
Defines functions rehydratoR

Documented in rehydratoR

#' Get tweets for given statuses (tweet IDs).
#' @param consumer_key Consumer Key (API Key) from https://apps.twitter.com/
#' @param consumer_secret Consumer Secret (API Secret) from https://apps.twitter.com/
#' @param access_token Access Token from the https://apps.twitter.com/
#' @param access_secret Access Token Secret from https://apps.twitter.com/
#' @param status_ids data frame of tweet IDs
#' @param base_path optional. The base path to use to save the tweets. If set, the function will
#'   write the tweets to files instead of returning the tweets as a variable.
#' @param group_start is the group to start at after splitting list of ids.  Is useful in case the download was interrupted.
#' @return A tibble of tweets data if base_path is not defined. Nothing is returned if base_path is defined
#'   but the tweets are saved to a file for about every 90,0000 tweets.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get Twitter api keys from https://apps.twitter.com
#' consumerKey <- ''
#' consumerSecret <- ''
#' accessToken <- ''
#' accessTokenSecret <- ''
#' # Read tweet ids
#' tweet_ids <- data.frame(read.table(tweet_ids_file, numerals = 'no.loss'))
#' # Download tweets
#' tweets <- rehydratoR(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret, tweet_ids)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rtweet create_token lookup_statuses
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows count
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON validate

rehydratoR <- function(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret, status_ids, base_path = NULL, group_start = 1) {
    app = "Download Tweets",
    consumer_key = consumer_key,
    consumer_secret = consumer_secret,
    access_token = access_token,
    access_secret = access_secret)

  # Make the data frame atomic
  status_ids <- as.character(unlist(status_ids))

  message(sprintf("%s - Total number of Tweet ids: %s", Sys.time(), length(status_ids)))

  # Split the status ids in groups of 89,990 in order to advoid the 90,000/15 min api call limit
  rate_limited_status_ids <- split(status_ids, ceiling(seq_along(status_ids)/89990))

  rate_limited_status_ids <- rate_limited_status_ids[group_start:length(rate_limited_status_ids)]

  # Create an empty tibble to store the downloaded tweets
  tweets <- tibble()

  message(sprintf("%s - Splitting tweets into %s groups", Sys.time(), length(rate_limited_status_ids)))

  message(sprintf(" Estimated download time is %s hours", length(rate_limited_status_ids)/4) )

  counter <- group_start
  total_tweets <- 0

  for (statuses in rate_limited_status_ids) {
    total_loop_time <- 0
    loop_start_time <- Sys.time()

    message(sprintf("\n%s - Start group: %s", Sys.time(), counter))

    # Download the tweets
    for_tweets <- tryCatch({
    error = function(cond) {
      message(sprintf("Error: %s", cond))
    warning = function(cond) {
      message(sprintf("Warning: %s", cond))

    # If base_path is not defined then save the results to the var tweets to be returned to the
    # user at the end of the function. If base_path is defined then save the tweets to a file
    # named base_path_###.json every time though the loop.
    if (is.null(base_path)) {
      tweets <- bind_rows(tweets, for_tweets)
    } else {
      json <- toJSON(for_tweets)
      write(json, file = sprintf("%s_%03d.json", base_path, counter))

    # Calculate and print the total number of tweets downloaded so far
    total_tweets <- total_tweets + count(for_tweets)
    message(sprintf("%s - Total tweets downloaded: %s", Sys.time(), total_tweets))

    loop_end_time <- Sys.time()

    # Calculate the time it took to download the tweets
    total_loop_time = as.integer(difftime(loop_end_time, loop_start_time, units = "secs"))

    # If there are multiple loops, then each loop must take at 15.25 mintues (915 seconds)
    # to avoid the api call limit
    if (total_loop_time < 915 && counter < length(rate_limited_status_ids)) {
      sleep_time <- 915 - total_loop_time
      message(sprintf("%s - Sleeping for %s seconds", Sys.time(), sleep_time))
      message(sprintf("%s - Resuming Tweet download", Sys.time()))

    counter <- counter + 1

Try the rehydratoR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rehydratoR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:44 p.m.