
Defines functions get_supported_models get_model_specs.xgb.Booster get_model_specs.ranger get_model_specs.gam get_model_specs.glm get_model_specs.lm get_model_specs.default get_model_specs model_checker.xgb.Booster model_checker.gam model_checker.ranger model_checker.glm model_checker.lm model_checker.default model_checker predict_model.gam predict_model.xgb.Booster predict_model.ranger predict_model.glm predict_model.lm predict_model.default predict_model

Documented in get_model_specs get_model_specs.default get_model_specs.gam get_model_specs.glm get_model_specs.lm get_model_specs.ranger get_model_specs.xgb.Booster get_supported_models model_checker model_checker.default model_checker.gam model_checker.glm model_checker.lm model_checker.ranger model_checker.xgb.Booster predict_model predict_model.default predict_model.gam predict_model.glm predict_model.lm predict_model.ranger predict_model.xgb.Booster

#' Generate predictions for different model classes
#' @description Performs prediction of response \code{\link[stats]{lm}}, \code{\link[stats]{glm}},
#' \code{\link[ranger]{ranger}},  \code{\link[mgcv:gam]{mgcv::gam}} and
#' \code{\link[xgboost:xgb.train]{xgboost::xgb.train}} with binary or continuous
#' response. See details for more information.
#' @param x Model object for the model to be explained.
#' @param newdata A data frame (or matrix) in which to look for variables with which to predict.
#' @details The following models are currently supported:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link[stats:lm]{stats::lm}}
#' \item \code{\link[stats:glm]{stats::glm}}
#' \item \code{\link[ranger:ranger]{ranger::ranger}}
#' \item \code{\link[mgcv:gam]{mgcv::gam}}
#' \item \code{\link[xgboost:xgb.train]{xgboost::xgb.train}}
#' }
#' The returned object \code{p} always satisfies the following properties:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{is.atomic(p)} equals \code{TRUE}
#' \item \code{is.double(p)} equals \code{TRUE}
#' }
#' If you have a binary classification model we'll always return the probability prediction
#' for a single class.
#' For more details on how to explain other types of models (i.e. custom models), see the Advanced usage section
#' of the vignette: \cr
#' From R: \code{vignette("understanding_shapr", package = "shapr")}  \cr
#' Web: \url{https://norskregnesentral.github.io/shapr/articles/understanding_shapr.html#explain-custom-models}
#' @return Numeric
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Martin Jullum
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   # Load example data
#'   data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#'   # Split data into test- and training data
#'   x_train <- head(Boston, -3)
#'   x_test <- tail(Boston, 3)
#'   # Fit a linear model
#'   model <- lm(medv ~ lstat + rm + dis + indus, data = x_train)
#'   # Predicting for a model with a standardized format
#'   predict_model(x = model, newdata = x_test)
#' }
predict_model <- function(x, newdata) {
  UseMethod("predict_model", x)

#' @rdname predict_model
#' @export
predict_model.default <- function(x, newdata) {
  str_error <- paste(
    "It seems that you passed a non-valid model object.",
    "See more information about which models that are supported",
    "by running ?predict_model."

#' @rdname predict_model
#' @export
predict_model.lm <- function(x, newdata) {
  if (!requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The stats package is required for predicting stats models")

  predict(x, as.data.frame(newdata))

#' @rdname predict_model
#' @export
predict_model.glm <- function(x, newdata) {
  if (!requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The stats package is required for predicting stats models")

  if (x$family[[1]] == "binomial") {
    predict(x, as.data.frame(newdata), type = "response")
  } else {
    predict(x, as.data.frame(newdata))

#' @rdname predict_model
#' @export
predict_model.ranger <- function(x, newdata) {
  if (!requireNamespace("ranger", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The ranger package is required for predicting ranger models")

  if (x$treetype == "Probability estimation") {
    predict(x, newdata)$predictions[, 2]
  } else {
    predict(x, newdata)$predictions

#' @rdname predict_model
#' @export
predict_model.xgb.Booster <- function(x, newdata) {
  if (!requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The xgboost package is required for predicting xgboost models")

  if (is.null(x$feature_list)) {
    predict(x, as.matrix(newdata))
  } else {
    newdata_dummy <- apply_dummies(feature_list = x$feature_list, testdata = newdata)
    predict(x, as.matrix(newdata_dummy))

#' @rdname predict_model
#' @export
predict_model.gam <- function(x, newdata) {
  if (!requireNamespace("mgcv", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The mgcv package is required for predicting gam models")

  if (x$family[[1]] == "binomial") {
      predict(x, as.data.frame(newdata), type = "response")
  } else {
      predict(x, as.data.frame(newdata))

