#' Two-locus IBD coefficients
#' Computes the 3*3 matrix of two-locus IBD coefficients of a pair of non-inbred
#' pedigree members, for a given recombination rate.
#' Let A, B be two pedigree members, and L1, L2 two loci with a given
#' recombination rate \eqn{\rho}. The two-locus IBD coefficients
#' \eqn{\kappa_{i,j}(\rho)}{\kappa_ij(\rho)}, for \eqn{0 \le i,j \le 2} are
#' defined as the probability that A and B have `i` alleles IBD at L1 and `j`
#' alleles IBD at L2 simultaneously. Note that IBD alleles at the two loci are
#' not required to be _in cis_ (or _in trans_ for that matter).
#' The method of computation depends on the (single-locus) IBD coefficient
#' \eqn{\kappa_2}. If this is zero (e.g. if A is a direct ancestor of B, or vice
#' versa) the two-locus IBD coefficients are easily computable from the
#' two-locus kinship coefficients, as implemented in [twoLocusKinship()]. In the
#' general case, the computation is more involved, requiring _generalised
#' two-locus kinship_ coefficients. This is implemented in the function
#' `twoLocusGeneralisedKinship()`, which is not exported yet.
#' @param x A pedigree in the form of a [`pedtools::ped`] object.
#' @param ids A character (or coercible to character) containing ID labels of
#' two pedigree members.
#' @param rho A number in the interval \eqn{[0, 0.5]}; the recombination rate
#' between the two loci.
#' @param coefs A character indicating which coefficient(s) to compute. A subset
#' of `c('k00', 'k01', 'k02', 'k10', 'k11', 'k12', 'k20', 'k21', 'k22')`. By
#' default, all coefficients are computed.
#' @param detailed A logical, indicating whether the condensed (default) or
#' detailed coefficients should be returned.
#' @param uniMethod Either 1 or 2 (for testing purposes)
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @return By default, a symmetric 3*3 matrix containing the two-locus IBD
#' coefficients \eqn{\kappa_{i,j}}{\kappa_ij}.
#' If either `coefs` is explicitly given (i.e., not NULL), or `detailed =
#' TRUE`, the computed coefficients are returned as a named vector.
#' @seealso [twoLocusKinship()], [twoLocusIdentity()], [twoLocusPlot()]
#' @examples
#' # Plot title used in several examples below
#' main = expression(paste("Two-locus IBD: ", kappa[`1,1`]))
#' ###################################################################
#' # Example 1: A classic example of three relationships with the same
#' # one-locus IBD coefficients, but different two-locus coefficients.
#' # As a consequence, these relationships cannot be separated using
#' # unlinked markers, but are (theoretically) separable with linked
#' # markers.
#' ###################################################################
#' peds = list(
#' GrandParent = list(ped = linearPed(2), ids = c(1, 5)),
#' HalfSib = list(ped = halfSibPed(), ids = c(4, 5)),
#' Uncle = list(ped = avuncularPed(), ids = c(3, 6)))
#' twoLocusPlot(peds, coeff = "k11", main = main, lty = 1:3, col = 1)
#' ############################################################
#' # Example 2: Inspired by Fig. 3 in Thompson (1988),
#' # and its erratum:
#' #
#' # These relationships are also analysed in ?twoLocusKinship,
#' # where we show that they have identical two-locus kinship
#' # coefficients. Here we demonstrate that they have different
#' # two-locus IBD coefficients.
#' ############################################################
#' peds = list(
#' GreatGrand = list(ped = linearPed(3), ids = c(1, 7)),
#' HalfUncle = list(ped = avuncularPed(half = TRUE), ids = c(4, 7))
#' )
#' twoLocusPlot(peds, coeff = "k11", main = main, lty = 1:2, col = 1)
#' ########################################################################
#' # Example 3: Fig. 15 of Vigeland (2021).
