
Defines functions read_fmi2mspct read_m_fmi_cum read_fmi_cum

Documented in read_fmi2mspct read_fmi_cum read_m_fmi_cum

#' Read daily cummulated solar spectrum data file(s).
#' Read one or more cumulated daily spectral irradiance file as output by Anders
#' Lindors' model based on libRadTrans. Dates are read from the file header and
#' parsed with the function suplied as \code{date.f}.
#' @param file Either a path to a file, a connection, or literal data (either a
#'   single string or a raw vector).
#' @param date a \code{POSIXct} object to use to set the \code{"when.measured"}
#'   attribute. If \code{NULL}, the default, the date is extracted from the
#'   file header.
#' @param geocode A data frame with columns \code{lon} and \code{lat} used to
#'   set attribute \code{"where.measured"}.
#' @param label character string, but if \code{NULL} the value of \code{file} is
#'   used, and if \code{NA} the "what.measured" attribute is not set.
#' @param tz character Time zone used for interpreting times saved in the file
#'   header.
#' @param locale	The locale controls defaults that vary from place to place. The
#'   default locale is US-centric (like R), but you can use
#'   \code{\link[readr]{locale}} to create your own locale that controls things
#'   like the default time zone, encoding, decimal mark, big mark, and day/month
#'   names.
#' @param .skip Number of lines to skip before reading data---i.e. the number of
#'   rows in the header.
#' @param .n_max Maximum number of records to read.
#' @param .date.f A function for extracting a date-time from the file header
#'   passed as charecter sring to its first argument and which returns a
#'   \code{POSIXct} object.
#' @return \code{read_fmi_cum()} returns a \code{source_spct} object with
#'   \code{time.unit} attribute set to \code{"day"} and \code{when.measured}
#'   attribute set to the date-time extracted from the header at the top of
#'   the read file.
#' @note See \code{\link[readr]{read_table}} for details of acceptable values
#'   for \code{file}.
#' @examples
#' file.name <- system.file("extdata", "2014-08-21_cum.hel", 
#'                          package = "photobiologyInOut", mustWork = TRUE)
#' fmi.spct <- read_fmi_cum(file = file.name)
#' @export
read_fmi_cum <- function(file,
                         date = NULL,
                         geocode = NULL,
                         label = NULL,
                         tz = "UTC",
                         locale = readr::default_locale(),
                         .skip = 3,
                         .n_max = -1,
                         .date.f = lubridate::ymd) {
  file_header <- readr::read_lines(file = file, 
                                   n_max = .skip, 
                                   progress = FALSE)
  if (!grepl("(J/m2/nm)", file_header[.skip], fixed = TRUE)) {
    warning("Skipping file with unrecognized format!")
  if (is.null(tz)) {
    tz <- locale$tz
#  file_date <- file.mtime(file, tz = tz)[1]
  if (is.null(date)) {
    date.char <- scan(text = file_header[2], nlines = 1, 
                      what = "z", quiet = TRUE)[2]
    date.time <- .date.f(date.char, tz = tz) # tz needed as otherwise a "Date" is returned
  label.file <- paste("File: ", basename(file), sep = "")
  if (is.null(label)) {
    label <- label.file
  } else if (!is.na(label)) {
    label <- paste(label.file, label, sep = "\n")
  z <- readr::read_table(
    file = file,
    col_names = c("w.length", "s.e.irrad"),
    col_types = readr::cols(w.length = readr::col_double(),
                            s.e.irrad = readr::col_double()),
    skip = .skip,
    n_max = .n_max,
    locale = locale,
    progress = FALSE
  if (min(z$w.length) > 1000) {
    # convert wavelength in Ã…ngstrom to nm
    z[ , "w.length"] <- z[ , "w.length"] / 10
  z <- photobiology::as.source_spct(z, time.unit = "day")
  photobiology::setWhenMeasured(z, date.time)
  photobiology::setWhereMeasured(z, geocode)
  photobiology::setWhatMeasured(z, label)
  attr(z, "file.header") <- file_header

#' @rdname read_fmi_cum
#' @param files list or vector of paths each one with the same requirements as
#'    described for argument \code{file}.
#' @return \code{read_m_fmi_cum} returns a \code{source_mspct} containing one
#' \code{source_spct} object for each one of the multiple files read.
#' @export
read_m_fmi_cum <- function(files,
                           date = NULL,
                           geocode = NULL,
                           label = NULL,
                           tz = "UTC",
                           .skip = 3,
                           .n_max = -1,
                           .date.f = lubridate::ymd) {
  # extract ISO formatted dates from file names

  list.of.spectra <- list()

  for (f in files) {
    data.name <- sub("^.*/", "", f) # remove path!
    data.name <- gsub("-", "_", data.name, fixed = TRUE) # sanitize
    list.of.spectra[[data.name]] <-
        file = f,
        date = date,
        geocode = geocode,
        label = label,
        tz = tz,
        .skip = .skip,
        .n_max = .n_max,
        .date.f = .date.f

