#' @title Log Profile likelihood of a Parameter
#' @description These functions compute the log profile likelihood of
#' a parameter when it is fixed to a value or a range of values
#' @details It uses the methods presented in Pawitan (2013) to
#' compute and visualize the log profile likelihood of a parameter in
#' a structural equation model when this parameter is fixed to a value or
#' a range
#' of values. [loglike_range()] and [loglike_point()] compute the
#' so-called "true" log profile likelihood, while
#' [loglike_quad_range()] and [loglike_quad_point()] approximate the log
#' profile likelihood by a quadratic function.
#' These functions are for creating illustrative examples and learning
#' only, not for research use. Therefore, they are not as versatile as
#' [semlbci()] in the types of models and parameters supported. They
#' can be used for free parameters and user-defined parameters not
#' involved in any constraints. Only a model fitted by maximum
#' likelihood is supported.
#' They will not check whether the computation is appropriate for a
#' model. It is the responsibility of the users to ensure that the
#' computation is appropriate for the model and parameter.
#' @return [loglike_range()] returns a data frame with these columns:
#' - `theta`: The values to which the parameter is fixed to.
#' - `loglike`: The log profile likelihood at `theta`.
#' - `pvalue`: The *p*-values based on the likelihood ratio difference
#' test between the original model and model with the
#' parameter fixed to `theta`.
#' @param sem_out The SEM output. Currently the outputs
#' of [lavaan::lavaan()] or its wrappers, such as [lavaan::sem()]
#' and [lavaan::cfa()] are supported.
#' @param semlbci_out The output of [semlbci::semlbci()].
#' If supplied, it will extract the likelihood-based confidence
#' interval from the output. If not, it will call [semlbci::semlbci()].
#' @param par_i The row number of the parameter in the output of
#' [lavaan::parameterTable()]. Can also be a [lavaan::model.syntax]
#' specification for a parameter, e.g., `"y ~ x"` or `ab := `.
#' It will be converted to the row number by [syntax_to_i()]. Refer to
#' [syntax_to_i()] for details.
#' @param confidence The level of confidence of the Wald-type
#' confidence interval. If `interval` is `NULL`, this confidence is
#' used to form the interval.
#' @param n_points The number of points to be evaluated in the
#' interval. Default is 21.
#' @param interval A vector of numbers. If provided and has two
#' elements, this will be used as the end points of the interval. If
#' it has more than two elements, the elements will be used directly
#' to form the values in the interval. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param verbose Whether some diagnostic information will be printed.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param start How the start values are set in [lavaan::lavaan()].
#' See [lavaan::lavOptions()] on this argument. Default is
#' `"default"`. If the plot is too irregular, try setting it to
#' `"simple"`.
#' @param try_k_more How many more times to try finding the p-values,
#' by randomizing the starting values. Default is 5. Try increasing
#' this number if the plot is too irregular.
#' @param parallel If `TRUE`, parallel processing will be used. A
#' cluster will be created by [parallel::makeCluster()], with the
#' number of workers equal to `ncpus`. Parallel processing, though
#' not enabled by default, is recommended because it can speed up
#' the computation a lot.
#' @param ncpus The number of workers if `parallel` is `TRUE`. Default
#' is `parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1`, the number of
#' physical cores minus 1.
#' @param use_pbapply If `TRUE` and [pbapply::pbapply] is installed,
#' [pbapply::pbapply] will be used to display the progress in
#' computing the log profile likelihood. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @references Pawitan, Y. (2013). *In all likelihood: Statistical
#' modelling and inference using likelihood*. Oxford University Press.
#' @name loglikelihood
#' @examples
#' ## loglike_range
#' # Usually not to be used directly.
#' # Used by loglike_compare().
#' # 3 points are used just for illustration
#' ll_1 <- loglike_range(fit, par_i = "y ~ m", n_points = 2)
#' head(ll_1)
#' @describeIn loglikelihood Find the log profile likelihood for a range of values.
