Vignette will usually be updated here first:
When I first started with R, there were a few things that bothered me greatly. While I can’t change dynamic typing, it is possible to do things such as:
1) String addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
2) In-place modifiers (à la +=
3) Direct assignments to only NA or regex-matched elements
4) Comparison operators for between, floating point equality, and more
5) Extra logical operators to make code more consistent
6) Make nicer (shorter) conversion functions (int()
as opposed to
7) Simple checks for usability (e.g is.bad_for_calcs()
The above functionality, I’d found myself manually adding into my R
projects to clean up the code. Then me an my colleges thought: ‘that all
might actually be useful as a package.’ So now it’s a package on CRAN:
(pronounced ’rop-er-ators, not r-operators)
To help introduce you to roperators
, I put together some use cases
where it’ll make your life easier.
One of the most common criticisms lobbed at R by Python people (and
their wretched, non-curly-brace-using ilk) is the lack of string
arithmetic. In a world without roperators
one simply had to deny
reality and insist that using a paste function doesn’t look any worse
than simply using + to concatenate words.
Happily, using roperators
, you can now do this:
my_string <- 'using infix (%) operators ' %+% 'R can do simple string addition'
## [1] "using infix (%) operators R can do simple string addition"
You can also use %-%
to delete bits of text like so:
my_string %-% 'R can do simple string addition'
## [1] "using infix (%) operators "
If ever need to use string multiplication (like some kind of barbarian),
you can use %s*%
was taken already)
my_a <- 'a'
my_a %s*% 3
## a
## "aaa"
# If a is an unnamed vector, the original value is saved as the element name(s)
# just to make it easier to undo by my_a <- names(my_a)
And, something you can’t do in Python: string division
# How many times does the letter a appear in the string
'an apple a day keeps the malignant spirit of Steve Jobs at bay' %s/% 'a'
## a
## 8
String division also works with regular expressions (it is case sensitive):
# How many times is Steve Jobs or apple mentioned?
'an apple a day keeps the malignant spirit of Steve Jobs at bay' %s/% 'Steve Jobs|apple'
## Steve Jobs|apple
## 2
)The lack of operators like += that you’d find in other languages is
another common criticism of R. Happily, you have roperators
Now, at the risk of sounding like one of those infomercials where people struggle with clearly trivial tasks, how many times do you end up doing something like this:
iris_data$Sepal.Length <- iris_data$Sepal.Length + 1
Or worse…
iris_data$Sepal.Length[iris_data$Species == 'setosa'] <- iris_data$Sepal.Length[iris_data$Species == 'setosa'] + 1
# ...which may not even fit on the page.
Without roperators
the trivial code above makes me envy the blind.
After all, you’re only adding 1 to some values. So, using the
greatest-best package formally called roperators
iris_data$Sepal.Length %+=% 1
iris_data$Sepal.Length[iris_data$Species == 'setosa'] %+=% 1
# ...which is ike a breath of fresh air
The current in-place modifiers included in roperators
, %-=%
- Add to and subtract from a variable. Also works on
character strings%*=%
, %/=%
, and %^=%
- Multiply, divide, and exponentiation a
and %log=%
- Transform a variable by the nth root or log%regex=%
- Apply a regular expression to textThe last two are similar depending on whether you want to modify the
text or replace it outright. Note that they both take two values
c(pattern, replacement)
x <- c("a1b", "b1", "c", "d0")
# Replace digits with the letter x
x %regex=% c("\\d+", "i")
# x is now c("aib", "bi", "c", "di")
## [1] "aib" "bi" "c" "di"
The last in-place modifiers are %na<-%
which works as you’d expect and
which is hopefully intuitive enough. This is useful for all
those times you’d otherwise need to do something clunky like
df$column[$column)] <- 0
x <- c(NA, 1, 2, 3)
x %na<-% 0
## [1] 0 1 2 3
And to replace by regex… (as opposed to modifying with %regex=%
x <- c("aib", "bi", "c", "di")
x %regex<-% c('i', '[redacted]')
## [1] "[redacted]" "[redacted]" "c" "[redacted]"
This category of roperators
is an answer to all those who cry out for
help when what should be simple logical statements are either
inconsistent looking or, such as the case with floating point equality,
god-awful looking.
