
#' k-means Clustering Using Pivotal Algorithms For Seeding
#' Perform classical k-means clustering on a data matrix using pivots as
#' initial centers.
#' @param x A \eqn{N \times D} data matrix, or an object that can be coerced to such a matrix (such as a numeric vector or a dataframe with all numeric columns).
#' @param centers The number of groups for the the \eqn{k}-means solution.
#' @param alg.type The clustering algorithm for the initial partition of the
#' \eqn{N} units into the desired number of clusters.
#' Possible choices are \code{"kmeans"} (default) and \code{"hclust"}.
#' @param method If \code{alg.type} is \code{"hclust"}, the character string
#' defining the clustering method. The methods implemented are  \code{"single"},
#' \code{"complete"}, \code{"average"}, \code{"ward.D"}, \code{"ward.D2"}, \code{"mcquitty"},
#' \code{"median"}, \code{"centroid"}. The default is \code{"average"}.
#' @param piv.criterion The pivotal criterion used for identifying one pivot
#' for each group. Possible choices are: \code{"MUS", "maxsumint", "minsumnoint",
#' "maxsumdiff"}.
#' If \code{centers <= 4}, the default method is \code{"MUS"};
#' otherwise, the default method is \code{"maxsumint"} (see the details and
#' the vignette).
#' @param H The number of distinct \eqn{k}-means runs used for building the \eqn{N \times N} co-association matrix. Default is 10^3.
#' @param iter.max If \code{alg.type} is \code{"kmeans"}, the maximum number of iterations to be passed to \code{kmeans()}. Default is 10.
#' @param nstart If \code{alg.type} is \code{"kmeans"}, the number of different starting random seeds to be passed to \code{kmeans()}. Default is 10.
#' @param prec_par If \code{piv.criterion} is \code{"MUS"}, the maximum number of competing pivots in each group. If groups' sizes are less than the default value, which is 10,
#' then it is set equal to the cardinality of the smallest group in the initial partition.
#' @details
#' The function implements a modified version of k-means which aims at
#' improving the clustering solution starting from a careful seeding.
#' In particular, it performs a pivot-based initialization step
#' using pivotal methods to find the initial centers
#' for the clustering procedure. The starting point consists of multiple
#' runs of the classical k-means by selecting \code{nstart>1} in the
#' \code{kmeans} function,
#' with a fixed number of clusters
#' in order to build the co-association matrix of data units.
#' @return A list with components
#'\item{\code{cluster}}{A vector of integers indicating the cluster to which each point is allocated.}
#'\item{\code{centers}}{A matrix of cluster centers (centroids).}
#'\item{\code{coass}}{The co-association matrix built from ensemble clustering.}
#'\item{\code{pivots}}{The pivotal units identified by the selected pivotal criterion.}
#'\item{\code{totss}}{The total sum of squares.}
#'\item{\code{withinss}}{The within-cluster sum of squares for each cluster.}
#'\item{\code{tot.withinss}}{The within-cluster sum of squares summed across clusters.}
#'\item{\code{betwennss}}{The between-cluster sum of squared distances.}
#'\item{\code{size}}{ The number of points in each cluster.}
#'\item{\code{iter}}{The number of (outer) iterations.}
#'\item{\code{ifault}}{integer: indicator of a possible algorithm problem (for experts).}
#'@author Leonardo Egidi \email{legidi@units.it}, Roberta Pappada
#'Egidi, L., Pappadà, R., Pauli, F., Torelli, N. (2018).
#'K-means seeding via MUS algorithm. Conference Paper,
#'Book of Short Papers, SIS2018, ISBN: 9788891910233.
#' @examples
#' # Data generated from a mixture of three bivariate Gaussian distributions
#'N  <- 620
#'k  <- 3
#'n1 <- 20
#'n2 <- 100
#'n3 <- 500
#'x  <- matrix(NA, N,2)
#'truegroup <- c( rep(1,n1), rep(2, n2), rep(3, n3))
#'  x[1:n1,] <- rmvnorm(n1, c(1,5), sigma=diag(2))
#'  x[(n1+1):(n1+n2),] <- rmvnorm(n2, c(4,0), sigma=diag(2))
#'  x[(n1+n2+1):(n1+n2+n3),] <- rmvnorm(n3, c(6,6), sigma=diag(2))
#' # Apply piv_KMeans with MUS as pivotal criterion
#'res <- piv_KMeans(x, k)
#'# Apply piv_KMeans with maxsumdiff as pivotal criterion
#'res2 <- piv_KMeans(x, k, piv.criterion ="maxsumdiff")
#' # Plot the data and the clustering solution
#'par(mfrow=c(1,2), pty="s")
#'colors_cluster <- c("grey", "darkolivegreen3", "coral")
#'colors_centers <- c("black", "darkgreen", "firebrick")
#'graphics::plot(x, col = colors_cluster[truegroup],
#'    bg= colors_cluster[truegroup], pch=21, xlab="x[,1]",
#'    ylab="x[,2]", cex.lab=1.5,
#'    main="True data", cex.main=1.5)
#'graphics::plot(x, col = colors_cluster[res$cluster],
#'    bg=colors_cluster[res$cluster], pch=21, xlab="x[,1]",
#'    ylab="x[,2]", cex.lab=1.5,
#'    main="piv_KMeans", cex.main=1.5)
#'points(x[res$pivots, 1], x[res$pivots, 2],
#'       pch=24, col=colors_centers,bg=colors_centers,
#'       cex=1.5)
#'points(res$centers, col = colors_centers[1:k],
#'    pch = 8, cex = 2)