#' @order 2
#' @export
loglike_range <- function(sem_out, par_i,
confidence = .95,
n_points = 21,
interval = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
start = "default",
try_k_more = 5,
parallel = FALSE,
ncpus = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1,
use_pbapply = TRUE) {
if (is.character(par_i)) {
par_i <- syntax_to_i(par_i, sem_out)
if (length(par_i) != 1) {
stop("par_i must denote one parameter only.")
ptable <- lavaan::parameterTable(sem_out)
if (is.null(interval)) {
# Use Wald-type CI to determine the interval
est <- ptable$est[par_i]
se <- ptable$se[par_i]
z <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2)
zs <- seq(-z, z, length.out = n_points)
thetas <- est + se * zs
} else {
if (length(interval) == 2) {
# Form n_points points in the interval
thetas <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length.out = n_points)
} else {
# Use the interval as-is
thetas <- interval
if (parallel) {
# Parallel
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpus)
# Rebuild the environment
pkgs <- .packages()
pkgs <- rev(pkgs)
parallel::clusterExport(cl, "pkgs", envir = environment())
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {sapply(pkgs,
function(x) library(x, character.only = TRUE))
parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(envir = parent.frame()),
envir = parent.frame())
parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(envir = environment()),
envir = environment())
if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE) &&
use_pbapply) {
# Use pbapply
if(use_pbapply) {
cat("\n", "Finding p-values for LR test", "\n",
sep = "")
out <- pbapply::pblapply(thetas,
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
verbose = verbose,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more,
cl = cl)
} else {
# No progress bar
out <- parallel::parLapplyLB(cl = cl,
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
verbose = verbose,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)
} else {
# Serial
if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE) &&
use_pbapply) {
# Use pbapply
if(use_pbapply) {
cat("\n", "Finding p-values for LR test", "\n",
sep = "")
out <- pbapply::pblapply(thetas,
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
verbose = verbose,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)
} else {
# No progress bar
out <- lapply(thetas, loglike_point, sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
verbose = verbose,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)
out_final <- data.frame(theta = thetas,
loglike = sapply(out, function(x) x$loglike),
pvalue = sapply(out, function(x) x$pvalue))
#' @param theta0 The value at which the parameter is fixed to.
#' @return [loglike_point()] returns a list with these elements:
#' - `loglike`: The log profile likelihood of the parameter when it is
#' fixed to `theta0`.
#' - `pvalue`: The *p*-values based on the likelihood ratio difference
#' test between the original model and the model with the
#' parameter fixed to `theta0`.
#' - `fit`: A [lavaan::lavaan-class] object. The original model with
#' the parameter fixed to `theta0`.
#' - `lrt`: The output of [lavaan::lavTestLRT()], comparing the
#' original model to the model with the parameter fixed to
#' `theta0`.
#' @examples
#' ## loglike_point
#' # Usually not to be used directly.
#' # Used by loglike_compare().
#' llp_1 <- loglike_point(theta0 = 0.3, sem_out = fit, par_i = "y ~ m")
#' llp_1$loglike
#' llp_1$pvalue
#' llp_1$lrt
#' @describeIn loglikelihood Find the log likelihood at a value.
#' @order 3
#' @export
loglike_point <- function(theta0,
verbose = FALSE,
start = "default",
try_k_more = 5) {
if (is.character(par_i)) {
par_i <- syntax_to_i(par_i, sem_out)
if (length(par_i) != 1) {
stop("par_i must denote one parameter only.")
