

This package includes the RGraph libraries, the C libraries for complex network analysis developed by Roger Guimera. Some executables, built from the libraries, are also included.


For the libraries to compile, you will NEED TO INSTALL, first:

1) The GNU Scientific Libraries (GSL)

2) The libtool package is also needed.


In a Unix-like system, you can install the RGraph libraries and the executables by uncompressing the tarball (tar -xzvf rgraph-version.tar.gz) and running the usual stuff from the rgraph-version directory:

cd rgraph-version

./   # Only needed if you are building from the github source code


For MAC versions, if an error appears saying that it couldn't find the GSL libraries, execute the ./configure command like that:

LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" ./configure


[make install]

(In a Windows system, you will first need to install some sort of "Unix emulation." I have successfully compiled the libraries using either Cygwin or MinGW. See below for Windows installation steps).

This will install the libraries in your_default_lib_directory/rgraph and the executables in your_default_bin_directory. To install in a different directory run

./configure --prefix=path_to_install_directory

instead of just ./configure. For other configure options run:

./configure -h

You can uninstall the whole thing by running make uninstall from the installation directory.

You can also test that everything is working by running make check from the installation directory.

Windows (MinGW)

1 First of all, you have to download and install MinGW

During the installation, when it prompts you the packages to install, select gcc, msys and mingw base. The other default options are OK.

2 Download GNU Scientific Libraries GSL. In my installation, I've used version 1.15.

3 Launch MinGW console (Programs -> MinGW -> MinGW Shell or C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys).

4 Unzip the contents of the GSL downloaded file under your msys home which is at C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\user\ (it's important to perform step 3 or you won't have the home directory).

5 In your msys console, cd into the gsl-15 folder and type the following:

./configure --prefix=/MinGW #path of MinGW installation


make install

All this steps may take a while.

6) Untar the contents of rgraph under your msys home and type the following:




[make install]

7) To check it's working, use make check command or try to execute any of the executables generated by the make command (for example ./netcarto/netcarto).



librgraph is the library itself. You can use it to build your own network analysis programs. Sorry, as of now no documentation is available, but you may want to take a look at the header files and try to figure things out.


Given a network, the program netcarto identifies modules ---i.e. densely connected groups of nodes in the network--- and classifies nodes according to their roles, as defined in Guimera (2005).

In case you use the results of the program in a publication, please cite the following papers:

Guimera, R. & Amaral, L.A.N., Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks, Nature 433, 895-900 (2005).

Guimera, R. & Amaral, L.A.N., Cartography of complex networks: modules and universal roles, J. Stat. Mech.-Theory Exp., art. no. P02001 (2005).

Important note about the new implenentation

In fall 2015 we added a new, equivalent implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm based on adjacency arrays. This new implementation is faster and can treat weighted and unweighted graphs seamlessly. However it has been less tested yet. If correctness is crucial, we encourage you to verify your results with the previous implementation accessible with the netcarto-legacy command. Please report us all bugs or unexpected behavior, it will be greatly appreciated.

Input parameters

The synopsis of the command is:

    netcarto [-f FILE] [-o FILE] [-s SEED] [-i ITER] [-c COOL] [-wmr]
    netcarto [-f FILE] [-o FILE] [-s SEED] [-i ITER] [-c COOL] [-wmr] -b [-t]
    netcarto [-f FILE] [-o FILE] [-p FILE] [-w]
    netcarto [-f FILE] [-o FILE] [-p FILE] [-w] -b [-t]
    netcarto  -h
     -f FILE: Input network file name (default: '-', standard input),
     -o FILE: Output file name (default: '-', standard output),
     -s SEED: Random number generator seed (positive integer, default 1111),
     -i ITER: Iteration factor (recommended 1.0, default 1.0),
     -c COOL: Cooling factor (recommended 0.950-0.995, default 0.97),
     -p FILE: Partition file name to load and compute modularity and roles onto, 
     -w : Read edge weights from the input's third column and uses the weighted modularity,
     -b : Use bipartite modularity,
     -r : Compute modularity roles,
     -t : [with -b only] Find modules for the second column (default: first),
     -h : Display this synopsis.
  n1 n2
  n3 n4
  .  .
  .  .
  .  .

  This represents a network with a link between nodes n1 and n2,
  another between nodes n3 and n4, and so on. Nodes must be separated
  by spaces.

If you use the weighted definition of modularity (with the -w flag),
the file must contain an additional third column giving the weight of
each link:

 n1 m1 w1
 n2 m2 w2
  .  .  .
  .  .  .
  .  .  .

- Iteration factor (`-i`): At each temperature of the simulated annealing
  (SA), the program performs fN^2 individual-node updates (involving
  the movement of a single node from one module to another) and fN
  collective updates (involving the merging of two modules and the
  split of a module). The number "f" is the iteration factor. Large
  values of f (1 or larger) will result, in general, in better results
  (higher modularities) and longer execution times. The recommended
  range for f is [0.1, 1], although smaller values may be needed for
  large and/or dense networks. Note, also, that a minimum number of
  iterations is imposed at each temperature, so that when f is very
  small, the minimum number will be used instead of fN^2 or fN.

- Cooling factor (`-c`): After the desired number of updates is done at a
  certain temperature T, the system is cooled down to a new
  temperature T'=cT, where c is the cooling factor. the cooling factor
  must be strictly larger than 0 and strictly smaller than 1. In
  general, values close to one will result in better results and
  longer execution times. Recommended values of the cooling factor f
  are [0.990, 0.999], although smaller values (0.95 or even 0.9) may
  be needed for large and/or dense networks.

