
Defines functions createFields odbc_write_table

#' Convenience functions for reading/writing DBMS tables
#' @param conn a \code{\linkS4class{OdbcConnection}} object, produced by
#'   [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param name a character string specifying a table name. Names will be
#'   automatically quoted so you can use any sequence of characters, not
#'   just any valid bare table name.
#' @param value A data.frame to write to the database.
#' @inheritParams DBI::sqlCreateTable
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(DBI)
#' con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc())
#' dbListTables(con)
#' dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars, temporary = TRUE)
#' dbReadTable(con, "mtcars")
#' dbListTables(con)
#' dbExistsTable(con, "mtcars")
#' # A zero row data frame just creates a table definition.
#' dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars2", mtcars[0, ], temporary = TRUE)
#' dbReadTable(con, "mtcars2")
#' dbDisconnect(con)
#' }
#' @name odbc-tables

odbc_write_table <-
  function(conn, name, value, overwrite=FALSE, append=FALSE, temporary = FALSE,
    row.names = NA, field.types = NULL, batch_rows = getOption("odbc.batch_rows", NA), ...) {
      rlang::is_scalar_logical(overwrite) && !is.na(overwrite),
      rlang::is_scalar_logical(append) && !is.na(append),
      rlang::is_scalar_logical(temporary) && !is.na(temporary),
      rlang::is_null(field.types) || (rlang::is_named(field.types))
    if (append && !is.null(field.types)) {
      stop("Cannot specify field.types with append = TRUE", call. = FALSE)

    if (is.na(batch_rows)) {
      batch_rows <- NROW(value)
      if (batch_rows == 0) {
        batch_rows <- 1
    batch_rows <- parse_size(batch_rows)

    if (overwrite && append)
      stop("overwrite and append cannot both be TRUE", call. = FALSE)

    found <- dbExistsTable(conn, name)
    if (found && !overwrite && !append) {
      stop("Table ", toString(name), " exists in database, and both overwrite and",
        " append are FALSE", call. = FALSE)
    if (found && overwrite) {
      dbRemoveTable(conn, name)

    values <- sqlData(conn, row.names = row.names, value[, , drop = FALSE])

    if (!found || overwrite) {
      sql <- sqlCreateTable(conn, name, values, field.types = field.types, row.names = FALSE, temporary = temporary)
      dbExecute(conn, sql, immediate = TRUE)

    fieldDetails <- tryCatch({
      details <- odbcConnectionColumns(conn, name)
      details$param_index <- match(details$name, names(values))
      details[!is.na(details$param_index), ]
    }, error = function(e) {

    if (nrow(value) > 0) {

      name <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, name)
      fields <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, names(values))
      params <- rep("?", length(fields))

      sql <- paste0(
        "INSERT INTO ", name, " (", paste0(fields, collapse = ", "), ")\n",
        "VALUES (", paste0(params, collapse = ", "), ")"
      rs <- OdbcResult(conn, sql)

      if (!is.null(fieldDetails) && nrow(fieldDetails)) {
        result_describe_parameters(rs@ptr, fieldDetails)

        result_insert_dataframe(rs@ptr, values, batch_rows),
        finally = dbClearResult(rs)


#' @rdname odbc-tables
#' @inheritParams DBI::dbWriteTable
#' @param overwrite Allow overwriting the destination table. Cannot be
#'   `TRUE` if `append` is also `TRUE`.
#' @param append Allow appending to the destination table. Cannot be
#'   `TRUE` if `overwrite` is also `TRUE`.
#' @param batch_rows The number of rows to retrieve. Defaults to `NA`, which is set dynamically to the size of the input. Depending on
#'   the database, driver, dataset and free memory setting this to a lower value may improve
#'   performance.
#' @export
  "dbWriteTable", c("OdbcConnection", "character", "data.frame"),

#' @rdname odbc-tables
#' @export
  "dbWriteTable", c("OdbcConnection", "Id", "data.frame"),