ptable <- lavaan::parameterTable(sem_out)
op_i <- ptable[par_i, "op"]
slot_opt2 <- sem_out@Options
slot_pat2 <- sem_out@ParTable
slot_mod2 <- sem_out@Model
slot_smp2 <- sem_out@SampleStats
slot_dat2 <- sem_out@Data
slot_opt3 <- slot_opt2
slot_opt3$ <- FALSE
slot_opt3$se <- "none"
if (ptable$label[par_i] == "") {
# par_i has no label
ptable_i <- ptable
ptable_i[par_i, "free"] <- 0
ptable_i[par_i, "start"] <- theta0
ptable_i[par_i, "est"] <- theta0
slot_opt3$ <- TRUE
suppressWarnings(fit_i <- lavaan::lavaan(
model = ptable_i,
slotOptions = slot_opt3,
slotSampleStats = slot_smp2,
slotData = slot_dat2))
suppressWarnings(fit_i <- try_more(fit_i, attempts = try_k_more))
} else {
# par_i is labelled
par_plabel <- ptable$label[par_i]
ptable_i <- lavaan::lav_partable_merge(ptable,
" == ",
remove.duplicated = TRUE,
warn = FALSE)
slot_opt3$ <- TRUE
suppressWarnings(fit_i <- lavaan::lavaan(
model = ptable_i,
slotOptions = slot_opt3,
slotSampleStats = slot_smp2,
slotData = slot_dat2))
suppressWarnings(fit_i <- try_more(fit_i, attempts = try_k_more))
# Suppress the warning that may occur if theta0 is close to the
# the estimate in sem_out
lrt <- suppressWarnings(lavaan::lavTestLRT(fit_i, sem_out))
if (verbose) print(lrt)
loglike <- lavaan::logLik(fit_i)
p <- lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
out <- list(loglike = loglike,
pvalue = p,
fit = fit_i,
lrt = lrt)
#' @return [loglike_quad_range()] returns a data frame with these
#' columns:
#' - `theta`: The values to which the parameter is fixed to.
#' - `loglike`: The log profile likelihood values of the parameter
#' using quadratic approximation.
#' - `pvalue`: The *p*-values based on the likelihood ratio difference
#' test between the original model and the model with the
#' parameter fixed to `theta`.
#' @examples
#' ## loglike_quad_range
#' # Usually not to be used directly.
#' # Used by loglike_compare().
#' # 2 points are used just for illustration
#' lq_1 <- loglike_quad_range(fit, par_i = "y ~ m", n_points = 2)
#' head(lq_1)
#' @describeIn loglikelihood Find the approximated log likelihood for a range of values.
#' @order 4
#' @export
loglike_quad_range <- function(sem_out,
confidence = .95,
n_points = 21,
interval = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
ncpus = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1,
use_pbapply = TRUE,
try_k_more = 5,
start = "default") {
if (is.character(par_i)) {
par_i <- syntax_to_i(par_i, sem_out)
if (length(par_i) != 1) {
stop("par_i must denote one parameter only.")
if (is.null(interval)) {
ptable <- lavaan::parameterTable(sem_out)
est <- ptable$est[par_i]
se <- ptable$se[par_i]
z <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2)
zs <- seq(-z, z, length.out = n_points)
thetas <- est + se * zs
} else {
if (length(interval) == 2) {
thetas <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length.out = n_points)
} else {
thetas <- interval
out <- sapply(thetas, loglike_quad_point,
sem_out = sem_out, par_i = par_i)
if (parallel) {
# Parallel
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpus)
# Rebuild the environment
pkgs <- .packages()
pkgs <- rev(pkgs)
parallel::clusterExport(cl, "pkgs", envir = environment())
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {sapply(pkgs,
function(x) library(x, character.only = TRUE))
parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(envir = parent.frame()),
envir = parent.frame())
parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls(envir = environment()),
envir = environment())
if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE) &&
use_pbapply) {
# Use pbapply
if(use_pbapply) {
cat("\n", "Finding p-values for quadratic approximation", "\n",
sep = "")
pvalues <- pbapply::pbsapply(thetas,
try_k_more) {
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more,
cl = cl)
} else {
# No progress bar
pvalues <- parallel::parSapplyLB(cl = cl,
try_k_more) {
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)
} else {
# Serial
if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE) &&
use_pbapply) {
# Use pbapply
if(use_pbapply) {
cat("\n", "Finding p-values for quadratic approximation", "\n",
sep = "")
pvalues <- pbapply::pbsapply(thetas, function(x) {
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
} else {
# No progress bar
pvalues <- sapply(thetas, function(x) {
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
out_final <- data.frame(theta = thetas,
loglike = out,
pvalue = pvalues)
#' @return [loglike_quad_point()] returns a single number of the class
#' `lavaan.vector` (because it is the output of
#' [lavaan::fitMeasures()]). This number is the quadratic
#' approximation of the log profile likelihood when the parameter is
#' fixed to `theta0`.
