
Defines functions ThermocoupleEquationTypeB ThermocoupleEquationTypeE ThermocoupleEquationTypeJ ThermocoupleEquationTypeK ThermocoupleEquationTypeN ThermocoupleEquationTypeR ThermocoupleEquationTypeS ThermocoupleEquationTypeT ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeB ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeE ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeJ ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeK ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeN ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeR ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeS ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeT ThermistorResistance ThermistorSensitivity ThermistorCalibrationEquation ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge1 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge2 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge3 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge4 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge5 ThermistorTemperature ThermistorTemperatureFitPolynomial ThermistorConvertADCreadingToTemperatureC ThermistorConvertTemperatureCtoADCreading ThermistorCalculateBeta ThermistorAlphaApproximatedFromBeta ThermistorResistanceDeviation ThermistorTemperatureDeviation ThermistorTemperatureSteinhartHart ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHartUsing3T ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart2 ThermistorSteinhartHartCoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge1CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge2CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge3CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge4CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorAnyNumberOfCoeffFromMeasurements DS1820CalcCRCbit ThermistorTemperatureAccuracy ThermistorResistanceTolerance ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromRho ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromR25 ThermistorSlope AWGTOmm ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation2 ThermocoupleVoltageContributionTwoHomogeneousWires ThermocoupleWithReference ThermocoupleWithReference2 ThermocoupleStemLossErrorEstimate RTDmetalResistance RTDalpha RTDdelta RTDbeta RTDequation RTDcoefficientA RTDcoefficientB RTDcoefficientC RTDplatinumResistance RTDplatinumTemperature RTDplatinumResistanceFromAlpha RTDnickelResistance RTDmetalResistanceFromAlpha RTDnickelResistanceFromAlpha RTDnickelTemperatureFromAlpha RTDnickelIronResistanceFromAlpha RTDnickelIronTemperatureFromAlpha RTDmolybdenumResistanceFromAlpha RTDmolybdenumTemperatureFromAlpha RTDtemperatureFit DiameterAWG ThermocoupleEquationTypeKrationalPolynomial ThermocoupleEquationTemperatureToVoltage RTDtemperatureFromResistance ThermocoupleLeadWireExternalResistanceUS ThermocoupleTable10colsTo2 SensorSensitivity SelfHeatingError TminusT90CCT2008 TminusT90Pavese4CubicPolynomials TminusT90Pavese6CubicPolynomials ThermistorApproxDriftResistance ThermistorApproxDriftTime BimaterialStripCurvatureRadiusFromTemperature BimaterialStripTemperatureFromCurvatureRadius SplineEval

Documented in AWGTOmm BimaterialStripCurvatureRadiusFromTemperature BimaterialStripTemperatureFromCurvatureRadius DiameterAWG DS1820CalcCRCbit RTDalpha RTDbeta RTDcoefficientA RTDcoefficientB RTDcoefficientC RTDdelta RTDequation RTDmetalResistance RTDmetalResistanceFromAlpha RTDmolybdenumResistanceFromAlpha RTDmolybdenumTemperatureFromAlpha RTDnickelIronResistanceFromAlpha RTDnickelIronTemperatureFromAlpha RTDnickelResistance RTDnickelResistanceFromAlpha RTDnickelTemperatureFromAlpha RTDplatinumResistance RTDplatinumResistanceFromAlpha RTDplatinumTemperature RTDtemperatureFit RTDtemperatureFromResistance SelfHeatingError SensorSensitivity SplineEval ThermistorAlphaApproximatedFromBeta ThermistorAnyNumberOfCoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorApproxDriftResistance ThermistorApproxDriftTime ThermistorCalculateBeta ThermistorCalibrationEquation ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge1 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge2 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge3 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge4 ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge5 ThermistorConvertADCreadingToTemperatureC ThermistorConvertTemperatureCtoADCreading ThermistorHoge1CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge2CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge3CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorHoge4CoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorResistance ThermistorResistanceDeviation ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart2 ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHartUsing3T ThermistorResistanceTolerance ThermistorSensitivity ThermistorSlope ThermistorSteinhartHartCoeffFromMeasurements ThermistorTemperature ThermistorTemperatureAccuracy ThermistorTemperatureDeviation ThermistorTemperatureFitPolynomial ThermistorTemperatureSteinhartHart ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromR25 ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromRho ThermocoupleEquationTemperatureToVoltage ThermocoupleEquationTypeB ThermocoupleEquationTypeE ThermocoupleEquationTypeJ ThermocoupleEquationTypeK ThermocoupleEquationTypeKrationalPolynomial ThermocoupleEquationTypeN ThermocoupleEquationTypeR ThermocoupleEquationTypeS ThermocoupleEquationTypeT ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation2 ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeB ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeE ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeJ ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeK ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeN ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeR ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeS ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeT ThermocoupleLeadWireExternalResistanceUS ThermocoupleStemLossErrorEstimate ThermocoupleTable10colsTo2 ThermocoupleVoltageContributionTwoHomogeneousWires ThermocoupleWithReference ThermocoupleWithReference2 TminusT90CCT2008 TminusT90Pavese4CubicPolynomials TminusT90Pavese6CubicPolynomials

ThermocoupleEquationTypeB <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<630.615) w<-1:7 else w<-8:16
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeB[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleEquationTypeE <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<0) w<-1:13 else w<-14:24
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeE[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleEquationTypeJ <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<760) w<-1:8 else w<-9:14
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeJ[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleEquationTypeK <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
a0 <-  0.118597600000E+00
a1 <- -0.118343200000E-03
a2 <-  0.126968600000E+03
if (x<0) w<-1:10 else  w<-11:20
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
if (x<0) return(round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeK[w,1]*x^n), 3)) else 
return(round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeK[w,1]*x^n  + a0*exp(a1*(x - a2)^2) ), 3))