- Compute modularity roles (`-r`): If this flag is specified, the
  program will compute for each node the *connectivity* (within-module
  z-score of edge weights) and *participation coefficient* (evenness
  of linked modules). Those two values are used to give the modularity
  role of the nodes. Nodes with a low connectivity (<2.5) are
  classified between ultra peripherals (R1), peripheral (R2),
  connectors (R3) or kinless (R4) according to their increasing
  participation coefficient. Nodes with high connectivity are
  classified as peripheral (R5), connectors (R6) or kinless (R7)
  hubs. Note that with the `-b` flag (denoting bipartite networks),
  those roles are computed on the projected graph.

Netcarto **can** treat bipartite graphs in a different way if you use
the `-b` flag. It will produce a partition of one of the side
according to their shared neighbors. Please refer to (and cite) those article for
more information (unweighted and weighted formula respectively):

> Guimera, R., Sales-Pardo, M. & Amaral, L.A.N., Module 
> identification in bipartite and directed networks, Phys. Rev. E 76,
> 036102 (2007)

> Stouffer, D.B., Sales-Pardo, M., Sirer, M.I. & Bascompte J.,
> Evolutionary conservation of species' roles in food webs, Science
> 335, 1489-1492 (2012).

- Bipartite `-b`: This flag sepcifies that the input graph is
  bipartite. The two component of the bipartite network must be on
  different columns. If the same name is used in both columns, it will
  spawn two nodes (one in each component).

- Invert `-t`: If this flag is specified the program will identify
  modules in the first second column of the input file.

**Program output**

After entering these parameters, the algorithm will start to identify
the modules in the network. As the SA proceeds, the program displays
three columns (in the standard error stream), which indicate the the
temperature, the modularity at that temperature, and the stopping
criterion (current streak of steps without significant increase in
modularity), respectively. This provides you with a fast way to check
if the process is too slow or, conversely, if it is fast and the
accuracy can be increased. If you want to hide those information you
can redirect the error stream:

bipartmod_cl -f network.dat 2> /dev/null

Then come the main program output (in the standard output or in a file
if you used the `-o` option). Two versions are possible depending on
the options you used.

By default, the program output the modularity value (with and without
the diagonal term) and then the modules in a *compact format*. Each
module is outputed as a single line, and node label are separated by
tabulations. This format is the one used in input by the `-p` option.

# Modularity: 0.469592 # Modularity (with diagonal): 0.419790 Actor_11 Actor_5 Actor_17 Actor_6 Actor_7 Actor_22 Actor_12 Actor_14 Actor_13 Actor_20 Mr_Hi Actor_2 Actor_8 Actor_3 Actor_18 Actor_4 Actor_28 Actor_24 Actor_26 Actor_25 Actor_29 Actor_32 Actor_9 Actor_31 John_A Actor_10 Actor_30 Actor_27 Actor_16 Actor_19 Actor_23 Actor_21 Actor_15 Actor_33

If modularity-roles were computed (`-r` flag), the program displays a
*tabular output*. Each line correspond to a node, with values
separated by tabulations. The fields are: label, module id, role,
participation coefficient (P) and within-module degree (z). Note that
for bipartite networks `-b` flag, those last three values are computed
on the projected network.

Mynode 1 R3 0.6500 -1.440 Another_node 1 R2 0.277778 -2.445675 ```


The original implementation of netcarto is still accessible trhough the netcarto-legacy executable. The command line options are almost the same than the current netcarto program use -h for precisions), you can also get an interactive version if you start it without arguments.

This implementation offers the additional feature to compute modularity of randomizations of the original network (option -r). This test is necessary to establish whether the modular structure of the original network is significant or not. Calculation of the modularity for each random network will take approximately the same time as for the original network. Please refer to (and cite) this article about this feature:

Guimera, R., Sales-Pardo, M. & Amaral, L.A.N., Modularity from fluctuations in random graphs and complex networks, Phys. Rev. E 70, art. no. 025101 (2004).

The program output the following files: - a Pajek file containing the giant component of the network (for information on Pajek, visit


Given a network observation, the programs in reliability:

1) reliability_links: evaluate the reliability of links

2) reliability_reconstruct: reconstruct the network

In case you use the results of the program in a publication, please cite the following papers:

  1. Guimera, R. & Sales-Pardo, M., Missing and spurious interactions and the reconstruction of complex networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA ?????? (2009).

Input parameters

The programs take two arguments:

n1 n2 n3 n4 . . . . . .

This represents a network with a link between nodes n1 and n2, another between nodes n3 and n4, and so on. Nodes must be separated by spaces.

Program output

The "links" program generates two files: missing.dat and spurious.dat. Each of these files has the format:

score12 n1 n2 score13 n1 n3 ...

missing.dat contains all scores for links that are not observed in the network. High scores in missing.dat correspond to links that are likely to be missing.

spurious.dat contains all scores for links that are observed in the network. Low scores in spurious.dat correspond to links that are likely to be spurious.

The "reconstruct" program returns a file net_reconstructed.dat with the reconstructed network.


Additionally, a few utility programs are also compiled and installed.


Try the rnetcarto package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rnetcarto documentation built on Jan. 17, 2023, 1:12 a.m.