#' @examples
#' ## loglike_quad_point
#' # Usually not to be used directly.
#' # Used by loglike_compare().
#' lqp_1 <- loglike_quad_point(theta0 = 0.3, sem_out = fit, par_i = "y ~ m")
#' lqp_1
#' @describeIn loglikelihood Find the approximated log likelihood at a value.
#' @order 5
#' @export
loglike_quad_point <- function(theta0,
par_i) {
if (is.character(par_i)) {
par_i <- syntax_to_i(par_i, sem_out)
if (length(par_i) != 1) {
stop("par_i must denote one parameter only.")
est <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(sem_out)[par_i, "est"]
p_info <- 1 / lavaan::parameterEstimates(sem_out)[par_i, "se"]^2
-.5 * p_info * (theta0 - est) ^ 2 + lavaan::fitMeasures(sem_out, "logl")
#' @return [loglike_compare()] calls [loglike_range()] and
#' [loglike_quad_range()] and returns their results in a
#' `loglike_compare`-class object, a list
#' with these elements:
#' - `quadratic`: The output of [loglike_quad_range()].
#' - `loglikelihood`: The output of [loglike_range()].
#' - `pvalue_quadratic`: The likelihood ratio test *p*-values at the
#' quadratic approximation confidence bounds.
#' - `pvalue_loglikelihood`: The likelihood ratio test *p*-values at
#' the likelihood-based confidence bounds.
#' - `est`: The point estimate of the parameter in `sem_out`.
#' `loglike_compare`-class object has a `plot` method ([plot.loglike_compare()])
#' that can be used to plot the log profile likelihood.
#' @examples
#' ## loglike_compare
#' library(lavaan)
#' data(simple_med)
#' dat <- simple_med
#' mod <-
#' "
#' m ~ a * x
#' y ~ b * m
#' ab := a * b
#' "
#' fit <- lavaan::sem(mod, simple_med, fixed.x = FALSE)
#' # 4 points are used just for illustration
#' # At least 21 points should be used for a smooth plot
#' # Remove try_k_more in real applications. It is set
#' # to zero such that this example does not take too long to run.
#' # use_pbapply can be removed or set to TRUE to show the progress.
#' ll_a <- loglike_compare(fit, par_i = "m ~ x", n_points = 4,
#' try_k_more = 0,
#' use_pbapply = FALSE)
#' plot(ll_a)
#' # See the vignette "loglike" for an example for the
#' # indirect effect.
#' @seealso [plot.loglike_compare()]
#' @describeIn loglikelihood Generates points for log profile likelihood and
#' quadratic approximation, by calling the helper functions `loglike_range()`
#' and `loglike_quad_range()`.