ThermocoupleEquationTypeN <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<0) w<-1:8 else  w<-9:19
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeN[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleEquationTypeR <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<1064.180) w<-1:10 else {
if (x<1768.100) w<-11:16 else w<-17:21
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeR[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleEquationTypeS <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<1064.180) w<-1:9 else {
if (x<1768.100) w<-10:14 else w<-15:19
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeS[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleEquationTypeT <- function(vT)
# vT vector with temperatures
if (x<0) w<-1:16 else w<-17:24
n <- 0:(length(w)-1)
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeT[w,1]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeB <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeB)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=2.431) k <- 2
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeB[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeE <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeE)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=0) k <- 2
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeE[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeJ <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeJ)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=42.919) k <- 3 else {
if (x>=0) k <- 2 
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeJ[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeK <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
if (is.na(x)) return(NA)
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeK)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=20.644) k <- 3 else if (x>=0) k <- 2 
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeK[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeN <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
if (is.na(x)) return(NA)
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeN)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=20.613) k <- 3 else {
if (x>=0) k <- 2 
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeN[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeR <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeR)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=19.739) k <- 4 else {
if (x>=11.361) k <- 3 else if (x>=1.923) k <- 2 
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeR[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeS <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeS)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=17.536) k <- 4 else {
if (x>=10.332) k <- 3 else if (x>=1.874) k <- 2 
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeS[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeT <- function(vV)
# vV vector with voltages
n <- 0:(dim(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeT)[1]-1)
k <- 1
if (x>=0) k <- 2 
round(sum(thermocouple::thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeT[,k]*x^n), 3)

ThermistorResistance <- function(Tx, R0, betaTH, T0) R0*exp(betaTH*(1/Tx)-(1/T0))
# Estimate thermistor resistance from temperature
# Tx variable temperature
# Ro resistance at temperature To (25C, expressed in Kelvin)
# Beta parameter of the thermistor (calculated or from the data sheet)
# http://hydraraptor.blogspot.co.uk/2007/10/measuring-temperature-easy-way.html

ThermistorSensitivity <- function(T, beta) -beta/T^2
# Thermistor Sensitivity(relative change in resistance for a change in temperature)
# John G. Webster and Halit Eren, 2014
# Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition
# Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement
# CRC Press

ThermistorCalibrationEquation <- function(R, R0, thCoeffs)
# Thermistor calibration equation
# John G. Webster and Halit Eren, 2014
# Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition
# Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement
# CRC Press
n <- length(thCoeffs)
1/sum(thCoeffs * (log(R/R0)^(1:n-1)))

ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge1 <- function(Rt, A0, A1, A2)
# Chiachung Chen, 2009
# Evaluation of resistance–temperature calibration equations for NTC thermistors
# Measurement 42, Elsevier

ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge2 <- function(Rt, A0, A1, A2, A3)
# Chiachung Chen, 2009
# Evaluation of resistance–temperature calibration equations for NTC thermistors
# Measurement 42, Elsevier

ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge3 <- function(Rt, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)
# Chiachung Chen, 2009
# Evaluation of resistance–temperature calibration equations for NTC thermistors
# Measurement 42, Elsevier

ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge4 <- function(Rt, A0, A1, A2, A5)
# Chiachung Chen, 2009
# Evaluation of resistance–temperature calibration equations for NTC thermistors
# Measurement 42, Elsevier

ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge5 <- function(Rt, C1, C2, C3)
# Chiachung Chen, 2009
# Evaluation of resistance–temperature calibration equations for NTC thermistors
# Measurement 42, Elsevier

ThermistorTemperature <- function(R, R0, betaTH, T0) 1/((1/betaTH)*log(R/R0)+1/(T0+273.15)) - 273.15
# Estimate thermistor temperature from resistance
# R variable resistance
# Ro resistance at temperature To (25C, expressed in Kelvin)
# Beta parameter of the thermistor (calculated or from the data sheet)
# http://www.mosaic-industries.com/embedded-systems/microcontroller-projects/temperature-measurement/ntc-thermistors/resistance-equation

ThermistorTemperatureFitPolynomial <- function(R, R0, A, B, C, D) 1/(A+B*log(R/R0)+C*(log(R/R0))^3+D*(log(R/R0))^5) - 273.15
# Estimate thermistor temperature from resistance
# R variable resistance
# Ro resistance at temperature To (25C, expressed in Kelvin)
# Beta parameter of the thermistor (calculated or from the data sheet)
# http://www.mosaic-industries.com/embedded-systems/microcontroller-projects/temperature-measurement/ntc-thermistors/resistance-equation

ThermistorConvertADCreadingToTemperatureC <- function(adc, R0, T0, betaTH, R1, R2, vadc = 5.0, vcc = 5.0, ADCbits=10)
# Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius by using two resistors
# vadc ADC reference
# vcc supply voltage to potential divider
# http://hydraraptor.blogspot.co.uk/2007/10/measuring-temperature-easy-way.html
T0 = T0 + 273.15 # temperature at stated resistance, e.g. 25C
vs = R1 * vcc / (R1 + R2) # effective bias voltage
rs = R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2)# effective bias impedance
k = R0 * exp(-betaTH / T0)  # constant part of calculation
v = adc * vadc / 2^ADCbits   # convert the 10 bit ADC value to a voltage
r = rs * v / (vs - v)     # resistance of thermistor
(betaTH / log(r / k)) - 273.15 # temperature

ThermistorConvertTemperatureCtoADCreading <- function(T, R0, T0, R1, R2, betaTH, vadc = 5.0, vcc = 5.0, ADCbits=10)
# Convert a temperature into a ADC value by using two resistors
# vadc ADC reference
# http://hydraraptor.blogspot.co.uk/2007/10/measuring-temperature-easy-way.html
T0 = T0 + 273.15 # temperature at stated resistance, e.g. 25C
vs = R1 * vcc / (R1 + R2) # effective bias voltage
rs = R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2)# effective bias impedance
r = R0 * exp(betaTH * (1 / (T + 273.15) - 1 / T0)) # resistance of the thermistor
v = vs * r / (rs + r)     # the voltage at the potential divider
round(v / vadc * 2^ADCbits)  # the ADC reading

