##' @rdname nanotime
setClass("nanotime", contains = "integer64")
## setClass("nanotime", contains = "numeric") also possible if we don't want integer64
##' Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
##' Functions to operate on nanosecond time resolution using integer64
##' bit representation. Conversion functions for several standard R
##' types are provided, and more will be added as needed.
##' Notice that the conversion from POSIXct explicitly sets the last
##' three digits to zero. Nanosecond time stored in a 64-bit integer
##' has nineteen digits precision where doubles (which are used
##' internally for POSIXct as well) only have sixteen digits. So
##' rather than showing three more (essentially \emph{random}) digits
##' it is constructed such that these three additional digits are
##' zeros.
##' @section Caveats:
##' Working with dates and times is \emph{difficult}. One needs a
##' representation of both \emph{time points} and \emph{time
##' duration}. In R, think of \code{Date} or \code{POSIXct} objects
##' for the former, and \code{difftime} for the later. Here we have
##' time points \code{nanotime}, an interval type \code{nanoival} and
##' two flavors of duration which are a simple count of nanoseconds
##' \code{nanoduration} and a calendar duration that is able to track
##' concepts such as months and days \code{nanoperiod}. Point in time
##' and intervals are all based on durations relative to the epoch of
##' January 1, 1970.
##' @section Input and Output Format:
##' Formatting and character conversion for \code{nanotime} objects is
##' done by functions from the \pkg{RcppCCTZ} package relying
##' on code from its embedded \code{CCTZ} library. The default format
##' is ISO3339 compliant: \code{\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%E9S\%Ez}. It
##' specifies a standard ISO 8601 part for date and time --- as well
##' as nine digits of precision for fractional seconds (down to
##' nanoseconds) and on offset (typically zero as we default to UTC).
##' It can be overriden by using \code{options()} with the key of
##' \code{nanotimeFormat} and a suitable value. Similarly,
##' \code{nanotimeTz} can be used to select a different timezone.
##' For input, some slack it cut, and various shortened formats are
##' accepted by default such as \code{2020-03-10} or \code{2020-03-10
##' 18:16:00}, or \code{2020-03-10 18:16:00.001} (and the \sQuote{T}
##' separator is optional.
##' @section \code{tz} parameter usage in constructors:
##' The \code{tz} parameter is allowed only when constructing a
##' \code{nanotime} from a \code{character}. This is because any
##' \code{numeric}, \code{Date} and \code{POSIXct} is de facto
##' considered an offset since the epoch. On the contrary, a
##' \code{character} is considered interpretable and hence if it does
##' not contain a timezone in its representation, it is possible to
##' specify the \code{tz} argument to specify in which timezone it
##' should be interpreted. This is useful in particular if one wants
##' to convert a \code{Date} to be aligned to the beginning of the day
##' in a specific timezone; in this case one should convert the
##' \code{Date} to a \code{character} before calling the
##' \code{nanotime} constructor with the desired timezone.
##' @param x,from \code{nanotime} objects
##' @param tz character specifying a timezone which is required for
##' \code{as.POSIXct}, \code{as.POSIXlt} and can be specified for
##' \code{as.nanotime}, \code{format} and \code{print}; it can
##' also be set via \code{options("nanotimeTz")} and uses
##' \sQuote{UTC} as a default and fallback
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from methods.
##' @param e1 Operand of class \code{nanotime}
##' @param e2 Operand of class \code{nanotime}
##' @param format A character string. Can also be set via
##' \code{options("nanotimeFormat")} and uses
##' \sQuote{\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%E9S\%Ez} as a default and
##' fallback
##' @param digits Required for \code{Math2} signature but ignored here
##' @param object argument for method \code{show}
##' @param na.rm a logical indicating whether missing values should be
##' removed.
##' @param i index specifying elements to extract or replace.