#' # Two-locus IBD of two half sisters whose mother have inbreeding
#' # coefficient 1/4. We compare two different realisations of this:
#' # PO: the mother is the child of parent-offspring
#' # SIB: the mother is the child of full siblings
#' #
#' # The fact that these relationships have different two-locus coefficients
#' # exemplifies that a single-locus inbreeding coefficient cannot replace
#' # the genealogy in analyses of linked loci.
#' ########################################################################
#' po = addChildren(nuclearPed(1, sex = 2), 1, 3, nch = 1, sex = 2)
#' po = addDaughter(addDaughter(po, 4), 4)
#' sib = addChildren(nuclearPed(2, sex = 1:2), 3, 4, nch = 1)
#' sib = addDaughter(addDaughter(sib, 5), 5)
#' # plotPedList(list(po, sib), new = TRUE, title = c("PO", "SIB"))
#' # List of pedigrees and ID pairs
#' peds = list(PO = list(ped = po, ids = leaves(po)),
#' SIB = list(ped = sib, ids = leaves(sib)))
#' twoLocusPlot(peds, coeff = "k11", main = main, lty = 1:2, col = 1)
#' ### Check against exact formulas
#' rho = seq(0, 0.5, length = 11) # recombination values
#' kvals = sapply(peds, function(x)
#' sapply(rho, function(r) twoLocusIBD(x$ped, x$ids, r, coefs = "k11")))
#' k11.po = 1/8*(-4*rho^5 + 12*rho^4 - 16*rho^3 + 16*rho^2 - 9*rho + 5)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(kvals[, "PO"], k11.po, check.names = FALSE))
#' k11.s = 1/16*(8*rho^6 - 32*rho^5 + 58*rho^4 - 58*rho^3 + 43*rho^2 - 20*rho + 10)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(kvals[, "SIB"], k11.s, check.names = FALSE))
#' ################################################
#' # Example 4:
#' # The complete two-locus IBD matrix of full sibs
#' ################################################
#' x = nuclearPed(2)
#' k2_mat = twoLocusIBD(x, ids = 3:4, rho = 0.25)
#' k2_mat
#' ### Compare with exact formulas
#' IBDSibs = function(rho) {
#' R = rho^2 + (1-rho)^2
#' nms = c("ibd0", "ibd1", "ibd2")
#' m = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(nms, nms))
#' m[1,1] = m[3,3] = 0.25 *R^2
#' m[2,1] = m[1,2] = 0.5 * R * (1-R)
#' m[3,1] = m[1,3] = 0.25 * (1-R)^2
#' m[2,2] = 0.5 * (1 - 2 * R * (1-R))
#' m[3,2] = m[2,3] = 0.5 * R * (1-R)
#' m
#' }
#' stopifnot(all.equal(k2_mat, IBDSibs(0.25)))
#' #####################################################
#' # Example 5: Two-locus IBD of quad half first cousins
#' #
#' # We use this to exemplify two simple properties of
#' # the two-locus IBD matrix.
#' #####################################################
#' x = quadHalfFirstCousins()
#' ids = leaves(x)
#' # First compute the one-locus IBD coefficients (= c(17, 14, 1)/32)
#' k1 = kappaIBD(x, ids)
#' ### Case 1: Complete linkage (`rho = 0`).
#' # In this case the two-locus IBD matrix has `k1` on the diagonal,
#' # and 0's everywhere else.
#' k2_mat_0 = twoLocusIBD(x, ids = ids, rho = 0)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(k2_mat_0, diag(k1), check.attributes = FALSE))
#' #' ### Case 2: Unlinked loci (`rho = 0.5`).
#' # In this case the two-locus IBD matrix is the outer product of
#' # `k1` with itself.