#' Read multiple solar spectra from a data file.
#' Read spectral irradiance file as output by Anders Lindors' model based on
#' libRadTrans for hourly simulation, or measured data from FMI's Brewer
#' spectrometer. 
#' @param file Either a path to a file, a connection, or literal data (either a
#'   single string or a raw vector).
#' @param scale.factor numeric A multiplier to be applied to the spectral
#'   irradiance values.
#' @param geocode A data frame with columns \code{lon} and \code{lat} used to
#'   set attribute \code{"where.measured"}.
#' @param what.measured character string, but if \code{NULL} the value of
#'   \code{file} is used, and if \code{NA} the "what.measured" attribute is not
#'   set.
#' @param how.measured character string, but if \code{NULL} or \code{NA} the
#'   "how.measured" attribute is not set.
#' @param date.field,time.field integer. Word positions in the header line.
#' @param date.format character string. One of "ymd", "ydm", "dmy", or "mdy".
#' @param time.format character string. One of "hms", "hm".
#' @param tz character Time zone used for interpreting times saved in the file
#'   header.
#' @param time.shift.min, numeric. Time shift with respect to TZ in minutes.
#' @param locale	The locale controls defaults that vary from place to place. The
#'   default locale is US-centric (like R), but you can use
#'   \code{\link[readr]{locale}} to create your own locale that controls things
#'   like the default time zone, encoding, decimal mark, big mark, and day/month
#'   names.
#' @param .skip Number of lines to skip before reading data.
#' @param .n_max Maximum number of records to read.
#' @return \code{read_fmi2mspct()} returns a \code{source_mspct} object
#'   containing \code{source_spct} objects as members, \code{time.unit}
#'   attribute set to \code{"second"} and \code{when.measured} attribute set to
#'   the date-time values extracted from the file body.
#' @note See \code{\link[readr]{read_table}} for details of acceptable values
#'   for \code{file}. Individual spectra are names based on time and date in
#'   ISO format, at the time zone given by \code{tz} but the time shift 
#'   subtracted. Say for times expressed in headers at UTC + 120 min, we use
#'   \code{tz = UTC} and {time.shift.min = 120} to convert times to UTC. This
#'   is different from using \code{tz = EET}, which is not invariant through
#'   the course of the year because of daylight saving time. Local time zones is
#'   not necessarily consistent across years because of changes in legislation.
#'   In contrast UTC is more consistent, making it preferable for time series.
#' @export
read_fmi2mspct <- function(file,
                           scale.factor = 1e-3,
                           geocode = NULL,
                           what.measured = NULL,
                           how.measured = NULL,
                           date.field = 2L,
                           time.field = 3L,
                           date.format = "ymd",
                           time.format = "hms",
                           tz = NULL,
                           time.shift.min = 0,
                           locale = readr::default_locale(),
                           .skip = 0,
                           .n_max = -1) {
  get_one_spct <- function(x, i, j, k, .f.date, .f.time) {
    header <- x[i]
    # lubridate::ymd_hms() fails to parse single digit hours
    when.measured <- 
      .f.date(stringr::word(header, start = date.field, end = date.field), tz = tz) +
      .f.time(stringr::word(header, start = time.field, end = time.field)) # a duration
    when.measured <- when.measured - lubridate::minutes(time.shift.min)
    when.measured <- as.POSIXct(when.measured)
    zenith.angle <- as.numeric(stringr::word(header, start = 5L, end = 5L))
    z <-
        file = file,
        col_names = c("minutes", "w.length", "s.e.irrad"),
        col_types = readr::cols(minutes = readr::col_number(),
                                w.length = readr::col_double(),
                                s.e.irrad = readr::col_double()),
        skip = i,
        n_max = k - j,
        locale = locale,
        progress = FALSE
      )[ , -1]
    if (min(z$w.length) > 1000) {
      # convert wavelength in Ã…ngstrom to nm
      z[ , "w.length"] <- z[ , "w.length"] / 10
    # convert irradiance to W m-2 nm-1
    z[ , "s.e.irrad"] <- z[ , "s.e.irrad"] * scale.factor
    z <- photobiology::as.source_spct(z, time.unit = "second")
    photobiology::setWhenMeasured(z, when.measured)
    photobiology::setWhereMeasured(z, geocode)
    photobiology::setWhatMeasured(z, what.measured)
    photobiology::setHowMeasured(z, how.measured)
    attr(z, "file.header") <- header
    z<- list(z)
    names(z) <- as.character(when.measured)
  .fun.date <- switch(date.format,
                      ymd = lubridate::ymd,
                      dmy = lubridate::dmy,
                      ydm = lubridate::ydm,
                      mdy = lubridate::mdy,
                      stop("'date.format' ", date.format, " not supported.")

  .fun.time <- switch(time.format,
                      hms = lubridate::hms,
                      hm = lubridate::hm,
                      stop("'time.format' ", time.format, " not supported.")
  label.file <- paste("File: ", basename(file), sep = "")
  if (is.null(what.measured)) {
    what.measured <- label.file
  } else if (!is.na(what.measured)) {
    what.measured <- paste(label.file, what.measured, sep = "\n")
  whole_file <- readr::read_lines(file,
                                  skip = .skip, 
                                  skip_empty_rows = TRUE, 
                                  n_max = .n_max,
                                  progress = FALSE)
  header.start.idxs <- grep("# ", whole_file, fixed = TRUE)
  data.start.idxs <- header.start.idxs + 1L
  data.end.idxs <- grep("end", whole_file, fixed = TRUE)
  if (length(header.start.idxs) == 0 ||
      length(header.start.idxs) != length(data.start.idxs) ||
      length(header.start.idxs) != length(data.end.idxs)) {
    warning("Unmatched delimiters or no delimiters found!")
  zz <- list()
  for (idx in seq(along.with = header.start.idxs)) {
    zz <- c(zz,
            get_one_spct(x = whole_file,
                         i = header.start.idxs[idx],
                         j = data.start.idxs[idx],
                         k = data.end.idxs[idx],
                         .f.date = .fun.date,
                         .f.time = .fun.time
  zz <- photobiology::as.source_mspct(zz)
  comment(zz) <- what.measured

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photobiologyInOut documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:15 p.m.