##' @param j Required for \code{[} signature but ignored here
##' @param drop Required for \code{[} signature but ignored here
##' @param z Required for \code{Complex} signature but ignored here
##' @param value argument for \code{nanotime-class}
##' @param quote indicates if the output of \code{print} should be
##' quoted
##' @param accurate in the conversion from \code{POSIXct} to
##' \code{nanotime}, indicates if one wants to preserve the
##' maximum precision possible; the default is \code{TRUE}, but in
##' most situations the loss of precision is negligible, and
##' setting this parameter to \code{FALSE} will make the
##' conversion nearly an order of magnitude faster
##' @return A nanotime object
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
##' @author Leonardo Silvestri
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' x <- nanotime(1)
##' print(x)
##' as.nanotime("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001+00:00")
##' as.nanotime("2020-03-10 Europe/Berlin")
##' as.nanotime("2020-03-10 18:31:23.001", tz="America/New_York")
##' as.nanotime("2020-03-10T040947190301440", format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%E*f")
##' x <- x + 1
##' print(x)
##' format(x)
##' x <- x + 10
##' print(x)
##' format(x)
##' nanotime(Sys.time()) + 1:3 # three elements each 1 ns apart
##' seq(x, by=as.nanoperiod("1d"), length.out=5, tz="Asia/Tokyo")
##' }
##' @seealso \code{\link{nanoival}}, \code{\link{nanoduration}},
##' \code{\link{nanoperiod}}, \code{\link{seq.nanotime}} as well as
##' the documentation in package \pkg{RcppCCTZ}.
nanotime <- function(from, ...) {
if (missing(from)) {
from = NULL
new("nanotime", as.integer64(from, keep.names=TRUE))
##' @noRd
##' @rdname nanotime
as.nanotime <- function(from, ...) {
if (missing(from)) {
from = NULL
new("nanotime", as.integer64(from, keep.names=TRUE))
##' @noRd
setAs("integer64", "nanotime", function(from) new("nanotime", as.integer64(from, keep.names=TRUE)))
.getTz <- function(x, tz="") {
if (tz=="") {
if (!is.null(tzone <- attr(x, "tzone")))
tz <- tzone
tz <- getOption("nanotimeTz", default="UTC")
.getFormat <- function(format="") {
if (format=="") {
format <- getOption("nanotimeFormat", default="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%EXS%Ez")
.secondaryNanotimeParse <- function(x, format="", tz="") {
if (length(x) == 0) return(character(0)) # nocov
format <- gsub("%EXS", "%E9S", .getFormat(format))
tz <- .getTz(x, tz)
n <- names(x)
d <- RcppCCTZ::parseDouble(x, fmt=format, tzstr=tz)
res <- new("nanotime", as.integer64(d[,1]) * as.integer64(1e9) + as.integer64(d[, 2]))
if (!is.null(n)) {
names(S3Part(res, strictS3=TRUE)) <- n
.nanotime_character <- function(from, format="", tz="") {
tryCatch(nanotime_make_impl(from, tz), error=function(e) {
if (grepl("Cannot retrieve timezone", e$message) ||
e$message == "timezone is specified twice: in the string and as an argument") {
} else {
.secondaryNanotimeParse(from, format, tz)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("nanotime", "character", .nanotime_character)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("as.nanotime", "character", .nanotime_character)
setAs("character", "nanotime", function(from) .nanotime_character(from))
##' @rdname nanotime
## This does not lead to S3 dispatch, the call must be 'nanotime.matrix'
nanotime.matrix <- function(x) {
n <- names(x)
res <- new("nanotime", as.integer64(x[,1]) * as.integer64(1e9) + as.integer64(x[, 2]))
if (!is.null(n)) {
names(res) <- n ## #nocov
.nanotime_posixct <- function(from, accurate=TRUE) {
n <- names(from)
from <- as.numeric(from)
if (accurate) {
frac <- from - trunc(from)
res <- new("nanotime", bit64::as.integer64(from)*1e9 + round(frac*1e9))
} else {
res <- new("nanotime", bit64::as.integer64(as.numeric(from) * 1e9))
if (!is.null(n)) {
names(S3Part(res, strictS3=TRUE)) <- n
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("nanotime", signature(from="POSIXct"), .nanotime_posixct)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("as.nanotime", signature(from="POSIXct"), .nanotime_posixct)
setAs("POSIXct", "nanotime", function(from) .nanotime_posixct(from))
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("nanotime", "POSIXlt", function(from) nanotime(as.POSIXct(from)))
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("as.nanotime", "POSIXlt", function(from) nanotime(as.POSIXct(from)))
setAs("POSIXlt", "nanotime", function(from) nanotime(as.POSIXct(from)))
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("nanotime", "Date", function(from) nanotime(as.POSIXct(from)))
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("as.nanotime", "Date", function(from) nanotime(as.POSIXct(from)))
setAs("Date", "nanotime", function(from) nanotime(as.POSIXct(from)))
##' @rdname nanotime
function(x, format="", tz="", quote=FALSE, ...) {
format <- .getFormat(format)
tz <- .getTz(x, tz)
max.print <- options()$max.print
if (length(x) > max.print) { ## #nocov start
f <- head(x, max.print)
print(format(f, format, tz, ...), quote=quote)
cat(paste(' [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted',
length(x) - max.print, "entries ]\n"))
} ## #nocov end
else {
print(format(x, format, tz, ...), quote=quote)
##' @rdname nanotime
function(object) print(object)) ## #nocov
##' @rdname nanotime
format.nanotime <- function(x, format="", tz="", ...)
