1
# if decrementing m puts us into "month 0", set month to december and
# decrement the year too
ndx <- mnna < 1
mnna[ndx] <- 12
ynna[ndx] <- ynna[ndx] - 1
# now know correct month and year for "completed months", so set day
dnna[i] <- .daysinmonth(ynna[i], mnna[i])
y[nna] <- ynna
m[nna] <- mnna
d[nna] <- dnna
names(y) <- nms
cbind(year = y, month = m, day = d)
# 3/8/12 Modified so results inherit names, dim, dimnames.
setGeneric("year", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("year"))
setMethod("year", "mondate", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- ymd(x)[, "year"]
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("year", "Date", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("year", "POSIXt", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%Y"))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setGeneric("month", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("month"))
setMethod("month", "mondate", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- ymd(x)[, "month"]
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("month", "Date", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("month", "POSIXt", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%m"))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setGeneric("day", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("day"))
setMethod("day", "mondate", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- ymd(x)[, "day"]
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("day", "Date", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%d"))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("day", "POSIXt", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- as.numeric(format(x, "%d"))
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setGeneric("quarter", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("quarter"))
setMethod("quarter", "mondate", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3L + 1L
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("quarter", "Date", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3L + 1L
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setMethod("quarter", "POSIXt", function(x) {
dm <- dim(x)
dmnms <- dimnames(x)
nms <- names(x)
y <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon)%/%3L + 1L
if (!is.null(dm)) {
dim(y) <- dm
dimnames(y) <- dmnms
else names(y) <- nms
setGeneric("MonthsBetween", function(from, to) standardGeneric("MonthsBetween"))
setMethod("MonthsBetween", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(from, to) {
if (length(from) >= length(to)) {
dims <- dim(from)
dimnams <- dimnames(from)
else {
dims <- dim(to)
dimnams <- dimnames(to)
# 3/12/2013 Fixed bug -- intention is to return a magnitude (directionless)
# No bug in DaysBetween as 'abs' was originally coded
y <- abs(c(as.numeric(to)) - c(as.numeric(from)))
, dim = dims
, dimnames = dimnams
, timeunits = "months"
, .S3Class = NULL
setGeneric("YearsBetween", function(from, to) standardGeneric("YearsBetween"))
setMethod("YearsBetween", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(from, to) {
if (length(from) >= length(to)) {
dims <- dim(from)
dimnams <- dimnames(from)
else {
dims <- dim(to)
dimnams <- dimnames(to)
# 3/12/2013 Fixed bug -- intention is to return a magnitude (directionless)
# No bug in DaysBetween as 'abs' was originally coded
y <- abs(c(as.numeric(to)) - c(as.numeric(from))) / 12
, dim = dims
, dimnames = dimnams
, timeunits = "years"
, .S3Class = NULL
setGeneric("DaysBetween", function(from, to) standardGeneric("DaysBetween"))
setMethod("DaysBetween", c("mondate", "mondate"), function(from, to) {
if (length(from) >= length(to)) {
dims <- dim(from)
dimnams <- dimnames(from)
else {
dims <- dim(to)
dimnams <- dimnames(to)
round(abs(unclass(as.Date(to) - as.Date(from))))
, dim = dims
, dimnames = dimnams
, units = NULL
, timeunits = "days"
## Constructing with month, year, and day numbers
#mondate.mdy <- function(m, d, y, displayFormat = .default.displayFormat,
# timeunits = .default.timeunits, ...)
mondate.mdy <- function(m, d, y, ...)
mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d),
# displayFormat = displayFormat,
# timeunits = timeunits,
#mondate.ymd <- function(y, m, d, displayFormat = .default.displayFormat,
# timeunits = .default.timeunits, ...) {
mondate.ymd <- function(y, m, d, ...) {
if (missing(d)) {
if (missing(m)) m <- 12
else m <- as.numeric(m)
y <- as.numeric(y)
d <- .daysinmonth(y, m) # as of 8/19/2010 d=inf if y=inf
# daysinmonth forces length d = max of y and m
# R considers NA's as "not finite", but ISOdate returns NA's
# for NA days, so we'll allow NA values of d to be TRUE for "isf"
isf <- is.finite(d) |
if (all(isf)) mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d),
# displayFormat = displayFormat,
# timeunits = timeunits,
else {
md <- mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d),
# displayFormat = displayFormat,
# timeunits = timeunits,
nisf <- !isf
md[nisf] <- Inf
md[nisf & y[nisf] < 0] <- -Inf
else {
isinf <- is.infinite(y)
if (any(isinf)) {
z <- rep(NA, max(length(y), length(m), length(d)))
isfin <- !isinf
z[isfin] <- ISOdate(y[isfin], m[isfin], d[isfin])
# z <- mondate(z, displayFormat = displayFormat, timeunits = timeunits, ...)
z <- mondate(z, ...)
z[isinf] <- Inf
if (any(neg <- (y[isinf] < 0))) z[isinf][neg] <- -Inf
else mondate(ISOdate(y, m, d),
# displayFormat = displayFormat,
# timeunits = timeunits,
# Helpful formatting functions
YearQuartersFormat <- function(x) paste(year(x), quarters(x), sep = "")
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