#' @order 1
#' @export
loglike_compare <- function(sem_out,
semlbci_out = NULL,
confidence = .95,
n_points = 21,
start = "default",
try_k_more = 5,
parallel = FALSE,
ncpus = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1,
use_pbapply = TRUE) {
if (is.character(par_i)) {
par_i <- syntax_to_i(par_i, sem_out)
if (length(par_i) != 1) {
stop("par_i must denote one parameter.")
par_i_name <- i_to_name(par_i, sem_out)
ptable <- lavaan::parameterTable(sem_out)
est <- ptable$est[par_i]
se <- ptable$se[par_i]
z <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2)
zs <- seq(-z, z, length.out = n_points)
thetas_q <- est + se * zs
if (is.null(semlbci_out)) {
lbci_i <- semlbci(sem_out,
pars = par_i,
ciperc = confidence,
parallel = FALSE,
use_pbapply = use_pbapply)
} else {
lbci_i <- semlbci_out
lbci_range <- unlist(unname(stats::confint(lbci_i)[1, ]))
thetas_l <- seq(lbci_range[1], lbci_range[2], length.out = n_points)
thetas_0 <- sort(c(thetas_q, thetas_l))
int_q <- thetas_0[which(thetas_0 == min(thetas_q)):which(thetas_0 == max(thetas_q))]
int_l <- thetas_0[which(thetas_0 == min(thetas_l)):which(thetas_0 == max(thetas_l))]
ll_q <- loglike_quad_range(sem_out, par_i = par_i,
interval = int_q,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more,
parallel = parallel,
ncpus = ncpus,
use_pbapply = use_pbapply)
ll <- loglike_range(sem_out, par_i = par_i,
interval = int_l,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more,
parallel = parallel,
ncpus = ncpus,
use_pbapply = use_pbapply)
pvalue_q_lb <- loglike_point(ll_q[1, "theta"],
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
pvalue_q_ub <- loglike_point(ll_q[nrow(ll_q), "theta"],
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
pvalue_l_lb <- loglike_point(ll[1, "theta"],
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
pvalue_l_ub <- loglike_point(ll[nrow(ll), "theta"],
sem_out = sem_out,
par_i = par_i,
start = start,
try_k_more = try_k_more)$lrt[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
out <- list(quadratic = ll_q,
loglikelihood = ll,
pvalue_quadratic = c(pvalue_q_lb, pvalue_q_ub),
pvalue_loglikelihood = c(pvalue_l_lb, pvalue_l_ub),
par_name = par_i_name,
est = est)
class(out) <- "loglike_compare"
#' @title Plot the Output of 'loglike_compare()'
#' @description Visualize the log profile likelihood of a parameter
#' fixed to values in a range.
#' @details Given the output of [loglike_compare()], it plots the log
#' profile likelihood based on quadratic approximation and that
#' based on the original log-likelihood. The log profile likelihood
#' is scaled to have a maximum of zero (at the point estimate) as
#' suggested by Pawitan (2013).
#' @return Nothing if `type = "default"`, the generated [ggplot2::ggplot()]
#' graph if `type = "ggplot2"`.
#' @param x The output of [loglike_compare()].
#' @param y Not used.
#' @param type Character. If `"ggplot2"`, will use [ggplot2::ggplot()]
#' to plot the graph. If `"default"`, will use R base graphics, The
#' `ggplot2` version plots more information. Default is `"ggplot2"`.
#' @param size_label The relative size of the labels for thetas
#' (and *p*-values, if requested) in the
#' plot, determined by [ggplot2::rel()]. Default is 4.
#' @param size_point The relative size of the points to be added
#' if *p*-values are requested in the
#' plot, determined by [ggplot2::rel()]. Default is 4.
#' @param nd_theta The number of decimal places for the labels
#' of theta. Default is 3.
#' @param nd_pvalue The number of decimal places for the labels
#' of *p*-values. Default is 3.
#' @param size_theta Deprecated. No longer used.
#' @param size_pvalue Deprecated. No longer used.
#' @param add_pvalues If `TRUE`, likelihood ratio test *p*-values will
#' be included for the confidence limits. Only available if `type =
#' "ggplot2"`.
#' @param ... Optional arguments. Ignored.
#' @references Pawitan, Y. (2013). *In all likelihood: Statistical
#' modelling and inference using likelihood*. Oxford University Press.