if (length(x) == 0) {
} else {
format <- .getFormat(format)
tz <- .getTz(x, tz)
if (length(x) == 0) {
return(character(0)) ## #nocov
bigint <- as.integer64(x)
secs <- as.integer64(bigint / as.integer64(1000000000))
nanos <- bigint - secs * as.integer64(1000000000)
nanos_notna <- nanos[!]
## EXS has special meaning for us: print with the least number of nanotime digits
if (length(nanos_notna) != 0 && isTRUE(as.logical(grep("%EXS", format)))) {
if (all(nanos_notna %% 1000000000 == 0)) {
format <- gsub("%EXS", "%S", format)
} else if (all(nanos_notna %% 1000000 == 0)) {
format <- gsub("%EXS", "%E3S", format)
} else if (all(nanos_notna %% 1000 == 0)) {
format <- gsub("%EXS", "%E6S", format)
} else {
format <- gsub("%EXS", "%E9S", format)
res <- RcppCCTZ::formatDouble(as.double(secs), as.double(nanos), fmt=format, tgttzstr=tz)
res[] <- as.character(NA)
n <- names(x)
if (!is.null(n)) {
names(res) <- n
##' @rdname nanotime
index2char.nanotime <- function(x, ...) {
bigint <- as.integer64(x)
secs <- as.integer64(bigint / as.integer64(1000000000))
nanos <- bigint - secs * as.integer64(1000000000)
RcppCCTZ::formatDouble(as.double(secs), as.double(nanos),
fmt=getOption("nanotimeFormat", default="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%E9S%Ez"),
tgttzstr=getOption("nanotimeTz", default="UTC"))
##' @rdname nanotime
as.POSIXct.nanotime <- function(x, tz="", ...) {
## if (verbose) warning("Lossy conversion dropping precision")
if ((tz == "" || is.null(tz)) && length(attr(x, "tzone")) > 0) {
tz <- attr(x, "tzone")
pt <- as.POSIXct(as.double(S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)/1e9), tz=tz, origin="1970-01-01")
setAs("nanotime", "POSIXct", function(from) as.POSIXct.nanotime(from))
##' @rdname nanotime
as.POSIXlt.nanotime <- function(x, tz="", ...) {
as.POSIXlt(as.POSIXct(x, tz=tz))
setAs("nanotime", "POSIXlt", function(from) as.POSIXlt.nanotime(from))
##' @rdname nanotime
as.Date.nanotime <- function(x, ...) {
arguments <- list(...)
if (!("tz" %in% names(args))) {
arguments <- c(arguments, list(tz="UTC"))
other_args <- setdiff(names(arguments), list('x', 'tz'))
if (length(other_args) > 0) {
stop(paste("'as.Date' called with arguments other than 'tz': ",
paste0("'", other_args, "'", collapse=", ")))
as.Date(ISOdate(year = nano_year(x, arguments$tz),
month = nano_month(x, arguments$tz),
day = nano_mday(x, arguments$tz)))
setAs("nanotime", "Date", function(from) as.Date(as.POSIXct(from)))
##' @rdname nanotime <- function(x, ...) {
ret <-, strictS3=TRUE), ...)