ThermistorCalculateBeta <- function(R0, T0, R1, T1) log(R1/R0) / ((1/(T1+273.15))-(1/(T0+273.15)))
# Estimate thermistor beta coefficient from two known resistance/temperature values
# RepRap wiki
# Measuring Thermistor Beta
# http://reprap.org/wiki/MeasuringThermistorBeta

ThermistorAlphaApproximatedFromBeta <- function(T, betaTH) -betaTH/T^2 *100
# http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Steinhart-Hart-Thermistor-Calculator.phtml

ThermistorResistanceDeviation <- function(deltaBetaTH, deltaR25) (((1+deltaR25)/100)*(1+deltaBetaTH/100) - 1)*100 
ThermistorTemperatureDeviation <- function(deltaBetaTH, deltaR25, alpha) ThermistorResistanceDeviation(deltaBetaTH, deltaR25) / alpha
# http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Steinhart-Hart-Thermistor-Calculator.phtml

ThermistorTemperatureSteinhartHart <- function(R, R0, A, B, C=0, D) 1/ (A + B*log(R/R0) + C*log(R/R0)^2 + D*log(R/R0)^3)
# Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistor temperature
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient A (K^0)
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient B (K^-1)
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient C (K^-2)
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient D (K^-3)
# Ro resistance at temperature To (25°C, expressed in ohms)
# R resistance at temperature T
# Daycounter, Inc. Engineering Services
# Steinhart-Hart Thermistor Calculator
# http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Steinhart-Hart-Thermistor-Calculator.phtml

ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHartUsing3T <- function(T, T2, T3, R0, A1, B1, C1=0, D1) R0*exp(A1+B1/T+C1/T2+D1/T3)
# Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistor resistance
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient A1 (K^0)
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient B1 (K^1)
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient C1 (K^2)
# Steinhart-Hart Coefficient D1 (K^3)
# Ro resistance at temperature To (25°C, expressed in ohms)
# T measured temperature for resistance R
# Daycounter, Inc. Engineering Services
# Steinhart-Hart Thermistor Calculator
# http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Steinhart-Hart-Thermistor-Calculator.phtml

ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart <- function(T, A, B, C) ((-27/2*((A-1/T)/C)+3/2*sqrt(3)*(sqrt(27*((A-1/T)/C)^2+4*(B/C)^3)))^(1/3) - 
# Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistor resistance
# AVX Corporation, 2014
# AVX NTC Thermistors v11.4
# http://www.avx.com

ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart2 <- function(T, A, B, C) exp((sqrt((4*B^3*T^2)/C+27*A^2*T^2-54*A*T+27)/(2*3^(3/2)*C*T)+1/(2*C*T)-A/(2*C))^(1/3)-
# Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistor resistance, calculated with Maxima

ThermistorSteinhartHartCoeffFromMeasurements <- function(resAndTemp)
# Calculate Steinhart-Hart coefficients A, B, C from measurements
# resAndTemp matrix with temperatures (C) in column 1 and resistance (ohm) in column 2
# NTC Thermistor theory
# BetaTHERM sensors
# www.betatherm.com
if (dim(resAndTemp)[1] != 3) stop('resAndTemp must be 3 x 2')
if (dim(resAndTemp)[2] != 2) stop('resAndTemp must be 3 x 2')
b <- 1/(resAndTemp[,2] + 273.15 )
b <- cbind(b)
a <- matrix(c(1, log(resAndTemp[1,1]), log(resAndTemp[1,1])^3, 1, log(resAndTemp[2,1]), log(resAndTemp[2,1])^3, 1, log(resAndTemp[3,1]), log(resAndTemp[3,1])^3),3,3,byrow=T)
x <- solve(a, b)
list(A=x[1], B=x[2], C=x[3])

ThermistorHoge1CoeffFromMeasurements <- function(resAndTemp)
# Calculate Hoge1 coefficients A0, A1, A2 from measurements
# resAndTemp matrix with temperatures (C) in column 1 and resistance (ohm) in column 2
if (dim(resAndTemp)[1] != 3) stop('resAndTemp must be 3 x 2')
if (dim(resAndTemp)[2] != 2) stop('resAndTemp must be 3 x 2')
b <- 1/(resAndTemp[,2] + 273.15 )
b <- cbind(b)
a <- matrix(c(1, log(resAndTemp[1,1]), log(resAndTemp[1,1])^2, 1, log(resAndTemp[2,1]), log(resAndTemp[2,1])^2, 1, log(resAndTemp[3,1]), log(resAndTemp[3,1])^2),3,3,byrow=T)
x <- solve(a, b)
list(A0=x[1], A1=x[2], A2=x[3])

ThermistorHoge2CoeffFromMeasurements <- function(resAndTemp)
# Calculate Hoge2 coefficients A0, A1, A2, A3 from measurements
# resAndTemp matrix with temperatures (C) in column 1 and resistance (ohm) in column 2
if (dim(resAndTemp)[1] != 4) stop('resAndTemp must be 4 x 2')
if (dim(resAndTemp)[2] != 2) stop('resAndTemp must be 4 x 2')
b <- 1/(resAndTemp[,2] + 273.15 )
b <- cbind(b)
a <- matrix(c(1, log(resAndTemp[1,1]), log(resAndTemp[1,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[1,1])^3,
1, log(resAndTemp[2,1]), log(resAndTemp[2,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[2,1])^3,
1, log(resAndTemp[3,1]), log(resAndTemp[3,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[3,1])^3,
1, log(resAndTemp[4,1]), log(resAndTemp[4,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[4,1])^3),3,3,byrow=T)
x <- solve(a, b)
list(A0=x[1], A1=x[2], A2=x[3], A3=x[4])

