


# build model
c5_model <- C5.0(Species ~ ., data = iris, rules = TRUE)

# extract rules in a tidy tibble
tidy_rules <- tidyRules(c5_model)

# View tidy_rules
tidy_rules %>% 
  select(-c(rule_number,trial_number)) %>% 

Filter rules based on RHS or support or confidence or lift :

# Example 1, filter rules based on support
tidy_rules %>% 
  filter(support >= 48) %>% 
  select(LHS, RHS)

# Example 2, filter rules based on RHS
tidy_rules %>% 
  filter(RHS == "virginica") %>% 
  select(LHS, support, confidence, lift)

Use a tidyrule in a filter() function :

iris %>% 
  filter(eval(parse(text = tidy_rules[3,"LHS"]))) %>%  # filter using a C5 rule

Extracting rules using tidyrules

Example: Classification using C5.0

In this example we use attrition data from rsample package. This illustration shows how to extract rules from C5.0 model and applying filter() based on tidyrules.

# loading packages

# attrition data load
data("attrition", package = "modeldata")
attrition <- as_tibble(attrition)


As you could see, there are 31 variables and 1470 observations are present this data-set. Here our aim is to predict Attrition using rest of the variables. Let us build a C5.0 model first.

# our C5 model
c5_att <- C5.0(Attrition ~ ., data = attrition, rules = TRUE)

# sample rules from C5
c5_att$output %>% 
  stringr::str_sub(start = 194L
                   , end = 578L) %>% 

We get nice and human readable rules. Now problem with C5.0 summary is, you can only read and get a feel of how your predictions made based on rules. But here comes the hard part, imagine if you want to explore further about your data and you want to dig deeper, if you want to know rules which are throwing high lift and confidence, or you may be interested in rules which covers major sub-population. If in case your model is giving too many rules then that is the hardest part to go through each and every rules and identifying best rules out of the summary.

What if we have all the rules in a tidy table format so that we could easily use them on the data. Let's get it done using tidyRules.

# Extract rules to a tidy tibble
tr_att <- tidyRules(c5_att)


tidyRules important columns to notice :

Let's have a look at first five rules

tr_att %>% 
  head(5) %>% 
  select(LHS,RHS) %>% 
  pandoc.table(split.cells = 60)

Now, all the rules are in tibble (a tidy form of dataframe) format. Let us look at rules which favors only Attrition is equal to "No" and arrange by support.

rules_example_1 <- tr_att %>% 
  filter(RHS == "No") %>% 


Use rules inside filter() function.

Let's use a rule within a filter(). Say, one need to pick a rule which has largest support for predicted Attrition "Yes".

# filter a rule with conditions
large_support_rule <- tr_att %>% 
  filter(RHS == "Yes") %>% 
  top_n(1, wt = support) %>% 

# parseable rule 
parseable_rule <- parse(text = large_support_rule)

# apply filter on data frame using parseable rule
attrition %>% 

Rules parsable by python and SQL

tr_att_python <- tidyRules(c5_att, language = "python")
tr_att_sql    <- tidyRules(c5_att, language = "sql")


Example: Classification using rpart

In this example we will be using BreastCancer data from mlbench package.

# BreastCancer
data(BreastCancer, package = "mlbench")
bc_train <- BreastCancer %>%
  select(-Id) %>%
  mutate_if(is.ordered, function(x) x <- factor(x,ordered = F))

rpart_bc <- rpart(Class ~ ., data = bc_train)

NOTE : Do not forget to convert all ordered features to factor type before training the model.

One could visualize rpart decision tree using prp function from rpart.plot package.


The above tree visual is really nice to get a hang of how decision tree is splitting at each node. But, if you want to pick a terminal node it is really boring and hard since one has to enter the respective filter manually (imagine a situation if you have hundreds of features and a huge tree!!). To get-ride of this problem one could use tidyrules to make life easier.

Let's extract rules from rpart object and use those rules further more to extract terminal nodes.

# tidyrule extract
rules_bc <- tidyRules(rpart_bc)


# filter the data using a rule 
bc_train %>% 
  filter(eval(parse(text = rules_bc[5,"LHS"]))) %>% 

Example: Regression using Cubist

In this example, rules extraction from a regression model (a cubist model) has been illustrated below. We will be using AmesHousing dataset for the example.

# ames housing data set
ames   <- AmesHousing::make_ames()
cubist_ames <- cubist(x = ames[, setdiff(colnames(ames), c("Sale_Price"))],
                      y = log10(ames[["Sale_Price"]]),
                      committees = 3

# rule extract 
rules_ames <- tidyRules(cubist_ames)


Notice that, for cubist rules we have mean, min, max and error instead of confidence and lift. Here mean, min and max are calculated based on predicted values with respect to a rule.

Useful links and References

Try the tidyrules package in your browser

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tidyrules documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:49 p.m.