1 == NA
should be FALSE
First up: if(a == b)
when a
and b
are both NA
. I get it, an NA
doesn’t technically equal another NA
, however most of the time they,
for all intents and purposes, are the same. The solution is simple:
x <- c(NA, 'foo', 'foo', NA)
y <- c(NA, 'foo', 'bar', 'bar')
x %==% y
As opposed to:
x == y
Think about how many if
statements you’ve had break due to a lack of
missing-value equality capability. You can also use %<=%
and %>=%
handle missing values instead of <=
and >=
(0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) == 0.3
should be TRUE
(i.e. almost always)The floating point trap is a particular kind of mongrel. Innocent young
statistics students are seldom warned about it, and so they go about,
using ==
thinking that it’ll keep working even when a decimal place is
present when in reality, is doesn’t always.
Don’t believe me? Oh, my sweet summer child, try this and despair:
(0.1 * 3) == 0.3 # FALSE
(0.1 * 5) == 0.5 # TRUE
(0.1 * 7) == 0.7 # FALSE
(0.1 * 11) == 1.1 # TRUE
(0.1 * 3) >= 0.3 # TRUE
(0.1 * 3) <= 0.3 # FALSE
If you’re feeling panicked about your old scripts, well, I guess you should be.
Happily, you now have roperators
(0.1 * 3) %~=% 0.3 # TRUE
(0.1 * 5) %~=% 0.5 # TRUE
(0.1 * 7) %~=% 0.7 # TRUE
(0.1 * 11) %~=% 1.1 # TRUE
(0.1 * 3) %>~% 0.3 #TRUE
(0.1 * 3) %<~% 0.3 #TRUE
You could use something like isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 3, 0.3))
but that
looks disgusting.
isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 3, 0.3)) # TRUE
isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 5, 0.5)) # TRUE
isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 7, 0.7)) # TRUE
isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 11, 1.1)) # TRUE
isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 3, 0.3)) | ((0.1 * 3) > 0.3)
isTRUE(all.equal(0.1 * 3, 0.3)) | ((0.1 * 3) < 0.3)
# I feel dirty even typing that as an example.
If you have any sense of style, just use %~=%
is between a
and b
This is a simple shortcut with two variants for end-exclusive and
end-inclusive between. you just need to feed in
c(lower_bound, upper_bound)
5 %><% c(1, 10) # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
1 %><% c(1, 10) # FALSE
## [1] FALSE
1 %>=<% c(1, 10) # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
# note that due to my simple mindedness, at the time of writing, 5 %><% c(10, 1) is FALSE
Note that %>=<%
doesn’t support NA equality testing. If you want a
variant that does that in a future version, just let me know.
The last set of logical operators are not in, exclusive or, and all-or-nothing.
Not In %ni%
was made because it’s just easier to read than
negating an in statement. For example:
!1 %in% c(2,3,4)
## [1] TRUE
Which reads “not 1 in [2, 3, 4]?” which just looks wrong. So, we appropriated from the snake-like language:
1 %ni% c(2,3,4)
## [1] TRUE
Which now reads: “1 not in [2, 3, 4]?” That’s just better looking.
Exclusive Or exists in base R as a function, which makes it look inconsistent, for example:
if((a|b) & xor(y, z))
I know it’s finicky, but the roperators
way is a touch more
if((a|b) & (y %xor% z))
That way both expressions are using an operator rather than one or statement using an operator while the other uses a function.
All or Nothing is for those occasions when you want a
and b
either both be TRUE
or both be FALSE
- for two logical variables
it’s probably easier to use a == b
, but for expressions it can be
if((a*2 == b+2) %aon% (x^2 == y*10))
# Compared to
if((a*2 == b+2) == (x^2 == y*10))
# which takes my brain a little bit more time to read
But, like I said, that’s me personally being finicky.
Fair warning: this part of roperators
will, I’m sure, be the source of
a lot of hate-mail.