ThermistorHoge3CoeffFromMeasurements <- function(resAndTemp)
# Calculate Hoge3 coefficients A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 from measurements
# resAndTemp matrix with temperatures (C) in column 1 and resistance (ohm) in column 2
if (dim(resAndTemp)[1] != 5) stop('resAndTemp must be 5 x 2')
if (dim(resAndTemp)[2] != 2) stop('resAndTemp must be 5 x 2')
b <- 1/(resAndTemp[,2] + 273.15 )
b <- cbind(b)
a <- matrix(c(1, log(resAndTemp[1,1]), log(resAndTemp[1,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[1,1])^3, log(resAndTemp[1,1])^4,
1, log(resAndTemp[2,1]), log(resAndTemp[2,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[2,1])^3, log(resAndTemp[2,1])^4,
1, log(resAndTemp[3,1]), log(resAndTemp[3,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[3,1])^3, log(resAndTemp[3,1])^4,
1, log(resAndTemp[4,1]), log(resAndTemp[4,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[4,1])^3, log(resAndTemp[4,1])^4,
1, log(resAndTemp[5,1]), log(resAndTemp[5,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[5,1])^3, log(resAndTemp[5,1])^4),3,3,byrow=T)
x <- solve(a, b)
list(A0=x[1], A1=x[2], A2=x[3], A3=x[4], A4=x[5])

ThermistorHoge4CoeffFromMeasurements <- function(resAndTemp)
# Calculate Hoge4 coefficients A0, A1, A2, A5 from measurements
# resAndTemp matrix with temperatures (C) in column 1 and resistance (ohm) in column 2
if (dim(resAndTemp)[1] != 4) stop('resAndTemp must be 4 x 2')
if (dim(resAndTemp)[2] != 2) stop('resAndTemp must be 4 x 2')
b <- 1/(resAndTemp[,2] + 273.15 )
b <- cbind(b)
a <- matrix(c(1, log(resAndTemp[1,1]), log(resAndTemp[1,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[1,1]),
1, log(resAndTemp[2,1]), log(resAndTemp[2,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[2,1]),
1, log(resAndTemp[3,1]), log(resAndTemp[3,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[3,1]),
1, log(resAndTemp[4,1]), log(resAndTemp[4,1])^2, log(resAndTemp[4,1])),3,3,byrow=T)
x <- solve(a, b)
list(A0=x[1], A1=x[2], A2=x[3], A5=x[4])

ThermistorAnyNumberOfCoeffFromMeasurements <- function(resAndTemp)
# Calculate coefficients A0, A1, A2, ..., An from n+1 measurements
# resAndTemp matrix with temperatures (C) in column 1 and resistance (ohm) in column 2
if (dim(resAndTemp)[1]<3) stop('resAndTemp must be have 3 or more rows')
if (dim(resAndTemp)[2] != 2) stop('resAndTemp must be n x 2')
b <- 1/(resAndTemp[,2] + 273.15 )
b <- cbind(b)
a <-matrix(1,n,n)
for (n in 1:dim(resAndTemp)[1])
for (m in 2:dim(resAndTemp)[1]){
a[n, m] <- log(resAndTemp[n,1])^(m-1)
x <- solve(a, b)
list(A0=x[1], A1=x[2], A2=x[3], A3=x[4], A4=x[5])

DS1820CalcCRCbit <- function(shiftReg, dataBit)
#  Calculate 8-bit CRC for DS1820
# Peter H. Anderson, 98
# DS1820 Digital Thermometer - Calculating an 8-bit CRC Value
# http://www.phanderson.com/PIC/16C84/crc.html
fb <- bitwXor(bitwAnd(shiftReg, 0x01), dataBit) #exclusive or least sig bit of current shift reg with the data bit
shiftReg = shiftReg %/% 2 # shift one place to the right
        if (fb==1)
           shiftReg <- bitwXor(shiftReg, 0x10001100 ) # CRC ^ binary 1000 1100 

ThermistorTemperatureAccuracy <- function(ResTol, alpha) ResTol / alpha
ThermistorResistanceTolerance <- function(TempAccy, alpha) TempAccy * alpha
# Thermistor relationship resistance tolerance vs temperature accuracy
# Spectrum Sensors & Controls Inc., 2014
# NTC Thermistors Engineering Notes
# www.SpecSensors.com

ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromRho <- function(Rho, Thck, L, W) Rho * Thck / (L * W)
# Rho material resistivity in ohm/cm
# Thck thickness of the conductor (chip) (cm)
# L length of the conductor (chip) (cm)
# W width of the conductor (chip) (cm)
# Equation #1
# NTC Thermistor theory
# BetaTHERM sensors
# www.betatherm.com

ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromR25 <- function(R25, Thck, L, W) L * W / Thck * R25
# R25 measured resistance 25C (ohms)
# Thck thickness of the conductor (chip) (cm)
# L length of the conductor (chip) (cm)
# W width of the conductor (chip) (cm)
# Equation #1
# NTC Thermistor theory
# BetaTHERM sensors
# www.betatherm.com

ThermistorSlope <- function(R0, R70) R0 / R70
# Thermistor Slope (Resistance Ratio)
# R0 resistance at 0C
# R70 resistance at 70C
# NTC Thermistor theory
# BetaTHERM sensors
# www.betatherm.com

AWGTOmm <- function(n) 0.127 * 92 ^((36-n)/39)
# convert American wire gauge (SWG) to mm
# n gauge number
# http://www.rapidtables.com/calc/wire/awg-to-mm.htm

ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation<-function(S, T0, T1) S * (T1 - T0)
# T0, T1 temperatures at both ends
# S Seebeck coefficient (uV/C) or Sab Seebeck coefficient between material a and b
# V voltage difference
# pp. 13 eq. 2.1

ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation2<-function(Sa, Sb, T0, T1) (Sa - Sb) * (T1 - T0)
# T0, T1 temperatures at both ends
# Sa Seebeck coefficient of material a
# Sb Seebeck coefficient of material b
# V voltage difference
# pp. 13 eq. 2.4

