## function to specify allele frequencies on a per stage/per locus level
## rland is a landscape object
## af is a heirarchical list with population/habitat as the top level
## and locus as intermediate. This object needs to have names in the top
## level corresponding to stages and names on the next level corresponding
## loci
## all this function does is expand the populations into thier consitutent
## stages and then calls landscape.setallelefreq with an updated "af"
landscape.setpopfreq <- function(rland,af=NULL,states=TRUE)
if (FALSE)
af <- list('1'=list('1'=c('1'=0.5,'2'=0.25,'5'=0.25), #population 1 locus 1
'2'=c('1'=0.5,'2'=0.25,'3'=0.25)), #population 1 locus 2
'2'=list('1'=c('3'=0.5,'2'=0.35,'5'=0.15), #population 2 locus 1
'2'=c('2'=0.25,'3'=0.75))) ##population 2 locus 2
posspops <- sort(unique(landscape.populations(rland)))
newaf <- NULL
for (p in names(af))
pnum <- as.numeric(p)
stages <- ((pnum-1)*s):((pnum-1)*s + (s) - 1)
a <- af[[p]]
newaf <- c(newaf,lapply(stages,function(s)
lst <- list(a)
names(lst) <- s
newaf <- unlist(newaf,recursive=F)
## function to specify allele frequencies on a per stage/per locus level
## rland is a landscape object
## af is a heirarchical list with stage as the top level
## and locus as intermediate. This object needs to have names in the top
## level corresponding to stages and names on the next level corresponding
## loci
landscape.setallelefreq <- function(rland,af=NULL,states=TRUE)
if (FALSE)
af <- list('0'=list('1'=c('1'=0.5,'2'=0.25,'5'=0.25),'2'=c('1'=0.5,'2'=0.25,'3'=0.25)),
if (is.null(af))
print("specify at least some allele frequencies")
} else #there was an attempt to specify allelefreqs
locposition <- landscape.locusvec(rland)
possLoc <- as.character(1:length(rland$loci))
possStgs <- as.character(0:((rland$intparam$habitats*rland$intparam$stages)-1))
##check to see if stage names in af correspond to possStgs
if (length(which(!(names(af) %in% possStgs)))>0)
stop(paste("some stages in af do not exist in landscape"))
} else { #looks like we can truck through the stages
for (s in names(af)) #each s is a stage
inds <- rland$individuals[rland$individuals[,1]==as.numeric(s),]
for (l in names(af[[s]])) #cruise through the loci
if (length(which(!(l%in%possLoc)))>0)
stop(paste("a locus name is not found in the landscape"))
} else { #this locus is legal, lets make the changes
av <- af[[s]][[l]] #this should be the allele frequency vector for l/pop
if (sum(av)>1) {stop("allele freq vector sums to > 1")}
lcols <- (which(as.character(locposition)==l)+landscape.democol())
if (states)
ai <-,as.numeric(l),do.check=F)
aindex <- ai$aindex[ai$state %in% names(av)]
} else aindex <- names(av)
for (a in lcols)
inds[,a] <- as.numeric(sample(aindex,n,replace=T,prob=av))
rland$individuals[s==as.character(rland$individuals[,1]),] <- inds
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