## this works, but see if there's a more idiomatic and efficient way
## of doing this:
ret[] <- nanotime(S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE))
##' @rdname nanotime
##' @method as.integer64 nanotime
as.integer64.nanotime <- function(x, ...) {
S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)
setAs("nanotime", "integer64", function(from) S3Part(from, strictS3=TRUE))
## ------------ `-`
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("-", c("nanotime", "character"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("invalid operand types")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("-", c("nanotime", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanoduration", S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE) - S3Part(e2, strictS3=TRUE))
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("-", c("nanotime", "integer64"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanotime", S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE) - e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("-", c("nanotime", "numeric"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanotime", S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE) - e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("-", c("ANY", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("invalid operand types")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("-", c("nanotime", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (missing(e2)) {
stop("unary '-' is not defined for \"nanotime\" objects")
else {
stop("invalid operand types") ## #nocov
## ----------- `+`
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("nanotime", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (missing(e2)) {
stop("unary '+' is not defined for \"nanotime\" objects") ## #nocov
else {
stop("invalid operand types")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("nanotime", "integer64"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanotime", S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE) + e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("nanotime", "numeric"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanotime", S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE) + e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("ANY", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("invalid operand types")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("integer64", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanotime", e1 + S3Part(e2, strictS3=TRUE)) ## #nocov
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("numeric", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
new("nanotime", e1 + S3Part(e2, strictS3=TRUE))
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("+", c("nanotime", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("invalid operand types")
## ---------- other ops
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Arith", c("nanotime", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("operation not defined for \"nanotime\" objects")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Arith", c("nanotime", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("operation not defined for \"nanotime\" objects")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Arith", c("ANY", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
stop("operation not defined for \"nanotime\" objects") ## #nocov
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Compare", c("nanotime", "character"),
function(e1, e2) {
ne2 <- nanotime(e2)
callNextMethod(e1, ne2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Compare", c("character", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
ne1 <- nanotime(e1)
callNextMethod(ne1, e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Compare", c("nanotime", "POSIXt"),
function(e1, e2) {
ne2 <- nanotime(e2)
callNextMethod(e1, ne2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Compare", c("POSIXt", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
ne1 <- nanotime(e1)
callNextMethod(ne1, e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Compare", c("nanotime", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (inherits(e2, "nanotime")) {
e2 <- S3Part(e2, strictS3=TRUE)
callNextMethod(S3Part(e1, strictS3=TRUE), e2)
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Logic", c("nanotime", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2) {
## this is the same error message that R gives for "A" | "A"
stop("operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Logic", c("ANY", "nanotime"),
function(e1, e2) {
## this is the same error message that R gives for "A" | "A"
stop("operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Math", c("nanotime"),
function(x) {
## this is the same error message that R gives for abs("A")
stop("non-numeric argument to mathematical function")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Math2", c("nanotime"),
function(x, digits) {
## this is the same error message that R gives for round("A")
stop("non-numeric argument to mathematical function")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Summary", c("nanotime"),
function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
## this is the same error message that R gives for sum("A")
stop("invalid 'type' (nanotime) of argument")
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("min", c("nanotime"),
function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
new("nanotime", callNextMethod())
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("max", c("nanotime"),
function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
new("nanotime", callNextMethod())
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("range", c("nanotime"),
function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
new("nanotime", callNextMethod())
##' @rdname nanotime
setMethod("Complex", c("nanotime"),
function(z) {
## this is the same error message that R gives for Arg("A")
stop("non-numeric argument to function")
## ----------- non ops
##' @rdname nanotime
function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
new("nanotime", callNextMethod())
##' @rdname nanotime
signature("nanotime", "numeric"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0) {
warning("unused indices or arguments in 'nanotime' subsetting")
if (isTRUE(any(i < 0))) {
new("nanotime", S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)[i])
} else {
nanotime_subset_numeric_impl(x, i)
##' @rdname nanotime
signature("nanotime", "logical"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0) {
warning("unused indices or arguments in 'nanotime' subsetting")
nanotime_subset_logical_impl(x, i)
##' @rdname nanotime
signature("nanotime", "character"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