ThermocoupleVoltageContributionTwoHomogeneousWires<-function(Sab, T0, T1, T2) Sab * (T2 - T0) + Sab * (T1 - T2)
# Voltage Contribution of Two Homogeneous Wires
# T0, T1 temperatures at both ends
# T2 temperature at a point !=T0, T1
# Sab Seebeck coefficient between material a and b
# V voltage difference
# pp. 15 eq. 2.9

ThermocoupleWithReference<-function(Sa, Sb, T0, T1, T2) Sa * (T2 - T0) + Sb * (T1 - T2) + Sa * (T0 - T1)
# Thermocouple with Reference
# T0, T2 temperatures at both ends
# T1 temperature at a reference point
# Sa Seebeck coefficient of material a
# Sb Seebeck coefficient of material b
# V voltage difference
# pp. 17 eq. 2.13

ThermocoupleWithReference2<-function(Sab, T1, T2) Sab * (T2 - T1)
# Thermocouple with Reference
# T0, T2 temperatures at both ends
# T1 temperature at a reference point
# Sa Seebeck coefficient of material a
# Sb Seebeck coefficient of material b
# V voltage difference
# pp. 17 eq. 2.15

ThermocoupleStemLossErrorEstimate <- function(L, h, k, r0, ri){
# E = error (percent of difference between tip temperature and back-end temperature)
# L = sensor insertion depth (cm)
# h = surface heat transfer coefficient (watts.cm2 C)
# k = thermal conductivity of sheath material (watts.cm C)
# r0 = sheath outer radius
# ri = sheath inner radius
# pp. 47 eq. 3.8
alpha <- sqrt(2*r0 * h/(k*(r0^2 - ri^2)))
F <- k * alpha/h
2 * F / ((1 + F)*exp(alpha * L)-(1 - F)*exp(-alpha * L))

RTDmetalResistance <- function(R0, T, A, B, C, metal=NA)
# Metal RTD resistance
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# A, B, C specific constants
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.na(metal)){
A <- B <- C <- 0
if (tolower(metal)=='copper') A <- 0.00427
if (tolower(metal)=='molybdenum') {
A <- 0.00427
B <- 0.00385
if (tolower(metal)=='nickel') A <- 0.00672
if (tolower(metal)=='nickel-iron') A <- 0.00518
if (tolower(metal)=='Platinum') {
A <- 0.00385
B <- 0.00392
C <- 0.00377
if (A==0) stop('Wrong metal!')
R0*( 1 + A*T + B*T^2 + C*T^3 )

RTDalpha <- function(R0, R100) (R100-R0)/(100*R0)
# RTD alpha coefficient
# R0 resistance at 0C
# R100 resistance at 100C
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html

RTDdelta <- function(R0, Rth, Th,alpha) (Th-(Rth-R0)/(R0*alpha))/((Th/100-1)*(Th/100))
# RTD delta coefficient
# R0 resistance at 0C
# Th highest temperature in the calibration range
# Rth resistance of the sensor at the highest temperature
# John G. Webster and Halit Eren, 2014
# Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition
# Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement
# CRC Press

RTDbeta <- function(R0, Rtl, Tl,alpha, delta)  (Tl-((Rtl-R0)/(R0*alpha)+delta*(Tl/100-1)*(Tl/100)))/((Tl/100-1)*(Tl/100)^3)
# RTD beta coefficient
# R0 resistance at 0C
# Tl lowest temperature in the calibration range
# Rtl resistance of the sensor at the lowest temperature
# John G. Webster and Halit Eren, 2014
# Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition
# Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement
# CRC Press

RTDequation <- function(R0, T, A, B, C=NA)
# RTD equation
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# A, B, C RTD constants
# John G. Webster and Halit Eren, 2014
# Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition
# Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement
# CRC Press
if(T==0) return(R0)
if ((T>0)&(T<850)) return(R0*(1+A*T+B*T^2))
if ((T<0)&(T> -200)) return(R0*(1+A*T+B*T^2+C*(T-100)^3))

RTDcoefficientA <- function(alpha, delta) alpha+alpha*delta/100
RTDcoefficientB <- function(alpha, delta) alpha*delta/100^2
RTDcoefficientC <- function(alpha, beta) alpha*beta/100^4
# John G. Webster and Halit Eren, 2014
# Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition
# Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement
# CRC Press

RTDplatinumResistance <- function(R0, T, A=NA, B=NA, C=NA, stdRTD='DIN43760')
# Callendar-Van Dusen equation for platinum RTD
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# A, B, C specific constants (optional)
# Above 0 Celsius the constant C is equal to zero
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
# National Instruments, 2014
# Taking Temperature Measurements with RTDs: How-To Guide
if (T==0) return(R0)
if(!is.numeric(A) | !is.numeric(B) | !is.numeric(C))
if (stdRTD=='IEC751'){
if ((T<0)&(T>-200)){
A <- 3.90830E-3
B <- -5.77500E-7
C <- -4.18301E-12
if ((T>0)&(T<850)){
A <- 3.90830E-3
B <- -5.77500E-7
C <- 0
if (stdRTD=='SAMA'){
A <- 3.97869E-3
B <- -5.86863E-7
C <- -4.16696E-12
if (stdRTD=='DIN43760'){
A <- 3.9080E-3
B <- -5.8019E-7
C <- -4.2735E-12
if (stdRTD=='American'){
A <- 3.9692E-3
B <- -5.8495E-7
C <- -4.2325E-12
if (stdRTD=='ITS-90'){
A <- 3.9848E-3
B <- -5.870E-7
C <- -4.0000E-12
if (T<0) Rt <- R0 * ( 1 + A*T + B*T^2 + C*(T - 100)*T^3 )
if (T>0) Rt <- R0 *( 1 + A*T + B*T^2 )

RTDplatinumTemperature <- function(R0, R, alpha, beta, delta)
# Callendar-Van Dusen equation for platinum RTD temperature from resistance
# R0 resistance at 0C
# R Measured resistance
# alpha, beta, delta specific constants
# John G. Webster, 1999
# The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook
# CRC Press LLC
# eq (32.24), (32.25)
if(R==R0) return(0)
if(R>R0) return(((R-R0)/(alpha*R0))+delta*((T/100-1)*(T/100)))

