
    f = "stratify",
    signature = signature(
        object = "SpatialPixels"
    definition = function(object, nStrata, priorPoints = NULL,
        maxIterations = 1000L, nTry = 1L,
        equalArea = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose")) {

        # check 'nStrata' argument
        if (length(nStrata) != 1L) {
                "'nStrata' should be an integer of length 1",
                call. = FALSE)
        if (nStrata < 1L) {
                "'nStrata' should be a strictly positive integer",
                call. = FALSE)

        # check if prior points have been specified
        hasPriorPoints <- !is(priorPoints, "NULL")

        # check if prior points is an instance of class "SpatialPoints"
        if (hasPriorPoints) {
            if (!is(priorPoints, "SpatialPoints")) {
                    "'priorPoints' is not of class \"SpatialPoints\"",
                    call. = FALSE)
            if (nrow(coordinates(priorPoints)) == 0L) {
                    "'priorPoints' does not contain coordinates",
                    call. = FALSE)

        # check for lat/lon
        isLatLon <- isFALSE(is.projected(object))
        if (isLatLon && equalArea) {
                "strata of equal area are not supported for lat/lon",
                call. = FALSE)

        # extract coordinates of cell centers
        sObject <- coordinates(object)

        # get and check the number of grid cells
        nCells <- nrow(sObject)
        if (nCells < nStrata) {
                "'object' has insufficient grid cells",
                call. = FALSE)

        # Initialize the probability of selecting a grid cell as initial cluster center.
        # These probabilities will all be equal, except for cells containing prior points.
        # The probability of these cells will be set to zero.
        # (only needed for the transfer algorithm, not for the swopping algorithm)
        if (!equalArea) {
            cellSelectionProbability <- rep(x = 1, times = nCells)

        # check and process prior points
        if (hasPriorPoints) {

            # check 'equalArea' argument
            if (equalArea) {
                    "'equalArea' should be FALSE in case of prior points",
                    call. = FALSE)

            # check projection
            if (isLatLon) {
                if (!identicalCRS(object, priorPoints)) {
                        "projections of 'object' and 'priorPoints' don't match",
                        call. = FALSE)

            # Remove all prior points outside the target universe.
            # These points may lead to empty clusters.
            # Also remove prior points that are nearly coinciding.
            # Nearly coinciding points will result in empty clusters.
            # Points are said to be nearly coinciding if they are in the same grid cell.
            cellIdPriorPoint <- priorPoints %over% geometry(object)
            isInTargetUniverse <- !is.na(cellIdPriorPoint)
            isCoinciding <- duplicated(cellIdPriorPoint)
            keep <- isInTargetUniverse & !isCoinciding
            priorPoints <- priorPoints[keep, , drop = FALSE]
            cellIdPriorPoint <- cellIdPriorPoint[keep]
            if (any(!keep)) {
                if (any(!isInTargetUniverse)) {
                        " location(s) outside the target universe ",
                        "(as defined by 'object') have been found\n",
                        "These locations have been removed. ",
                        " location(s) have been retained",
                        call. = FALSE)
                if (any(isCoinciding)) {
                        "(Nearly) coinciding points have been removed. ",
                        call. = FALSE)

            # The initial set of centroids consists of prior points and a set of randomly selected points
            # Make sure that the latter don't coincide with the latter by setting the selection probability
            # of grid cells containing prior points to zero.
            cellSelectionProbability[cellIdPriorPoint] <- 0

            # extract coordinates
            sPriorPoints <- coordinates(priorPoints)

            # make sure that nStrata is always greater than or equal
            # to the number of prior points
            nPriorPoints <- nrow(sPriorPoints)
            if (nStrata < nPriorPoints) {
                    "'nStrata' should be greater than or equal to ",
                    "the number of 'priorPoints'",
                    call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            nPriorPoints <- 0L
            sPriorPoints <- NULL

        # set number of free points (i.e., cluster centers to optimize)
        nFreePoints <- nStrata - nPriorPoints

        # create instances of cell centers
        cellCenters <- J(
            class = "partition/LocationFactory",
            method = ifelse(isLatLon, "getLatLongInstance", "getEastingNorthingInstance"),
            .jarray(as(sObject[, 1], "double")),
            .jarray(as(sObject[, 2], "double"))

