
Defines functions piv_plot

Documented in piv_plot

#' Plotting outputs from pivotal relabelling
#' Plot and visualize MCMC outputs and posterior relabelled chains/estimates.
#' @param y Data vector or matrix.
#' @param mcmc The ouptut of the raw MCMC sampling, as provided by \code{piv_MCMC}.
#' @param rel_est Pivotal estimates as provided by \code{piv_rel}.
#' @param par The parameters for which estimates are displayed. Choose among: \code{"mean"}, \code{"sd"}, \code{"weight"} and \code{"all"}.
#' @param type Type of plots required. Choose among: \code{"chains"},  \code{"hist"}.
#' @examples
#' # Fishery data
#' library(bayesmix)
#' data(fish)
#' y <- fish[,1]
#' N <- length(y)
#' k <- 5
#' nMC <- 5000
#' res <- piv_MCMC(y = y, k = k, nMC = nMC)
#' rel <- piv_rel(mcmc=res, nMC = nMC)
#' piv_plot(y, res, rel, "chains")
#' piv_plot(y, res, rel, "estimates")
#' piv_plot(y, res, rel, "hist")
#' }
#' @author
#' Leonardo Egidi \email{legidi@units.it}
#' @export

piv_plot <- function(y,
                     par = c("mean", "sd", "weight", "all"),
                     type = c("chains", "hist") ){
  colori <- c("red", "green", "violet", "blue")

  ### checks

  # data dimension
 if (!is.null(dim(y))){
  if (dim(y)[2]>2){
    stop("No plots available for D>2!")

  # par
  list_par <- c("mean", "sd", "weight", "all")
  par <- match.arg(par, list_par)

  # type
  list_type <- c("chains", "hist")
  type <- match.arg(type, list_type)

  # missing type

  if (missing(type)){
    stop("Specify a valid type of plot.
         Choose on among: chains, hist.")


  if (missing(par)){
    par <- "all"

  if (is.vector(y)){
    est <- apply(rel_est$rel_mean,2,median)
    est <- t(apply(rel_est$rel_mean, c(2,3), median))

  if (par=="mean"){
    rel <- rel_est$rel_mean
    raw <- mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw
  }else if(par=="sd"){
    rel <- rel_est$rel_sd
    raw <- mcmc$mcmc_sd_raw
  }else if(par=="weight"){
    rel <- rel_est$rel_weight
    raw <- mcmc$mcmc_weight_raw
    if (is.vector(y)){
      rel <- array(0, dim =c(3, dim(rel_est$rel_mean)[1],
      raw <- array(0, dim =c(3, dim(mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw)[1],
      rel[1,,] <-  rel_est$rel_mean
      rel[2,,] <-  rel_est$rel_sd
      rel[3,,] <-  rel_est$rel_weight
      raw[1,,] <-  mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw
      raw[2,,] <-  mcmc$mcmc_sd_raw
      raw[3,,] <-  mcmc$mcmc_weight_raw
      rel <- array(0, dim =c(3, dim(rel_est$rel_mean)[1],
      raw <- array(0, dim =c(3, dim(mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw)[1],
      rel[1,,] <-  rel_est$rel_mean[,1,]
      rel[2,,] <-  rel_est$rel_mean[,2,]
      rel[3,,] <-  rel_est$rel_weight
      raw[1,,] <-  mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw[,1,]
      raw[2,,] <-  mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw[,2,]
      raw[3,,] <-  mcmc$mcmc_weight_raw


  n.iter <- rel_est$final_it
  true.means <- mcmc$Mu

  if (type=="chains" ){
    mains <- c("mean", "sd", "weight")
    ylabs <- c(expression(mu), expression(tau), expression(pi))
    if (is.vector(y)){
      if (par=="all"){
        par(mfrow=c(2,3), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar =c(5,3,2,1))
        k <- dim(raw)[3]