RTDplatinumResistanceFromAlpha <- function(R0, T, alpha=NA, stdRTD='DIN43760')
# Callendar-Van Dusen equation
# Omega Inc.,2014
# The RTD
# http://www.omega.com/
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha))
if (stdRTD=='IEC751') alpha <- 0.00385055
if (stdRTD=='SAMA') alpha <- 0.0039200
if (stdRTD=='DIN43760') alpha <- 0.003850
if (stdRTD=='American') alpha <- 0.003911
if (stdRTD=='ITS-90') alpha <- 0.003926
d <- 1.49
b <- ifelse(T>0,0,0.11)
R0+R0*alpha*(T - d*(T/100-1)*(T/100)-b*(T/100-1)(T/100)^3)

RTDnickelResistance <- function(R0, T, A=NA, B=NA, D=NA, F=NA)
# Callendar-Van Dusen equation for Nickel RTD
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# A, B, C specific constants (optional)
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if(!is.numeric(A) | !is.numeric(B) | !is.numeric(D) | !is.numeric(F))
A <- 5.485E-3
B <- 6.650E-6
D <- 2.805E-11
F <- -2.000E-17
R0 *(1 + A*T + B*T^2 + D*T^4 + F*T^6 )

RTDmetalResistanceFromAlpha <- function(R0, T, alpha=NA, metal='nickel')
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient resistance's temperature coefficient
# R0 Resistance at 0C
# T temperature C
# Resistive temperature detectors PTxx
# www.madur.com
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)){
if (tolower(metal)=='nickel') alpha <- 0.5866
if (tolower(metal)=='iron') alpha <- 0.5671
if (tolower(metal)=='molybdenum') alpha <- 0.4579
if (tolower(metal)=='tungsten') alpha <- 0.4403
if (tolower(metal)=='aluminium') alpha <- 0.4308
if (tolower(metal)=='copper') alpha <- 0.4041
if (tolower(metal)=='silver') alpha <- 0.3819
if (tolower(metal)=='platinum') alpha <- 0.3729
if (tolower(metal)=='gold') alpha <- 0.3715
R0 *(1 + alpha*T )

RTDnickelResistanceFromAlpha <- function(R0, T, alpha=NA)
# simplified equation for Nickel RTD resistance
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) alpha <- 0.00672
R0 *(1 + alpha*T )

RTDnickelTemperatureFromAlpha <- function(R0, Rt, alpha=NA)
# simplified equation for Nickel RTD temperature
# R0 resistance at 0C
# Rt resistance at  temperature T
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) alpha <- 0.00672
(Rt / R0 - 1) / alpha

RTDnickelIronResistanceFromAlpha <- function(R0, T, alpha=NA)
# simplified equation for Nickel-Iron RTD resistance
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) alpha <- 0.00518
R0 *(1 + alpha*T )

RTDnickelIronTemperatureFromAlpha <- function(R0, Rt, alpha=NA)
# simplified equation for Nickel-Iron RTD temperature
# R0 resistance at 0C
# Rt resistance at  temperature T
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) alpha <- 0.00518
(Rt / R0 - 1) / alpha

RTDmolybdenumResistanceFromAlpha <- function(R0, T, alpha=NA)
# simplified equation for Molybdenum RTD resistance
# R0 resistance at 0C
# T temperature in C
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) alpha <- 0.00518
R0 *(1 + alpha*T )

RTDmolybdenumTemperatureFromAlpha <- function(R0, Rt, alpha=NA)
# simplified equation for Molybdenum RTD temperature
# R0 resistance at 0C
# Rt resistance at  temperature T
# alpha (optional) resistance's temperature coefficient
# http://www.capgo.com/Resources/Temperature/RTDs/RTD.html
if (T==0) return(R0)
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) alpha <- 0.00518
(Rt / R0 - 1) / alpha

RTDtemperatureFit <- function(R, R0, fitRTD='linear', alpha=0.00385)
# Mosaic Industries, Inc., 2014
# Relating resistance to temperature
# http://www.mosaic-industries.com/embedded-systems/microcontroller-projects/temperature-measurement/platinum-rtd-sensors/resistance-calibration-table
if (fitRTD=='linear'){
return((R/R0 - 1) / alpha)
if (fitRTD=='quadratic'){
return(-244.83 + 2.3419 * R + 0.0010664 * R^2)
if (fitRTD=='cubic'){
return(-247.29 + 2.3992 * R + .00063962 * R^2 + 1.0241E-6 * R^3)
if (fitRTD=='polynomial'){
c0 <- -245.19
c1 <- 2.5293
c2 <- -0.066046
c3 <- 4.0422E-3
c4 <- -2.0697E-6
c5 <- -0.025422
c6 <- 1.6883E-3
c7 <- -1.3601E-6

DiameterAWG <- function(AWG) 0.005*92^((36 - AWG)/39)
#American Wire Gauge (AWG) diameter from AWG number

ThermocoupleEquationTypeKrationalPolynomial<-function(vV, thermocoupleType='k')
# Mosaic Industries, Inc., 2014
# rational polynomial function approximation for Type K thermocouples
# http://www.mosaic-industries.com/embedded-systems/microcontroller-projects/temperature-measurement/thermocouple/calibration-table#computing-cold-junction-voltages
if (thermocoupleType=='b') if (x>=2.431) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='e') if (x>=53.112) w<-5 else if (x>=24.964) w<-4 else if (x>=0.591) w<-3 else if (x>=-5.237) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='j') if (x>=57.953) w<-5 else if (x>=45.494) w<-4 else if (x>=21.840) w<-3 else if (x>=0) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='k') if (x>=3.327500e+01) w<-5 else if (x>=1.639700e+01) w<-4 else if (x>=4.096000e+00) w<-3 else if (x>=-3.554000e+00 ) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='n') if (x>=20.613) w<-3 else if (x>=0) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='r') if (x>=14.277) w<-4 else if (x>=7.461) w<-3 else if (x>=1.469) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='s') if (x>=12.856 ) w<-4 else if (x>=6.913) w<-3 else if (x>=1.441) w<-2 else w<-1
if (thermocoupleType=='t') if (x>= 9.288) w<-4 else if (x>=0) w<-3 else if (x>=-4.648) w<-2 else w<-1
T0 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[5,w]
v0 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[6,w]
p1 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[7,w]
p2 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[8,w]
p3 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[9,w]
p4 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[10,w]
q1 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[11,w]
q2 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[12,w]
q3 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial[13,w]
T0+(v-v0)*(p1+(v-v0)*(p2+(v-v0)*(p3+p4*(v-v0)))) / (1 + (v-v0)*(q1+(v-v0)*(q2+q3*(v-v0))))