#' k2_mat_0.5 = twoLocusIBD(x, ids = ids, rho = 0.5)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(k2_mat_0.5, k1 %o% k1, check.attributes = FALSE))
#' ########################################################
#' # Example 6: By Donnelly (1983) these relationships are
#' # genetically indistinguishable
#' ########################################################
#' x1 = halfCousinPed(1)
#' x2 = halfCousinPed(0, removal = 2)
#' stopifnot(identical(
#' twoLocusIBD(x1, ids = leaves(x1), rho = 0.25),
#' twoLocusIBD(x2, ids = leaves(x2), rho = 0.25)))
#' ###########################################################
#' # Example 7: Detailed coefficients of double first cousins.
#' # Compare with exact formulas by Denniston (1975).
#' ###########################################################
#' \dontrun{
#' x = doubleFirstCousins()
#' ids = leaves(x)
#' rho = 0.25
#' kapDetailed = twoLocusIBD(x, ids, rho, detailed = TRUE)
#' # Example 1 of Denniston (1975)
#' denn = function(rho) {
#' F = (1-rho)^2 * (rho^2 + (1-rho)^2)/4 + rho^2/8
#' U = 1 + 2*F
#' V = 1 - 4*F
#' # Note that some of Denniston's definitions differ slightly;
#' # some coefficients must be multiplied with 2
#' c(k00 = U^2/4,
#' k01 = U*V/8 *2,
#' k02 = V^2/16,
#' k10 = U*V/8 *2,
#' = F*U/2 *2,
#' k11.ct = 0,
#' = 0,
#' = V^2/16 *2,
#' k12.h = F*V/4 *2,
#' k12.r = 0,
#' k20 = V^2/16,
#' k21.h = F*V/4 *2,
#' k21.r = 0,
#' k22.h = F^2,
#' k22.r = 0)
#' }
#' stopifnot(all.equal(kapDetailed, denn(rho)))
#' }
#' @export
twoLocusIBD = function(x, ids, rho, coefs = NULL, detailed = FALSE, uniMethod = 1, verbose = FALSE) {
if(!is.ped(x)) stop2("Input is not a `ped` object")
if(length(ids) != 2) stop2("`ids` must have length exactly 2")
# One-locus IBD coefficients (stop if anyone is inbred)
kap = kappaIBD(x, ids, inbredAction = 2)
# Enforce parents to precede their children
x = parentsBeforeChildren(x)
x = foundersFirst(x)
# Setup memoisation
mem = initialiseTwoLocusMemo(x, rho, counters = c("i", "itriv", "iimp", "ifound", "ilook", "irec"))
mem$kappa = kap
# Output format
outputMatrix = is.null(coefs) && !detailed
# Coefficient selection
allcoefs = c("k00", "k01", "k02", "k10", "k11", "k12", "k20", "k21", "k22")
if(any(!coefs %in% allcoefs))
stop2("Invalid coefficient specified: ", setdiff(coefs, allcoefs), "\nSee ?twoLocusIBD for valid choices.")
coefs = allcoefs
# If kappa2 == 0: Use unilineal method
if(kap[3] == 0) {
if(verbose) message(sprintf("Unilineal relationship\n%s coefficients", if(detailed) "Detailed" else "Condensed"))
RES = twoLocusIBD_unilineal(x, ids, rho, mem = mem, coefs = coefs,
detailed = detailed, uniMethod = uniMethod, verbose = verbose)
# If kappa2 > 0: Use bilineal method
if(kap[3] > 0) {
if(verbose) message(sprintf("Bilineal relationship\n%s coefficients", if(detailed) "Detailed" else "Condensed"))
RES = twoLocusIBD_bilineal(x, ids, rho, mem = mem, coefs = coefs,
detailed = detailed, verbose = verbose)
### Print summary
# Output
if(outputMatrix) {
dim(RES) = c(3, 3)
dimnames(RES) = list(paste0("ibd", 0:2), paste0("ibd", 0:2))
twoLocusIBD_unilineal = function(x, ids, rho, mem = NULL, coefs, detailed = FALSE, uniMethod = 1, verbose = FALSE) {
if(is.null(mem)) {
# Enforce parents to precede their children
x = parentsBeforeChildren(x)
x = foundersFirst(x)
# Setup memoisation
mem = initialiseTwoLocusMemo(x, rho, counters = c("i", "ilook", "ir", "b1", "b2", "b3"))
idsi = internalID(x, ids)
id1 = idsi[1]
id2 = idsi[2]
rb = 1 - rho
kap = if("kappa" %in% names(mem)) mem$kappa else kappaIBD(x, ids, inbredAction = 2) = k11.ct = = = 0 # (Useful to define "default" values here)