#' @examples
#' ## loglike_compare
#' library(lavaan)
#' data(simple_med)
#' dat <- simple_med
#' mod <-
#' "
#' m ~ a * x
#' y ~ b * m
#' ab := a * b
#' "
#' fit <- lavaan::sem(mod, simple_med, fixed.x = FALSE)
#' # Four points are used just for illustration
#' # At least 21 points should be used for a smooth plot
#' # Remove try_k_more in real applications. It is set
#' # to run such that this example is not too slow.
#' # use_pbapply can be removed or set to TRUE to show the progress.
#' ll_a <- loglike_compare(fit, par_i = "m ~ x", n_points = 4,
#' try_k_more = 0,
#' use_pbapply = FALSE)
#' plot(ll_a)
#' plot(ll_a, add_pvalues = TRUE)
#' # See the vignette "loglike" for an example for the
#' # indirect effect.
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
plot.loglike_compare <- function(x, y,
type = c("ggplot2", "default"),
size_label = 4,
size_point = 4,
nd_theta = 3,
nd_pvalue = 3,
size_theta = 4,
size_pvalue = 4,
add_pvalues = FALSE,
...) {
if (!is.null(x$par_name)) {
par_name <- x$par_name
} else {
par_name <- "Parameter Value"
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "ggplot2") {
dat <- rbind(data.frame(x$quadratic, type = "quadratic"),
data.frame(x$loglikelihood, type = "true"))
dat$loglike <- dat$loglike - max(dat$loglike)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(data = dat,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$theta,
y = .data$loglike,
color = .data$type,
linetype = .data$type)) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = x$est,
y = min(dat$loglike),
xend = x$est,
yend = 0),
color = "blue",
linetype = "dashed") +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = x$est, y = min(dat$loglike)),
color = "blue",
shape = 4) +
ggplot2::annotate("text", x = x$est, y = min(dat$loglike),
label = formatC(x$est,
digits = nd_theta,
width = nd_theta + 1,
format = "f"),
color = "blue",
vjust = 1,
size = ggplot2::rel(size_label)) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = c(quadratic = "red",
true = "blue")) +
ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(values = c(quadratic = "dashed",
true = "solid")) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = min(dat$loglike)) +
ggplot2::ylab("Scaled Log (Profile) likelihood") +
ggplot2::xlab(par_name) +
ggplot2::labs(title = "Log (Profile) Likelihood") +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top")
ll_max <- max(c(x$quadratic$loglike, x$loglike$loglike))
dat_q <- x$quadratic[c(1, nrow(x$quadratic)), ]
dat_q$loglike <- dat_q$loglike - ll_max
# dat_q$pvalue <- paste0("p=",formatC(dat_q$pvalue, 3, 4, format = "f"))
dat_q$pvalue <- paste0("italic(p) == ",
digits = nd_pvalue,
width = nd_pvalue + 1, format = "f"))
dat_l <- x$loglike[c(1, nrow(x$loglike)), ]
dat_l$loglike <- dat_l$loglike - ll_max
# dat_l$pvalue <- paste0("p=",formatC(dat_l$pvalue, 3, 4, format = "f"))
dat_l$pvalue <- paste0("italic(p) == ",
digits = nd_pvalue,
width = nd_pvalue + 1, format = "f"))
dat_0 <- rbind(data.frame(dat_q, type = "quadratic"),
data.frame(dat_l, type = "true"))
# dat_0$theta_str <- formatC(dat_0$theta, 3, 4, "f")
dat_0$theta_str <- paste0("theta1 == ",
digits = nd_theta,
width = nd_theta + 1, "f"))
dat_1 <- dat_0
dat_0 <- dat_1[, c("type", "theta", "loglike", "theta_str")]
colnames(dat_0)[which(colnames(dat_0) == "theta_str")] <- "value"
dat_0$label_size <- ggplot2::rel(size_label)
if (add_pvalues) {