ThermocoupleEquationTemperatureToVoltage<-function(vT, thermocoupleType='k')
# Computing cold junction voltages
# http://www.mosaic-industries.com/embedded-systems/microcontroller-projects/temperature-measurement/thermocouple/calibration-table#computing-cold-junction-voltages
if (thermocoupleType=='b') w<-2
if (thermocoupleType=='e') w<-3
if (thermocoupleType=='j') w<-4
if (thermocoupleType=='k') w<-5
if (thermocoupleType=='n') w<-6
if (thermocoupleType=='r') w<-7
if (thermocoupleType=='s') w<-8
if (thermocoupleType=='t') w<-9
T0 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[6,w]
v0 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[7,w]
p1 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[8,w]
p2 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[9,w]
p3 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[10,w]
p4 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[11,w]
q1 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[12,w]
q2 <- thermocouple::thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff[13,w]

RTDtemperatureFromResistance <- function(R, R0)
# R Sensor's resistance (ohm)
# R0 Resistance at temperature 0C
# R Sensor resistance
# Resistive temperature detectors PTxx
# www.madur.com
if (R>=R0){
A <- 3.9083
B <- -5.775E-7 
C <- -4.183E-12
(-R0*A+sqrt(R0^2*A^2-4*R0*B*(R0-R))) / (2*R0*B)
} else {
R100 <- R/R0*100
p <- -5.67E-6
q <- 2.4984E-2
r <- 2.22764 
s <- -242.078
p*R^3 + q*R^2 + r*R100 + s

ThermocoupleLeadWireExternalResistanceUS <- function(thermocoupleType, thermocoupleLength, thermocoupleGauge, leadWireType, leadWireLength, leadWireGauge) 
t1 <- 0
if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='k') t1 <- 3 else if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='j') t1 <- 4 else if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='t') t1 <- 5 else if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='e') t1 <- 6 else if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='n') t1 <- 7 else if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='s') t1 <- 8 else if (tolower(thermocoupleType)=='r') t1 <- 9
if (t1==0) stop('Wrong thermocouple Type')
t2 <- 0
if (tolower(leadWireType)=='k') t2 <- 3 else if (tolower(leadWireType)=='j') t2 <- 4 else if (tolower(leadWireType)=='t') t2 <- 5 else if (tolower(leadWireType)=='e') t2 <- 6 else if (tolower(leadWireType)=='n') t2 <- 7 else if (tolower(leadWireType)=='s') t2 <- 8 else if (tolower(leadWireType)=='r') t2 <- 9
if (t2==0) stop('Wrong lead wire Type')
r1 <- which(thermocouple::thermocoupleWireSizeResistanceImperial[["AWGNo"]]==thermocoupleGauge)
r2 <- which(thermocouple::thermocoupleWireSizeResistanceImperial[["AWGNo"]]==leadWireGauge)
thermocoupleLength * thermocouple::thermocoupleWireSizeResistanceImperial[r1,t1] + leadWireLength * thermocouple::thermocoupleWireSizeResistanceImperial[r2,t2] 

ThermocoupleTable10colsTo2 <- function(thermocoupleTable)
# converts the thermocouple table from n X 12 to m X 2
n <- dim(thermocoupleTable)[1]
T1 <- thermocoupleTable[1, "TempC",]
Tn <- thermocoupleTable[n, "TempC",]
thrK <- cbind(T1:Tn,0)
m <- which( seq(T1, Tn, by=10) %in% thermocoupleTable[["TempC"]])
mL <- length(m)
thrK[seq(1, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m, "T0C"]
thrK[seq(2, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T1C"]
thrK[seq(3, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T2C"]
thrK[seq(4, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T3C"]
thrK[seq(5, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T4C"]
thrK[seq(6, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T5C"]
thrK[seq(7, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T6C"]
thrK[seq(8, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T7C"]
thrK[seq(9, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T8C"]
thrK[seq(10, n*10-19, by=10),2] <- thermocoupleTable[m[-mL], "T9C"]

SensorSensitivity <- function(T1, E1, T2, E2) (T1-T2)/(E1-E2)
# Sensitivity of the sensor
# T1 measured temperature
# E1 resistance (platinum sensor) or the thermoelectric emf (thermocouple) for T1
# T2 measured temperature
# E2 resistance (platinum sensor) or the thermoelectric emf (thermocouple) for T2
# Gerd Scheller, 2003
# Error Analysis of a Temperature Measurement System 
# with worked examples
# JUMO, FAS 625, Edition 06.03

SelfHeatingError <- function(I, R, Ek) I^2*R/Ek
# self-heating error
# I intensity (A)
# R resistance (ohm)
# EK self-heating coefficient(mW/C)
# Gerd Scheller, 2003
# Error Analysis of a Temperature Measurement System 
# with worked examples
# JUMO, FAS 625, Edition 06.03