## we don't implement 'period_subset_character_impl' but
## do the gymnastic of finding the NAs here at R level;
## it's not as efficient, but using 'character' indexing
## is by itself inefficient, so the overhead should have
## no practical consequences.
if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0) {
warning("unused indices or arguments in 'nanotime' subsetting")
na_index <- !(i %in% names(x)) |
res <- new("nanotime", S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)[i])
res[na_index] <- NA_nanotime_
##' @rdname nanotime
signature("nanotime", "ANY"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
stop("']' not defined on 'nanotime' for index of type 'ANY'")
##' @rdname nanotime
function (x, i, j, ..., value) {
new("nanotime", callNextMethod())
##' @rdname nanotime
c.nanotime <- function(...) {
##' @rdname nanotime
##' @name nanotime-package
##' @rdname nanotime
function(x, value) {
names(S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE)) <- value
##' @rdname nanotime
function(x) {
callNextMethod(S3Part(x, strictS3=TRUE))
##' Sequence Generation
##' Generate a sequence of \code{nanotime}
##' @param ... arguments passed to or from methods; the only
##' interesting additional argument is \code{tz} where the
##' \code{to} argument is of type \code{nanoperiod}
##' @param from,to the starting and (maximal) end values of the
##' sequence
##' @param by \code{nanoduration} or \code{nanoperiod} increment of
##' the sequence; note that if the class is \code{nanoperiod} the
##' additional argument \code{tz} must be speficied and is of
##' \code{character} type indicating a timezone
##' @param length.out integer indicating the desired length of the sequence
##' @param along.with take the length from the length of this argument.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' from <- as.nanotime("2018-01-14T12:44:00+00:00")
##' to <- as.nanotime("2019-01-14T12:44:00+00:00")
##' seq(from, to, by=as.nanoperiod("1m"), tz="America/New_York")
##' seq(from, by=as.nanoperiod("1y"), length.out=4, tz="Europe/London")
##' }
##' @method seq nanotime
seq.nanotime <-
function(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)
if((One <- nargs() == 1L)) {
stop("'seq.nanotime' cannot be called with only one argument")
if (sum(is.null(to), is.null(by), is.null(length.out) && is.null(along.with)) > 1) {
stop("at least two of 'to', 'by', and 'length.out' or 'along.with' must be specified")
is.logint <- function(.) (is.integer(.) || is.logical(.)) && !is.object(.)
if (!missing(along.with) && !is.null(along.with)) {
length.out <- length(along.with)
else if(!missing(length.out) && !is.null(length.out)) {
len <- length(length.out)
if(!len) stop("argument 'length.out' must be of length 1")
if(len > 1L) {
warning("first element used of 'length.out' argument")
length.out <- length.out[1L]
if(!(intn1 <- is.logint(length.out)))
length.out <- as.numeric(ceiling(length.out))
if (length(from) != 1L) stop("'from' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(to) && !is.null(to) && length(to) != 1L) stop("'to' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(to) && !is.null(to) && !(inherits(to, "nanotime")))
stop("'to' must be a 'nanotime'")
if (is.null(length.out)) {
if (missing(by) || is.null(by))
stop("'by' must be specified if 'length.out' is NULL")
else { # dealing with 'by'
if (length(by) != 1L) stop("'by' must be of length 1")
if (inherits(by, "nanoperiod")) {
## fish out the 'tz' parameter:
args <- list(...)
if (!any("tz" %in% names(args))) {
stop("'tz' is a mandatory argument for sequences with a 'period' step")
period_seq_from_to_impl(from, to, by, args$tz)
} else {
nanotime(seq(as.integer64(from), as.integer64(to), by=by))
else if(!is.finite(length.out) || length.out < 0L)
stop("'length.out' must be a non-negative number")
else if (length.out == 0L) nanotime()
else if (missing(by) || is.null(by)) {
## cannot be with 'period', so just call the S3 function:
## calculate 'by' because of 'bit64' bug:
by = as.integer64((to - from) / (length.out - 1))
nanotime(seq(as.integer64(from), as.integer64(to), by, NULL, NULL, ...))
else if (missing(to) || is.null(to)) {
if (length(by) != 1L) stop("'by' must be of length 1")
if (inherits(by, "nanoperiod")) {
## fish out the 'tz' parameter:
args <- list(...)