if(uniMethod == 1) {
if(rho == 0.5) {
k11 = kap[2]^2
if(detailed && k11 > 0) {
# Rectilineal?
if(id1 %in% ancestors(x, id2, internal = TRUE)) { = = 0.5 * k11
else if(id2 %in% ancestors(x, id1, internal = TRUE)) { = k11.ct = 0.5 * k11
else {
RELATED = mem$k1 > 0
# Note that neither id1 nor id2 are founders at this point: k1 > 0 and not rectilineal
if(all(RELATED[parents(x, id1, internal = TRUE), id2])) { = = 0.5 * k11
else if(all(RELATED[parents(x, id2, internal = TRUE), id1])) { = k11.ct = 0.5 * k11
else { = k11
else if(rho == 0) {
k11 = = kap[2]
else {# rho strictly between 0 and 0.5
if(!detailed) {
H = kin2L(x, locus1 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1 = %s>2 = %s>2", id1, id2, id1, id2),
locus2 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1, %s>2, %s>2", id1, id2, id1, id2), internal = TRUE)
message("Unilineal method 1: Computing `k11` via generalised kinship pattern\n ", formatKin2L(H))
# Compute k11 via H
h = genKin2L(H, mem, indent = NA)
k11 = 16/(rho^2 * rb^2) * h
else {
## Compute 4 generalised coefs, solve for k11^cc etc.
kin1 = kin2L(x, locus1 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1", id1, id2),
locus2 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1", id1, id2), internal = TRUE)
h1 = genKin2L(kin1, mem, indent = NA)
kin2 = kin2L(x, locus1 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1, %s>2", id1, id2, id2),
locus2 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>2, %s>1", id1, id2, id2), internal = TRUE)
h2 = genKin2L(kin2, mem, indent = NA)
kin3 = kin2L(x, locus1 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1, %s>2", id1, id2, id1),
locus2 = sprintf("%s>2 = %s>1, %s>1", id1, id2, id1), internal = TRUE)
h3 = genKin2L(kin3, mem, indent = NA)
kin4 = kin2L(x, locus1 = sprintf("%s>1 = %s>1, %s>2, %s>2", id1, id2, id1, id2),
locus2 = sprintf("%s>2 = %s>2, %s>1, %s>1", id1, id2, id1, id2), internal = TRUE)
h4 = genKin2L(kin4, mem, indent = NA)
### Solve for detailed k11
bvec = c(4*h1, 8*h2, 8*h3, 16*h4)
M = matrix(c(rb^2, rb*rho, rb*rho, rho^2,
rb*rho^2, rb^3, rho^3, rb^2*rho,
rb*rho^2, rho^3, rb^3, rb^2*rho,
rho^4, rb^2*rho^2, rb^2*rho^2, rb^4),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4)
m = round(solve(M, bvec), 15) # ad hoc rounding to avoid tiny errors. Better alternatives?