TminusT90CCT2008 <- function(T90K){
# T - T90 computed by a polynomial (CCT WG4 2008)
# Franco Pavese and Gianfranco Molinar Min Beciet, 2013
# Modern Gas-Based Temperature and Pressure Measurements
# Springer Science + Business Media
# pp. 42
d <- c(-14.0651, 40.9970, -44.1079, 16.5315)
if ((x>=0.65) & (x<1)) return(sum(d * x^(0:3))/1e3)
a <- c(8.7999, -54.8216, 101.4590, -83.5816, 32.2307, -4.7513)
if ((x>=1) & (x<2)) return(sum(a * x^(0:5))/1e3)
if (x>=2 & x<8) return(0)
b <- c(4.42457E1, -1.76311E2, -1.53985E3, -3.63685E3, -4.19898E3, -2.61319E3, -8.41922E2, -1.10322E2)
if (x>=8 & x<273.16) return(sum(b * (log10(x/273.16))^(1:8))/1e3)
C <- c( 0.0497, -0.3032, 1.0254, -1.2895, 0.5176)
if (x>=273.16 & x<1358) return(x*sum(C * (273.16/x)^(2*0:4))/1e3)

TminusT90Pavese4CubicPolynomials<- function(T90K){
# T - T90 computed by a polynomial (CCT WG4 2008)
# Franco Pavese and Gianfranco Molinar Min Beciet, 2013
# Modern Gas-Based Temperature and Pressure Measurements
# Springer Science + Business Media
# pp. 42
if ((x>=2.3) & (x<90)) {
a0 <- -0.000593965
a1 <- 0.000084027
a2 <- -0.000003974
a3 <- 0.000000052
h <- x - 2.3
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=90) & (x<300)) {
a0 <- -0.002642255
a1 <- -0.000063857
a2 <- 0.000000602
a3 <- 0.000000004
h <- x - 90
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=300) & (x<450)) {
a0 <- 0.003884825
a1 <- 0.000157792
a2 <- -0.000001213
a3 <- -0.000000002
h <- x - 300
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=450) & (x<=1238)) {
a0 <- 0.012749953
a1 <- -0.000047281
a2 <- 0.000000582
a3 <- -0.000000001
h <- x - 450
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)

TminusT90Pavese6CubicPolynomials<- function(T90K){
# T - T90 computed by a polynomial (CCT WG4 2008)
# Franco Pavese and Gianfranco Molinar Min Beciet, 2013
# Modern Gas-Based Temperature and Pressure Measurements
# Springer Science + Business Media
# pp. 42
if ((x>=2.3) & (x<30)) {
a0 <- 0.000302995
a1 <- -0.000113512
a2 <- 0.00001565
a3 <- -0.000000743
h <- x - 2.3
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=30) & (x<90)) {
a0 <- 0.000530791
a1 <- 0.000034942
a2 <- -0.000004931
a3 <- 0.000000099
h <- x - 30
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=90) & (x<273.16)) {
a0 <- -0.002667189
a1 <- -0.000081847
a2 <- 0.000001038
a3 <- 0.000000001
h <- x - 90
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=273.16) & (x<380)) {
a0 <- 0.000458927
a1 <- 0.000119811
a2 <- 0.000000924
a3 <- -0.000000038
h <- x - 273.16
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=380) & (x<800)) {
a0 <- 0.010793868
a1 <- 0.000001234
a2 <- 0.000000046
a3 <- 0.000000001
h <- x - 380
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)
if ((x>=800) & (x<=1238)) {
a0 <- 0.022102959
a1 <- 0.000068722
a2 <- 0.000000276
a3 <- -0.000000002
h <- x - 800
return(a0 + h*(a1 + h/2 * (a2 * h + 1/3 * a3 * h^2 ))/1e3)

ThermistorApproxDriftResistance <- function(Ri, T, a, b) Ri + Ri * (a+b*log(T))/100
# Approximation of Drift Resistance of NTC Thermistors
# Rt resistance at time T
# Ri initial resistance
# T aging time
# a intercept at T=1
# b slope (%deltaR per decade of time T)
# Quality Thermistor, Inc. 2108
# http://www.cornerstonesensors.com/About.asp?PageCode=Stability&Print=Page

ThermistorApproxDriftTime <- function(Ri, Rt, a, b) exp(((Rt - Ri)/Ri * 100 - a)/b)
# Approximation of Drift Time of NTC Thermistors
# T aging time
# Rt resistance at time T
# Ri initial resistance
# a intercept at T=1
# b slope (%deltaR per decade of time T)
# Quality Thermistor, Inc. 2108
# http://www.cornerstonesensors.com/About.asp?PageCode=Stability&Print=Page

BimaterialStripCurvatureRadiusFromTemperature <- function(T0, R0, T, m, n, alpha1, alpha2, thickn) 1/((6*(1+m)^2*(alpha2-alpha1)*(T-T0))/(thickn*(3*(1+m)^2*(1+m*n)*(m^2+1/m*n)))+1/R0)
BimaterialStripTemperatureFromCurvatureRadius <- function(R0, T0, R, m, n, alpha1, alpha2, thickn) (thickn*(3*(1+m)^2*(1+m*n)*(m^2+1/m*n)))*(1/R-1/R0)/(6*(1+m)^2*(alpha2-alpha1))+T0
# curvature radius of a bimetallic strip uniformly heated from T0 to T in the absence of external forces 
# 1/R0 Initial curvature of the strip at temperature T0
# alpha2, alpha1 Coefficients of expansion of the two elements
# n E1/E2, with E1 and E2 their respective Young’s moduli
# m t1/t2, with t1 and t2 their respective thicknesses
# thickn t1 + t2 thickness of the strip
# John G. Webster, 1999
# The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook
# CRC Press LLC, eq (32.1)

SplineEval<-function(x, knotsK, coeffsC){
# Spline algorithm used in The Observed Properties of Liquid Helium at the Saturated Vapor Pressure
# Donnelly, Donnelly and Hills [J. Low Temp. Phys. 44, 471 (1981)]
N<-Ncap7 - 8
if (X<K[4] | (X>K[N+5])) stop('The Value of Temperature you entered is ouside the fitted range')
if ((X>=K[4]) & (X<K[Ncap7-3])){
J1 =0
while((J-J1) > 1){
if (X>=K[L+4]) J1 =L else J=L
} else stop('Error!')

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