if (!any("tz" %in% names(args))) {
stop("'tz' is a mandatory argument for sequences with a 'period' step")
period_seq_from_length_impl(from, by, as.integer64(length.out), args$tz)
} else {
nanotime(seq(as.integer64(from), by=as.integer64(by),
length.out=length.out, along.with=along.with, ...))
else stop("too many arguments")
##' @rdname seq.nanotime
setMethod("seq", c("nanotime"), seq.nanotime)
##' Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
##' Compare \code{target} and \code{current} testing \sQuote{near
##' equality}. If they are different, comparison is still made to
##' some extent, and a report of the differences is returned. Do not
##' use \code{all.equal} directly in \code{if} expressions---either
##' use \code{isTRUE(all.equal(....))} or \code{\link{identical}} if
##' appropriate.
##' @param target,current \code{nanotime} arguments to be compared
##' @param ... further arguments for different methods
##' @param tolerance numeric >= 0. Differences smaller than
##' \code{tolerance} are not reported. The default value is close
##' to \code{1.5e-8}.
##' @param scale \code{NULL} or numeric > 0, typically of length 1 or
##' \code{length(target)}. See \sQuote{Details}.
##' @param countEQ logical indicating if the \code{target == current} cases should be
##' counted when computing the mean (absolute or relative)
##' differences. The default, \code{FALSE} may seem misleading in
##' cases where \code{target} and \code{current} only differ in a few
##' places; see the extensive example.
##' @param formatFUN a \code{function} of two arguments, \code{err}, the relative, absolute
##' or scaled error, and \code{what}, a character string indicating
##' the _kind_ of error; maybe used, e.g., to format relative and
##' absolute errors differently.
##' @param check.attributes logical indicating if the \code{attributes} of \code{target}
##' and \code{current} (other than the names) should be compared.
##' @seealso \code{\link{identical}}, \code{\link{isTRUE}},
##' \code{\link{==}}, and \code{\link{all}} for exact equality
##' testing.
##' @method all.equal nanotime
all.equal.nanotime <- function(target, current, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
scale = NULL, countEQ = FALSE,
formatFUN = function(err, what) format(err), ..., check.attributes = TRUE) {
if (inherits(target, "nanotime")) target <- as.integer64(target)
if (inherits(current, "nanotime")) current <- as.integer64(current)
if (!is.numeric(tolerance))
stop("'tolerance' should be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(scale) && !is.null(scale))
stop("'scale' should be numeric or NULL")
if (!is.logical(check.attributes))
stop(gettextf("'%s' must be logical", "check.attributes"),
domain = NA)
msg <- NULL
msg <- if (check.attributes)
attr.all.equal(target, current, tolerance = tolerance,
scale = scale, ...)
if (data.class(target) != data.class(current)) {
msg <- c(msg, paste0("target is ", data.class(target),
", current is ", data.class(current)))
lt <- length(target)
lc <- length(current)
cplx <- is.complex(target)
if (lt != lc) {
if (!is.null(msg))
msg <- msg[-grep("\\bLengths\\b", msg)]
msg <- c(msg, paste0(if (cplx) "Complex" else "Numeric",
": lengths (", lt, ", ", lc, ") differ"))
out <-
if (any(out != {
msg <- c(msg, paste("'is.NA' value mismatch:", sum(,
"in current", sum(out), "in target"))
out <- out | target == current
if (all(out))
return(if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg)
if (countEQ) {
N <- length(out)
sabst0 <- sum(abs(target[out]))
} else {
sabst0 <- 0
target <- target[!out]
current <- current[!out]
if (!countEQ)
N <- length(target)
## the following is in the orignal function, but can't be reached here:
## if (is.integer(target) && is.integer(current))
## target <- as.double(target)
xy <- sum(abs(target - current))/N
what <- if (is.null(scale)) {
xn <- (sabst0 + sum(abs(target)))/N
if (is.finite(xn) && xn > tolerance) {
xy <- xy/xn
} else {
} else {
stopifnot(all(scale > 0))
xy <- xy/scale
if (all(abs(scale - 1) < 1e-07))
else "scaled"
if (cplx)
what <- paste(what, "Mod") # nocov
if ( || xy > tolerance)
msg <- c(msg, paste("Mean", what, "difference:", formatFUN(xy, what)))
if (is.null(msg)) {
TRUE # nocov
} else msg
##' @rdname all.equal.nanotime
setMethod("all.equal", c(target = "nanotime", current="ANY"), all.equal.nanotime)
##' @rdname nanotime
NA_nanotime_ <- nanotime(NA)
##' Get a component of a date time
##' Get a component of a date time. \code{nano_wday} returns the
##' numeric position in a week, with Sunday == 0. \code{nano_mday}
##' returns the numeric day (i.e. a value from 1 to
##' 31). \code{nano_month} returns the month (i.e. a value from 1 to
##' 12). \code{nano_year} returns the year.