# Minv = matrix(c(rb^4, -rb^2*rho, -rb^2*rho, rho^2,
# -rb^2*rho^2, rb^3, rho^3, -rb*rho,
# -rb^2*rho^2, rho^3, rb^3, -rb*rho,
# rho^4, -rb*rho^2, -rb*rho^2, rb^2),
# byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4)/(rb^3 - rho^3)^2
# print(round(M %*% Minv, 10)) = m[1]; k11.ct = m[2]; = m[3]; = m[4]
# Total
k11 = + k11.ct + +
} ### uniMethod 1 done
else if(uniMethod == 2) {
message("Unilineal method 2: Phased two-locus kinship coefficients") = twoLocusKinship(x, ids, rho, recombinants = c(FALSE,FALSE)) * 4/(rb^2)
if(rho > 0) {
k11.ct = twoLocusKinship(x, ids, rho, recombinants = c(FALSE,TRUE)) * 4/(rho*rb) = twoLocusKinship(x, ids, rho, recombinants = c(TRUE,FALSE)) * 4/(rho*rb) = twoLocusKinship(x, ids, rho, recombinants = c(TRUE,TRUE)) * 4/(rho^2)
# Total
k11 = + k11.ct + +
### k10
k10 = k01 = kap[2] - k11
### k00
k00 = kap[1] - k01
### Remaining are zero
k20 = k02 = k21 = k12 = k22 = 0
k12.h = k12.r = k21.h = k21.r = k22.h = k22.r = 0
if(detailed) {
coefList = list(
k00 = "k00", k01 = "k01", k02 = "k02",
k10 = "k10",
k11 = c("", "k11.ct", "", ""),
k12 = c("k12.h", "k12.r"),
k20 = "k20",
k21 = c("k21.h", "k21.r"),
k22 = c("k22.h", "k22.r"))
coefs = unlist(coefList[coefs])
# Return the wanted coefficients (in the indicated order)
twoLocusIBD_bilineal = function(x, ids, rho, mem = NULL, coefs, detailed = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
if(any(ids %in% founders(x)))
stop2("Both `ids` must be non-founders in order to use the bilinear method")
if(is.null(mem)) {
# Enforce parents to precede their children
x = parentsBeforeChildren(x)
x = foundersFirst(x)
# Setup memoisation
mem = initialiseTwoLocusMemo(x, rho, counters = c("i", "itriv", "iimp", "ifound", "ilook", "irec"))
# Detailed single-locus identity states (only noninbred states 9 - 15 are needed)
idsi = internalID(x, ids)
a = idsi[1]; b = idsi[2]
f = father(x, a, internal = TRUE)
g = father(x, b, internal = TRUE)
m = mother(x, a, internal = TRUE)
n = mother(x, b, internal = TRUE)
S9 = sprintf("%s>%s = %s>%s, %s>%s = %s>%s", f,a, g,b, m,a, n,b)
S10 = sprintf("%s>%s = %s>%s, %s>%s , %s>%s", f,a, g,b, m,a, n,b)
S11 = sprintf("%s>%s = %s>%s, %s>%s , %s>%s", m,a, n,b, f,a, g,b)
S12 = sprintf("%s>%s = %s>%s, %s>%s = %s>%s", f,a, n,b, m,a, g,b)
S13 = sprintf("%s>%s = %s>%s, %s>%s , %s>%s", f,a, n,b, m,a, g,b)
S14 = sprintf("%s>%s = %s>%s, %s>%s , %s>%s", m,a, g,b, f,a, n,b)
S15 = sprintf("%s>%s , %s>%s, %s>%s , %s>%s", f,a, g,b, m,a, n,b)
# Helper function for computing generalised two-locus coefs
.Phi = function(loc1, loc2) {
kin = kin2L(x, loc1, loc2, internal = TRUE)
genKin2L(kin, mem, indent = NA)