#' Check that the type of model is supported by the explanation method
#' @description The function checks whether the model given by \code{x} is supported.
#' If \code{x} is not a supported model the function will return an error message, otherwise it return NULL
#' (meaning all types of models with this class is supported)
#' @inheritParams predict_model
#' @details See \code{\link{predict_model}} for more information about
#' what type of models \code{shapr} currently support.
#' @return Error or NULL
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   # Load example data
#'   data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#'   # Split data into test- and training data
#'   x_train <- head(Boston, -3)
#'   # Fit a linear model
#'   model <- lm(medv ~ lstat + rm + dis + indus, data = x_train)
#'   # Checking the model object
#'   model_checker(x = model)
#' }
model_checker <- function(x) {
  UseMethod("model_checker", x)

#' @rdname model_checker
#' @export
model_checker.default <- function(x) {
  stop("The model class you passed to shapr is currently not supported.")

#' @rdname model_checker
#' @export
model_checker.lm <- function(x) {

#' @rdname model_checker
#' @export
model_checker.glm <- function(x) {

#' @rdname model_checker
#' @name model_checker
#' @export
model_checker.ranger <- function(x) {
  if (x$treetype == "Classification") {
        "We currently don't support standard classification, which predicts the class directly.\n",
        "To train a ranger model predicting the class probabilities, you'll need to grow a\n",
        "probability forest by setting probability = TRUE in ranger::ranger()."

  if (x$treetype == "survival") {
        "We currently don't support explanation of survival type of ranger models."

  if (x$treetype == "Probability estimation" & length(x$forest$levels) > 2) {
        "We currently don't support multi-classification using ranger, i.e.\n",
        "where length(model$forest$levels) is greater than 2."

  # Additional check
  if (is.null(x$forest)) {
        "\nIt looks like the model was fitted without saving the forest. Please set\n",
        "write.forest = TRUE when fitting a model using ranger::ranger()."


#' @rdname model_checker
#' @export
model_checker.gam <- function(x) {

#' @rdname model_checker
#' @export
model_checker.xgb.Booster <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$params$objective) &&
    (x$params$objective == "multi:softmax" | x$params$objective == "multi:softprob")
  ) {
        "We currently don't support multi-classification using xgboost, i.e.\n",
        "where num_class is greater than 2."

  if (!is.null(x$params$objective) && x$params$objective == "reg:logistic") {
        "We currently don't support standard classification, which predicts the class directly.\n",
        "To train an xgboost model predicting the class probabilities, you'll need to change \n",
        "the objective to 'binary:logistic'"

#' Fetches feature information from a given model object
#' @inheritParams predict_model
#' @details This function is used to extract the feature information to be checked against data passed to \code{shapr}
#' and \code{explain}. The function is called from \code{preprocess_data}.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{labels}{character vector with the feature names to compute Shapley values for}
#'   \item{classes}{a named character vector with the labels as names and the class type as elements}
#'   \item{factor_levels}{a named list with the labels as names and character vectors with the factor levels as elements
#'   (NULL if the feature is not a factor)}
#' }
#' @author Martin Jullum
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   # Load example data
#'   data("Boston", package = "MASS")
#'   # Split data into test- and training data
#'   x_train <- data.table::as.data.table(head(Boston))
#'   x_train[, rad := as.factor(rad)]
#'   model <- lm(medv ~ lstat + rm + rad + indus, data = x_train)
#'   get_model_specs(model)
#' }
get_model_specs <- function(x) {
  model_class <- NULL # Due to NSE notes in R CMD check

  required_model_objects <- "predict_model"
  recommended_model_objects <- "get_model_specs"

  # Start with all checking for native models
  model_info <- get_supported_models()[model_class == class(x)[1], ]
  available_model_objects <- names(which(unlist(model_info[, 2:3])))

  if (nrow(model_info) == 0) {
      "You passed a model to shapr which is not natively supported See ?shapr::shapr or the vignette\n",
      "for more information on how to run shapr with custom models."

  if (!(all(required_model_objects %in% available_model_objects))) {
    this_object_missing <- which(!(required_model_objects %in% available_model_objects))
        "The following required model objects are not available for your custom model: ",
        paste0(required_model_objects[this_object_missing], collapse = ", "), ".\n",
        "See the 'Advanced usage' section of the vignette:\n",
        "vignette('understanding_shapr', package = 'shapr')\n",
        "for more information.\n"

  if (!(all(recommended_model_objects %in% available_model_objects))) {
    this_object_missing <- which(!(recommended_model_objects %in% available_model_objects))
        paste0(recommended_model_objects[this_object_missing], collapse = ", "), " is not available for your custom ",
        "model. All feature consistency checking between model and data is disabled.\n",
        "See the 'Advanced usage' section of the vignette:\n",
        "vignette('understanding_shapr', package = 'shapr')\n",
        "for more information.\n"

