
Defines functions token_refresh refresh_token_before_expired session_renew

Documented in session_renew

#' Checks current session and re-authenticates if necessary
#' Checks the state of your Sciencebase session, re-authenticates if the session
#' is expired, and simply renews if the session is active.
#' @param password The password to use, if needed, to renew the session.
#' @param username Optional. Used only to confirm that the current username is 
#'   what you expect; if you want to switch usernames, use 
#'   \code{authenticate_sb()} instead of this function.
#' @param session SB session object from \code{\link{authenticate_sb}}. Default 
#'   is the current session.
#' @param ... Any additional parameters are currently ignored.
#' @return Returns the session object.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # an empty call is sufficient if the session is current, 
#' # but will break if haven't been logged in before
#' session_renew()
#' # include a password if session may be expired
#' session_renew('newpass')
#' # optionally confirm the value of the current username
#' session_renew(username='olduser@usgs.gov', 'newpass')
#' }
#' @import httr
#' @export
session_renew = function(password, ..., username, session=current_session()){
	# if we'll need the current username, find it now. use the existing session
	# info on SB if available; otherwise use the username stored locally
	if(!missing(username) || !is_logged_in(session=session)) {
		sb_username <- session_details(session=session)$username
		if(is.null(sb_username)) sb_username <- pkg.env$username
	# if username is provided, confirm that it matches the stored username
	if(!missing(username)) {
		if(username != sb_username) {
			stop("username argument does not match session username")

	if(missing(username) && !exists("sb_username"))
		sb_username <- session_details(session=session)$username
	password <- try(keyring::key_get("sciencebase", sb_username))
	# either renew or re-authenticate as needed
	if(is_logged_in(session=session)) {
		if(!inherits(password, "try-error")) {
			# just reauthenticate
			invisible(authenticate_sb(username, password))
		} else {
			# the GET call to 'status' resets the remote (SB) info on session age, while 
			# sbtools_GET resets the local info on session age
			sbtools_GET(url=paste0(pkg.env$url_base, "status?format=json"), session=session)
	} else {
		# re-authenticate, handling missing parameters as needed
		if(sb_username=="") stop("new authentication is necessary; call authenticate_sb()")
		if(inherits(password, "try-error")) stop("re-authentication is necessary; need password")
		invisible(authenticate_sb(sb_username, password))

refresh_token_before_expired <- function(refresh_amount_seconds = 600) {
	current_time <- Sys.time() + refresh_amount_seconds
	if(pkg.env$keycloak_expire - current_time < 0) {

token_refresh <- function() {
	data = list(
		client_id = pkg.env$keycloak_client_id,
		grant_type = "refresh_token",
		refresh_token = get_refresh_token())
	token <- RETRY("POST", pkg.env$token_url, body = data, encode = "form")
	if(!token$status_code == 200)
		warning('Unable to refresh SB cloud token. Some functionality may not work.')

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sbtools documentation built on May 1, 2023, 1:07 a.m.