### Here starts the actual work! ###
# If the condensed coefficients are wanted, use row sums to reduce work load!
if(!detailed) {
kap = mem$kappa
# Compute corner entries (require fewest computations)
k00 = .Phi(S15, S15)
k20 = k02 = .Phi(S9, S15) + .Phi(S12, S15)
k22.h = .Phi(S9, S9) + .Phi(S12, S12)
k22.r = .Phi(S9, S12) * 2
k22 = k22.h + k22.r
# Remaining
k01 = k10 = kap[1] - k00 - k02
k21 = k12 = kap[3] - k20 - k22
k11 = kap[2] - k10 - k12
# Return the wanted coefficients (in the indicated order)
### Detailed coefficients ###
if("k22" %in% coefs) {
k22.h = .Phi(S9, S9) + .Phi(S12, S12)
k22.r = .Phi(S9, S12) * 2
if("k21" %in% coefs || "k12" %in% coefs) {
# k21.h
k21.h = k12.h = .Phi(S9, S10) + .Phi(S9, S11) + .Phi(S12, S13) + .Phi(S12, S14)
# k21.r
k21.r = k12.r = .Phi(S9, S13) + .Phi(S9, S14) + .Phi(S12, S10) + .Phi(S12, S11)
if("k20" %in% coefs || "k02" %in% coefs) {
k20 = k02 = .Phi(S9, S15) + .Phi(S12, S15)
if("k11" %in% coefs) {
# cis/cis = .Phi(S10, S10) + .Phi(S11, S11) + .Phi(S13, S13) + .Phi(S14, S14)
# cis/trans
k11.ct = 2 * (.Phi(S10, S13) + .Phi(S11, S14))
# trans/cis = 2 * (.Phi(S10, S14) + .Phi(S11, S13))
# trans/trans = 2 * (.Phi(S10, S11) + .Phi(S13, S14))
if("k10" %in% coefs || "k01" %in% coefs) {
k10 = k01 = .Phi(S10, S15) + .Phi(S11, S15) + .Phi(S13, S15) + .Phi(S14, S15)
if("k00" %in% coefs) {
k00 = .Phi(S15, S15)
coefList = list(
k00 = "k00", k01 = "k01", k02 = "k02",
k10 = "k10",
k11 = c("", "k11.ct", "", ""),
k12 = c("k12.h", "k12.r"),
k20 = "k20",
k21 = c("k21.h", "k21.r"),
k22 = c("k22.h", "k22.r"))
coefs = unlist(coefList[coefs])
# Return the wanted coefficients (in the indicated order)
twoLocusIBD_simple = function(x, ids, rho) {
id1 = ids[1]
id2 = ids[2]
fa1 = father(x, id1)
fa2 = father(x, id2)
mo1 = mother(x, id1)
mo2 = mother(x, id2)
phi = kinship(x)
# Matrix of two-locus kinship for all pairs
# TODO: only include ids up to max(internalID(ids))
phi11 = matrix(NA, ncol = pedsize(x), nrow = pedsize(x),
dimnames = list(labels(x), labels(x)))
phi11.df = twoLocusKinship(x, ids = labels(x), rho)
int1 = internalID(x, phi11.df$id1)
int2 = internalID(x, phi11.df$id2)
phi11[cbind(int1, int2)] = phi11[cbind(int2, int1)] = phi11.df$phi2
# Derive similar matrices of phi10, phi01 and phi00
phi01 = phi10 = phi - phi11
phi00 = 1 - 2*phi + phi11
# The following probabilities are known:
k22.h = phi11[fa1, fa2] * phi11[mo1, mo2] + phi11[fa1, mo2] * phi11[mo1, fa2]
k21.h = phi11[fa1, fa2] * phi10[mo1, mo2] + phi11[fa1, mo2] * phi10[mo1, fa2] +
phi11[mo1, fa2] * phi10[fa1, mo2] + phi11[mo1, mo2] * phi10[fa1, fa2] = phi11[fa1, fa2] * phi00[mo1, mo2] + phi11[fa1, mo2] * phi00[mo1, fa2] +
phi11[mo1, fa2] * phi00[fa1, mo2] + phi11[mo1, mo2] * phi00[fa1, fa2]
phi11.rr = twoLocusKinship(x, ids = ids, rho, recombinants = c(TRUE, TRUE)) = phi11.rr * 4/rho^2 - 2*k22.h - 2*k21.h
k00 = phi00[fa1, fa2] * phi00[fa1, mo2] * phi00[mo1, fa2] * phi00[mo1, mo2]
return(c(k22.h = k22.h, k21.h = k21.h, =, =, k00 = k00))
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