        for (j in 1:3){
          matplot(raw[j,,], type="l", xlab="",
                  ylab=ylabs[j], main= paste("Raw ", mains[j],"s", sep=""), cex.lab =1.8,
        for (j in 1:3){
          #plot the relabeled
          matplot(rel[j,,], type="l", xlab="Iterations",
                  ylab=ylabs[j], main= paste("Rel ", mains[j],"s", sep=""),
                  cex.main=1.8, cex.lab =1.8)
        cat("Description: traceplots of the raw MCMC chains and the relabelled chains for all the model parameters: means, sds and weights. Each colored chain corresponds to one of the k distinct parameters of the mixture model. Overlapping chains may reveal that the MCMC sampler is not able to distinguish between the components.")


        k <- dim(raw)[2]
        par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar =c(5,3,3,1))
        matplot(raw, type="l", xlab="Iterations",
                ylab="", main= paste("Raw ", par,"s", sep=""),
                cex.main=1.8,cex.lab =1.8)
        #plot the relabeled
        matplot(rel, type="l",
                main= paste("Rel ", par,"s", sep=""), cex.main=1.8,
                cex.lab =1.8)

        cat(paste("Description: traceplot of the raw MCMC chains and the relabelled chains for the "), par,"s parameters. Each colored chain corresponds to one of the k distinct parameters of the mixture model. Overlapping chains may reveal that the MCMC sample is not able to distinguish between the components.", sep="")
      if (par=="all"){
        par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar =c(5,4.6,2,1))
        k <- dim(raw)[3]
         mains = c("mean 1st coord", "mean 2nd coord", "weight")
         ylabs = c(expression(mu[,1]), expression(mu[,2]), expression(pi))

        graphics::plot(raw[1,,h], raw[2, ,h], col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1),
                       pch =19, bg =colori[h],
             cex.main =1.8, main ="", cex.lab=1.8, xlab=
               expression(mu[j1]), ylab =expression(mu[j2]),
             xlim= c(min(raw[1,,]-10), max(raw[1,,])+10),
             ylim= c(min(raw[2,,]-10), max(raw[2,,])+10))
        for (h in 2:k){
          points(raw[1,,h], raw[2, ,h],
                 col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1), pch =19,

        matplot(raw[3,,], type="l",
                          ylab=ylabs[3], main= paste("Raw ", mains[3],"s", sep=""),
                           cex.main=1.8, cex.lab =1.8, xlab ="Iterations")

        graphics::plot(rel[1,,h], rel[2, ,h], col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1), pch =19, bg =colori[h],
             cex.main =1.8, main ="", cex.lab=1.8, xlab=
               expression(mu[j1]), ylab =expression(mu[j2]),
             xlim= c(min(rel[1,,]-10), max(rel[1,,])+10),
             ylim= c(min(rel[2,,]-10), max(rel[2,,])+10))
        for (h in 2:k){
          points(rel[1,,h], rel[2, ,h], col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1),
                 pch =19, bg=colori[h])

        matplot(rel[3,,], type="l",
                ylab=ylabs[3], main= paste("Rel ", mains[3],"s", sep=""),
                cex.main=1.8, cex.lab =1.8, xlab ="Iterations")

        cat("Description: traceplots of the raw MCMC chains and the relabelled chains for the model parameters means and weights. Each colored chain corresponds to one of the k distinct parameters of the mixture model. Overlapping chains may reveal that the MCMC sample is not able to distinguish between the components.")

        if (par=="mean"){

          k <- dim(raw)[3]
          par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar =c(5,4.6,2,1))

          graphics::plot(raw[,1,h], raw[, 2,h], col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1),
                         pch =19, bg =colori[h],
               cex.main =1.8, main ="", cex.lab=1.8, xlab=
                 expression(mu[j1]), ylab =expression(mu[j2]),
               xlim= c(min(raw[,1,]-10), max(raw[,1,])+10),
               ylim= c(min(raw[,2,]-10), max(raw[,2,])+10))
          for (h in 2:k){
            points(raw[,1,h], raw[,2 ,h], col=colori[h], pch =19, bg=h)