One of the ugliest things I see in R code is the infamous
x <- as.numeric(as.character(x))
when trying to turn a factor with
numeric labels (most of which are the fault of dynamic typing) into a
number. I can still recall the rage I felt the first time a factor was
converted into its levels rather than its labels when using
The simple solution is just a shorthand: x <-
- just
chuck an f in front of it and be done with it.
and friends.I’ll give this one to PyPeople, R’s conversion syntax is cumbersome.
That’s why roperators
short for as.character()
short for as.numeric()
short for as.integer()
short for as.double()
short for as.character()
(if only str()
wasn’t already
short for as.logical()
Now things like this:
x <- c('TRUE', 'FALSE', 'TRUE', 'TRUE')
percent_true <- paste0(sum(as.integer(as.logical(x))) / length(x)*100, '%')
## [1] "75%"
Can be done like this:
percent_true <- (sum(int(bool(x))) / length(x) * 100) %+% '%'
## [1] "75%"
Which is arguably easier on the eyes, especially for people who grew up in other programming languages.
We also added as.class
to allow arbitrary conversions in those few
moments you find yourself wanting to pipe into a conversion that changes
by a variable.
foo <- 204
as.class(foo, "roman")
## [1] CCIV
Sometimes you just want to know that everything is going to be okay. Rather than running multiple checks. If you wanted to be sure something was going to work in R, you could do something like this:
if(is.atomic(x) & (length(x) >= 1) & ! & !is_nan(x) & ! & !is.factor(x) & !is.infinite(x) ){
…Which is fine if you’re happy with people thinking you’re a maniac, Or
you could just use roperators
like so:
And as a convenience function there’s also any_bad_for_calcs()
to save
you from any(is.bad_for_calcs((x))
because we’re nice like that.
Beyond that, you’ll also find:
To help with basic checks, and for those times when something should
either be a certain class or NULL
(I didn’t want to put it all by itself)Often I want to have my packages know what kind of operating system they’re running on. For example, if I’m writing parallel code, my code needs to know if it’s dealing with a unix-based OS or Windows or which kind of R is running. As such, we added some simplified checks.
to find what operating system is runningis.os_mac()
if running on Mac OSX/
if running on Windowsis.os_lnx()
if running on Linux the way God
if running on a Unix-based operating system like
Linux or OSXis.os_x64()
if running on 64-bit operating systemis.R_x64()
if running 64-bit Ris.R_revo()
if running revolution R (i.e. Microsoft R Open)is.RStudio()
if running in RstudioFor checking if a field has at most 1 or 2 unique values.
unless there’s more than 1 unique valueis.binary()
unless there are more than 2 unique valuesIf you’re tired of tryping , na.rm = TRUE
we made these functions for
you.Basically, just add _cc (complete cases) to a function name and
it’ll add na.rm = TRUE
for you. They work just like the base
functions, only with na.rm = TRUE
, similar to paste0()
being just
paste(..., sep ="")
When you need to check that the extension of a file is okay, you can
uses these checks. Basically these check the file extensions and for
custom cases use check_ext_against()
If you work with pipe- or tab-delimited tables, we added read.tsv()
and read.psv()
For basic vectors, it’s pretty intuitive
my_stuff <- c(1:10, 10, 5)
# These are straight forward
get_1st(my_stuff) # 1
get_nth(my_stuff, 3) # 3
get_last(my_stuff) # 5
# Returns numeric vector of mode(s) if x is numeric
get_most_frequent(my_stuff) # c(10, 5)
# Else it returns a character vector
my_chars <- c("a", "b", "b", "a", "g", "o", "l", "d")
get_most_frequent(my_chars) # c("a", "b")
# can collapse into a single string (for convienience)
get_most_frequent(my_chars, collapse = " & ") # "a & b"
For pulling apart strings
generic_string <- "Who's A good boy? Winston's a good boy!"
get_1st_word(generic_string) # Who's
get_nth_word(generic_string, 3) # good
get_last_word(generic_string) # boy!
# default ignores case and punctuation
get_most_frequent_word(generic_string) # c("a", "boy", "good")
# can change like so:
get_most_frequent_word(generic_string, = FALSE, ignore.punct = FALSE)
# "good"
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