        # initialize objective function value of optimal configuration
        minimumObjectiveFunctionValue <- Inf

        # start loop with different initial configurations
        for (i in seq_len(nTry)) {

            # show progress
            if (verbose) {                
                cat(format(Sys.time()), "| optimizing configuration", i, "\n")

            # create a Java reference to a subclass of class Stratification
            if (equalArea) {
                # create an instance of class "CompactSpatialPartitionSwop"
                p <- new(
                    .jarray(as(sample(x = rep(x = 0:(nStrata - 1), length = nCells)), "integer"))
            } else {

                # select initial cluster centers (random sampling of cells without replacement)
                # cells that contain a prior point will be excluded to prevent collocation
                cellId <- sample(x = seq_len(nCells), size = nFreePoints, replace = FALSE, prob = cellSelectionProbability)
                sClusterCenters <- rbind(sPriorPoints, sObject[cellId, ])

                # create instances of cluster centers
                clusterCenters <- J(
                    class = "partition/LocationFactory",
                    method = ifelse(isLatLon, "getLatLongInstance", "getEastingNorthingInstance"),
                    .jarray(as(sClusterCenters[, 1], "double")), #.jarray forces scalar arguments to arrays of length 1
                    .jarray(as(sClusterCenters[, 2], "double"))

                # create an instance of class "CompactSpatialPartitionTransfer"
                p <- new(
                     .jarray(rep(x = c(TRUE, FALSE), times = c(nPriorPoints, nFreePoints)))

            # set maximum number of iterations
            p$setMaximumNumberOfIterations(as(maxIterations, "integer"))

            # optimize partition

            # retrieve objective function value
            objectiveFunctionValue <- p$getObjectiveFunctionValue()

            # check if current stratification is more optimal than previous stratification(s)
            if (objectiveFunctionValue < minimumObjectiveFunctionValue) {
                hasConverged <- p$hasConverged()
                minimumObjectiveFunctionValue <- objectiveFunctionValue
                clusterId <- as(p$getClusterId(), "integer")
                centroids <- p$getCentroids()
                if (isLatLon) {
                    sCentroids <- data.frame(
                        s1 = sapply(X = centroids, FUN = function(x) {x$getLongitude()}),
                        s2 = sapply(X = centroids, FUN = function(x) {x$getLatitude()})
                } else {
                    sCentroids <- data.frame(
                        s1 = sapply(X = centroids, FUN = function(x) {x$getEasting()}),
                        s2 = sapply(X = centroids, FUN = function(x) {x$getNorthing()})
            # show progress
            if (verbose) {
                cat(format(Sys.time()), "|    current objective function value:", objectiveFunctionValue, "\n")
                cat(format(Sys.time()), "|    minimum objective function value:", minimumObjectiveFunctionValue, "\n")

        # check convergence
        if (!hasConverged) {
            warning("Convergence has not been reached after ",
                maxIterations, " interations and ", nTry,
                " attempts", call. = FALSE)
        # promote sCentroids to class "SpatialPoints"
        colnames(sCentroids) <- colnames(sObject)
        coordinates(sCentroids) <- colnames(sCentroids)
        centroids <- sCentroids
        centroids@proj4string <- object@proj4string

        # create an instance of a subclass of "Stratification"
        if (equalArea) {
            stratification <- new(
                Class = "CompactStratificationEqualArea",
                cells = object,
                stratumId = clusterId,
                centroids = centroids,
                mssd = minimumObjectiveFunctionValue
        } else {
            if (hasPriorPoints) {
                stratification <- new(
                    Class = "CompactStratificationPriorPoints",
                    cells = object,
                    stratumId = clusterId,
                    centroids = centroids,
                    priorPoints = priorPoints,
                    mssd = minimumObjectiveFunctionValue
            } else {
                stratification <- new(
                    Class = "CompactStratification",
                    cells = object,
                    stratumId = clusterId,
                    centroids = centroids,
                    mssd = minimumObjectiveFunctionValue

        # return stratification

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