##' Note that the \code{tz} parameter is mandatory because the day
##' boundary is different depending on the time zone and
##' \code{nanotime} does not store the timezone as it is just an
##' offset in nanoseconds from the epoch.
##' @param x a \code{nanotime} object
##' @param tz \code{character} a string representing a timezone
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' nano_wday(as.nanotime("2020-03-14 23:32:00-04:00"), "America/New_York")
##' nano_wday(as.nanotime("2020-03-14 23:32:00 America/New_York"), "Europe/Paris")
##' nano_mday(as.nanotime("2020-03-14 23:32:00-04:00"), "America/New_York")
##' nano_mday(as.nanotime("2020-03-14 23:32:00 America/New_York"), "Europe/Paris")
##' nano_month(as.nanotime("2020-12-31 23:32:00-04:00"), "America/New_York")
##' nano_month(as.nanotime("2020-12-31 23:32:00 America/New_York"), "Europe/Paris")
##' nano_year(as.nanotime("2020-12-31 23:32:00-04:00"), "America/New_York")
##' nano_year(as.nanotime("2020-12-31 23:32:00 America/New_York"), "Europe/Paris")
##' }
##' @rdname nano_year
##' @aliases nano_wday
##' @aliases nano_wday,nanotime-method nano_mday,nanotime-method
##' @aliases nano_month,nanotime-method nano_year,nanotime-method
setGeneric("nano_wday", function(x, tz) standardGeneric("nano_wday"))
setMethod("nano_wday", c("nanotime"), function(x, tz) nanotime_wday_impl(x, tz))
##' @rdname nano_year
##' @aliases nano_mday
setGeneric("nano_mday", function(x, tz) standardGeneric("nano_mday"))
setMethod("nano_mday", c("nanotime"), function(x, tz) nanotime_mday_impl(x, tz))
##' @rdname nano_year
##' @aliases nano_month
setGeneric("nano_month", function(x, tz) standardGeneric("nano_month"))
setMethod("nano_month", c("nanotime"), function(x, tz) nanotime_month_impl(x, tz))
##' @rdname nano_year
setGeneric("nano_year", function(x, tz) standardGeneric("nano_year"))
setMethod("nano_year", c("nanotime"), function(x, tz) nanotime_year_impl(x, tz))
## rounding ops:
##' Rounding down or up a \code{nanotime} type
##' The functions \code{nano_floor} and \code{nano_ceiling} round down or up, respectively. Although
##' the underlying implementation of \code{nanotime} has negative numbers for values before
##' 1970-01-01 UTC, the rounding is always done backward in time for \code{nano_floor} and forward
##' in time for \code{nano_ceiling}. The functions take a \code{nanotime} argument \code{x} which is
##' the instance to round, together with a second argument \code{precision} which indicates an
##' arbitrary precision to which the rounding should be performed. This argument can be either a
##' \code{nanoduration} or or a \code{nanoperiod}. In the latter case, the argument \code{tz} must
##' also be specified in order to give the \code{nanoperiod} a meaning. Finally, the \code{nanotime}
##' argument \code{origin} can be optionally specified to fix the rounding to a specific point in
##' time.
##' This flexible rounding must be understood in the context of a vector. The rounding precision can
##' then be considered as an interval that defines a grid over which the elements are either
##' assigned to the starting value of the interval to which they belong (\code{nano_floor}) or the
##' ending value of the interval to which they belong (\code{nano_ceiling}). This allows for a
##' grouping of a \code{nanotime} vector on which a statistic may then be run. In the examples
##' below, such a use case is shown in the context of a \code{data.table} object.