piv_KMeans <- function (x, centers,
                        alg.type = c("kmeans", "hclust"),
                        method = "average",
                        piv.criterion = c("MUS", "maxsumint", "minsumnoint", "maxsumdiff"),
                        H = 1000,
                        iter.max = 10,
                        nstart = 10,
                        prec_par = 10)

  ### checks

  # data frame

    x <- as.matrix(x)

  # type
  list_type <- c("kmeans", "hclust")
  alg.type <- match.arg(alg.type, list_type)

  # method
  list_method <- c("single",  "complete", "average", "ward.D", "ward.D2", "mcquitty", "median",
  method <- match.arg(method, list_method)

  # piv.criterion
  list_crit <- c("MUS", "maxsumint", "minsumnoint", "maxsumdiff")
  piv.criterion <- match.arg(piv.criterion, list_crit)


  if (missing(piv.criterion)) {
    if (centers <= 4) {
      piv.criterion <- "MUS"
    else {
      piv.criterion <-  "maxsumint"

  if (missing(alg.type)) {
    alg.type <- "kmeans"

  if (alg.type == "hclust") {
    if (missing(method)) {
      method <- "average"

    cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(x), method = method), centers)

  } else if (alg.type == "kmeans") {

    cl <- kmeans(x, centers,  iter.max = iter.max, nstart = nstart)$cluster

  if (is.vector(x)) {
    n <- length(x)
  else {
    n <- dim(x)[1]

  a <- matrix(NA, H, n)
  for (h in 1:H) {
    a[h, ] <- kmeans(x, centers)$cluster
  sim_matr <- matrix(NA, n, n)
  for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):n) {
      sim_matr[i, j] <- sum(a[, i] == a[, j])/H
      sim_matr[j, i] <- sim_matr[i, j]

  if (piv.criterion == "MUS") {

    mus_res <- MUS(sim_matr, cl, prec_par = prec_par)

    pivots <- mus_res$pivots

  } else if (piv.criterion != "MUS") {

    sel <- piv_sel(C = sim_matr, clusters = cl)

    if (piv.criterion == "maxsumint") {
      pivots <- sel$pivots[, 1]
    else if (piv.criterion == "minsumnoint") {
      pivots <- sel$pivots[, 2]
    else if (piv.criterion == "maxsumdiff") {
      pivots <- sel$pivots[, 3]

  if (is.vector(x)) {
    #dim_x <- 1
    start <- c()
    for (k in 1:centers) {
      start[k] <- as.double(x[pivots[k]])
  else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    start <- matrix(NA, centers,  dim(x)[2])
    for (k in 1:centers) {
      start[k, ] <- as.double(x[pivots[k], ])

  Pivgroups <- kmeans(x, centers = start, iter.max = iter.max, nstart = nstart)

  return(list(cluster = Pivgroups$cluster,
              centers = Pivgroups$centers,
              pivots = pivots,
              totss = Pivgroups$totss,
              withinss = Pivgroups$withinss,
              tot.withinss = Pivgroups$tot.withinss,
              betweenss = Pivgroups$betweenss,
              size = Pivgroups$size,
              iter = Pivgroups$iter,
              ifaults = Pivgroups$ifault))

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