#' @rdname odbc-tables
#' @export
  "dbWriteTable", c("OdbcConnection", "SQL", "data.frame"),

#' @rdname odbc-tables
#' @inheritParams DBI::dbAppendTable
#' @export
setMethod("dbAppendTable", "OdbcConnection", function(conn, name, value, ..., row.names = NULL) {
  stopifnot(dbExistsTable(conn, name))
  dbWriteTable(conn, name, value, ..., row.names = row.names, append = TRUE)

#' @rdname odbc-tables
#' @inheritParams DBI::dbReadTable
#' @export
setMethod("sqlData", "OdbcConnection", function(con, value, row.names = NA, ...) {
  value <- sqlRownamesToColumn(value, row.names)

  # Convert POSIXlt to POSIXct
  is_POSIXlt <- vapply(value, function(x) is.object(x) && (is(x, "POSIXlt")), logical(1))
  value[is_POSIXlt] <- lapply(value[is_POSIXlt], as.POSIXct)

  # Convert data.table::IDate to Date
  is_IDate <- vapply(value, function(x) is.object(x) && (is(x, "IDate")), logical(1))
  value[is_IDate] <- lapply(value[is_IDate], as.Date)

  # C code takes care of atomic vectors, dates, date times, and blobs just need to coerce other objects
  is_object <- vapply(value, function(x) is.object(x) && !(is(x, "POSIXct") || is(x, "Date") || is_blob(x) || is(x, "difftime")), logical(1))
  value[is_object] <- lapply(value[is_object], as.character)

  if (nzchar(con@encoding)) {
    is_character <- vapply(value, is.character, logical(1))
    value[is_character] <- lapply(value[is_character], enc2iconv, to = con@encoding)


#' @rdname odbc-tables
#' @inheritParams DBI::sqlCreateTable
#' @param field.types Additional field types used to override derived types.
#' @export
setMethod("sqlCreateTable", "OdbcConnection",
  function(con, table, fields, row.names = NA, temporary = FALSE, ..., field.types = NULL) {
    table <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table)
    fields <- createFields(con, fields, field.types, row.names)

      "CREATE ", if (temporary) "TEMPORARY ", "TABLE ", table, " (\n",
      "  ", paste(fields, collapse = ",\n  "), "\n)\n"

# Helper function useful for defining custom sqlCreateTable methods.
createFields <- function(con, fields, field.types, row.names) {
  if (is.data.frame(fields)) {
    fields <- sqlRownamesToColumn(fields, row.names)
    fields <- DBI::dbDataType(con, fields)
  if (!is.null(field.types)) {
    is_field <- names(field.types) %in% names(fields)
    if (!all(is_field)) {
        sprintf("Some columns in `field.types` not in the input, missing columns:\n%s",
          paste0("  - '", names(field.types)[!is_field], "'", collapse = "\n")
      call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

    fields[names(field.types)] <- field.types

  field_names <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, names(fields))
  field_types <- unname(fields)
  paste0(field_names, " ", field_types)

#' @rdname OdbcConnection
#' @inheritParams DBI::dbExistsTable
#' @export
  "dbExistsTable", c("OdbcConnection", "Id"),
  function(conn, name, ...) {
    name@name[["table"]] %in% odbcConnectionTables(conn,
      name = id_field(name, "table"),
      catalog_name = id_field(name, "catalog"),
      schema_name = id_field(name, "schema")

#' @rdname OdbcConnection
#' @inheritParams DBI::dbExistsTable
#' @export
  "dbExistsTable", c("OdbcConnection", "SQL"),
  function(conn, name, ...) {
    dbExistsTable(conn, dbUnquoteIdentifier(conn, name)[[1]], ...)

#' @rdname OdbcConnection
#' @inheritParams DBI::dbExistsTable
#' @export
  "dbExistsTable", c("OdbcConnection", "character"),
  function(conn, name, ...) {
    stopifnot(length(name) == 1)
    df <- odbcConnectionTables(conn, name = name)
    NROW(df) > 0

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odbc documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:04 p.m.