dat_0a <- dat_1[, c("type", "theta", "loglike", "pvalue")]
colnames(dat_0a)[which(colnames(dat_0a) == "pvalue")] <- "value"
dat_0a$label_size <- ggplot2::rel(size_label)
dat_0 <- rbind(dat_0, dat_0a)
p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = dat_0,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$theta,
y = .data$loglike,
label = .data$value,
color = .data$type),
size = ggplot2::rel(size_label),
box.padding = .5,
parse = TRUE,
# nudge_y = -.5,
show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::ylim(-2.1, 0)
if (add_pvalues) {
# p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = dat_0,
# ggplot2::aes(x = theta,
# y = loglike,
# label = pvalue,
# color = type),
# size = ggplot2::rel(size_pvalue),
# box.padding = .5,
# nudge_y = .25,
# show.legend = FALSE) +
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = dat_1,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$theta,
y = .data$loglike,
color = .data$type,
shape = .data$type),
size = ggplot2::rel(size_point),
show.legend = c(color = FALSE,
shape = TRUE)) +
ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1),
linetype = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1),
shape = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 2))
} else {
theta_range <- range(c(x$quadratic$theta, x$loglikelihood$theta))
loglik_range <- range(c(x$quadratic$loglike, x$loglikelihood$loglik))
loglik_max <- max(c(x$quadratic$loglike, x$loglikelihood$loglik))
loglik_range <- loglik_range - loglik_max
# Plot quadratice approximated log-likelihood
x$quadratic$loglike - loglik_max,
type = "l",
lty = "dashed",
col = "red",
xlim = theta_range,
ylim = loglik_range,
main = "Log (Profile) Likelihood",
xlab = par_name,
ylab = "Scaled Log (Profile) Likelihood",
sub = "Blue: Quadratic Approximation; Red: 'True' Log-Likelihood")
# Plot true loglikelihood
x$loglikelihood$loglike - loglik_max,
type = "l",
col = "blue")
graphics::abline(h = min(x$quadratic$loglike - loglik_max))
#' @noRd
try_more <- function(object, attempts = 5, seed = NULL, rmin = .25, rmax = 1) {
attempts <- as.integer(attempts)
if (attempts < 2) return(object)
ptable <- lavaan::parameterTable(object)
i_free <- ptable$free > 0
i_free_p <- i_free & (ptable$op != "~~")
k <- sum(i_free_p)
ptable$est <- ptable$start
x <- replicate(attempts, stats::runif(k, rmin, rmax), simplify = FALSE)
slot_opt2 <- object@Options
slot_pat2 <- object@ParTable
slot_mod2 <- object@Model
slot_smp2 <- object@SampleStats
slot_dat2 <- object@Data
slot_opt3 <- slot_opt2
slot_opt3$check.start <- FALSE
out0 <- lapply(x, function(y) {
ptable_i <- ptable
ptable_i[i_free_p, "est"] <- ptable[i_free_p, "est"] * y
ptable_i[i_free_p, "start"] <- ptable[i_free_p, "est"] * y
ptable_i[i_free_p, "ustart"] <- ptable[i_free_p, "est"] * y
out <- tryCatch(
fit2 <- suppressWarnings(lavaan::lavaan(
model = ptable_i,
slotOptions = slot_opt3,
slotSampleStats = slot_smp2,
slotData = slot_dat2,
warn = FALSE)),
error = function(e) e
is_lavaan <- sapply(out0, inherits, what = "lavaan")
if (all(!is_lavaan)) return(object)
out0 <- out0[is_lavaan]
out0 <- c(list(object), out0)
fit_ok <- sapply(out0, lavaan::lavInspect, what = "post.check")
if (all(!fit_ok)) return(object)
out1 <- out0[fit_ok]
fit_fmin <- sapply(out1, lavaan::fitMeasures, fit.measures = "fmin")
out2 <- out1[which(fit_fmin == min(fit_fmin))]
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