##' If "business" concepts such as month or days are needed, the \code{argument} precision must be
##' of type \code{period}. It is then mandatory to specify the timezone argument \code{tz} as this
##' ensures timezone correctness of the intervals including for example for the rare hourly
##' transitions of some countries going from a timezone with a whole hour difference with UTC to one
##' with a fractional hour difference. In the case of a \code{period}, the functions align the
##' rounding if the precision is an integer divisor of a larger quantity. For instance, if one
##' specifies a rounding of 6 hours, a divisor of a day, the hours are aligned on days and the
##' rounding is made to a grid at hours 0, 6, 12 and 18 in the specified timezone. If the precision
##' is not a divisor, the grid is aligned to the nearest hour before the first element of the vector
##' to round.
##' The argument \code{origin} controls the reference point of the rounding, allowing arbitrary
##' specification of the reference point of the rounding.
##' @param x a \code{nanotime} object which must be sorted
##' @param precision a \code{nanoduration} or \code{nanoperiod} object
##' indicating the rounding precision
##' @param ... for future additional arguments
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## "classic" rounding:
##' nano_floor(as.nanotime("2010-10-10 11:12:15 UTC"), as.nanoduration("01:00:00"))
##' ## rounding with arbitrary precision:
##' nano_floor(as.nanotime("2010-10-10 11:12:15 UTC"), as.nanoduration("06:00:00"))
##' nano_floor(as.nanotime("2010-10-10 11:23:15 UTC"), as.nanoduration("00:15:00"))
##' nano_ceiling(as.nanotime("2010-10-10 11:23:15 UTC"), as.nanoduration("01:15:23"))
##' ## controlling the reference point via the 'origin' argument:
##' nano_ceiling(as.nanotime("2010-10-10 11:23:15 UTC"),
##' as.nanoduration("01:15:23"),
##' origin=as.nanotime("2010-10-10 11:23:15 UTC"))
##' ## using business concepts and rounding across a daylight saving change:
##' v <- seq(as.nanotime("2020-03-08 America/New_York"),
##' by=as.nanoperiod("06:00:00"), length.out=8, tz="America/New_York")
##' print(nano_floor(v, as.nanoperiod("1d"), tz="America/New_York"), tz="America/New_York")
##' ## using the concept in a 'data.table':
##' library(data.table)
##' n <- 3 * 24
##' idx <- seq(as.nanotime("2020-03-07 America/New_York"),
##' by=as.nanoperiod("01:00:00"), length.out=n, tz="America/New_York")
##' dt <- data.table(idx, a=1:n, b=2:(n+1))
##' dt_mean <- dt[, list(mean = mean(a)),
##' by=nano_ceiling(idx, as.nanoperiod("1d"), tz="America/New_York")]
##' }
##' @aliases nano_floor
##' @rdname rounding
setGeneric("nano_ceiling", def = function(x, precision, ...) standardGeneric("nano_ceiling"))
##' @rdname rounding
setGeneric("nano_floor", def = function(x, precision, ...) standardGeneric("nano_floor"))
##' Replicate Elements
##' Replicates the values in 'x' similarly to the default method.
##' @param x a vector of \code{nanotime}
##' @param ... further arguments:
##' 'times' an integer-valued vector giving the (non-negative)
##' number of times to repeat each element if of length
##' 'length(x)', or to repeat the whole vector if of length
##' 1. Negative or 'NA' values are an error. A 'double'
##' vector is accepted, other inputs being coerced to an
##' integer or double vector.
##' 'length.out' non-negative integer. The desired length of the
##' output vector. Other inputs will be coerced to a double
##' vector and the first element taken. Ignored if 'NA' or
##' invalid.
##' 'each' non-negative integer. Each element of 'x' is repeated
##' 'each' times. Other inputs will be coerced to an integer
##' or double vector and the first element taken. Treated as
##' '1' if 'NA' or invalid.
setMethod("rep", c(x = "nanotime"), function(x, ...) {
new("nanotime", callNextMethod())
##' @rdname nanotime
as.character.nanotime <- function(x, ...) {
format(x, ...)
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