          graphics::plot(rel[,1,h], rel[,2,h], col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1),
                         pch =19, bg =colori[h],
               cex.main =1.8, main ="", cex.lab=1.8, xlab=
                 expression(mu[j1]), ylab =expression(mu[j2]),
               xlim= c(min(rel[,1,]-10), max(rel[,1,])+10),
               ylim= c(min(rel[,2,]-10), max(rel[,2,])+10))
          for (h in 2:k){
            points(rel[,1,h], rel[,2 ,h], col=scales::alpha(colori[h],0.1),
                   pch =19, bg=colori[h])

        cat(paste("Description: traceplot of the raw MCMC chains and the relabelled chains for the "), par,"s parameters (coordinate 1 and 2). Each colored chain corresponds to one of the k distinct parameters of the mixture model. Overlapping chains may reveal that the MCMC sample is not able to distinguish between the components.", sep="")

        }else if(par=="weight"){
          par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar =c(5,4.6,2,1))

          matplot(raw, type="l", xlab="Iterations",
                  ylab=expression(pi), main= paste("Raw ", par,"s", sep=""),
                  cex.lab =1.8, cex.main=1.8)

          matplot(rel,type="l", xlab="Iterations",
                  main= paste("Rel ", par,"s", sep=""),
                  cex.lab =1.8, cex.main=1.8)

          cat(paste("Description: traceplot of the raw MCMC chains and the relabelled chains for the "), par,"s parameters. Each colored chain corresponds to one of the k distinct parameters of the mixture model. Overlapping chains may reveal that the MCMC sample is not able to distinguish between the components.", sep="")

        }else if (par=="sd"){
          return(cat("No sds available in two dimensions: they are the same for each group"))


  }else if(type=="hist"){
    if (is.vector(y)){

      par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(5,5,4,1))
      hist(y, breaks=40, prob = TRUE,
           main = paste("Raw means"), cex.main =1.8,
           col="navajowhite1", border="navajowhite1", cex.lab =1.8)
      points(colMeans(mcmc$mcmc_mean_raw), rep(0, length(true.means)),
             col="red", pch=21,  bg="red")
      lines(density(y), lty=1, lwd=3, col="blue")
      hist(y, breaks=40, prob = TRUE,
           main= paste("Rel means"), cex.main=1.8,
           col="navajowhite1", border="navajowhite1", cex.lab =1.8)
      points(est, rep(0, length(true.means)),
             col="red", pch=21,  bg="red")
      lines(density(y), lty=1, lwd=3, col="blue")

      cat("Description: histograms of the data along with the estimated posterior means (red points) from raw MCMC and relabelling algorithm. The blue line is the estimated density curve.")

      par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(3,3,2,1), oma =c(0,0,0,0))
      xy <- y
      nbins <- 20
      x.bin <- seq(floor(min(xy[,1])),
                   ceiling(max(xy[,1])), length=nbins)
      y.bin <- seq(floor(min(xy[,2])),
                   ceiling(max(xy[,2])), length=nbins)

      freq <-  as.data.frame(table(findInterval(xy[,1],
                                                x.bin),findInterval(xy[,2], y.bin)))
      freq[,1] <- as.numeric(freq[,1])
      freq[,2] <- as.numeric(freq[,2])
      freq2D <- diag(nbins)*0
      freq2D[cbind(freq[,1], freq[,2])] <- freq[,3]

      res <- persp(x.bin, y.bin,
                   freq2D,   xlab="\n\n\nx",
                   ylab="\n\n\ny", zlab="\n\n\nf(x,y)",
                   theta=30, phi=30,
                   expand=0.5, ltheta=1,
                   col = "white",
                   shade = 0.1, ticktype = "detailed",
                   main= paste("Rel means"), cex.main=1.8,
                   cex.lab =1.8)

                      est[,2], -2,
                      pmat = res), col = "red", pch = 17,

      cat("Description: 3d histogram of the data along with the posterior estimates of the relabelled means (triangle points)")




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pivmet documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:34 p.m.