  UseMethod("get_model_specs", x)

#' @rdname get_model_specs
#' @export
get_model_specs.default <- function(x) {

  # For custom models where there is no
  return(list(labels = NA, classes = NA, factor_levels = NA))

#' @rdname get_model_specs
#' @export
get_model_specs.lm <- function(x) {
  model_checker(x) # Checking if the model is supported

  feature_list <- list()
  feature_list$labels <- labels(x$terms)
  m <- length(feature_list$labels)

  feature_list$classes <- attr(x$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]
  feature_list$factor_levels <- setNames(vector("list", m), feature_list$labels)
  feature_list$factor_levels[names(x$xlevels)] <- x$xlevels


#' @rdname get_model_specs
#' @export
get_model_specs.glm <- function(x) {
  model_checker(x) # Checking if the model is supported

  feature_list <- list()
  feature_list$labels <- labels(x$terms)
  m <- length(feature_list$labels)

  feature_list$classes <- attr(x$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]
  feature_list$factor_levels <- setNames(vector("list", m), feature_list$labels)
  feature_list$factor_levels[names(x$xlevels)] <- x$xlevels


#' @rdname get_model_specs
#' @export
get_model_specs.gam <- function(x) {
  model_checker(x) # Checking if the model is supported

  feature_list <- list()
  feature_list$labels <- labels(x$terms)
  m <- length(feature_list$labels)

  feature_list$classes <- attr(x$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]
  feature_list$factor_levels <- setNames(vector("list", m), feature_list$labels)
  feature_list$factor_levels[names(x$xlevels)] <- x$xlevels


#' @rdname get_model_specs
#' @export
get_model_specs.ranger <- function(x) {
  model_checker(x) # Checking if the model is supported

  feature_list <- list()
  feature_list$labels <- unique_features(x$forest$independent.variable.names)
  m <- length(feature_list$labels)

  feature_list$classes <- setNames(rep(NA, m), feature_list$labels) # Not supported
  feature_list$factor_levels <- setNames(vector("list", m), feature_list$labels)

  # Only provided when respect.unordered.factors == T
  feature_list$factor_levels[names(x$forest$covariate.levels)] <- x$forest$covariate.levels


#' @rdname get_model_specs
#' @export
get_model_specs.xgb.Booster <- function(x) {
  model_checker(x) # Checking if the model is supported

  feature_list <- list()
  if (is.null(x[["feature_list"]])) {
    feature_list$labels <- x$feature_names
    m <- length(feature_list$labels)

    feature_list$classes <- setNames(rep(NA, m), feature_list$labels) # Not supported
    feature_list$factor_levels <- setNames(vector("list", m), feature_list$labels)
  } else {
    feature_list <- x$feature_list


#' Provides a data.table with the supported models
#' @keywords internal
get_supported_models <- function() {

  # Fixing NSE notes in R CMD check
  rn <- get_model_specs <- native_get_model_specs <- from <- NULL
  predict_model <- native_predict_model <- NULL
  native <- NULL

  DT_get_model_specs <- data.table::as.data.table(attr(methods(get_model_specs), "info"), keep.rownames = T)

  DT_get_model_specs[, rn := substring(as.character(rn), first = 17)]
  DT_get_model_specs[, get_model_specs := 1]
  DT_get_model_specs[, c("visible", "from", "generic", "isS4") := NULL]

  DT_predict_model <- data.table::as.data.table(attr(methods(predict_model), "info"), keep.rownames = T)
  DT_predict_model[, rn := substring(as.character(rn), first = 15)]
  DT_predict_model[, predict_model := 1]
  DT_predict_model[, c("visible", "from", "generic", "isS4") := NULL]

  DT <- merge(DT_get_model_specs, DT_predict_model, by = "rn", all = T, allow.cartesian = T)
  DT[, (colnames(DT)[-1]) := lapply(.SD, data.table::nafill, fill = 0), .SDcols = colnames(DT)[-1]]
  DT[, (colnames(DT)[2:3]) := lapply(.SD, as.logical), .SDcols = colnames(DT)[2:3]]
  data.table::setnames(DT, "rn", "model_class")

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shapr documentation built on May 4, 2023, 5:10 p.m.